Over a year after Derick Dillard spilled some secrets online about his wife Jill‘s famous family, the former Counting On star is once again sharing some tea!
The Duggar Family son-in-law recently provided some interesting answers to money- (and Jim-Bob-) related questions on Twitter. He seemingly still maintains that Jill’s father keeps the profits from the family’s reality show and does not share them with his adult children and their spouses.
When one person asked Derick, “Why does Jim Bob get all the money for the show and doesn’t give any to the his children? The actual stars of the show.”
(This is what Derick stated back in 2018 in a series of tweets, claiming that he and Jill were not paid for appearing on ‘Counting On,’ or for the magazine interviews they did, and were basically “volunteers.”)
Derick’s answer made it clear that not much has changed in the Duggar Clan in terms of how the paychecks are being dived up.
“I don’t know,” Derick told the person who asked why Jim Bob allegedly keeps all the cash. “You would have to ask him that.”
When another person brought up the rumor that Derick and Jim Bob had a falling out and said, “I hope it’s not true,” Derick did not dispute it. In fact, he asked, “Why do you hope it’s not true?” (He also tagged the official Duggar Family Twitter account in response, bringing an extra level of iciness!)
(The original tweet has since been deleted.)

During his 2018 Duggar Tea Spilling session, Derick also stated that he and Jill had asked TLC– the network that airs ‘Counting On’ and its predecessor 19 Kids & Counting— for help with the medical bills they incurred while their son was in the NICU after his birth. Derick claimed TLC refused to help, despite the fact that they turned the incident into a “Very Special Episode” of the family’s show.
On Thursday, Derick once again brought up TLC’s refusal.
“I thought it was fair to ask in negotiating… TLC made lots of money in filming a birth special episode, and they had not offered to pay us anything,” Derick wrote. “So I thought, at the very least, they could reimburse 5-10K for medical expenses. TLC sure made more than that off of us.”

When a fan asked him why they don’t believe in health insurance, Derick denied any truth to that rumor.
“We do, but there are still deductibles,” he wrote.
Jill and Derick no longer appear on ‘Counting On,’ (although Jill– and her trusty midwife doppler– did make a “special” appearance during her sister Joy Forsyth‘s birthing episode.)

Over the past year or so, the Dillards have seemingly distanced themselves from the Duggar clan. They have not gone on the recent family vacations, and are not often seen in family photos posted online.
When one person asked Derick, “Is Jim Bob still your voice?” Derick gave a very matter-of-fact answer.
“No, and never has been,” he wrote.
It is not known where Derick stands in terms of his relationships with Jill’s family and siblings. He currently follows most of the Duggar Family on Instagram, though.
Derick’s recent Twitter postings were likely spurred by the fact that a new season of ‘Counting On’ premiered this week. To read The Ashley‘s recap of the most-recent ‘Counting On’ episode, click here!
(Photos: TLC; Twitter; Instagram)
31 Responses
These are not children I think they were all over the age of 18 when they married..Not a Derrick fan But kudos for him oited Jim Bob… They wouldn’t have show if it wasn’t for the children.. Do you mean of the tell me the Counting on paychecks go into Jim’s Bob’s pocket too? Weird af.. But then again I’m shocked that this show remains on the air given all we know.
Why do they continue to participate if they’re not getting paid. If they’re so savvy why aren’t they negotiating the terms of the show themselves?
Why don’t TLC pay the adult children and not Jim Bob that would solve everything
It’s so apparent Derick befriended Jim-Bob to marry one of his daughters because he thought it would be some money in it for him. When those TLC checks didn’t shake out how he thought, he started this tantrum.
There are laws in place to assure children cannot be taken advantage of by their parents. The laws have been in place since Gary Colemans parents spent his entire fortune when he was a child. If Derrick has been told Jim Bob gets all the money it’s a lie. Patents are required to put the money their children make in ss ings accounts. I can see why they would lie to Derrick though. He seems to have a habit of not working since he and Jill got married.
JB is a shrewd businessman.
That mom dad is controling, these kids are grown let them live there own lives!!!
I don’t believe anything that comes out of that kid’s ugly face, he’s a whiney little bi**h and is probably just stirring the pot of s**t soup
I’m not a Derick fan, by any means, but I would definitely side with him against Jim Bob if what he’s saying and hinting at is true. It did always seem odd to me that Derick characterized his and Jill’s appearances on the show as “volunteer” work, and that he and Jill were always asking for donations to fund their mission work. It just never squared in my mind that a couple who seemed genuinely dedicated to that type of charitable, religious work would beg for money when they had money coming in from the show, or that they would live in Jim Bob’s houses or low rent spaces when earnings from the show would afford them something better. Their lifestyle makes a lot more sense, perfect sense, if Jim Bob has always kept and controlled all his offspring’s money.
I think JB cut him off for “allowing” Jill to get her nose pierced.
the love of money can separate not only family but the closest of friends
Hey, remember that time Derick had a job?
He’s in law school and has a job (think Grub Hub) to make money. What they should do is put their kids in public school and Jill should get a part-time job.
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Hopefully if this is true then JB better pay the taxes.
I’ve heard on the real housewives that only the wives get paid; if their husbands appear on the show, that bump in pay is added to the wives’ checks. Just because the adult children sign a consent form doesn’t mean they’re getting paid directly.
I am happy to hear Derrick’s reply. My view has completely changed! I find it unfathomable that the individual family members did not receive their fair share! This is terrible! And what is wrong with TLC & this contract!. Glad to see children grown & out of the Duggar compound to live their lives in the real world. Give them a chance to spread their beautiful wings!
I don’t understand this arrangement either. As adults they would have to sign a contract. When they filmed as kids there are laws about the money being put in to a fund for them.
I do agree that TLC should have helped with the medical bills. Even if they weren’t legally supposed to it would have been the right thing to do.
His family needmoneyto
I would like to know can she gether money.
I don’t watch the show anymore because they are such hypocrites. If they clearly believed in their life style they wouldn’t have a reality show on TV. Plus they don’t even own TV’s. The only one I like is the one that moved to LA with her husband. She is free.
If Jim Bob doesn’t give them money then I would just tell him to eff off! No one is forcing them to film. Except maybe the kids at home and the kids who have homes he owns. He’s a greedy asshole.
TLC seems like a shady network. After reading what Jon Gosselin said about all the sneaky things they did when Jon and Kate were still together, and they just filmed their kids without permits, and it’s weird they only pay Jim Bob instead of the whole family, TLC seems very questionable.
I agree that doesn’t make sense, TLC would need to have a contract with every person on the show and they can’t just make all the checks out to Jim Bob. Now if the kids hand their checks over to him then that’s their problem.
The kids should ban together & file suit to get their money from Jim bob. Just ridiculous that Jim bob & Michele are keeping the money since they do very little!
Derrick don’t you and Jill live in one of Jim Bob’s house for free. You guys don’t pay rent. Lol. Grow up Derrick.
I dont know about how TLC runs their business but my employer pays ME – surely their paychecks don’t go to Jim Bob. Why would they continue to film if they didn’t have a contract that specificed which bank account that check would be put in to?
This whole family has cult-like vibes and I smell B.S.
That’s so strange Jim Bob keeps the paychecks and none of the kids gets reimbursed for interviews. Quite a few of them have families to support. Jim Bob has gifted homes to all of his kids after they marry, so that’s probably where the money goes. I dont think asking TLC for help with the NICU bill was not unreasonable either, considering they made a special on it.