From escaping a cluttered apartment to going back to college and learning everything except how to correctly form a sentence, it’s been another eventful week for the stars (past and present) of the Teen Mom franchise.
In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…
Farrah Abraham reveals she’s enrolled in “entertainment business school.”

Former ‘Teen Mom OG’ star Farrah Abraham revealed on her YouTube channel recently that she and whatever face she’s currently rocking have headed back to college.
” … I went back to school, that’s right,” Farrah announced in a video. ” … Not just any school: entertainment business school to get my Bachelors.”
As fans of ‘Teen Mom’ may recall, Farrah previously attended culinary school and on her own website, she claims to have “pursued higher education.” (In fact, she’s claimed to have “multiple degrees” over the years.) However, Farrah said the decision to further her education was based on the fact that she values education… and she wants anyone willing to listen to her her fans to do the same.
“So everybody who has totally ruled out school, I actually value, you know, being a boss, being a brand and everything that I teach, just like on my master course and consult. When you find value in going back to school, I say please, please do that.”

Farrah went on to say that if people are trying to hold you down, you can use “I guess college and school” to rise above it.
Over the years, Farrah has made plenty of claims in regard to her future education and career. In the past, Farrah has stated that she planned to become a plastic surgeon, a lawyer, and other professions that require higher education.
Watch the former ‘Teen Mom OG’ star Farrah Speak her way through the big back to school news reveal below. (She starts talking about college around the 1:15 mark.)
Briana DeJesus (& Co.) move into their new home.

After ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Briana DeJesus revealed this summer that she had purchased her first home, fans have waited patiently for her to announce a move-in date, mostly to find out if the DeJesus Crew could make it out of their overcrowded apartment before someone was lost in a random corner of clutter and/or baby daddies.
Well, that day has finally come! Briana shared a photo of her daughters Nova and Stella to Instagram this weekend, in which the kids are clearly posing in front of an open garage.
To further confirm the DeJesus upgrade rumors, Briana captioned the photo, “we made it.”
She later posted a photo of Nova holding the keys to their new home.
In the days following her move-in news, Briana has shared some photos of her new digs on social media, though we’ve yet to see which room Briana’s mom Roxanne will be settling in, or which couch Brittany will lay upon as she spits words of advice to the delight of the ‘Teen Mom 2’ camera crew.
(As The Ashley previously told you, Briana confirmed that both her mom and sister would continue living with her, Stella and Nova.)

Farewell, DeJesus Apartment! We will miss you so…
Jade Cline officially graduates from cosmetology school.
‘Teen Mom 2’ newcomer Jade Cline announced this week that she’s completed school and is officially a licensed cosmetologist, proving that the girls from this franchise actually can do something other than push random products on Instagram, push their signifiant others and push babies out of their lady gardens.
Jade’s good news was met with congratulations from many of her followers, as well as her former Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant co-star Brianna Jaramillo and current ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-star Briana DeJesus. Both of the Bri’s shared a congratulatory “yaaass” with their newly-licensed friend, with Jade telling Brianna that it “felt like forever.”
“Girl I bet,” Brianna responded to her comment. “But you did it!!!”
Since announcing her completion of cosmetology school, Jade updated her Instagram bio to include her latest accomplishment and continues to promote her “hair artist” account.
Ashley Jones Cut Off Bariki Smith’s Rattail

Over here on The Roundup, we’re big fans of all things rat tail. Sadly, we must report that we have lost another ‘Teen Mom’ rat tail this week.
‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ star Ashley Jones hacked off her baby daddy Bar Smith’s rat tail in an Instagram Live video that made the Scraggily Hair Fans of America weep.
“So I convinced him,” Ashley captioned the video of the rat-tail-shearing when she posted it to her Instagram. “I screamed because when I looked down there was a lager patch of hair in my hand than expected… almost thought he had a bald spot.”
Although Bar agreed to let Ashley snip his sad ponytail, he said she can’t touch his super-cool facial tattoos.
“I’m not getting rid of the tattoos on my face,” he told the person in the comments who asked him. “Sorry, you’re too late.”
You can watch the video of the hair hack below:
To catch up on the latest ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: YouTube, MTV, Instagram)
22 Responses
WTF ??????…… She’s definitely not right in the head that girl!
She’s obviously preparing Sophia for a role in Teen Mom !
Farrah Abraham how much education do you need to get on all fours ????????
Farrah couldn’t pay me to attend one of her “master courses or consults”. She couldn’t give advice to a box of rocks. AND she home schools her daughter – heaven help Sophia.
Did she say “look it’s little boobies” when she walked up to Sophia?
WTF ??????…… She’s definitely not right in the head that girl!
She’s obviously preparing Sophia for a role in Teen Mom !
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Did she say “look it’s little boobies” when she walked up to Sophia?
Oh God Farrah…WTF
Well hopefully Farrah takes an English class focusing on grammar. I have never heard grammar as bad as hers. But I guess you dont need good grammar to make a mold of your vagina and sell sex toys.
What the hell did I just watch…? Farrah is so freaking WEIRD. And what is entertainment business school??? ?
Farrah really is extremely unfortunate-looking, lol. How old is she?? I’m in my mid 30’s & I swear she looks older than me.
So, now we have another idiotic teen Mom with multiple baby daddies, cutting a check from MTV and buying a home. It’s such terrible reinforcement. Have a baby young, get on MTV, have more babies out of wedlock to secure your check….I just can’t anymore.
I’d hate to be her teacher but I’d love to be in her classes
Right, lol! And just not to be near the “top celebrity of our nation”, but to see her argue with people in class and be delusional. Maybe she will kick the professor in the vagina like she did on TV (well a fellow cast member). Every week she will have a new face or surgery.
Super proud of Jade she’s a good girl and a great and loving mom. I know she’s a great addition to the show. I hate how Brianna is being portrayed as this sweet girl when we all know she’s still trashy. Her and her sister who by the way I still do not know why she’s on the show not a mom or anything UGH Remember how Brianna and her manly sister attacked Jail on the stage last year now they tryin to act all sweet and classy .Well I don’t buy their act just so they can stay on the show.Her story is boring and going no where. But the rest of the girls are doing great. Congratulations Jade
What makes you say that Brianna is trashy? And even though Brittany may not have children, she has been pregnant before (2x I think). And she helps out with Brianna’s girls so she kind of is like a mother. Plus with Brianna’s culture, family helps out a lot so it makes sense that she’s filmed as well especially if she’s at the place where they all live when Bri is filming.
I don’t even really know who Jade is because I no longer watch the show but as a fellow hairstylist I would like to say congratulations. It’s not an easy course to complete, we have to learn a lot of chemistry and anatomy. Many people thinHachak we’re stupid but I am well versed in many subjects. Our most difficult time is dealing with the public… you people can be awful lol! Don’t put down others, rise them up whenever possible!
I’m very happy for Jade and Briana (I am still no fan of hers though), but she’s been making some smart decisions lately, so lets see how long they actually stay in the house, because we know how the moms like to change cars and houses like the rest of us change our undies.
The way that Sophia acts, playing with her hair and posing for the camera is so disturbing at her age, you know that she has seen so much grown up around stuff that there’s no way she’s not going to end up getting exploited if she hasn’t already. As for Farrah, we need to contact Debz OG and try to get the scoop on what she was diagnosed with. There is something mentally/developmentally wrong with her. Also, there’s no way she could really get into any kind of educational institution. Her entertainment business school (no such thing) is either in a strip mall or a dude’s living room. It’s so sad that she’s the only one Sophia ever comes in contact with (other than Johns and hangers on). Even if Debz or Michael did get custody of Sophia, she’d never be able to go to a regular school because she would be too odd to the other students to fit in.
I don’t know why, but Jade just screams Kail 2.0 at me…..
That make sense since both have Mothers who are/we’re addicts growing up, now they have a similar “gotta do ish myself” attitude.
In Farrah speak, I think she really means adult entertainment business school. Who cares?!!
The 90’s called, they want their Rat Tail back bro, WTF.
stay lit, with a fade bro
What the actual hell goes on in Farrah’s mind? How can anyone understand anything she is saying? Ugh. Watched half the video and couldn’t continue. Girl continues to slide downhill ever further.