Amber from Teen Mom OG has been arrested— but this time, it’s not Amber Portwood who’s behind bars!
The Amber in question is Amber Baltierra, sister of Tyler and frequent guest star on the long-running series. According to court documents, Amber was arrested on Sunday, November 10 in Texas and booked into the Williamson County main jail. She was charged with “Assault” that caused “Bodily Harm,” with an additional detail added indicating “Family Violence.”
Amber— who has been in Texas since last year and working a drug addiction treatment program— was released on Monday after bonding out with $1500.

It it not known exactly what happened to land Amber in the Big House, or who her alleged victim (with the bodily harm) is. However, in an Instagram video posted on Monday (after she was released from jail, apparently), she admitted that she’s “been off my rocker a little bit lately.”
Despite her arrest, though, she states that she is still maintaining her sobriety.
“As long as I keep a relationship with the guy in the sky who keeps me from getting high, I can make it,” she said before showing her 18-month chip from AA. “Your girl’s making it…can’t nobody get me down…nuthin’ gonna break me, nuthin’!”
In her mugshot, Amber (sporting a fashionable braid) looks very unhappy..and really, really tired.

At press time, Tyler had yet to comment on his sister’s latest run-in with the law.
UPDATE! Amber hopped on Instagram Live on Tuesday night to give more details about the incidents that happened that led to her arrest.
Amber revealed that the alleged victim with the (alleged) bodily harm is her ex-boyfriend. (This is, of course, a different guy than Billy, the leashed felon she was dating a while back and who was featured on ‘Teen Mom OG.’)

Anyway, Amber explained that she and her boyfriend broke up, but were getting along decently…until Amber found out that her man had been cheating on her during the relationship. That’s when all hell broke loose.
Amber said she decided to storm his home to confront him (as you do), but was disappointed to learn that he was out of town for a few hours. At first, Amber says she was planning to wait for him so that she could confront him, but then thought better of it and decided to leave and not confront him. He messaged her and was trying to convince her to give him another chance, Amber says.
Amber said she was considering it…until she arrived at his home and saw some random woman exiting his place.
“I lost it,” Amber told her followers. “Me and him got into a fight.”
The ‘fight’ left her ex with a bleeding gash on his forehead, according to Amber. When the police arrived, they saw her ex’s injury and she was arrested for assault, per Texas law.
On Wednesday, she posted a video to her Instagram account explaining that, even though she’s sober and in recovery, she still makes mistakes.
“People think that because you’re in recovery, you’re not allowed to lose your s**t,” she said. “Absolutely not. At the end of the day, we’re still human. We’re sick in many different ways, but there is no man, there’s no situation, and there’s nothing on this earth that’s worth more than my sobriety. My kids are worth more than a bottle.”
RELATED STORY: Tyler Baltierra’s Sister Amber Says Their Father Butch Baltierra is Allegedly Drinking & Smoking Pot Again
(Photos: MTV; Williamson County Sheriff’s Office, Instagram)
36 Responses
Well hell, now that we’ve found all the people in this post, we can get rid of urine, blood, saliva & hair follicle tests since you can apparently test people for substance use over the internet now. My eyes cannot roll enough.
She *may* be using, I admit. But I’m not going to make a definitive judgement based on photos, or even videos, on the internet.
In HS, people thought I was a serious drug user. Apparently, my shyness, my personal style and my resting bitch face combined together gave off that appearance. Funny thing – never done drugs one time.
My husband has eyes that make him look stoned or drunk, especially in photos. But I can guarantee that in a large number of them, he was neither (because I was there or taking the photo). I also know that he doesn’t use drugs because he gets drug tested at work frequently. Hope they don’t switch from urine testing to looking at I internet photos to determine his fitness for duty.
Maybe not popular opinion but I’m really happy she’s still clean and sober. They were raised in violence so that is going to be something they have to overcome as well.
100 percent agree Spencer. Glad she is too!
Y’all, I’ve been following Amber for some time. I know you will not like this but she really is clean-sober. She may still have some back home roots (personality wise) in her but she’s sticking to it. Amber also went on to further her education and actually passed her final exams with extremely high scores and she works in the dental field full time.
I have been “in and out” of rehabs and AA for years. Just because you go to AA or NA meetings doesn’t mean you are sober. In fact, it usually takes a few rehabs (not as many as Butch hopefully) until you stay 100% clean and sober. Her mug shot pic tell the true story. How do you know a addict is lying? When they open their mouths to talk.
Guess she fell off her *high* horse…. is it to late to revoke her mother of the year award?
“As long as I keep a relationship with the guy in the sky who keeps me from getting high, I can make it,”
Aw, it seems like poetic talent runs in the family.
She looks like a damn hooker/stripper in that video. Are there people who actually leave the house looking like that (besides hookers and strippers)?
I wonder if they frame their mugshots and hang them up on the wall, like school pics
Butch 2.0
She looks like her father too.
Sone people will never get clean and sober no matter how much treatment. Butch once admitted to being in over 20 rehabs. Amber is not clean in this photo.
That hairstyle is..inventive. My girls back to being a trap queen I see.
Tyler and Caitlyn are next! MTV pays them to sit on a couch and do what they do and pays them, Thank the angels they gave up Carly to a responsible normal couple! I guess smoking pot and sitting on a couch is MTV Gold. Stopped watching this years ago
Trailer trash. Tyler should cut ties with his family except for his mom.
Why is she talking like that in the video? The children of our future….frightening!
She’s not too bright is she?
I believe that she is bi polar and is probably cycling in mania. Hope she is taking her meds.
That pic of Tyler with the caption! THE BEST 😀
I think she’s high in that freakin’ IG video. Who talks like that?! ??
Girl is nuttier then a squirrel turd.
She looks high as the guy in the sky to me.
Sounds just like Butch. Apple didn’t fall too far..
Detroit’s Finest.
Where are her children while she has been living in Texas.
She said they are with their dads. But it’s still a little weird to me that she can just up and leave them. Aren’t there AA meetings and therapists in Michigan?
I hope to God TM ends and Tyler will see that his family doesn’t give 2 shits about him once he can no longer pay for their boob jobs, rehab stays and houses.
Your scabs on your face say otherwise
I’m not going to laugh at her current legal issues, or her high ass eyes, but I AM going to laugh at that sweet jail braid. Can’t get no ding dang hair ties in the big house, huh?
By the way she looks in her mugshot there is NO way she is sober.
Her eyes are a dead giveaway. Like why even lie about it when it’s so obvious? These people, I swear. ?
She’s on the Marijuana Maintenance Plan. 😀
Well it worked for Butch! hahahaha