90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way couple Paul Staehle and Karine Martins have reportedly been exonerated following a Child Protective Services investigation regarding the well-being of their infant son, Pierre, whom Karine gave birth to in March.
According to Soap Dirt, the investigation began a few months ago after Karine uploaded a video on social media that showed a messy home and a noticeably upset Karine. The video was allegedly taken while the couple was packing for New York City to film the 90 Day Fiancé Tell All episode.
Once on set, TLC reportedly did not let Karine film due to her alleged off-kilter behavior and a source for Soap Dirt says instead, Karine met with a mental health professional that the network had on-hand to discuss her symptoms of postpartum depression.
After a second video also sparked concern from Karine’s followers, fans continued to call 911 and CPS claiming that Pierre needed to be taken out of the couple’s home. A source with the Louisville law enforcement told Soap Dish that fans continued to inundate the authorities with calls reporting possible addresses for the family and the police quickly figured out that the reports were related to reality show drama.
After eventually located the correct home address for Karine and Paul, a welfare check was done and nothing alarming was found. According to the document obtained from the case file, reports of “suspected child abuse or neglect” were found to be “unsubstantiated.”
RELATED STORY: Former “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days” Stars Paul & Karine Staehle Welcome First Child
(Photos: Instagram)
50 Responses
You don’t have PPD before you have the baby or before you get pregnant. Marine has been the same since she has been on the show. Paul is a pain but she knew it from the start. He did seem to try to be stepping up s bit. You have to admit he came s long way with allowing her to ask other men for money. Keep an eye on this back story. Men don’t send money out of the goodness of their heart.
I think Paul’s a very good man and deserves the respect back from his wife She’s always cold to him and never wants to give him a chance it’s sad to watch a man pled and Beg for his wife to love him
Soap Dirt – not Soap Dish… the source the article came from FYI
I’m sorry but from what I seen Karine
Is a complete, self centered, Be’otch.
I think she is way to immature to be a mother, without proper guidance and proper support. NO WAY is Paul capable of offering either !
My daughter has recently given birth (3 days ago actually) to my second beautiful grandson .But there is an 11 year gap between my first gorgeous grandbubba and now our second precious bundle of joy.Im trying to keep an eye on her as much as I can because when she had her first we were a 10 minute car ride away so I was there to support her and help out as much as I could. She moved interstate a few years ago and now it’s hours and 2 planes to get up there. She has a beautiful loving hubby , but I think a mothers support can never go astray. ( My mother has passed and I wish every day she was here for me to talk to). So NEVER be afraid to speak up share your feelings and ask for help if needed.
Your doing a great job with your daughter, be proud ??
I hope you’re getting the support you need and you and bub can relax and really bond and enjoy each other. Never be afraid to ask for help if needed ? keep smiling, love to you and bub ?
Paul needs to see a doctor for his anxiety. It is obvious he needs help. I’m happy they have not been charged with child abuse. If Karine start behaving like a true committed wife their marriage will be fine and Paul get some medication for anxiety. Good luck you guys!
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Paul needs to see a doctor for his anxiety. It is obvious he needs help. I’m happy they have not been charged with child abuse. If Karine start behaving like a true committed wife their marriage will be fine and Paul get some medication for anxiety. Good luck you guys!
Are they living in the states now?
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I feel sorry for Karine. Paul has put her through so much crap! I’d be depressed too if I were her. Maybe, now that they’re in America, his Mom will be able to help Karine with the baby AND stupid a— Paul. Maybe
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That’s about is rotten it seeing as you can do to any parent is to accuse them of child abuse when there is no child abuse. Since when is having a messy home child abuse? I am so sorry this happened to you and your family
The place was a pig sty BEFORE she had the baby !!!!!
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Mind your own fucking business an leave other people the fuck alone..you jealous ass bitches
Yeah, I’d also be off kilter (at best) after pushing out Paul’s kid and realizing how much it sucks to co-parent with him. God, that must be hell poor girl!
In this video the background looked messy but anyone with a newborn baby knows cleaning is the last thing you can think of when a new baby is born. You’re exhausted!
The place was a pig sty BEFORE she had the baby !!!!!
Congrats!!!! Beautiful baby. Keep your faith in God strong and hold on to each other, you can get through anything. Best wishes and many Blessings.
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That’s what happens when you open your life up to the public. Totally unnecessary to call cps, people are really pathetic
That’s so great that you noticed the signs and sought hello right away. Many women don’t because of the stigma of depression.
Paul reminds me of Clint on “Love After Lockup” Both brainless
I’m not convinced that josh ( josh and aika from 90 day) and Clint aren’t the same person just loads of drugs later. They could be a before and after warning
Now many times am I gonna be forced to watch the video about ‘the many looks of teen mom 2 star Jenelle Evans?’ Seriously. ?
You will be forced to watch the many looks of Jenelle video 6,482 times.
Yeah, I’m with you, What the hell is that all about???? She was fugly then and still is now !!!!!!
Paul’s a lunatic, Karine needs to move back home with her mother.
Paul is razy and Karine is (ab) using him. They were not stable people to begin with, they should have started with fi ding jobs, a house and learning eachothers language before stopping birthcontrol.
PPD is no joke, my son just turned 6 months on the 8th and it reared it’s igly head about 2 months ago. I’ve started antidepressants and anti anxiety medications, and hopefully they make a difference soon. All I was doing (and continue to do) is sleep. As soon as he falls asleep at 8pm, I’m in bed. Get up twice to pump breastmilk then sleep Until he wakes up at 6-7’ish for a bottle. Back to sleep til 8-9 usually. Then I nap with him from 1230-3… I’m one of those that used to not go anywhere without a face of makeup. Now I go days without showering. PPD is real, yo.
Fellow PPD mom here. I have an 18 month old and PPD hit me hard. Not only did I have all the symptoms, I’m a single mother, my baby barely ate, didn’t sleep (and still doesn’t), but I got on antidepressants and they made a huge difference. Most important thing is try to find support from others, even if you have to go on those mommy apps, because non moms won’t ever understand what you go through. Hang in there, you will get better. If this is any help, I pushed myself to read to my daughter every day even if it was just one book, to help us bond and make me feel connected to her.
My daughter has recently given birth (3 days ago actually) to my second beautiful grandson .But there is an 11 year gap between my first gorgeous grandbubba and now our second precious bundle of joy.Im trying to keep an eye on her as much as I can because when she had her first we were a 10 minute car ride away so I was there to support her and help out as much as I could. She moved interstate a few years ago and now it’s hours and 2 planes to get up there. She has a beautiful loving hubby , but I think a mothers support can never go astray. ( My mother has passed and I wish every day she was here for me to talk to). So NEVER be afraid to speak up share your feelings and ask for help if needed.
Your doing a great job with your daughter, be proud ??
My kids are now 7 and 8 and I still go out without showering or makeup! Those days of getting all made up are long over! It’s just being a good mom and putting them first! But I do take time for myself and when I do I get ready etc….
I was in the same position with my oldest. Hang in there momma, the good news is you will start to feel better soon. My daughters 5yrs old now, it gets better. And then I had my son who’s 2yrs old now, and had a better head space.
From a fellow ppd momma to another, I feel you and it gets better. ❤️
Congrats on your son and I’ll keep you in my thoughts. I know it’s no joke after seeing my sister go through it. Stay strong, hon! ☺
I hope you’re getting the support you need and you and bub can relax and really bond and enjoy each other. Never be afraid to ask for help if needed ? keep smiling, love to you and bub ?
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Im sorry but her behavior is a little weird and I hope they both get some counseling for that babies sake. I dont think it is just postpartum.
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Paul is a whack job! Going into a dog house to calm down,just one of the crazy shit he has done. For the sake of the baby get rid of Paul. He acts like a an abusive man.
Where is the video
Did anyone see the video she posted that they are talking about?
the 90 day savage group posted it recently.
Paul has a very shady past with previous relationships. He was an abusive weirdo. I feel bad for Karrine, and hope Paul will actually man up and help, and care for his family.
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So happy for Paul and Karin and the baby. Leave them alone!!!
People really do need to learn to mind their own damn business!
And to get over being so judgemental about others – they didn’t stop
to think about the horrible stress and anxiety both parents of the baby
Pierre would have to suffer because of this investigation.
Every mother has been there. Messy house, newborn, losing your mind over everything. That’s no reason to call cps or report them. Let these poor people live. I do believe Karine May be suffering from PPD, which i have been through myself and is very difficult. People, if you are worried please reach out to mothers who seem like they need help. Even just to talk. I especially worry for Karine since Paul isn’t much help or support. I hope she gets the support and help she needs and baby Pierre is happy and healthy ❤️
did you see the cameo? where he couldn’t even walk through the room because of all the shit on the floor???
I upvoted this just because of your username lol
Same ???
Karine is in the US now?
Not sure how
I assume his mom sponsored her.
He did not make enough to bring her here (you are financially responsible for the person for 10 years) in an episode Paul went to a lawyer to start the K1 visa process & the lawyer said he didnt make enough & Paul asked his mom to sponsor her but she refused, i guess she changed her mind
Some fans really go too far. Calling CPS is very serious. Only ones close to people or in their surrounding area should call if they are worried. Not people looking in through their televisions or phones.
Exactly! I’m POSITIVE that all the nosey nellies that were calling and contacting the authorities in NC about Juhnelle and UBT and The Land actually helped Juhnelle and UBT and not the other way around because when you have people calling without any kind of real actual knowledge, that diminishes the actual claims.
It’s nice that people are concerned, and it’s fun to snark and be judgey about these people online, but when it comes to actually contacting Johnny Law, I think that people should know their roles and shut their holes.
Do people understand how busy a 911 Dispatcher is? I could write a book about what not to call 911 about but it wouldn’t help.
If your going to complain and it’s not a actually emergency, at this moment please call the non emergency number.