It’s a Girl! Josh & Anna Duggar Welcome Sixth Child

“I may be able to crank out a couple of more, but I’m getting tired, bro!”

Josh Duggar is officially a father of six.

The disgraced former 19 Kids & Counting star and his wife Anna announced that they welcomed their sixth child on Wednesday.

Anna— who still appears occasionally on the Duggar Family reality show Counting On— reportedly gave birth to a baby girl at 9:12 a.m. The couple named their daughter Maryella Hope, keeping with their tradition of only choosing names for their children that start with the letter “M.”

They have yet to say if they chose the name “Maryella” in part as a homage to Josh’s recently deceased grandma, Mary Duggar. Although the names are similar, Anna stated back in June that they would not name their daughter after Mary, due to the fact that their daughter Meredith uses the nickname Merry.

Josh, Anna and Baby Maryella’s (possible?) namesake Grandma Mary…

In a statement released to Us Weekly, Josh and Anna gushed over their new baby, who weighed in at 8 lbs., 2 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long.

“On Thanksgiving eve our hearts are overflowing with joy and gratefulness for the arrival of our sixth child!” they said. “Maryella Hope arrived this morning at 9:12am. 8 pounds and 2 ounces, 20 inches long. Anna had a fast labor and delivery without complications. We are so thankful for a beautiful, healthy baby girl!”

Although the Duggars did not state that Anna had a home birth, it’s almost certain that she did, being that she has given birth to all five of her other children at home (one of which was born on the toilet!) 


The couple has been popping out babies on the regular since their wedding in 2008. With the addition of Maryella, they have three boys and three girls: nine-year-old Mackenzie, eight-year-old Michael, six-year-old Marcus, three-year-old Meredith and two-year-old Mason.

Naturally, Ma and Pa Duggar (aka Jim Bob and Michelle) popped in to congratulate Josh and Anna on the blessing addition.

“We are so happy for Josh & Anna, expecting their 6th child and our 16th grandchild!” the stated. “Each child is a blessing from God! Anna is one of the most amazing women in the world, she is a Proverbs 31 woman! Anna & Josh are good parents and it is going to be neat to see what God does with each one of their children’s lives.”

The happy baby news comes on the heels of a difficult couple of weeks for Josh. Last week, a Homeland Security Investigations spokesperson confirmed that one of the Duggar businesses had been raided and is under investigation. The address the HSI spokesperson indicated matched up to Wholesale Motorcars, which was a car lot run by Josh until the investigation.

Josh is reportedly still under investigation, although the HSI and other feds have yet to release any further statements on the topic.

RELATED STORY: ‘Counting On’ Stars Josiah & Lauren Duggar Welcome First Child: See the Adorable Baby Photos!

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

17 Responses

  1. Great, now there is a sixth child that can be molested by a pedophile! Where’s the Bible verse that says that’s ok, Duggar’s?

  2. What the hell is a Proverbs 31 woman? Do I even want to know?

    This poor woman is so brainwashed that unfortunately, she will probably never leave him and continue to reproduce. I can’t wait for one of these family members to detract and write a tell-all book.

    1. We are not perfect, nor does God expect us to be. Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman means working hard to become a woman who honors God. … Remember that you are worthy of God’s grace. Be truthful and faithful. Love others, be good to others and pray for others.

      All the reasons she won’t leave him and have more of his spawn.

  3. The Ashley, you know I love you, but can we let this creep fade away? He doesn’t deserve the publicity.

  4. Maryella!!! It sounds like when you wrote in your recap once, Jana-rella , as a play on Cinderella! Lol! They should have at least spelled it mariella

  5. Ugh I wish media would stop reporting anything about this family. They did nothing when their son mileages their daughters, they’re disgusting. All of them. This girl is beyond stupid to have children with a pedophile.

  6. Madison would have been a perfect name for this poor baby girl… born in fundieland, with her creepy dad.

  7. She should have took her brother up on his offer to help her leave Josh. It’d be a hell of plot twist if Anna was secretly informing on him to Homeland Security so she could be rid of him without actually having to leave him.

  8. Yuck. There is no way I would be able to leave my daughters for a second with this creep. Let alone continually reproduce with him!!

  9. I feel so sad that she keeps having kids with a creepy husband. I feel for what he might be doing to his kids aka what he did to his own sisters. Strange Duggar’s cult

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