Leah Messer appeared on the Coffee Convos podcast this week to chit-chat about everything from her new book, to her dating life, to her sister Victoria‘s newest baby daddy!
The Teen Mom 2 star appeared on the podcast—- which is hosted by Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley—- and was eager to share the latest going-ons in her life. As fans know, Leah (sort of) rekindled her romance with her ex-husband Jeremy Calvert this year, so naturally that was also a topic of discussion.

Here, The Ashley highlights some of the most-interesting parts of Leah’s interview with Kail and Lindsie.
On where she stands with Jeremy:
“Jeremy and I are playful and fun and we’re really good friends, but when we try to create a relationship we just don’t work out,” Leah said. “We don’t have the same views on life.”
“That’s literally me and Javi [Marroquin],” Kail said. “Javi and I could have been best friends…we could have been, that’s the kind of dynamic, if we hadn’t gotten romantic we could have been really good friends… Javi’s very hot and cold. One day he’s your friend and one day he’s not…Prior to the cameras, f** yeah. We’d be best friends, we’d be co-parenting, we’d be getting along, all of it.’”
When discussing the idea of Jeremy re-proposing to her, Leah said she wasn’t into it.

“Jeremy’s one of my best friends, but he’s proposed to every single girl he’s been in a relationship with. Do not propose to me,” she said.
When Kail and Lindsie asked Leah what she would have done had Jeremy proposed to her at the recent ‘Teen Mom 2’ Reunion, she said she would have been shocked.
“I would have said ‘What the f**k are you doing?’ Me before would have just said yes and [gotten] married. That’s why I’ve been married twice!”
On dating other people:
Leah said that, while she and Jeremy aren’t doing the hillbilly horizontal mambo anymore, she is still dating other guys, including one in Costa Rica (which is, of course, where Victoria met her newest baby daddy.)
“I did meet a really great guy in Costa Rica [but] I am not pregnant!” Leah said. “I met this guy and we had a really great connection but I’m at a place in my life where I just don’t want to be committed to a relationship.

“I am talking to people, but I’m not dating anyone,” she continued. “I’m not in a relationship with anyone. When [Jeremy] and I were figuring out our s**t we were both talking to other people.
Leah said that she doesn’t mind showing her dating life on ‘Teen Mom 2.’
“We’re single moms. We’re gonna date,” she said. “It is what it is. I feel like we get a lot of hell. You don’t want to film about it, but I’m gonna film dates. I am a single mom, and just because I have kids doesn’t mean I can’t go and socialize and date.
“I definitely have reservations about dating because I feel like some people only talk to me because of the show,” she added. “But, I also feel like it is part of my life and that’s where I’m at right now. Why wouldn’t I want to share that and why wouldn’t I want to be vulnerable? There’s probably so many other single moms out here that probably feel the same way. Everyone’s mom-shaming these days so why not make a stand for that?”
On Victoria raising the baby with a man in Costa Rica:
Leah said that her sister’s geographically challenged relationship with her baby daddy will continue to be featured on the show.
“You will see it in the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom.’ It has been a process, going back and forth between Costa Rica and the process of getting him over here,” Leah said. “He may or may not be here when the baby is born. That’s so sad because he wants to be.”

Victoria recently revealed that she and the Costa Rican baby daddy– whose name is Royer— want to raise the baby together in the United States.
“He’s scared to move here. He’s terrified,” Leah said. “[But] they’re in love.”
Leah said that Victoria will not have the baby in Costa Rica, though.
“If the baby is born in Costa Rica, with all the new laws and stuff, it could be denied citizenship here. I could possibly not get the dual citizenship. But if it’s born here, it will have dual citizenship.”
On her book:
Earlier this year, Leah announced that she was writing a book and that it would be called Hope, Grace & Faith (which are the middle names of her daughters). On the podcast, she told her fans what they could expect to read in the book.
“It is a memoir, and it comes out April 20,” Leah said. “It goes into my childhood and the trauma I went through in my childhood. I feel like it’s going to give my audience a different perspective of who I am. Our show has aired for so many people, but there’s so much more to my life that people don’t know. It just gives everyone an unflinching and honest look into [my life].”
You can listen to Leah’s full interview below!
RELATED STORY: Corey Simms Speaks Out After Jeremy Calvert & Leah Messer Bash Him & His Wife Miranda During ‘Teen Mom 2’ Reunion
(Photos: MTV)
40 Responses
Raise your kid in Costa Rica. You don’t need to bring another illegal to the states to use you for their residency here in the states. Live with your kid and him in Costa Rica.
Hey, Andrea. Leah treats all of the girls that way. Little girls are supposed to be innocent. Don’t even get me started on the makeup! Also, all of the flirting in front of them needs to stop. It’s completely inappropriate and disgusting.?
I agree. Those girls are just way to Young to 1) wear all that make up and …the fake nails. Also Addie must be so confused w/ the hot/ cold relationship of her parents.
Hiya ALISPINKCHAIR, I agree 100% with you. But i think the “elder” twin, sorry I get their names mixed up and I don’t want to refer to her as the twin without the wheelchair, is going to be a real handful!
Leah giggles al9ng and thinks it’s all sweet and cute…but those girls get aw away with way to much and the things that come out of their mouths ….they have to have heard from somewhere! LEAH
28 with 3 kids is the place in your life where you don’t want to be committed to a relationship?
Those Messer girls are aging horribly.
Especially gracie( She seems to be older than the other twin) if that makes sense ! Old beyond her years, the make up the attitude…. Leah treats her more like a best friend… the kid is told and involved in way to much adult drama. Leahs going to have her hands full with that one !
Agreed yo mama. Can u imagine how they r going to look in 10 years. Oh wait they will prob start the plastic surgery next
I have always thought why the hell would you glamorize being pregnant at sixteen.. Then keep having kids with NO stable father in their lives. And please don’t bring illegals from Costa Rica to the states so they can get married to use you and your sister for residency her in the states. Move to Costa Rica instead of bringing them here. Or find an AMERICAN.
They are! ?
They look older than they actually are!
And God they are incapable of being alone and leaving the D alone! It’s so gross!!
I get enjoying yourself and having fun, but nobody, man or woman, needs that many sexual partners! They just give it away like candy ?
this jeremy leah back and forth sh*t is so exhausting. i’m a simple person i don’t believe in hooking up with someone you don’t wanna be with these girls are so dumb asf instead of calling it teen mom 2 they should name it moms gone wild bc pretty much everyone except for chelsea and maybe jade idk a whole lot about her .seams to hoe around it’s not a good example for young girls or their kids who look up to their parents to set a good example. teen mom 2 should be promoting abstinence and waiting till they meet the one they wanna be with for the rest of their life.
i think leah and jeremy are gonna get together again and it’s funny how this chick doesn’t have a problem hooking up with him these two are exhausting as hell. and kail out of all the teen moms your the one who’s most likely to be pregnant next. leah
If you are an American Citizen your kid will not be denied citizenship no matter where they are born. Leah is truly a moron.
Trump is an asshole, but he isn’t able to change the constitution.
Ha have a feeling those Messer girls are way NOT into the laws of the land.
The schools are not well lolol
There are requirements – you have to have lived in the us for a certain amount at specific before the child is born – but leahs sister most likely meets the requirements.
Victoria’s behaviour is embarrassing. Failed marriages, multiple kids, and gets knocked up by a random dude after a one night stand, while still married. And she gets on national tv laughing like an idiot “I guess we are having a Costa Rican baby” like if having a child, just like that, without thought or consideration, is funny. These girls don’t stop to think how all this affect their children in the long run.
Just curious, but did Leah gets Botox and/or fillers? While I would never personally do it, I honestly am not against it.Her face has that “I just touched the wet food in the sink” look lately.
90 Day Fiance, Hillbilly Edition. Coming soon to your TV.
“Reservations”, “vulnerable”, “unflinching”! Has Leah been reading Webster’s dictionary in her free time down in the Holler?! Dang it! Her vocabulary sure has done grown! But for real- this doesn’t even sound like her!
She’s allegedly in a “better yourself” cult, per Radar Online.
“Jeremy and I are playful and fun” which means they are banging. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if an “oopsie baby” comes out of this like, at all.
I hope she’s on reliable birth control but …..
BuT ThEy’Re iN lOvE ????????
My only thought as well! Moving to WV from what seems to be (?) a stable job as a rafting tour guide in Costa Rica sounds like a terrible trade off.
Actually he could have the same job in WV. There’s rapids for rafting, and inner tubing. I’ve actually been white water rafting with a guide in WV. The main downfall is this isnt a 4 season job.
Oh please. Why would anyone want to read a memoir by a 28 ur old who is only known because she was an unwed teen Mom? These women think they are so wise and have so much useful advice to shell out.
leah was fucking someone in costa rica too!?!? and she was over there acting so high & mighty above victoria. you’re both dumb as fuck
do you have any idea about the “cult” leahs in? i heard apparently kail is trying to talk her out of it or something
OMG! I just looked it up. It’s called “Mastery in Transformational Training” and it absolutely sounds like NXIVM. There was a lawsuit and sexual abuse allegations in the group Leah’s been a part of for a few months. Hopefully Kail, Jeremy, and Corey can get her away from there!
Oh great. We get to hear about another Teen Mom’s trauma. They all have trauma.
That’s what I said. Oh poor me feel sorry for me please
Why do we need all these teen mom written books?! Y’all aren’t that special
They don’t even write their own books. They just tell their story to a ghost writer and the ghost writer gets to work.
The cult must be helping her. She seems more level headed now ??♀️
Leah writing a book ??? omg I just peed myself