Mother of Bear Brown’s Ex-Fiancé Raiven Adams Slams Bear & ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Family Following Raiven’s Pregnancy Announcement

“We’re expecting a baby…and a lot of drama!”

Days after Alaskan Bush People star Bear Brown announced that he and his ex-fiancé Raiven Adams were expecting a baby together, Raiven’s mom is slamming Bear and the rest of his family on social media.

According to Soap Dirt, Raiven’s mom, Kassy, recently revealed that Raiven signed a non-disclosure agreement with the Discovery Channel—the network behind ‘Alaskan Bush People’—and is therefore limited to what she can say. However, because Kassy was not required to sign an NDA herself, she is able to spill what she says is the real reason Bear and Raiven split– just two weeks after announcing their engagement!

In her Instagram comments (which were screenshot by Soap Dirt before they were deleted), Kassy stated that Raiven found Bear to be “too unstable,” which is why she wanted to call off their engagement.

To further complicate things, last week, it was revealed that the exes were expecting a baby together. Both Bear and Raiven stated in their baby announcement posts that they had remained friends despite their broken engagement.

The pregnancy announcement Raiven shared to her private Instagram page.

Kassy, who reportedly spent a month living with the Brown family, said her daughter put a positive spin on the split to keep the peace. She also claims that, since doing so, no one from the Brown family has reached out to her daughter—- not even Bear.

“ … They haven’t reached out since [Raiven] left nor cared to ask how she is doing,” Kassy commented on her Instagram, which has since been deleted. “She’s defending Bear to keep the peace and protect that family. But I’m not going to continue to be drug thru the mud without at least speaking my side.”

The site goes on to reveal that Kassy’s involvement with the Browns was actually what led to Bear and Raiven even meeting to begin with. Kassy was hired to photograph Noah and Rhain Brown’s wedding and Raiven went along with her to assist, and met Bear. (Kassy claims that the Brown family allegedly broke their agreement with her and never paid her for the gig!)

Shortly after, Bear invited Raiven to visit the Brown family home, where the two eventually became a couple. (In other words, they humped and Raiven got knocked up.)

“Unprotected sex is always irresponsible but it happened. He has been friends with her for over a year so he was aware of her past,” Kassie told someone on Instagram, later adding, “In my opinion, [Bear] used her for the attention and got irresponsible. Now he’s trying to clean up the mess by allowing her to take the fall. That’s sad.”

Kassy said Raiven got to a point where she felt she needed to leave Bear in order to protect herself and their unborn child. Kassy also expressed some doubt about Bear and Raiven’s plan to co-parent.

“ … [Raiven] was used and treated like garbage after she decided [Bear] was too unstable to be in a relationship with. I’m not saying that they are bad or that they all deserve to be thrown under the bus but not one person has spoken out against Bear even though they all told Raiven to run. She is the one that asked him to say they were coparenting to avoid all the drama,” Kassy explained. “But look at it now. It made it worse.”

Kassy went on to assure her followers that Raiven wasn’t looking to get any money from Bear and she also accused the Brown family of attempting to bribe her family.

“Down with the Browns!”

“ … [Raiven] doesn’t want his money or anything to do with him,’ she said. “It’s all about the baby now, she had to walk away to protect herself and her baby. He’s threatened us both with DC [Discovery Channel], saying they will bury us if we don’t keep quiet.

“Yes they offered me a place to live and a job on the mountain and I turned it down, no amount of bribery or money could make me live around the Browns.”

Bear and his family have yet to respond to Kassy’s claims.

RELATED STORY: ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Star Bear Brown & Ex-Fiancé Raiven Adams Are Expecting A Baby

(Photos: Instagram; Discovery Channel)

65 Responses

  1. Not trying to be ugly, but what in the hell did she see in Bear. I wouldn’t want somebody running through the woods like a fool or climbing trees. I gag at the thought of him making love, he probably hump like an animal. He needs to grow up and act like a man

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I don’t buy it at all. Sounds like a pissed off mother who’s daughter got caught being a tramp. I garauntee theirs “money” behind the scenes now or after the babies born. Raven should have known damn good and well what kind of man Bear brown is, my God he’s grown up with a camera on him. How could you not see he is unstabke and a wild man? The fact they had unprotected sex and now having a child is very suspicious. Ravens not dumb, she knew what she was doing. Do I blame her for all of it? No. But anyone whos watched the show understands the “Browns”, especially Bear, have a sorry of warped sense of reality and outlook on certain things. Not too mention Id bet Bear was a virgin and didn’t have a whole lot of experience in that Dept. He probably had zero education on safe sex, etc…he just found a girl to “be extreme” with…lol. it sucks there is a child coming now that will have to see all this cirxus

  3. Paternity test. I can’t say it enough. This happened all too conveniently. “We don’t want the Brown’s money” … sure…Poor Bear
    Get the test!

  4. I’m sorry for your daughter but shes just as responsible as Bear in this situation. And it’s not appropriate to trash Bear or his family. And did your daughter not know about Bear before she met him? Its who he is. I do hope that things can work out. They have other grandchildren so I can’t imagine they would not welcome this child. You are all in my prayers.

  5. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    That’s all bull crap if he is so “unstable “why did she hang out with him Then Slept with him. Give me a break she knew what she was doing.

  6. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Freaking gold digger. She’ll cash in big time.
    I know it’s for TV ( made up show ) but I like the show. However the Browns aren’t really smart to the Hollywood ways, they are finding out quick.
    I like how bamms girlfriend stays out of the limelight and Gabe’s girlfriend seems to be legit also. That gal that the one Dork hooked up with changed her name LMFAO trying to cash in on her sister in laws game. Come on now you people should be a little wise to the ways now. These people are jumping on the Brown wagon.

  7. I feel she allready new about the Browns and they way they live on the land. Especially Bear she new all about him can’t change that. Bear is bear and I think the family has done a great job raising all the kids. They have more respect for there parents and people around them. So I can’t really believe the waves coming down the creek.

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I feel she allready new about the Browns and they way they live on the land. Especially Bear she new all about him can’t change that. Bear is bear and I think the family has done a great job raising all the kids. They have more respect for there parents and people around them. So I can’t really believe the waves coming down the creek.

  9. I do believe that it takes two people to make a baby. She probably knew more of birth control or condoms than Bear. But if she knew them for a year and knows she likes girls over boys…. it sounds like she wanted a baby. Poor Bear he is so gullible and sweet. Ravien if you love him be with him, dont use him as a sperm donor!! God bless ravien, bear and baby bear!! I seen comments from ravien about the break up and she was defending him from all the haters out there.Bear needs to fight for joint custody of the baby.why should the browns respond to public bitching of the mother. Sounds like grandmomma wants some moolah!! God bless you all!

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    She’s doing the right thing he’s got a few screws loose always said he’s weird too much living in the woods

  11. If she didn’t know he was a few fries short of a happy meal before she got pregnant by him then I question her good sense!! Good grief

  12. Kassy wants to be famous now. Whether the show is 99% real or 20 % real…. Bear is not an actor. He is bear. A fast runner but a slow learner. Baby momma has LIVED…. dated both girls and boys…. No big deal…. But Bear hadn’t even kissed a girl from what I had seen. YALL better get a paternal test….. Just saying.

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    They only want money. They look like real winners the two of them. She slept with too him so she knew to use protection also.

    This whole story about Bear becoming a father. Is mind blowing to me. Where and how did he find the 5 minutes it took to create a baby? LOL And how convenient to break up the relationship and the engagement before announcing the procreation of another “Bear Brown” YIKES!!!!!!! Miss Adams has stated she only likes females. She has history of it. But yet, she went as far as going ALL THE WAY with an “unstable” Bear Brown??? Just saying, it
    sounds fishy. Can you say,
    15 MINUTES OF FAME??? ?

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Or maybe she and her mother want money to keep quite, anyone who dates them has to get their head check. Js

  15. Good luck to you guys! I know this is hard and complicated. Bringing in New Life to this world is not easy especially when both parents are not participating. I am not blaming either party it’s just hard. I wish nothing but the best for baby and mama.

  16. The show is a big laugh. How are you supposing to be living off the land. Then able to buy 400+ acres. Use big equipment, own animals, wear nice jewelry. Bird is the one who needs to grow up. Get her teeth fixed, find a boy friend. Let youngest is more grown up then her. If the boys don’t want to be on the show. Let them go live their own lives. According to the parents noone will ever fit in their family. Need to name the show THE IDOTS. I did enjoy the first two seasons. Now it is a joke. Take them off the air. Let them get jobs like normal people

  17. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Its all about money. Bear DNA buddy. Ravine leave these people ,tell your mama to . you ready to cash in money hungry people

  18. He has been friends with her for over a year so he was aware of her past

    Wait, her past? He’s basically famous for being a hobo, what could possibly be in her past that he would have any business objecting to?

  19. would love to meet the Brown family. I don’t take sides but it does take 2 people to get pregnant. The only bad thing here is there’s a child involved. That should be the first priority.

  20. I wouldn’t be surprised if mommy and daughter didn’t plan this whole pregnancy. You can never trust outsiders like them claiming bear needed the attention “PLEASE” he been on TV for years now. Nobody ever heard of them two before this. Money grabbers for sure!!! The Browns will be fine either way.

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    HELL WE new that bear is a freaking idiot run around with leather jacket and pants in the woods ****

  22. Bear doesn’t need to take the fall, it was 50/50, it’s Raiven fault to. You can’t blame 1 person and not blame the second for it. Both willingly did it and both are at fault. Love the show Brown’s ✌❤???????????

  23. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Protection from pregnancy goes both ways.

  24. So Raiven nor her family watched the show and saw Bear running around the woods and climbing trees like a wild man? Then you get pregnant by him and say you called off the engagement for the safety of your child… Seriously? Sounds like an all around scam to me. Brilliant way to get child support and set yourself up nicely LOL. Bear has half of a brain and she used him smh.

  25. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    The whole family’s a bunch of inbred nuts!!!????

  26. No amount of money could make her live on the mountain yet she knew Bear for over a YEAR and STILL had UNprotected sex with the idiotboy. WHERE… are her OTHER TWO CHILDREN?

  27. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    No amount of money could make her live on the mountain yet she knew Bear for over a YEAR and STILL had (oh gross) UNprotected sex with the idiotboy. WHERE… are her OTHER TWO CHILDREN?

  28. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Leave the Brown family alone. They are good people and do not deserve this kind of disrespect and lies…you are looking for attention fame and money.
    Your daughter was brought up
    to the Brown’s mountain by you!
    You and your daughter planned this whole thing to get her pregnant by Bear. What a discusting woman you are. .

  29. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    As far as Im concerned, the whole clan should be locked up. DC has been playing this Alaskan Bush family game. The viewers are tired of seeing old clips making up the majority of an episode. I’ve watched this from day 1 although I dont know why you keep screwing around with the truth. They dont even live on the mountain mostly,and why do they not farm and hunt and grow their food for winter? Instead they’re playing with little plastic farm animals in a field. Talking about Bird and Rain. This show is so phony and full of bullshit. They’re all nuts. Every last one of them.

  30. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Who in thier right mind would want to live with those people! They are all no class idiots. Bush people, my butt! She should run fast and far away!! I couldnt spend 5 minutes around the mom, Ami. Theyre all a joke. The only smart one is the one who moved away.

  31. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    She was looking for a payday, b.s. played with that boy’s feelings

    1. Oh come on something is rotten in Peoria. Come for a visit and stay. Break up and you’re knocked up?! Mom is speaking for daughter? But no advice from mom prior to this mess?!

  32. Very coincidental she breaks off the engagement & oops, I’m pregnant. More like she stayed long enough to get the payday & then she hooked it out of there, with hefty child support payments coming for the next 18 years. No one will ever convince me this isn’t a pay day thing. Bear isn’t anymore unstable now than he’s been since day 1 of the show. I feel sorry for the kid & Bear, IF he really thought their relationship was real. Poor idiot. If what you see on tv is the real Bear, then, he has no business being with any woman until he grows up.

  33. Very coincidental she breaks off the engagement & oops, I’m pregnant. More like she stayed long enough to get the payday & then she hooked it out of there, with hefty child support payments coming for the next 18 years. No one will ever convince me this isn’t a pay day thing. Bear isn’t anymore unstable now than he’s been since day 1 of the show. I feel sorry for the kid & Bear, IF he really thought their relationship was real. Poor idiot. If what you see on tv is the real Bear, then, he has no business being with any woman until he grows up.

  34. Her daughter wasn’t getting trashed at this website. There were some bad comments (some at her and some at both) but mostly people were praising their effort to coparent and happy they didn’t marry when they knew it wasn’t going to work out.

    The Brown family is odd but I never got a vibe of violence or manipulation.

  35. Awwe just admit it Raiven used him to have a baby because her girlfriend couldn’t give her one and he used her for sex because no one else would give it to him.

  36. These statements are just not logical. Neither Bear nor his family need more attention. It seems more likely mother & daughter were looking to use this situation to see where it would lead. Raiven’s past seems less stable then Bear’s life has been. Not trying to throw anyone under the bus but her comments just don’t ring true. Bear may be hyperactive but he’s always shown himself to be a decent person. Not buying it.

  37. Wow, Wow, Wow . . . I completely understand a mother defending her daughter. That’s what she’s supposed to do. It’s her job to protect her child. With that being said. I’m confused by her comment saying, “Bear used Raiven for the attention.” That makes no sense. What makes more sense would be Raiven using Bear & the Brown’s, since they’re the ones on TV. After all, no one, other than her family & friends would’ve ever heard the name Raiven Adams if it hadn’t been for the Brown Family.

    1. I was reading it thinking the same thing. But then I thought about it some more, and figured at this point who cares what that creepy dirty looking dude who runs around the forest is doing anymore? No one.

      But then “oh shit! HE got himself a girlfriend?! Whaaaaaaat?!”

      Now hes relevant again.
      Mostly cause anyone who watched that show could imagine exactly how bad they all smell, and could never imagine any of those dudes having semi normal looking girlfriends

      1. SO MUCH THIS. I was talking about this with someone recently and said that it must take a special kind of woman to take on all that. I’ve had my share of interesting bed fellows, but this is a different level. Plus, I think the closeness/codependency in that family would make most women run.

    2. Im just gonna start off saying congrads on the baby its gonna be lil bear. Bc hes to extreme for raven there is someone out for you bear. And shell find you. This incdent shoudve never happened where her mom put her nose in yalls busissness i believe yall are growns and yall can talk like grwons up instead of having her mother coming ok in on the side lines bc she doesnt like you. I call bullshit bear. Look get a dna test done cause the baby might not be yours. Just be on the safe side. And if it is then you welcome that baby into the wolf pack.. Everyone makes mistakes no one i mean one is perfect you have you mother two sister in laws and you sister to help take care. Of your baby to show how dont listen that woman she one she got her daughter brain washed enough to finiually get her away from you. You make the legal step and go from there.

    3. What a way for a child to start its life. They both need to grow up & stop trash talking each other. I don’t think anybody would have known her name if it weren’t for the Browns & visa versa. EVERYBODY…GROW UP!

    4. The way they live isn’t all that bad, personally I would love to raise my kids out by or near woods. They can learn more from the woods then they can playing video games hours on end.

  38. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    She’s a hoe and just wants attention think shes going to be a star.

  39. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    There. Is. Always. Too. Sides. To. Every. Story

  40. Why do women have unprotected sex, ever????? Take responsibility to NOT get pregnant, until both parents know how they are going to support a family, and that both parties want to dedicate their lives to raising children–together.

  41. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Thid is a lie her daughter stated she was gay

  42. What did she expect? They are not a “bush” family.. you want to see a real bush family check out the last alaskans… The Browns cheated and where ran out of alaska….just watch them they wear biker clothes in the bush in winter.. only idiots do that shit

  43. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]

  44. LMAO! More like Raiven was using Bear for attention. If any of the Browns did tell her to run, it was because they were sick of her and wanted her gone.

  45. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    So glad she got away from that wacky family they are all NUTS

  46. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    So glad she got away from that wacky family they are all NUTS

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