Weekend Link-a-Polooza! Other Reality TV News From Around the Web

“What are the chances you could hook me up with one of those ‘Dad Bod’ shirts, Gar?” 

The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that haven’t been covered by The Ashley this weekend!

Play Date! In Touch Weekly: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Andrew Glennon Plans to Visit Gary Shirley & Leah with Son James

Big ‘Little’ News! Radar Online: ‘Little People Big World’ Star Amy Roloff Engaged to Boyfriend Chris Marek

‘Love After Lockup’ Update! Starcasm: Is Angela’s Fiance Tony Back in Prison, On the Run or Back Out?

Sad News. The Hollywood Gossip: ‘House Hunters’ Host Suzanne Whang Dies At Age 56

Lala Speaks! Reality Tea: Lala Kent Says She’s on Good Terms with James Kennedy: He’s “Thriving in Life”

(Photo: MTV) 



27 Responses

  1. I just wanted to thank the person who is pretending to be Abra. With every ? I see, my smile just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It sux to be me, don’t it poser?!! ??

    1. Fuck off, you crazy person.

      Best to ignore you and your various alias’s.

      It’s better not to feed the troll.

  2. ashely- have you seen that matt did an interview with the same person who posted about the audio? i havent watched it yet but it says in the title that he basically confirms amber treated him the same way..thoughts??

  3. I have one question? Was Andrew always this active on Social Media? Or just recently? Like I always hear Tyler is but never heard anything about Andrew being on all the time.

  4. I hope Leah doesn’t beat the shit out of young James. She does have Amber’s Tiget blood in her veins. Pray for him.

    1. Actually Sir Nibs…its a valid concern. More so based on what she’s learned from her mother. Amber handles everything with violence, and I don’t doubt for a second she has seen some disturbing stuff. Stupid Amber. She has NO concept of what she’s doing to her children. I actually feel like she’s tied with Jenelle at this point for most hateable TM ??

      1. Fortunately, Amber spends very little time with Leah so she won’t see that as normalcy. That is the good part of Amber being an absent parent.

        1. Yes, it’s sad when your absence as a parent is a good thing. Sometimes I get the feeling Leah knows what she’s all about, so hopefully she won’t follow in her footsteps. I wonder if Amber has ever thought that far into her role as a parent- what her kids think of her or how she would feel if they turned out like her…? Nah, she’s not that emotionally intelligent or mature.

          1. Unfortunately Amber is still her bio mom and will inevitably have some level of influence in her life. (As much as I wish she didn’t.) I hope she looks to Kristina as an example, but only time will tell. This is what makes Amber’s behavior so much more disgusting than it already is- she has a daughter who Amber unfortunately insists on being involved with. I would love to believe Leah will grow into a well-adjusted adult and see her mom for what she is. But life doesnt always work that way.

    2. Sir Nibs- I seriously wanna know your life story. Are you a 60 year old grandpa with a wild sense of humor? A 16 year old boy who likes messing with people? Maybe a woman…? I really NEED to know, lol. You’re fascinating?

  5. What Andrew is doing, intelligently, is establishing/maintaining the sibling relationship with James and Leah. It’s incredibly smart of him to do this because it’ll show a judge that even with him being in California, he’s still working to facilitate this relationship between these signings in Indiana. Because as much as I would love to see Amber get her bipolar disorder under control, I also know she’ll use the sibling relationship as grounds to seek as much custody/visitation as possible.

    1. I wonder if Gary will confide in Andrew that the time it was caught on tape was not the only time Amber was violent towards him…because I am sure she did it a few more times, he just didn’t have proof like Andrew has now.

  6. Happy for Amy Roloff!
    Andrew has every right to take James to see Leah and Emily. If that makes Amber feel some kind of way, too effing bad! So sorry her sensitivities didn’t extend to being a decent mother, a reasonable partner, or any kind of reliable friend, suck it up sweetheart because it’s all out there now!
    I won’t be watching any MTV until they take all these shows off the air.

  7. Gary needs to stay out of this mess til its settled in court. He’s got a good career, great wife and kids.

    Leah will be fine not seeing James for awhile. After the court case she can begin to establish a healthy relationship with her brother.

      1. Amber has already proven she can’t be alone with children (and has no desire to be). She has literally no interest in her own children. She does not “deserve” shit-which is why the visitation she does have is limited to when other adults are around, and even how long she can be around them, the court saw a reason for that. Then again, you’re a child abuser to and think it’s funny to hit kids.

    1. Like it worked out so well for Nathan letting jenelle and david see Kaiser.

      In a perfect world Gary and Andrew assiciating would be fine but this custody case is filled with accusations, audio tape, childrens services, etc. Anything could end up being misconstrued.

      To protect Gary and Leah I’d stay away from Andrew until the court case is finished.

    2. Gary has every night to let his daughter see her little half brother, who I’m sure she’s been very worried about.

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