Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his baby mama/occasional girlfriend Jen Harley are back to their old tricks… and this time, they took their toxicity to a whole new level.
According to TMZ, the Jersey Shore star was arrested early Friday morning after allegedly striking Jen and chasing her with a knife while holding the couple’s 18-month-old daughter Ariana. The altercation between the pernicious pair reportedly took place shortly after 2:30 a.m. at an Airbnb the couple is renting in Los Angeles.
Law enforcement sources told TMZ that Ron allegedly slapped and punched Jen, who then ran out of the rental house screaming for help. While police received multiple calls reporting that Jen was in distress, Ron apparently took it upon himself to run after Jen (allegedly while holding both a knife and Ariana).
After eventually dropping the knife, Ron reportedly locked himself and Ariana in the rental home, which is where he was located when police arrived. After Ron did not respond to police commands to exit the home, police decided to break down the door out of concern that Ariana could be in danger. When Ron still refused to cooperate with police, officers reportedly had to use a taser to get him to comply.
Below is the Fox 11 LA video in which Ron is seen being wheeled out to an ambulance on a stretcher (to which he was handcuffed) following the altercation.
DailyMail reports that Ron was taken to a hospital, evaluated and later booked into jail for kidnapping. As for Jen and Ariana, they were checked out by paramedics on the scene and neither suffered major physical injuries, though Jen did have visible marks on her face.
TMZ reports that Jen told the cops “Ronnie went off the rails after doing coke,” despite the fact that Ronnie went to rehab at the beginning of this year.
The news of this latest drama comes just hours after the couple showed up together to Ronnie’s CBD launch party in Hollywood. According to Us Weekly, Ronnie praised Jen at the party for balancing him out and even defended rumors that the two were toxic for each other.
“Honestly, even though everyone thinks we’re toxic, she really does balance me out,” he said. “She really does keep me level because with her I have her and the baby, which is a family, which is what I want at the end of the day.”

While Ron spoke highly of his relationship right before his arrest, this truce was a new development for the couple. Just last month, Jen claimed on social media that she had endured “abuse by MTV and Ron and the cast [of Jersey Shore Family Vacation].” The couple’s tumultuous past also includes a head-to-head argument that was broadcast over Instagram Live in April 2018, an altercation while Ron was filming for MTV and an incident that summer in which Jen was arrested on charges of domestic violence for allegedly hitting and dragging Ron with her car.
The two came to blows again in October 2018 when Ron alleged that Jen gave him a black eye and attempted to extort him, to which Jen responded by publicly accusing Ron of being a drug addict. After staying quiet (and non-violent) for a couple months, the couple’s 2019 kicked off with Jen allegedly throwing an ashtray at Ron’s head, which resulted in her May arrest on an outstanding warrant for domestic violence. She was ultimately cleared of this charge in July.
UPDATE! Ronnie was released from jail around noon, PST, on a bail of $100,000. After making bail, Ronnie literally ran to a waiting black SUV which sped away from the facility.
RELATED STORY: Jen Harley Says She’s Been “Bullied & Abused” on ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation,’ Accuses Ronnie Ortiz-Magro of Cheating & More
(Photos: MTV; Fox 11 LA; Instagram)
89 Responses
Does anyone else find it funny and quite ironic that Mike, who once seemed like the WORST one of the bunch now seems like the BEST one of the bunch (despite the felon conviction and prison time)?
No one has ever topped Pauly D.
You have a point there. But at least Mike has seemed to learn his lesson and change his ways. Pauly D has been obnoxious since day 1, and in my opinion he ALWAYS will be.
Pauly isn’t a bad guy. I went to college in Providence, RI and lived in the same small dorm as his best friend. Pauly was constantly over, hanging out at partying. This was a couple years before Jersey Shore, but he was ‘locally’ famous, as he was a big DJ at clubs in the area so everyone knew him. He was a hardcore partier, and he was notorious for being with a different girl every night (I guess some things never change). BUT he was always a funny, and really nice guy who no one had any issues with. Granted, I haven’t seen him in years and know fame can change people, but I’ve never heard of him being anything but a typical douchy Zlister- he’s not beating his girlfriends or mistreating his kid.
I never said he was a bad guy, I just said he was “obnoxious”.
Both need to be away from each other.
Both need to be away from each other.
A side question…I read a comment below about Jen having the babies birthday with an open bar.
Is that a thing now everywhere? I’ve seen it so much lately in my neighborhood where the party is more for the adults than the kids. We don’t go anymore. I’m all for an adult party but not til kids are asleep or I have childcare at home.
I have no clue if it’s something everyone does or not, but it makes me sick when the “grown up” makes a CHILD’S birthday party more THEM than THE CHILD.
No it’s not normal. I’ve got 3 kids and couldn’t even count the number of birthday parties I’ve had amd been to in the last 12 years. Not ONE of them had an open bar. Several were bbq type parties and had lots of beer in coolers for the parents, but not one open bar.
It’s especially inappropriate to do it at a baby’s party when your partner is fresh out of rehab and trying to stay clean.
I totally and completely, without a doubt agree 100%.
It is the same with my family and friends. Some of the adults drink the liquor (but the kids and most of the adults, including myself, drink soda or water).
It’s not uncommon to have a cooler of beer or some wine but she’s a big tine alcoholic so she had to have shots and margarita machine.
So typical of how Domestic violence escalates.
With Sam it was verbal abuse and destruction of property. Now it’s moved up a level to assualt, kidnapping, etc.
Jen probably has a past with abuse also. Amber is another example.
Please, anyone in an abusive relationship seek help. There’s a good life to live as many commenters here have shared parts of their stories.
And to the family, coworkers, friends..stop making excuses or looking the other way (profiting)!
It’s a miracle these 2 and the baby are alive after this. Or a police officer or innocent neighbor wasn’t injured.
This is absolutely insane, and shows how powerful abuse is. Jen could leave him and walk away with her safety, her child’s safety, and a huge chunk of change in child support each month. But she clearly doesn’t want to, and seems to be an abuser herself. It’s like the Jenelle and David situation. Constantly putting your life, and the lives of your kids at risk….for WHAT?! Clearly not a happy relationship. I know in some domestic abuse cases, it’s literally impossible to safely get out- the person will not let you leave. But Ronnie and Jen have split, Jenelle has stayed away from David for several nights at a time when they were fighting…so it’s not like they aren’t able to *physically* make the break…they just don’t want to…they always go back. It shows how psychologically messed up they are (with Jenelle I think she’s just petrified of being single and has zero sense of self or identity away from her partners). It makes me so upset to think about how screwed up the kids will be, how they must live in fear, and will likely repeat the cycle themselves.
At what point would it become a violation of Mike’s probation to associate with Ronnie? Frequently there’s a restriction on being around “criminals.”
Remember how Snooki would always say that Ronnie was the one who who’d most likely belong in prison? Looks like she might have been right.
Correction: There is only a restriction against being around felons. That will only happen if he is convicted of the domestic assault and kidnapping charges he is accused of. If anyone is doing anything wrong in that aspect, it’s Ronnie. He should be hanging out with Mike (who is a felon due to the whole jail time for failing to pay his taxes). I may be wrong, but I don’t think Ronnie has any priors.
And, not ALL the blame should be put squarely on Ronnie’s shoulders. It seems like Jen has a few screws loose too. I mean, who drags their baby daddy down the road while he’s hanging on to the bumper (while your baby is in the fucking car), and who sets up an open bar at their baby’s birthday party??
Should not*
OK, good to know. And Ronnie does need Mike’s good influence for sure, but it doesn’t look like he even realizes that. The others tried to tell him to let the lawyers deal with custody and visitation arrangements and stay away from Jen, but we see how much good that did.
Very true.
Anyone else see the video on TMZ of Jen hiding from Ron in the neighbor’s driveway behind their car with Ariana? She tries to open their back gate and car trunk to find somewhere else to hide.
This latest disaster is disgusting. I think it’s sad that he claims all he wants is a family but ended up knocking up this chick and now he’s trying to turn a ho into a housewife and the baby suffers.
It’s criminal the amount of damage they are going to do to that child.
These two should be fitted with shock collars that zap the shit out of them if they get within 50 yards of each other at any time.
MTV should have cut ties with Ronnie when he destroyed all of Sammi’s stuff. Even though he didn’t actually put his hands on her, there was an incredible amount of violence in that incident. Instead, MTV lets him stay and makes it a storyline.
The fact that Sammi didn’t do family vacation because she needed to stay away from toxic people aka Ronnie speaks volumes. Imagine having to leave so much money on the table because your job would require you to be around your psychotic/abusive ex boyfriend twenty four seven. Such a big part of her life she had to step away from because of one person. But she knew MTV would push their Ron Sam storyline, it would have been terrible for her.
Hopefully there might be a no contact order this time around? How do they keep being allowed to be around each other and a child when they have both been aggressive and had DV issues multiple times?! This whole thing just breaks my heart – it is so awful and I just want them both to get the help they need and get out of this relationship. I won’t get my hopes up that this is the end- I’m sure they’ll be back together by November- for the holidays. They can ply pretend happy family another Christmas.
I’m no relationship expert but quick rule of thumb. If you relationship means the police car has a permanent amber couch style ass print in it maybe you should move on. You should not change arresting officers more often than you change your underwear.
Damn. Hide all sharp objects from MTV’s reality “stars”. Intense therapy will be needed for the poor generation raised by all these fools.
Unless they have a court documented custody agreement, the kidnapping charge will be dropped.
A $100,000 bond is not a joke. Ronnie is going to be doing, at least, some prison time for this one. And it won’t be like a nice Federal prison where “The Situation” was sentenced to.
I really think that Arianna is going to be the one seriously physically hurt from this ridiculous rage-fest. Both of them fly off the handle so violently and often! It doesn’t seem to even to faze them that this baby girl is seeing and hearing them go at each other! She has to be terrified! I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s next person hit with a flying ashtray meant for her father or the one who gets stabbed the next time Ron is chasing Jen with a knife and trips. And that’s not even counting what’s happens in front of Jen’s oldest child (I hope he is safe away from these animals!) Where is CPS for these kids? My stomach turns every time I think how terrified that baby girl must have been.
It is sad that these two can not stay away from each other, if not for themselves then for that baby, what a horrible life they are all living, hopeful this is the end
Don’t worry about his job guys! MTV supports this kind of behavior
First David got all stabby with the balloons, then Amber and the machete and now this. Is there some kind of side effect from working with MTV or is it in the script? If they fire him now and not Amber, what a bunch of hypocrits. I wonder if MTV is there now filming his/their “redemption” story? Wouldn’t be surprised.
Does the “wonderful” Morgan Freeman produce the Jersey Shore series also or only the Teen Mom franchise?
Just the TM franchise, I looked up the shows from the JS franchise and his name wasn’t mentioned.
Ron never blinks in the video….so creepy
Roids + coke + massive mental instability = crazy eyes.
You know it’s sad when Snooki is the one with her life most together.
Honestly mtv is full of crazy toxic reality people and it’s sad. Fire anyone who is violent. They don’t deserve to get paid to act like idiots on tv.
Then they’d have nothing but Ridiculousness on because 90% of their reality stars are psychos.
Ridiculousness and Catfish play on loop. It makes you wonder why they don’t just play music videos on loop instead of the same stupid shows again and again. Once you watch those shows once, it is more than enough. If they did a mix of all the videos they have in their vault, new and old, there should be plenty of variety to keep it interesting.
They already do have ridiculousness on 90% of the time lol
omg it’s ALWAYS Ridiculousness. Of all the trash shows they have made, they just keep going with that one. It is the most irritating thing.
Ronnie stop taking parenting advice from Amber Portwood
And the Eason’s
Eating not rating sorry
She also told the police he was acting crazy because he used a ton of coke! No surprise! They are so toxic together! Earlier that day TMZ found them in Beverly Hills rating and they happened to ask about Mike and Ronnie said I wish I could go to jail for 8 months….. looks like he may just get his wish. Ridiculous. MTV needs to just STOP with paying people crazy amounts of money! Also Ronnie and Jen drove away in a Bentley after lunch…..
I can’t wait to see how the Jersey Shore cast defends Ron after this ?
Jesus god Leah!
CPS needs to get involved asap. What is it going to take for them to remove her? When one of those idiots actually kills the other?
Oh they will since he was holding the baby chasing her with a knife…. that ship has sailed they can’t deny anything since there were so many witnesses!
Unfortunately that may well be true. Look what happened with lurch and Jenelle’s poor kids.
Funny how I don’t see anybody blaming Jen for being chased with a knife but people keep blaming Andrew for being chased with a machete by Amber.
No one is saying that Jen triggered Ron either but they say Andrew triggered Amber.
Can’t you see there can’t be double standards when it involves DV? The only person to blame is the abuser, be it Amber, Ron or Jen (when she beat Ron and dragged him with her car)
Someone is going to end up dead here. Either that or in jail long term. There is no other outcome.
Viacom has a real problem on their hands: Amber, Jenelle & David, Ryan, Ashley & Bar, Jade & her husband, and Ronnie. At what point do you think they will make any changes to these reality shows?
Girls like tall dudes, short bros are angry. Every dude I have ever known under 5’6″ is angry. Ladies, make the world a happier place and throw a little poon to the little guys once in awhile, give peace a chance.
Ron’s 5’6
I heard the police audio they said 5’8 But idk
Look at him, lies. Fake news. They got the information from him.
I usually agree with you, but my husband is 5’6″. He’s not angry, at least not any more than any other person. He definitely would never physically fight with me. In fact, we’ve been married over a decade and he’s actually never chased me around with a knife!
He needs a hospitalization and medication. He clearly has a serious mental illness. And for Jen to continue to allow their daughter to be around him is just asking for a tragedy.
I noticed the other day on instagram that Ron and Sammi Sweetheart were in LA at the same time, and thought how awkward it would be if they walked into each other. Seeing this and seeing Sam live her best life with her hot man it’s crazy how their lives went in completely different directions.
I am not surprised. The cycle continues.
Sheesh…did Sam seriously dodge a bullet or what? Ron seems like a total nightmare, and he has met his match with Jen. It’s scary to think what will finally be the thing to permanently break them up…I don’t think the both of them are going to make it out of the relationship alive. One’s going to end up killing the other, or they’re both going to end up killing each other. Their relationship needs to end, like NOW.
This is honestly sad. How much more shit can they do in front of their child and than act like it’s the world who doesn’t understand them. He was just on last nights episode saying she is “stupid” and “fake”. Also, acting as though he was terrified to relapse because “of her”.
Now fast forward to real life and he was walking the red carpet with her saying even though the world thinks they are toxic she’s soo good for him. Sure Jan, how about the world only thinks this because of the shit you both talk about each other publicly and the constant PHYSICAL altercations you get yourselves into. Left and right they are partying, they are drunk, high, going home and fighting, getting arrested. If that doesn’t define toxic idk what else does. Lord only knows how much fighting Ariana is subjected to and jen’s older son who is old enough to hear about all of this and come to think of it i never see or hear about her or Ronnie spending anytime with him. It’s just disgusting and sad all around. They both need serious help and to learn how to coparent! Stop being selfish and put the kids first before they end up just like the both of you smh
This is exactly like Jenelle and Lurch, they only want us to believe the fairy tale they’re trying to sell. That poor, poor little girl, my god.
So many of these kids roped into reality shows as children seen to be getting the shaft, and I’m uncomfortable watching it. I haven’t watched Teen Mom OG or TM2 in years, not after I cried watching some of Kaisers infancy.
These two should both have a few years in jail to cool off, too bad it won’t happen.
Yes exactly! They really are just like them. I don’t get when these idiots realize if they have to continue to defend their relationship than something is seriously wrong. When a situation is healthy and true love there is no need. All these kids are being abused whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional. They are the real victims and it’s mind boggling to me that these grown ass adults want to act like parents of the year taking them to Disney world and posting it all over Instagram. Ariana would be better off with a happy meal from McDonald’s as long as her parents were mature and putting her first.
If she had even ONE parent that fit that description!
This is the most shocking piece of news I have ever heard – Says nobody ever.
These 2 need to be far away from each other, forever. The most toxic thing I have ever seen. Someone is going to die if they don’t stay the hell away from each other.
I guess it doesn’t matter now. Ron is definitely facing jail time for this.
One rewatch of his relationship with Sammy shows Jen isn’t the only abusive one. He thrives on drama and abusive relationships. Sammy sweetheart woke up and dumped his sorry ass. He met his match in Jen Harley because she’s a fighter too.
Yes! I feel so many people blamed Sammi for her and Ron’s issues but just look at him now! He’s a manipulative and abusive liar. Difference now is he’s with someone who’s just as bad.
I said something like this a while back on the article about Jen saying MTV abused her or whatever, and I got a bunch of downvotes, but it’s true!!! His relationship with Sammi was incredibly abusive (not necessarily physical, more verbal) and she finally got rid of him and is now happily engaged and Ron settled for Jen (who I don’t really think he is even really “in love” with) and now both of their lives are hell. Sammi dodged a HUGE bullet if you ask me!
Ron was clearly still obsessed with her when JS, Family Vacation came back without her, he couldn’t go five minutes without mentioning her name. She absolutely dodged a bullet.
Ron will not get any time for this, guaranteed, but if he doesn’t get sober he will eventually. For some violent crime.
Their relationship creeped me out from the get-go. He didn’t hit her, probably because of the cameras, but he did get violent and rage-y and verbally was awful to her. The steroids melted his brain long before he got on TV. Throw in coke and he’s gonna kill someone or die of a stroke or heart attack before long.
I honestly fear that Ariana will become an orphan if this goes on like this. This two will either murder each other, one will murder the other (and the other person will go to jail) or seriously injure each other.
And Ronnie saying he has a family…you really think SHE is the only person you can have it with?! I mean, it’s not like she’s the only female in the world, even if she had your baby. The kid deserves parents who love her and take care of her (regardless if they are together or not), not two who are constantly bickering and fighting. And if (and I assume that is the real reason why they are staying together) she won’t let you see your daughter, you can take her to court.
They need to stop before their child loses one or both of her parents!
Ronnie needs mental help before going into any future relationships. His last relationship that he started on some other reality show was abusive too. I forget her name but she’s friends with one of the Kardashian’s and she claims Ronnie abused her.
He is nuts!
Malika or whatever….that relationship didn’t last long AT ALL. I totally forgot about that.
Oh yeah, I agree, he is in no right mind to start a new relationship anytime soon. And I totally forgot he dated another reality star too.
And this people, is why Andrew recorded ambien, has he just left with baby James, he would be facing kidnap charges. ( he has proof amber is an unfit mother)
Ron and Jen are both batshit cray cray, The baby needs to be removed by cps, poor baby girl.
Ohhh rhannni, your born pathetic, that poor baby should be removed from you both.
So unfair to put that gorgeous baby in the middle of your volatile relationship.
Ohhh rhannni, your both pathetic, that poor baby should be removed from you both.
So unfair to put that gorgeous baby in the middle of your volatile relationship.
This is so shoking
Who would have ever thought their relationship would come to this?
And everyone claimed Jen was the crazy one. I mean she is definitely crazy but Ron has proven time and time again that he’s a psychopath and I’ve never liked him. Unfortunately, they will most likely get back together and further endanger their daughter
This is your classic toxic relationship. They feed off each other & can NEVER have a healthy relationship with each other. But they will continue to see each other.
I can just remember his violent rampage on Jersey Shore and it gives me shivers. This man is NOT WELL!! Neither of them are, they need serious therapy (but not together, separate), violence like this usually comes from a serious heartbreak in the past.
Honestly I think they’re both equally as crazy. When he would Ronpage on Sam, she would kind of just scream, cry and take it…I remember she punched him one time…Jen on the other hand, whatever Ron puts out, she gives it right back 10 fold…and because she takes no shit, their fights just escalate and escalate and escalate. They go tit for tat with each other.