It’s time once again to check in with our favorite (by default) Fundie family as they navigate the world of buffet-style meals, checkered button-up shirts, high necklines and low expectations for what constitutes as fun.
There’s truly never a dull moment on Counting On… except for when the commercial breaks are over, of course.
This week’s episode starts off on a serious note as we see Lauren sit down with her mom and Josiah’s mom Michelle to talk about the miscarriage she had a couple months prior.

During their chat, Michelle and Lauren’s mom talk about their respective miscarriages—Michelle having gone through two—and then Lauren shows the moms the box of keepsakes she and Josiah have for the baby, whom they named Asa.

Next up, we shift gears and head to Finland to check in on John and Abbie as they prepare to board a train for the next leg of their honeymoon. Unfortunately for the newlyweds, the rooming situation on this particular excursion is less-than spacious.

…Even more unfortunate, John is once again faced with camp-style bunkbeds, giving this “cozy” train-car adventure some heavy Duggar-Compound vibes.

Jinger—back in her Fundie-friendly dresses—is back in Arkansas with Felicity after visiting Jeremy in Los Angeles. With Jinger’s visit comes obligatory family time, so she heads over to Jessa’s house to eat fruit and yogurt and talk about babies, pregnancy and literally nothing else.

Joe’s wife Kendra is also invited to this rockin’ mom date so she comes over with her own blessing, Garrett. While shoveling plain yogurt into their faces, the girls talk about the currently-unknown gender of Jessa’s baby while Jessa forces everyone to hear about the super fun details of her first two pregnancies. Riveting stuff here, even by Duggar standards.

As a treat for sitting through that last segment, TLC gifts us with a scene from John and Abbie’s glass-blowing excursion in Finland. Spoiler alert: it’s everything we could hope for and more.
First up to get their blow on is Abbie, who says she plans to make a bowl. After some heating, dipping and spinning of the glass, we cut away to learn that Michelle and Jim Bob took part in some glass-blowing themselves back in 2013. While Jim Bob explains that he and Michelle attempted to make some “little blue birds of happiness,” this is the only footage of their creations that TLC gives us.

We cut back to John and Abbie’s adventures in glass-blowing right as the instructor asks Abbie if she’d “like to blow now.” John then mansplains the act of glass-blowing, being that he’s done it a whole one time and is officially an expert.

“So the main part about glass-blowing is it takes some lung power but you got to make sure that glass is hot,” he says, before telling Abbie that the room is hot because she’s in it.
Well it certainly isn’t toasty from all of those one-liners you’re spitting, John.
Back in Arkansas, Jinger spends some time with her parents and Grandma Duggar, whom we learn has had some health issues lately after having suffered nearly back-to-back strokes. Michelle then busts out with some quotes about how “life is but a vapor, here today, gone tomorrow,” which strikes us as an odd thing to say to someone in this particular situation.

The four generations of Duggars—Grandma Duggar, Michelle, Jinger and Felicity—take a photo together while Felicity shows us the real reason her parents are moving to Los Angeles…

Back in Finland, John and Abbie arrive at a hotel made completely of snow and ice, which is fitting because John and his corny comments could really use a cool down. After a quick tour around the hotel, John and Abbie zip up in there respective gigantic sleeping bags and call it a night.
First bunkbeds and now an ice bed? For two people that can’t stop awkwardly kissing every 5 seconds, these two sure did opt for some challenging bedroom setups on this honeymoon.

The next day, the two hit the Lapland slopes via snowmobiles. While out on their tour, a person in another snowmobile group ends up getting into an accident, putting John and Abbie’s tour on hold as a rescue helicopter flies above them. After the first responders arrive on scene, John explains that he, a first responder (AND A PILOT, FYI!), and Abbie, a nurse, want to wait around to see if they can help out in any way.

Ultimately, the couple decide that the professionals have everything under control so they resume their snowmobile adventure.
Before Jinger sprints heads back to Los Angeles, Jessa makes her (and Jana and Anna) accompany her family to their gender reveal. On the ride to the appointment, Jessa and Ben say that Spurgeon isn’t allowed to know the gender because they basically think he’ll scream it from the rooftops.

…Although something tells us he couldn’t care less.

On the next episode of ‘Counting On,’ Kendra reveals she has another blessing in the oven and hides the news in Joe’s bowl of ice cream, Jinger joins a mom workout group and Jessa and Ben throw a gender guessing party, because evidently… that’a thing?
To read The Ashley’s other ‘Counting On’ recaps, click here!
(Photos: TLC)
9 Responses
ABBIE IS NOT A NURSE AS IN RN. She is an LPN – a semester course at VoTech school. HUGE difference. She changed bed pans and handed out Tylenol in those little paper cups. She hasn’t worked a day since marriage and won’t work. She’s a disgrace to all of us who ARE actual nurses like RN, BSN, APN, MSN, DNP and above.
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Not sure what state you work in but I’m an LPN in a hospital and working on my BSN. The only things I can’t do vs. what an RN does are administer blood products and assessments. I’ll change bedpans to help out the CNA’s. If she’s licensed then she is a nurse just like the rest of us. Think before you post and don’t spread misleading information.
This is golden! You all are saints, thank you for your service!
This is golden! You all are saints, thank you for your service!
She sure is! It’s genetic. She has good looking parents.
Felicity is such a happy baby so adorable ! About those blue birds Michelle and Jim Bob are making , is that a code word for something else ??
So obviously I wasn’t the only one who thought Michelle was making a penis! Does anyone think Abby sounds a bit manly?
It seems like there was an article a few years ago, where the writer of the article thought that Michelle did try to make a penis. GROSS!
Felicity is adorable!!