Avery Mills of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days says she has been a target for online trolls who she say have been attacking her solely based on the fact that she’s Muslim.
Reality TV World reports that Avery has also received racist remarks regarding her marriage to Omar Albakour, who is from Syria. In screenshots posted to 90 Day Fiancé blogger John Yates’ Instagram from Avery’s now-private account, the reality star spoke out about the hate she has been subjected on on social media.
“To anyone that doesn’t believe racism and bigotry isn’t still alive and well in America, just go look at my comment section,” Avery wrote. “I have gotten death threats from Americans for the simple fact that I’m Muslim, and whole countries are banned from coming here. I grew up in a very diverse community where I heard white folks addressing black people as criminals and all Muslims as terrorist.”
Avery went on to reveal that the recent death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi lead people to tag her in posts claiming that she “must be so sad that [her] ‘cousin’ died.” She added that those who don’t speak up about these issues are part of the problem.
“For the people that stand up against the hate in this [world] thank you,” she continued. “And I’m not trying to throw shade Bc I love everyone but it did strike a nerve seeing some stuff.”
On Sunday, Avery revealed during Part 1 of the “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days” Tell-All that she and husband Omar were still together. However, she said they didn’t know where they were going to live, being that the chances were slim that Omar’s visa to come to the United States would be approved.
“If he doesn’t have a way to get here, we’ll go to a nearby country where it’s safe,” she said.

Earlier this season—due to the U.S. travel ban on Syrian citizens—the couple discussed the possibility of moving to Dubai.
“If we make that decision to move out of the country, we make that decision for good,” she told Omar. “We’re just giving up America altogether.”
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
32 Responses
Avery, As an astute Muslim I WAS ASHAMED with your behavior on LIVE television pertaining to the ‘TELL-ALL’ portion of 90 Day Fiance. You are ONLY 19, maybe 20 years of age and all you did while proclaiming to be a Muslim was ta take upon yourself to go to each participant acknowledged on the show and thrust your opinionated unsolicited comments concerning matters you knew very little about. A respected and respectful Muslim woman displays a level of reserve, calm and intelligence, some you displayed very little to known in your actions.
Then yopu weeped and cried wiping tears from your eyes thinking that this world is interested in one of your past relationships where once again, you more than likely ‘LEAPED INTO’ without first knowing what you were doing. YOU DID THE SAME EXACT THING WITH OMAR, and the results are exactly what you deserved. Angela was correct. You should NEVER enter into an exchange of conversation pointing your finger at anyone. YOU WERE WRONG at the controversy you created around Jessie. Darcey NEVER asked for you to defend her Benjamin NEVER asked you to clarify if he was an Alpha Male or not. Ceasr NEVER asked you to comment aboput Maria because what was determined was Cesar was attempting to BUY AFFECTION from a woman that would never get involved with such an insecure person as Cesar. Cesar needs esteem counseling ASAP!
Angela is CORRECT-YOU TALK TO MUCH for a person who knows so little about life. YOUR MARRIAGE will one day soon fail with OMAR when he finds out that you one day ‘DANCING IN THE STREET’more than likely will get the both of you captured and tortured. To see you use your prayer rug as a tool to settle you down was an abomination to witness.
I GIVE YOU MY WORD that OMAR’S family will NEVER accept you and be proud to have you as a part of their family. OMAR will leave you one day because soon he’s going to become FED-UP with telling you how to act respectable. A respectable Muslim woman will give OMAR a comparison
I blame your Mother’s weakness, your Father’s absence and your lack of self-control. Notice that Angela and Michael are being brought back to the show, and you’re getting ‘DEATH THREATS’. It’s only the beginning for you, and if you don’t SHUT UP, you’re going to get both you and OMAR into a situation of a tragedy that your Moher won’t be able to save you from having to endure.
Avery, As an astute Muslim I WAS ASHAMED with your behavior on LIVE television pertaining to the ‘TELL-ALL’ portion of 90 Day Fiance. You are ONLY 19, maybe 20 years of age and all you did while proclaiming to be a Muslim was ta take upon yourself to go to each participant acknowledged on the show and thrust your opinionated unsolicited comments concerning matters you knew very little about. A respected and respectful Muslim woman displays a level of reserve, calm and intelligence, some you displayed very little to known in your actions.
Then you wept and cried wiping tears from your eyes thinking that this world is interested in one of your past relationships where once again, you more than likely ‘LEAPED INTO’ without first knowing what you were doing. YOU DID THE SAME EXACT THING WITH OMAR, and the results are exactly what you deserved. LIFE IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU AVERY.
Angela was correct. You should NEVER enter into an exchange of conversation pointing your finger at anyone. YOU WERE WRONG at the controversy you created around Jessie. Darcey NEVER asked for you to defend her Benjamin NEVER asked you to clarify if he was an Alpha Male or not. Cesar NEVER asked you to comment about Maria because what was determined was Cesar was attempting to BUY AFFECTION from a woman that would never get involved with such an insecure person as Cesar. Cesar needs esteem counseling ASAP!
Angela is CORRECT-YOU TALK TO MUCH for a person who knows so little about life. YOUR MARRIAGE will one day soon fail with OMAR when he finds out that you one day ‘DANCING IN THE STREET’more than likely will get the both of you captured and tortured. To see you use your prayer rug as a tool to settle you down was an abomination to witness.
I GIVE YOU MY WORD that OMAR’S family will NEVER accept you and be proud to have you as a part of their family. OMAR will leave you one day because soon he’s going to become FED-UP with telling you how to act respectable. A respectable Muslim woman will give OMAR a comparison
I blame your Mother’s weakness, your Father’s absence and your lack of self-control. Notice that Angela and Michael are being brought back to the show, and you’re getting ‘DEATH THREATS’. It’s only the beginning for you, and if you don’t SHUT UP, you’re going to get both you and OMAR into a situation of a tragedy that your Moher won’t be able to save you from having to endure.
this little girl is beyond Naive. Move to another country that is safe? Yup because that’s how it works… Oye Vei.
People of all religions do terrible things, not just Muslims, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant AF. Look at the Catholic Church, extreme Christians, ect…I hate that she’s going through that. I like Avery. People are ignorantly coming for her because she’s Muslim, and it’s just not right. She seems very young, naive, and young minded, but overall she seems like a really nice girl.
The Bible also says that the man is the head of the household. But, that’s not the case here. The head of the household is whomever is are around most. In our case, that’s my aunt.
I actually really like her. She is naïve and idealistic but most people at 19 are. She and Omar at least seem very sincere in their love for one another. I was also impressed by Omar because he was willing to marry her even though she isn’t a virgin. For many muslim men unless she was going to be a second wife they would never tolerate marrying a woman who has been with another man. He seems more progressive in his thinking then a lot of muslims raised in countries where Islam is the dominate religion.
Avery really has a mental issue. Seriously, not trying to be rude or funny. But she seems to thrive on attention and being extreme. In six months, she changed her religion, married a man from across the world, and the decided since he can’t come to America, she would move to a country in the middle of a war. Something is seriously wrong with her, and I’m not trying to be funny at all.
I don’t think she’s mental…I just think that she is very young, and very naive…if she’s 19/20 now, that means she was born in ’99 or ’00…she was barely alive for 9/11…She’s never seen any type of war/terrorism, and has no clue how dangerous it is living in a war zone. Syria is one of the last places on planet earth that I would want to live. I just don’t think she has any idea, and thinks her mom is just being ridiculous and over protective. Plus the way she made that big deal about Darcy and her ex, and said she was abused herself…for her to switch religions like that, and to make those rash decisions, I think something traumatized her.
I don’t think it’s a mental issue, just young, sheltered and thinks she knows more about the world than she does because she’s “internet savvy”. Case in point, one of the first questions she asked Omar when he said they might be moving to Syria was “do they have make-up?”
What this child doesn’t understand is that there are 2 very different types of Muslims. There are Muslims who follow Mohammad and there are those who worship his successors. Unfortunately,especially in the Middle East, it’s the successors. These travel ban countries are banned because their governments hold extremist ideals. I might DM her with a book for her to read to understand exactly why there’s a travel ban in the first place. Islam is a mostly spoken religion where they don’t study hadiths
Avery seems very Naive.
She is opinionated outspoken, headstrong
Nothing wrong with that
But it sounds like that is not what Omar wants. He is use to women being quiet & listening to the husband regardless, not Averys personality (i dont know her i am just going off of what she specifically said on the show & how she acts)
Would Omar be ok with her calling out Jesse & voicing her opinion the way she did?
Again…”don’t judge a book by its cover.” So what if she’s Muslim?? They’re not all bad!!!
I, for real, get so tired of people being judged because of their weaker specimens!!
The ones who aren’t bad don’t know their own religion.
How does that not make any sense? I am saying she is muslim. Islam is not a nice religion. Most muslims do not follow what they are told to do. Especially avery. The good muslims you come across are not following the laws of their religion.
You’re partially right. Avery doesn’t follow the rules of her religion…which makes her a GOOD Muslim. Those that do follow the rules (like Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein) are BAD Muslims!!!
There is much more to all of this that a lot of people do not understand. You really can’t be a good muslim. All of islam is bad. You need to read up on the karan, it is nothing like what americans think it is.
Yes you can T. EVERY race and religion has its good and bad people.
It seems like the VERY religious/extremists are either really good or really bad people.
But that is any race or religion. There is no in between.
Actually @LAND OF THE LOST, there is an in between. For instance my mom was an unwed mother and cussed like a sailor (both sins by the way), but otherwise she was salt of the earth.
Does that make her a bad person…no. Does that make her imperfect…absolutely.
It seems people always want to throw Muslims under the bus. What about the priests raping nuns and children for years! Are all Catholics bad?
T, wtf are you talking about?…if you say Islam isn’t a nice religion, then what do you think about Catholicism?…I know you’ve seen what those priests do to innocent children. Don’t be ignorant.
Some passages encourage Muslims to kill anyone who isn’t Muslim and the more the better. If you die a martyr then you will be rewarded with 77 virgins in the afterlife.
Most Muslims are peaceful and take that with a grain of salt. Muslim extremist are what hate and fear. Muslims get more hate than any other religion/race in America and Europe because of the extremists.
Same could be said about the bible and every other holy book. They all contain passages that involve violence, revenge, punishment etc.
Exactly @TRASHTV.
You could say the same thing about Christians, though. There are all sorts of passages in the Bible about murdering people who don’t follow certain rules, or murdering people who are different, or not Christian. Religions evolve. I don’t think most modern Muslims are following every single sentence of the Quoran, just like I don’t think every single modern Christian is following all the random rules in the Bible about not wearing mixed textiles, eating Kosher, and killing witches.
EXACTLY!!! Oh my God, someone with a brain!!! Thank you J-E-S-U-S!!!!
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if this is completely made up. If so, Abra demonstrated exactly the reaction they hope to evoke. (Clue: Virtue signaling is all TV is about anymore.)
You’re just trying to get a rise out of me and it ain’t gonna work.
I, with a doubt known that this article isn’t made up. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!! Religious and race discrimination is a VERY real and serious thing!!!
Lexi, I don’t know if your comment was directed towards me as “ignorant “ I’m saying people seem to look the other way about priest abuse. I was in no way defending Catholics. I’m saying it’s hypocritical. They vilify Muslims and don’t care about the abuse in many other religions.
Reread her comment, it says, “T, wtf are you talking about?…”
T is another person on this thread. @Lexii’s comment was in no way directed towards you.