Jon Gosselin says his son Collin is “thriving” in his care– but it’s no thanks to Jon’s ex Kate!
The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star chatted with The Ashley on the red carpet of the David & Jackie Seigal’s Victoria’s Voice, An Evening to Save Lives event, held at The Westgate Hotel in Las Vegas on October 25. Jon, who walked the red carpet with his girlfriend Colleen Conrad, told The Ashley that Collin is not currently speaking to his famous mom…or his siblings who live with her.
“Collin’s not talking to [Kate] or the other siblings right now, but [my daughter] Hannah who lives with me is in touch with her brothers and sisters,” Jon told The Ashley of the 15-year-olds. “We’re trying to work through that right now but it’s hard. You can’t force it.”
As The Ashley previously reported, Collin came to live with Jon and Colleen last year, after he was released from the live-in institution his mom placed him at in 2016. In interviews, Kate stated that Collin has “special needs,” a claim Jon has disputed. Jon and Kate’s other minor children currently live with Kate, while their 19-year-old twins Maddy and Cara are in college.
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Happy Fourth of July ??!!!! ? ?
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Jon reports that Collin has come along way in the year since he was released from the care facility.
“This year’s been great. It’s been overwhelming but it’s been good,” Jon told The Ashley. “Collin’s in public school, he’s doing amazing. He’s so smart.”
In fact, Jon says Collin is thriving in his current living situation, and very active in school activities.
“He was excited about everything [after he came to live with me],” Jon said. “He was excited to have a phone, and social media because he wasn’t allowed to have that before. But we’ve weened that, because [getting] everything all at once can be very traumatic and overwhelming.
“Now he’s in the JROTC [Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps] program at school so that’s very organized and keeps everything on schedule for him,” Jon said.
According to Jon, Collin and Hannah have no interest in appearing on their mother’s various reality TV ventures, and he shares those sentiments.
“No more reality shows for me, on Monday I just go to work like everyone else!” Jon said.
Jon was outspoken in a recent interview about his minor children doing a recent ‘Kate Plus 8’ special, despite the fact that he didn’t give TLC the OK to film the kids.
“I didn’t sign for them to film,” he explained. “I have to sign a legal waiver and I didn’t do that. I hope there won’t be anymore specials. Collin and Hannah don’t want to be part of that at all.”
Jon and Colleen attended the event– which was held to raise awareness for America’s teen opioid crisis– because they both have ties to the medical field.
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Vegas!!! Btw, cheers everyone. Penthouse, on top of the world!!!
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“I work in the healthcare industry,” he said. “I do IT for a healthcare system company, and Colleen is a nurse practitioner in the mental health field so she does stuff with adolescents and adults.
“I think a lot of people don’t know that I work a real job, I’m a real person,” Jon said. “This is like the first time I’ve actually gotten to talk about it. I’ve been doing IT for 20 years. I still do DJ-ing on the side for fun but I work a real job.”
Jon said he was drawn to the Victoria’s Voice foundation because of the opioid epidemic happening where he lives.

“We are in an area where there’s a huge opioid problem, in Pennsylvania,” Jon said. “It’s become really bad there. I’m just started being involved [with this organization] but it’s very important.”
(Photos: The Ashley, Instagram)
RELATED STORY: Jon Gosselin Says He’s “Absolutely Furious” That Kate Gosselin Allowed Their Minor Children to Appear on Recent ‘Kate Plus 8’ Special
27 Responses
It also bugs me to no end that she’s still referring to the sextuplets as, “The little kids.” They’re 15! I haven’t watched in years. That was just the commercial for the most recent special.
She raised them. Yes did the show. So did you at one time. Can u imagine how hard it was for her ??? Now you’re the perfect dad. Really. So big deal you take 2 kids. You never had 8 since first season. Give her some credit.
Jon is always bashing Kate. He needs to grow up. I think hes obsessed with her
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Jon is always bashing Kate. He needs to grow up. I think hes obsessed with her
Why is he always bashing Kate? Give it a break you are obsessed with her!
Jenelle is getting divorced yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god!!!! Cannot stand her but for once I’m proud of her
I’m proud of her too. But there is not a doubt in my mind that this divorce was planned in her head for a while, all she want to be asked back to TM2 for that $. Don’t let her bs about how this was what was best for her and her kids fool you. She is only thinking about her pocketbook!!!
Don’t get too excited. Jenelle’s divorce sounds suspicious as a ploy to get back on the show. She had that meeting with MTV prior to filing so if that is the reason she is divorcing and not the safety of her kids, then I bet it is an act because they need money. Other than giving up Jace to her mom, she hasn’t made a right move since.
I can’t wait for one of those kids to release a book so we finally get a glimpse of the TRUTH. After his midlife crisis, and abandonment of his kids when they were small, I don’t believe anything he says…and Kate seems manipulative as well.
So he has a full time job and still whined about needing a lawyer to get custody but he didn’t have the money for one.years and years of whining.and he never paid child support.he said so his self.so what did he think they were eating on? Piss poor father.
The fact that he acts like daddy of the year, when he wasn’t in the kids lives during the tougher years, gets on my nerves. Collin has a social media now, and a phone, and couldn’t have that stuff before? The boy is 15! So he was barely a teenager before he came to live with Jon…of course he didn’t have all that before! Like come on. Stop it. And if Collin and Hannah don’t want to be in the public eye anymore, then WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THEM. If TLC asked him to do a special with Collin and Hannah, you better believe he would LEAP at the opportunity.
Dislike Kate as much as anyone else but I don’t think it’s fair to say he never had special needs, did not need treatment and I doing well now because he is living with his dad.
Treatment helped Colin to get to the stage he is now, not just John.
John himself says he needs structure etc.
I don’t know anyone that would send their minor child away for treatment. Is this the 1950s? Unless they were in a vegetative state and needed round the clock care, there is no need. She didn’t want to deal with him and wouldn’t let jon take over because of her pride. He’s probably doing better because Jon and his gf can focus on his needs where Kate had too many kids and tv shows to deal with.
How do you know what he needed? You know better than his parent what he went through? Why he was put in the facility? Why he was released to his father? You know more than the court system that ordered his release????
Or are you just another know it all running their mouth cause they have a keyboard????
From my understanding Colin had anger issues to the point where it became violent. Not necessarily special needs, but definitely needed therapy to help him through his anger. Kate couldn’t deal with one of her kids not in line so she sent him away so she didn’t have to deal with his problems.
Or to keep the other kids safe…?
Hang in there John your loved and needed, a voice of sensitivity for your children
I think it’s great you have your son. There shouldn’t be any treatment out there that should go on for years. With the child being inpatient.A child with a big problem would have a teeatment program. Then back with the family. I’m thankful he came home to a family who wants and loves him. Keepup the good work.
Some kids will never get better and need 24 hours of monitoring to be safe from themselves unfortunately as well as keeping others safe.
Some can manage outpatient after months or years of treatment, some never will.
I think jon was always a good guy.. but the media and kate painted him in a different light..glad hes doo
Ing well and his gf is really pretty…im jus waiting for the tell all from one of the older daughters.
WHAT! He cheated with Kates plastic surgeons 22 yr old daughter, he was kickin it with friggin Michael Lohan (birds of a feather….), and his crazy girlfriend Kate Major, he constantly looked like Ed Hardy threw up on him and then bedazzled the vomit, he left Kate to take care of 8 kids by herself while he was having a midlife crisis, he was no where to be found when those kids were young…oh wait he could be found on a yacht with Christian Audigier, the owner of Ed Hardy, or partying it up in Vegas or wherever. Midlife crisis doesn’t make him “bad”, but it does make him selfish.
Ok, now Jon needs to stop talking about them or he’s venturing into Kate territory. Let the kids be kids. I’m happy they are thriving. Now go live a quiet life.
I always thought Jon was a sincere dude, he had a hiccup for a few months it seems when he was living in the garage and wearing all those ridiculous Ed Hardy shirts, but it always seemed like he really cared for the kids. Good for him for trying to stop Kate from profiting off the children at their expense. I can’t imagine how hard it is for poor Collin to be singled out as the one with “emotional issues”, damn Kate is one stone cold motha (and not in a good way).
Yeah, Jon sounds so normal and caring. He has a good job in IT and his girlfriend has a good education too (it is a master’s degree for nurse practitioner).
He didn’t have a hiccup for a few months. It was definitely a few years.
Also I find it strange that Jon denies Colin having a disability but says that having a phone and social all at once would be overwhelming for him.