Former Flipping Out star Jeff Lewis has never been one to keep his opinions to himself, but his latest rant came at the expense of his two-year-old daughter, Monroe.
According to People, Jeff recently voiced some complaints about Monroe’s prestigious Montessori preschool on an episode of his SiriusXM radio show Jeff Lewis Live, which resulted in the toddler’s expulsion.
Jeff said the decision to expel his daughter, whom he shares with ex Gage Edward, was made by administrators after they received some complaints about his negative comments. Among the school-related remarks made on-air were Jeff’s criticisms about a recent Back to School Night held for parents. He also read and mocked two internal emails from parents, though he didn’t use the individuals’ full names.
Jeff received the call about Monroe’s expulsion on Friday and spoke with the school’s headmistress the following day. He has since apologized for his actions.
“Apparently I’ve mentioned a few things about the school on air,” he said. “I take full responsibility. … I am really, really sorry. I feel terrible about what happened. I know how it has affected Monroe. I will never do this again.”
Of course, in typical Jeff fashion, he couldn’t help but to add a little humor to the situation.
“If I’m going to s**t talk, I’m going to do it off the air, obviously.”
Jeff said despite apologizing to the preschool’s headmistress, she was unwilling to grant Monroe— or rather Jeff—– a second chance.
“The conversation lasted 20 minutes,” he explained. “For the first 12 to 13 minutes I groveled and then when I realized there was no hope, it got a bit contentious. I said, ‘I cannot believe this is the Montessori way!’ You don’t get to make amends. There are no second chances, no warnings-— nothing. It was immediately, ‘They’re expelled.’”
The headmistress allegedly told Jeff that he had “bullied two of my mothers” on-air and while the one complaint she had received was not from either of the mothers mentioned on-air, she was “expecting their call any day.”
Jeff then did what he does best: flip out.

“I said, ‘You know what is bulls**t? The fact that you said at Back to School Night how much you care about our kids. What a crock. You care so much about my kid you’re going to kick her out without any sort of ability to have a second chance?’”
Jeff went on to claim that the expulsion made him realize that the school wasn’t the right fit for his daughter anyway, noting that is was “too regimented, too structured.”
“ … it’s not a college prep course,” he said. “It’s preschool. Everyone takes themselves so seriously at that school. I think these people are so arrogant, they’re so pretentious… I don’t want Monroe to be in a strict school with overachievers and massive homework. She has her whole life to be stressed out. It’s preschool, let her be a kid and have fun.”
Someone who isn’t taking the expulsion in stride, however, is Gage.
“He called me delusional,” Jeff said. “It’s not Monroe I’m worried about, it’s Gage.”
You can listen to Jeff explain his version of what happened in the video below.
(Photos: Bravo; Instagram)
17 Responses
He is an unmitigated ass and this is not the last time his thoughtlessness will have a negative impact on her life.
We’ve all known people like this. They hurl hurtful insults and say they were just joking. Then they blame you for being hurt or insulted. It’s *your* fault for being so sensitive, not his fault for insulting you. You just can’t take a joke.
When faced with consequences he offers a half-assed apology thinking the words are a panacea. He gets angry that the insincere apology doesn’t negate his actions. “I said I was sorry!” Now it’s your fault again for holding a grudge and not making amends
Then he’ll close the chapter with more insults, listing imaginary faults as reasons he’s better off without you. Repeat ad nauseam
Sadly predictable. Poor Monroe.
All of his BS just means that one day Gage will have sole custody. I can’t see a judge looking at this situation and not seeing Jeff being completely at fault. You don’t mention people on the air and think no one is going to notice. Hopefully Monroe wasn’t too attached to the school.
I dont know who this ahole is but when I heard how he talked about their gestational carrier- the women who went through IVF, pregnancy and childbirth for them…. I can’t even.
His “apology” to her was immetiantly followed by more criticism towards her.
I was a gestational carrier and I can’t imagine allowing someone in through such a vulnerable thing just to be backstabbed and hear them talk about me that way.
No idea who he is, but he sounds like an ass.
Since I watched him act like a child is a piece of property when he ripped that baby away from the woman that carried her so he could have skin to skin contact I lost all respect for him. It’s all about him and his feelings. He’s disgusting
RIGHT??? Our Elementary class had some homework, depending on the age/grade…never the 5 and under though. Former Montessori teacher here! This dopey dope is the kind of parent I HATED- especially when their child thrived in the environment. This tool bag couldn’t have coped with Maria’s classroom. He’s the parent that never understood the concept, no matter how often he was allowed to “visit” the classroom. He was also that parent that probably “visited” a ton too. He strikes me as that dad that thinks there isn’t enough structure (because he can’t see it) and wants to talk about it at carpool. Everyday. Sometimes I miss teaching.
Sometimes I miss it less.
6 down votes from parents that accost teachers at carpool possibly?
You guys know we’re supposed to be keeping track of and interacting with your kids amidst the madness of ‘afternoon-I see my friend-where’s my mommy-I gotta go potty-I’m sleepy and cranky and acting out-I can’t find my coat/glove/scarf/hat/random thing that probably never actually made it to the school (possibly doesn’t exist)-runny nose/icky sneeze/-I want to hold my teacher’s hand-I want to sit next to my friend from the green room’ etc…Montessori doesn’t end at the classroom door- Teachers are interacting with one another and your kids during pickup/drop off as an extension of the class. The whole world is a place for learning. Teachers are also meant to be pay close attention to when kids leave and with whom. I don’t know if it’s required at every school, but we had to note when a child was picked up and who it was that they left with. Because safety. That’s SOOOOOO much harder when super special dad wont climb out of my ear going on and on and on about his ideas to improve the learning materials and lessons in my classroom for super special child (super special child, meanwhile, is doing great- really coming into their own… but dad misinterprets this as often super special parents do)…
Just tossing it out there…ya know, in case some folks legit were butt hurt because they’re carpool talkers. There’s a real reason teachers don’t like it. The reason is your kids and their safety.
Poor Monroe? This isn’t the first time she’s going to suffer because of her fathers asshole antics. Gage is probably mortified.
This girl is going to grow up in beautiful homes surrounded by a raging narcissist who will continue to create havoc for them both. Sad situation for her.
Omg who cares?
This guy is such an asshole, just ask Gage, Jenni Pulos, Zoila, Monroe’s gestational carrier, now the entire Montessori school, the list goes on and on. Hey Jeff-ever think maybe it’s not then-it’s you!!!
“Apparently I’ve mentioned a few things about the school on air”
I hate when people say this. Apparently implies that this was some kind of inadvertent mistake. He did it intentionally. And this isn’t about Monroe getting a second chance, it’s about him. Adults don’t always get second chances and his asinine behavior cost Monroe.
Also, what Montessori assigns homework toddlers? That’s not a thing. Montessori preschools are all about learning through play, so his criticisms sound like sour grapes.
He is ruining his daughter’s life and he will never change. Obvious this was going to happen. Those people on his show kissing his ass are even worse.
I’ve worked at three Montessori preschools in two different states as a teacher. I have NEVER seen homework assigned and I’ve certainly never given any out myself. The closet to homework I can ever think of being sent home were parent handouts that encouraged different kinds of educational play activities families can do together. That’s more homework for the parent and fun for the kid. Maybe he got bent out of shape that he had to actually play with his kid when the cameras weren’t around. ?
*** Derrr Left this as a stand alone comment. Should be a reply.
RIGHT??? Our Elementary class had some homework, depending on the age/grade…never the 5 and under though. Former Montessori teacher here! This dopey dope is the kind of parent I HATED- especially when their child thrived in the environment. This tool bag couldn’t have coped with Maria’s classroom. He’s the parent that never understood the concept, no matter how often he was allowed to “visit” the classroom. He was also that parent that probably “visited” a ton too. He strikes me as that dad that thinks there isn’t enough structure (because he can’t see it) and wants to talk about it at carpool. Everyday. Sometimes I miss teaching.
Sometimes I miss it less.
Rich people problems.