Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson says she’s proud of herself for staying strong though what’s been an incredibly difficult year for her, thanks to her mother Mama June Shannon’s arrest and recent move from the large home Alana’s family once shared.
In a message posted to her Instagram on Saturday, the 14-year-old had some encouraging words for anyone else who is going through a hard time right now.
“Can we just be real for a second,” Alana wrote. “Let me tell y’all how proud I am of myself. I have honestly been through hell and back this year! And I’m still standing! I have been doing so good in school! And just being more happy!”
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Alana has had a lot to overcome. As The Ashley reported earlier this year, Alana’s mom Mama June was arrested, along with her boyfriend Geno Doak. Both were recently charged with felonies for possession of a controlled substance.
Alana is not currently living with her mother, who recently sold the family home, and most of the home’s contents (right down to the giant stuffed banana!) The teen has been living with her older sister, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, and her family for several months. She refused to live with her mom unless June kicked Geno to the curb, which June will not do.
In her Instagram post, Alana reflected on the people in her life that help her, rather than hurt her.
“I get so much hate but then I think about who loves me and I know them haters mean nothing!” she wrote. “I have so much going for me and so many people that love me! And the best words you can hear is, ‘I see you trying and I am so proud of you!’ But really that feeling is a whole different story! Knowing you are making people happy and most importantly [making yourself happy], hits so different!
“Let me just be the one to tell y’all if you are going through anything right now trust me it gets better you are worth it, I’m so proud of you, I can see you trying, I love you!”

Fans and friends were quick to praise Alana. Dancing With The Stars contestant and professional skier, Danelle Umstead wrote, “You are beautiful inside and out…I believe in you.”
One fan wrote, “You are wise beyond your years kiddo and so strong. I know a lot of adult stuff has been surrounding you, but please remember it’s ok to just be a kid.”
Another fan wrote that she is proud of both Alana and her sister Lauryn.
“I love everything about this post and you Boo. Super proud of you and Pumpkin for everything y’all have been through and y’all still come out on top proving the haters wrong. I miss you all.”
Alana and her family’s future on reality TV remains uncertain. WEtv, the network that airs the family’s reality TV show, Mama June: From Not to Hot, has yet to release a statement regarding if the show will continue or not. Still, Alana is taking precautions to ensure she is financially secure, regardless if the show continues.
In July, Alana and her team reportedly enlisted the help of an attorney to move Alana’s reality TV money into a bank account that Mama June does not have access to. A source for TMZ stated that the family was worried that June would attempt to tap into Alana’s assets in order to fund her gambling and alleged drug habit.
RELATED STORY: Cash-Strapped? Mama June Shannon & Geno Doak Are Apparently Selling Everything in Their Home
(Photos: WEtv; Instagram)
29 Responses
I’m originally fro South Wales uk
South Wales is beautiful! We used to go on holiday there as children. We’re only around 45 minutes from Wales, infect we got our Puppy from Wrexham. My husband is originally from Chester, so Wales was very close! Xxx
I live in a small village called Nantwich in Cheshire, how about you? Xx
’m originally fro South Wales uk
I feel so bad for this girl…her mom basically picked drugs and a guy over her and she knows that
What kind of person do you have to be to steal from your child’s account ESPECIALLY to fund your gambling and drug addiction?! I am glad she is doing better, never watched the show (especially not Toddlers&Tiaras) but I am glad she has her big sis, who became a teenage mother but regardless seems to have the right mindset to help her little sister through life. Thank god they have each other.
I hope she can hold onto that positive outlook and happy to see her know the importance of doing well in school. An even bigger miracle is the fact that she has any money that her mom has not gotten ahold of.
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Alana..I watched you grow up on TV, since your “Toddlers & Tiara’s” days. I have to say you’ve given me many hrs. of laughter and sheer enjoyment. I believe YOU are the heart of your family. Lauryn (Pumpkin)..also is dear to my heart. Seen her go from her tomboyish ways, to a loving Mama to a force to be reckoned with. I Love you girls like my own family. I was blinded and fooled with Mama June. Was rooting for her success.. You girls kept her together..kept her going. How could she betray you like that.. Was surprised how she could let all her fans down like that. I am ashamed of her behavior. She didn’t earn the series money by herself.. I think you girls made the show what it was. I would Love to see WEtv bring the show back with the Mama June Girls who persevered.. Bring it back. Show the world that the next generation can Rock it..and bring back that Redneck-in humor to our living rooms. God Bless you Alana! You are “AMERICA’S Sweetheart” ? Thank You Pumpkin for stepping up and keeping your sister safe. ? Alana, maybe you can teach your new baby niece how to do “HULA HOOPIN” ?✝☮
Poor kid, she’s been through a lot
For her to say she is proud of herself says a lot about the people around her now, they seem to be encouraging her in the right direction.
We are proud of you too alana!
You sound like an amazing mom ?
Thankyou! I’m not perfect by any means. I just know how it feels not to feel listened to or have your point of view considered. Xxx
I’m sorry shes a loser. Her scummy trash bag mother is a druggie and even uglier now that she ” supposedly” lost weight. Shes still a lard bucket and fancy baby rapist. Georgia trailer trash.
Sorry, this comment was meant for @MRSC, NOT Mama June!
All of those people are trash. I have never thought that honey whatever was cute or even attractive. The whole bunch are straight Georgia white trash.
She’s a child, you fucking twat.
Who cares if you do or don’t think she’s cute or,”attractive.” (Cringe) that doesn’t diminish her worth as a human being. She’s a 14 yr old kid and you’re putting her down, calling her a loser. That type of talk says a lot more about who you are as a person. It’s not very intelligent or adult like to attack a child.
im glad that you do not find this CHILD attractive.
How ’bout you leave Georgia out of it? We’re an ENTIRE STATE of people, many of whom posses intelligence, kindness, and (most important) respect. This comment is absolutely vile and speaks volumes about a person that could compose it. I’ve never seen any of these shows, but I feel pretty certain that someone who could spew such vitriolic bile (rating the attractiveness of a kid…really?) about a CHILD has got to be a real nightmare of a human all together.
Their are all messed up Rednecks
Yet she went online pretending to snort Cocaine.
She is a child. Children do stupid things, and unfortunately for her she has seen too much. You have to consider this girl has been abandoned by her parents at an impressionable age and maybe she felt she needed the attention (not uncommon for young teens) She seems to be on a better path these days ❤️
And Pumpkin jumped on her ass instantly about that and made it clear to her that it wasn’t okay. She is a CHILD that has unfortunately seen bad things, but now she has her sister actually PARENTING her, so hopefully she’ll be steered in the right direction.
I’m proud of this girl too, she’s been stereotyped since she was little, used as a cash cow (damn near literally), had every aspect of her life made fun of, used as memes, as a measure for others to determine their own worth (anyone else remember the “at least you’re not honey boo-boo” shit from years back?)..and that doesn’t include the shit she went through, and goes through at home. All of that, could very easily make for one messed up individual, but she keeps going. She may have her problems..who the hell wouldn’t after that life? But she IS doing well, she realizes her shortcomings and she works on them, that’s pretty damn commendable. People need to remember that she’s still just a child herself, not a grown ass adult.
There is one thing I think she needs to do though, and it will be the hardest thing she has ever done in her life, someone may need to make this decision for her, until she’s old enough to really understand the impact. She needs to get the hell away from her *entire* family. As much as I commend her sister for taking her in, her sister was once just as bad as her mom, her sister put her through hell too, her sister contributed to the mess that was her life, and her sister used her as a cash cow too (and still does make money off her). She may love her sister, I really don’t doubt that, but she’s not a whole hell of a lot better for her than her mom was, people (including Alana) don’t seem to remember that.
If I had the means, I’d gladly give this young lady a family she deserves, give her an amazing life, with a good foundation on which she can build herself up. She needs that, she needs stability, not more fame, and I really don’t think she’ll ever get it from anyone even remotely related to her. They all used her, for years, saying sorry now (assuming her sister ever has) doesn’t change that.
I truly hope that Lauryn reflects on his she was parented, and ensures she parents Alana and her daughter differently. I took all the things I felt were positive from my childhood, and adapted the less positive things when I became a parent. Don’t get me wrong, my parents were great, but I remember feeling like I couldn’t open up, talk about feelings, or changes in my body, and knowing that I wanted to be the sort of mum that would be open. I think it was a generation thing more than anything. My children are 14, 11, 8 and 4 and we talk about everything!! Xx
This is exactly what I try to do with my kids as well. I think you’re right about it being a generational thing, because I could have written this part myself:
“I remember feeling like I couldn’t open up, talk about feelings, or changes in my body”
I try so hard to make my kids know they can trust me with anything. They’re still small, and I’ve already started trying to make them both comfortable with their bodies and confident in their body autonomy. I don’t use baby words for private parts, we just say penis or vagina (it drives my mom and my in-laws crazy), I let them know they don’t have to hug someone if they don’t want to.
I also always told myself I’d never refuse to admit when I’m wrong and say “because I’m the mom, that’s why”. Kids need to know that everyone makes mistakes, even grown ups. I also tell them I love them and hug them constantly, because my family was so unaffectionate and I’m still uncomfortable sometimes.
Everything else is just small stuff I do different. Like let my 5 year old daughter play with makeup or let my kids eat ice cream for breakfast once in a great while.
It sounds like you’re an awesome mom, I hope I can be too.
Rebecca, you sound like such a great mum (I’m from the uk!) I’m totally with you on the proper names for body parts thing! For years, until I was a teen I think, I called a vagina a “front bum!” I told my husband recently and he couldn’t stop laughing!!! It confuses children if they hear different names for it. I lead the sex education curriculum in my school (I’m a primary school teacher 4-11) I got parents involved and it was so insightful at their views of what “sex education” involved. As soon as they heard “sex” their mind drifted to us teaching 4 year olds about sex, when it’s merely naming body parts. It definitely helps when you get to more detail as they get older as there’s less embarrassment. We also discuss feelings and that includes the LGBT community. We held a rainbow day to support love and a few parents were really angry, which was sad!
I hope my children continue to open up. We have regular one on one dates which they love. I wasn’t well recently and was in hospital for several months, my husband was made redundant and my father in law died. My 14 year old son, picked me a dress out of my wardrobe, asked me to drive, gave directions, and had booked us afternoon tea at my favourite cafe, all paid for out of his pocket money. He refused me giving him the money back. Very sweet! Plus, he held me hand, despite seeing people from his school. “So what! What are they going to say, you’re holding your mums hand? Well I am!” Xxx
Where in the uk are you? I’m from the uk too.