Farrah Abraham is Selling a $5,000 Date Night Package & Other Creepy “Exclusive” Experiences on Her Website

How Farrah feels about charging people thousands of dollars just to be in her presence.

Crack open your piggybanks—Farrah Abraham is selling “in-person time” for the low class price of $5,000! 

The former Teen Mom OG star is now hawking a “date night” package on her website. While buyers are guaranteed to meet Farrah in-person, they’re also responsible for setting the itinerary and required to undergo a standard background check before the date and time are chosen. (We suspect the latter will disqualify quite a few Farrah-followers right off the bat.) 

**Meet-and-greet with Starburst, autographed DebzOG CD and permission to use the restroom not included.

If a $5,000 date night with Farrah as your escort doesn’t happen to fall within your price range, don’t worry! The Number One Celebrity in Our Nation offers an array of other odd ways in which you can interact with her on the web. Some of those options include a $100 Snapchat shoutout, a $200 30-second Snapchat video featuring “top artistic nudity,” a $300 30-second “full artistic nudity” video and a “special artistic nude video” for $1,500. (So…basically you can see Farrah’s famous Backdoor— in an artistic way, of course— in a video made just for you!)

Also, we’re unclear on what exactly makes that last one “special,” and frankly, we’d like to keep it that way.

Possible option: a hair tutorial in full-Farrah speak.

If you’re in the market for an even cheaper gimmick interaction with Farrah, for $25 she’ll send over a “regular” Snapchat photo. However, if you’re wanting to (literally) see more, a topless photo of Farrah can be yours for $125 and a “full artistic nude” photo will set you back $200. For anyone looking for a more longterm commitment to Farrah’s shameless content, Premium Snapchat memberships are available for $19.99/month. 

Those racking their brains on what to buy the person in their life who has everything this holiday season may consider giving the gift of the Farrah Diamond Club. For just $1,890/month, “the ultimate Farrah Abraham fan” will be able to interact with the former MTV star one-on-one.

“Whether you just want to talk about your day, ask for business advice, or play out a fantasy, this is your chance to do so,” the description reads.  (And, no, that second suggestion is not a joke. Farrah can teach you how to build your very own failed yogurt shop empire!)

Alternate name: Farrah’s Cubic Zirconia Club.

Farrah’s site also offers 1-on-1 Video Calls beginning at $399.99 as well as the option to “Spoil Farrah,” in which people can give Farrah any amount of money they choose in exchange for absolutely nothing—- coincidentally the exact point at which Farrah is willing to stop to make a dollar.  

RELATED STORY: Farrah Abraham Reveals She Will Not Return to ‘Teen Mom OG’: Says Her Former Co-Stars Maci Bookout & Catelynn Lowell “Need Help” for Supporting Amber Portwood

(Photos: MTV; FarrahAbraham.com; YouTube) 

82 Responses

  1. Has she always been this delusional? Like she needs to be hospitalized in a padded room and poor Sophia is going to require therapy for literally the rest of her life. And how does Farrah SERIOUSLY think that its okay that she discusses her sexual exploits with her CHILD? Thats just so beyond me its pathetic. I’m a very open minded person and I can officially say Farrah doesn’t even appear to have a brain in her skull. Poor Sophia RUN WHILE YOU CAN!

  2. I don’t have any words. I’ve typed, edited, deleted, before deciding to write… nothing. I shouldn’t be shocked by her, but I am. She can’t claim to be anything other than a hooker now. She’s charging people to spend time with her, eluding that they will get sexual gratification as part of it. Not all prostitutes clients want sex, some want the company (or to chat failing businesses ?) and that’s exactly what she’s offering!! Great role model for your daughter. Get pregnant as a teen. Get lucky on a tv show. Get paid a lot of money and spend it changing yourself on the outside, (when the money would have been better spent dealing with the issues on the inside) Fuck up. Act like a Bitch to most you meet. Do porn. Deny doing porn. Fuck up a lot. Sell your body to any Tom, ? Dick or Harry, whilst travelling the world pretending you’ve been invited to parties that no one invited you to.
    Ok, it turns out I did have something to say after all…
    P.S I watched a documentary on Prostitution and loved a Drama called “Band of Gold” on in the 90’s about a group out working girls. If I was Farrah, I’d be telling you I had a masters degree in “The History of Prostitution” (which actually would be pretty interesting)

      1. You’re right @Abra,it was, written by the brilliant Kay Mellor. ? The documentary I meant was separate to the tv series, on a few years ago ?xx

  3. Honestly I don’t get why she doesn’t just do full on porn. She’d be paid way more and legit have more respect.

  4. Oh Farrah. Too oversexed to live a normal life but not brave enough to go full throttle Pam Anderson. I wish she’d quit dicking around (pun intended) and just go for a career in the porn industry. It’s what she wants: to be viewed as an “actress”, a sex queen, to actually pay off her past due legal bills, to continue to afford ridiculously inflated lips, tits, and hips, and to buy all the corny cheap gowns and neon wigs, plus she gets all the dick she could ever want. Just go for it, bitch! Wear your slutty little heart on your sleeve, own who you are and what you’re about, instead of hiding behind labels and your daddy and trying to live a life on the run. Make your money moves and create a more stable environment for your kid already! No1 respects this farce. My advice, Farrah: if you’re gonna be a ho, be the best damn ho you can be. Otherwise, don’t bother, cuz (pretending you’re not) peddling ass for mere hundreds is not a long-term solution honey.
    0 respect for this clown.

  5. I have an idea ladies. Hear me out, lets get a Go Fund me page going, raise 5 K, and your champion, Sir Nibs, will take Farrah out on a date. I will go to her lair, make small talk with Sophia, let her call me Dad and shit, then take the Back Door Teen Mom out for a nice seafood dinner. Then, I will take her to the hotel where I will do what I do best, destroy her lady parts including all holes with my tried and true love making skills I have developed over my hundreds of kills over the years. I will crawl into that crazy head of hers in the after glow of our love making, try to understand all that is Farrah, then Uber her ass out of my room. I then can report back to the Ashley on my experience. I will jump on this grenade for the team. I am a hero, my life is dope and I do dope things. You all would own me BIG time. Just an idea.

    1. Your a dirty vile pos nibs, you are seriously fucking disgusting.

      Almost all your comments are of a degrading sexual nature, why does the Ashley allow your filth spewed comments???

      You are the one that needs to be blocked off this site, I got blocked on my old name, for nothing, yet you constantly degrade women on here and are still allowed to write filth.

      @theashley, you seriously need to check out nibs comments, he’s disgusting.

      1. She lets you, the admitted child abuser post, doesn’t she?

        Most people, whether they like Sir Nibs or not, know he’s not usually actually serious. Even if people don’t like his brand of humor, they can recognize he’s not being real.
        You’ve admitted to beating, sorry, hitting, wait, no, spanking… children, repeatedly, children that aren’t even yours. We all know that shit’s real and even those who might also spank know you cross the line.

        You have no business telling others how vile they are, or telling the ashley what to do with her site, child abuser.

          1. You “resolve matters” with adults, not children. For kids, all moments are teachable. Good lessons aren’t taught or learned with smacks.

            Also, I don’t think you know how to use a comma. Just FYI…

          1. What was that about wanting people who spew forth filth off of here again?

            I’m sorry you have such a limited vocabulary, that must be so frustrating. It’s no wonder you resort to violence.

    2. Then The Ashley can do an exclusive interview with you about the “date”, Nibs. It would be investigative journalism at its finest.

  6. That’s what I’ve always wondered. Either they are cold, insensitive jerks or Farrah and her soulmate, er, Dad threatened them somehow.

  7. Does anyone else find it ironic that:
    1. She used her TM money to film her “artistic” Backdoor porn;

    2. She used her Backdoor porn money to build her legitimate businesses;

    3. Now she’s returned to porn to pay for her failed business ventures; and

    4. She still thinks she is qualified to charge others for business advice?!

    Looks to me like she’s stuck in an endless cycle of poor decisions. Seriously, what’s next? Charging equally stupid people for parenting and relationship advice ?

  8. Delusional and narcissistic. This woman is crazy to think people would pay for all that.

    But, I’m glad her daughter is slowly rebelling and said she would never go under the knife. She saw what her mom did to her body and face!

  9. Who would pay for nude shots when they can go to any porn site and see her for free?
    How can anyone with a little child do these things? She’ll say she’s a business woman but she’s not.

  10. I love how Farrah thinks if she puts on glasses in that diamond club ad, that makes her 100% legit to give out business advice.

  11. So if the $5k paying customer is responsible for setting the itinerary, they could technically put Farrah’s backdoor activities on the list. Then that would “technically” make Farrah an escort then, right? If there’s nudity packages ranging up to $5k, one could reasonably assume sexual activity would be at the $5k mark.

    1. Well, Farrah once made a lot of money on TM. So it would have been pricey, for one. When Sophia was first born, Farrah was in culinary school and not in porn.

  12. The process server company and the people left holding her debt that are trying to serve her for court should set up the 5K date and hand her the papers personally. Much better than handing them to her father LOL. I would love to see a photo of that moment 🙂

  13. Honestly, she’s made her money from teen mom and her porn tape. She should just disappear into the shadows and focus on raising Sophia in a private, normal way. Put the poor girl in a sport or club! Volunteer for the PTA! Donate time or money to animal shelters! Someone so fortunate in life for simply popping out a baby and having sex on camera should really consider giving back to the community. Life is too short Farrah, make the most of the time with Sophia!

  14. And where is Farrah’s constant shadow Sophia when all this activity is going on? You know other than going on the dates (I hope) she is listening to all of what is going on. There’s no bottom to how low Farrah will go and is taking Sophia to the gutter with her.

  15. Let me guess, she isn’t an escort because “you’re paying for her company, not for sex.”

    Which is what literally. Every. Escort. Says.

  16. Farrah: “I’m not an escort! Stop calling me an escort!”
    Also Farrah: “It’s $5,000 for one date.”
    Just when I thought her bar couldn’t be any lower, she managed to limbo herself right under a bar that is an inch off of the ground. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the lawsuit papers for unpaid rent have finally been served, and she can’t pay off her lawsuit since she spent all her money on bad plastic surgery and tacky gowns for red carpet events. I seriously doubt that she is going to have many people interested in any of her “services.” If she does find anyone who is desperate enough to take her on a date, I hope they are up to date on all of their vaccinations and have a prescription for penicillin.

  17. what did she do to her face? She looks like she’s between the ages of 45 to 55. She’s not even 30. I find her and her life, so sad. She is so desperately mentally ill, and she is now selling her body and her soul. What happened to all the businesses that she had?

  18. I will say just two things:
    1) the smartest thing this girl has done is asking for a backround check before going out with a john
    2) the funniest thing is that she truly believes someone would pay for one of her “business advices” LOL

    1. Premium Snapchat is something people can pay for apparently… seems like webcam/ camgirls for Gen Z if you ask me

  19. I am sure she’s already tried all the public transportation areas. I guess she is semi-retired and prefers to work at home.

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