“No problem Jill…I mean Jessa..I mean…whatever your name is.”
It looks like Joy Forsyth‘s days of living in a camper are almost over, thanks in part to her parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.
On Sunday, the Counting On star announced on Instagram that she and her husband Austin Forsyth have purchased a home for themselves that is not on wheels.
“Sooo…WE BOUGHT A HOUSE and YES! We plan to settle down and live in this one for awhile!” Joy wrote.
Austin has bought and flipped several houses during his marriage to Joy; however, the couple has never actually lived in any of them for more than short periods of time, and have spent most of their marital life living in a large RV. However, it appears that Austin and Joy shelled out $10 for their new abode which they purchased from– you guessed it!— Joy’s parents.
According to land records obtained by The Ashley, Joy and Austin gave the Duggars 10 whole dollars in September for the home, via a Quitclaim Deed transfer. (They also spent an additional $10 on an adjacent parcel of land, which was also purchased from Ma and Pa Duggar.)
Court records show that both pieces of land has been in the Duggar Family since at least 2010. Jim Bob and Michelle purchased one parcel in 2010 for about $30,000, and the other parcel was originally owned by Joy’s grandma, Mary Duggar.
Of course, it’s possible that Joy and Austin gave Jim Bob and Michelle cash for the property and did not report it. However, there is no amount listed in the sale price section of the legal documents. According to Legal Zoom, it’s likely that the home and land were given to the Forsyths as a gift by the Duggars.
“Quitclaim deeds are a fast and easy way to move property among family members or to place real estate into a trust,” the site states. “Quitclaim deeds are most commonly used when property is transferred without a traditional sale. Examples include when property is transferred between family members (such as parents transferring a home to their children), between married spouses (after marriage when one spouse wants to add the other to the title of his or her separate property), between divorcing spouses (when one spouse will keep the home), or when property is being transferred into a living trust.”
Also noteworthy is the fact that Joy and Austin’s new neighbors are Joy’s cousin Amy Duggar King and her husband Dillon.
Anyway, Joy excitedly announced their purchase on Instagram on Sunday.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Austin ? Joy Forsyth (@austinandjoyforsyth) on
“After a year and a half of camper living we’re so ready! I love living in the camper, but I’m ready for more space and a little more organization!” she wrote.
“This house has 3 beds and 3 baths and its a very open floor plan!” she added. “We are just fixing up the basics… flooring, trim, new countertops, & fresh paint!”
Joy also posted photos and videos of Austin renovating the home’s kitchen.
“YES! It’s for US to live in!” Joy said in an Instagram video.
Joy has a right to be excited about moving to a stationary house. For the past year or so, she and Austin and their son Gideon have been living in a fifth wheel trailer. ‘Counting On’ fans watched as Joy and Austin moved into the camper immediately after their wedding. (It was likely the place that they conceived Gideon, who was born nine months after the couple’s May 2017 wedding day.)
Joy did admit in August that there are some downsides to camper-life—-“It’s hard sometimes because you don’t have a bigger kitchen or space.”
Now that she has a bigger home to live in and decorate, Joy said she has a decorating scheme in mind.
“I think I want to go for the Scandinavian/boho/minimalist style, all brought together!” she wrote.

“Don’t press your lucky, honey!”
Joy’s relatives expressed their excitement for her in the post’s comment section.
“So happy for you guys! Can’t wait till it’s done and y’all are all settled in!” Anna Duggar wrote.
“So happy for your family Joy!” Ben Seewald‘s family account posted.
Joy did not say when she and her family will be moving into the new home.
RELATED STORY: ‘Counting On’ Star Forsyth Explains Why She & Her Family Are Living in a Camper
(Photos: TLC, Instagram, Washington County Clerk)
24 Responses
If Amy is her neighbor, her tomboy nature might come out again! (You KNOW they made her stop being like that because it’s not “ladylike” or whatever) Oh, I hope she spends as much time as possible with Amy, she can show her the real world! (I can just imagine Amy saying to Joy how they are drinking “sparkling water” while it’s actually alcohol, I hope she’s sneaky like that!)
In Arkansas, the true sales price is not typically displayed on the deed. The deed will often read “for good consideration” or other words to that effect. The purchase price can normally be determined by the state revenue stamps attached to the deed
FYI – the standard language for ANY deed that transfers property without a lein (lien = a loan through a bank, mortgage company, etc) says the property is conveyed for “$10 and other consideration” and does not contain the actual price. Often times, in owner-finance/rent-to-own situations a contract for deed is executed separately from the deed and payment is handled in the contract, then this type of deed is used, as opposed to a Warranty Deed with Vendor’s Lein and a Deed of Trust (which are the required docs when purchasing a home with a third party lender, these docs DO contain the actual price paid.) Additionally the “$10 and other consideration” is used on deeds when the property was paid for in straight cash. The language of “$10 and other consideration” implies that something more than $10 was given in exchange for the property amd is utilized to help protect the privacy of the buyer and seller. Considering the penny-pinching, money-saving ways of the Duggar clan, I can imagine that Austing and Joy have been saving their money while living in the RV and paid cash for the property, allowing them to use the standard, generic language instead of announcing to the world the details of their personal finances. Just saying….
BTW, I know all this because I am a paralegal that works in real property law and have drafted many different deeds for multiple different circumstances, including my own. My husband and I have more than one property we purchased with cash and our deeds say “$10 and other consideration”.
Also, just to make it clear before I get attacked, I have ZERO connection to the Duggars and am not a Duggar apologist, I am merely a legal-minded person who likes to educate others when I see inaccurate observations pertaining to the law.
They at least work flipping houses and making a tidy profit off of it I’m sure unlike the other deadbeat husbands. As far as the money trail yes of course it’s beyond me that JB controls the purse strings for his adult children. He and Michelle are nauseating for so many reasons but these kids are now adults and like others have stated they have a choice to take control of their TLC money. Frankly they seem happy-some more than others and if it doesn’t bother them I don’t know why it should bother me.
I hate the off hand, snarky remarks in the captions of photos. Totally uncalled for and unprofessional.
Congratulation on your new home
They didn’t buy it for $10. That’s what all deeds say in Arkansas. Ours says the same thing and I can promise we paid more than that.
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Make Many Beautiful Memories In Your New Home?
Please learn some facts about how deeds are recorded. They did not pay $10 for a house. Deeds must evidence consideration, which only needs to be nominal. In this case, the $10 is nominal, but the “other good and valuable consideration” covers how much they actually paid for the house, without being specific. This language is typical in non-disclosure jurisdictions.
You didn’t buy a house…you were given a house.
Congratulations Joy and Austin now you cang have a new beginning after all the sadness you have had this year!!! God Bless you ?????
The Ashley,
Any news on if the FBI raid in Arkansas was really Josh? Rumor going around was that It was for child pornography.
I believe Derrick. Jim Bob probably,hoards all the money they make from the show. This show has been over for over a decade and the only person who seems to have any money is Jim Bob. They rest of them live off Jim Bob handouts.
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I agree. This could be their “payment” for doing the show.
While I may agree that he very well may handle the majority of the money…ALL adults and the legal representatives of the children (not their parents. As required by the production company and current US law, they must have legal representation to prevent issues with parents taking their children’s money) have to sigh off on this kind of thing. It’s a cover your ass thing for the network to prevent the possibility of a lawsuit down the line. So every damn last one of them is well aware that he is handling the money. THEY have to give him permission to, and the network has to provide proper financial counseling (unbiased at that) to the participants before they’re allowed to even sign the paperwork or start filming. They go through the same process with each and every contract as well.
Even the Duggars can’t claim ignorant on this one, despite the fact that they are all very ignorant in many arenas. The network has to ensure they are NOT ignorant and do understand the contracts and ramifications of providing legal financial power to someone else. It is literally printed in all of their contracts (even minors’ contracts).
That is the only reason I have any doubt at all about the validity of these “he takes all the money and doesn’t give us any” claims -they’re not completely true. He can’t actually take it all, without them understanding and signing off on it first. They can’t sign off on it, until they prove they understand it. They dig their own selves into holes on this one. As much as I can’t stand him, or even the idea that he would manage anyone’s money….this one’s actually not on him. I loathe defending him, ever. He’s a disgusting, vile, repulsive, arrogant, horrible, manipulative, abusive, fugly as hell, and downright awful person, but on this one…they’re all letting him do that.
I don’t LIKE that he handles their money, if he does handle it all, I think it’s a horrible idea, and I don’t agree with it. But it’s their own damn faults if they do let him. They have to legally sign the money OVER to him first.
That’s how cults work.
It IS how cults work, which is a huge part of how he convinces them to let him handle the finances. But, they do still have to be well aware of it, and the production company has to follow US laws about informing them. They’re still, very much, making a fully informed decision to let him handle finances.
It’s difficult to have any amount of pity for grown ass adults who go into such a financial decision so very well informed. The fact that they ignore that information is 100% on them, not anyone else, regardless of their brand of cult (which I 100% do NOT approve of-and would never defend, I have way too much firsthand knowledge of it).
That’s now how it works with reality tv. A lot of the protections in place for child actors don’t apply to children who appear in reality tv. I remember this being a discussion when it came to Jon and Kate and their spawn.
Last I checked, the adults aren’t children, lol. All of them have to legally sign off not only to accept payment, but also then sign it off to someone else. There’s also another set of forms explaining that they know what they did, they understand ramifications, they understand that if things ever change they have such and such rights..blah blah..bunch of crap to sign, basically, lol.
It’s most definitely not an automatic process and NO adult can actually sign the contracts of another adult barring mental/developmental issues that deem the payee adult to not be of sound mind, or incapable of making financial decisions. That doesn’t apply to 99.99999% of adult actors, who are all of sound(enough) mind to sign their own contracts, and understand them. Cult or no cult, this is seriously drilled into people who are even considering signing part of their money over to someone else (or a separate fund, etc.). Mostly because it covers the production company’s ass, not really to protect people. Production companies have been sued countless times over these kinds of issues.
But it actually is in place even for child actors. What is NOT in place, is the requirement that someone outside of the family handle their finances. The requirement is that someone outside of the family represent the child in negotiations, and explaining the ins and outs of contracts (age appropriately, usually with parents present), nearly always hired by the production company (you know, suit their own needs).
It’s a common misconception because their specific state has no requirements, while others do. Federal law does, but it has a lot of limitations. In that parents can still, very easily, steal the money their minor children make, despite having a legal representative. Bit of a mixed bag, really, but reality tv makes it easy for adults to screw over children financially. I wish that weren’t the case too 🙁
I don’t feel bad for any of the adults in this-especially if they willingly sign their money over, but the kids…they get all my tots and pears.
Oh JB and Michelle…. your money is gonna run out at some point. You won’t be able to support 19 kids, their spouses and their families.
I don’t care if you sold me land and a home for “$20”; being that close to my parents would drive me crazy. My parents aren’t even close to being as intolerable (I do small doses) as Jim Bob and Michelle…its a lack of privacy and independence. I wonder if they did that due to negative publicity due to Derricks claims, Jinger moving to California, Jill not being in contact and piercing her nose, or Jana refusing to settle. Maybe it’s that they just didn’t find living in a camper acceptable?