Victoria Messer is fightin’ mad about how Tuesday night’s Teen Mom 2 Reunion (Part 2) went down, so she took to Instagram to “stand in her power”… and stand up for her man!
Victoria— who was featured prominently on the Reunion alongside her sister Leah Messer— is currently pregnant by a man she boned during her vacation to Costa Rica earlier this year. (You can read all about that here!) During Tuesday’s Reunion segment, Victoria’s baby daddy Royer (as well as his friend Adan, who is “dating” Leah… or something) were Skyped in to talk about Victoria’s pregnancy.

In a segment with just Victoria and Leah on-stage with Dr. Drew and Nessa, though, the girls stated that Royer— who already has two sons— does not want to leave Costa Rica and come to live in the United States, despite some people thinking he only knocked Victoria up so he could get a green card.
“They had that conversation,” Leah said. “He was like, ‘Listen, I really don’t want to come there.”
‘Teen Mom 2’ fans blasted Victoria and Royer on Twitter for being so irresponsible. (At one point, Victoria was giggling about failing to use protection during her one night stand romp.)

“Leah’s sister’s baby father must feel like he hit the jackpot knocking up Victoria. Baby Greencard,” one person wrote. “The SEVERE lack of judgement and perspective at almost 30.”
“Leah sister’s baby daddy doesn’t care to come to America but he’s willing to abandon his 2 sons to come live in the U.S,” another wrote. “What a deadbeat.”
In her Instagram post on Wednesday, Victoria claimed that her relationship with her newest baby daddy was not portrayed accurately on the show.
“The Reunion Part 2 would have been much better and better understood by viewers if the majority of the important parts weren’t cut out…” Victoria wrote. “First of all, the truth is Royer has fear of coming here because of all the racially motivated hatred in our country and the fact that racism is a problem here. Hopefully one day our country can stand for “LOVE” love for all.
“Racism exists and I believe can be changed if and when people invest in unity over division… Royer and I are choosing LOVE.”
She then told fans that Royer doesn’t have to come to the U.S. to be with her and his child, but he’s still going to.
“The fact is Royer could choose to go anywhere once he has his passport, but he is CHOOSING to come here to become a family and is willing to go through this difficult process that we are trusting in,” Victoria wrote. “I am sad that I feel as though I have to defend our situation, however I want people to know the truth and not just what’s being portrayed.”
She then explained that her pregnancy has been different than many other pregnancies, given that she and the baby’s father are geographically challenged.
“This has been a very hard situation for the both of us,” Victoria wrote. “We both wish we could do the things that other expecting couples can. We would love to experience things with the pregnancy and the birth of our son together. We hurt through this process but we are trusting the process and we are so thankful for the support that so many have shown.”
She then acknowledged that she knew she could get knocked up while knocking boots unprotected.
“I do understand that we could have prevented this pregnancy,” Victoria wrote. “However, we are so thankful to have found one another in such a unique way. We believe it all happened for a reason. We are trusting the process, so that one day we may no longer be divided.”
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Victoria Messer (@victoriaaa233) on
Victoria and Royer are expecting a baby boy whom they plan to name CaÍ.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Leah Messer Discusses Dating a Man in Costa Rica, Her Sister Victoria’s Baby Daddy & More on “Coffee Convos” Podcast
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
56 Responses
So he will abandon his 2 other children.. he doesn’t want to come to the US because of racism not because he already has two kids in Costa Rica.. what a f****** tool..
It seems like the obvious answer is that she move to Costa Rica. He’s got other kids there that he really shouldn’t be abandoning.
There are some situations where an abortion is a sensible choice. He’s leaving 2 children to move to another country and raise a third with someone he doesn’t know.
Killing the baby is not the solution to this problem. The child shouldn’t have to be killed because these two dumbasses don’t know how to wrap it up!
Everything this girl is saying makes it sound like she had no idea that having unprotected sex with a random in a foreign country you could get pregnant. These girls are gross and do is he.
She done got herself an oopsie baby. Quite fertile that one – meanwhile there are many responsible people out there dealing with fertility issues… Does Victoria even have any job skills to support three kids from three different baby daddies? Since she’s just a side character on the show she likely isn’t making much (or any) MTV money.
And FFS – Jesus gawd Leah. Dick hopping between Germy and your Costa Rican hookup. You have a sick child and two others. Focus on that. Focus on being a good role model for the girlseses, especially if you don’t want them following in your footsteps. Stop it with the dick hopping and spend the time and energy on a career skill. Corey should get full custody of the twins – even if he and mean ‘Ol Miranda have rules that the girlseses need to follow that they don’t like.
All the talk of her “changing”… Chester Cheetoh never changes his spots.
This is not a good look. She seemed so happy and flippant about the whole thing. Like having a child with someone who resides in another country and you have known for two days while you are married to someone else. Gross. That segment was cringe worthy and I honestly felt like I needed a shower after watching it! Is it me or is dr drew the creepiest creep ever??
Love? They fu**ed on vacation and she got pregnant…now they’re in love?! ??
I am sick and tired of our wonderful country being portrayed as racist. WE ARE NOT A RACIST COUNTRY!! Of course there are a few racists and anti-Semites as there will always be in ALL countries. It’s so easy to play the race card. She’s just trying to justify her slutty behavior.
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Why is this girl relevant to the show?
I think I stopped reading just after Victoria seems to happily explain that Royer “could choose to go anywhere once he has his passport, but he is CHOOSING to come here to become a family and is willing to go through this difficult process that we are trusting in.”
Excuse me, but does she really think this guy is doing her some sort of favor? This man fathered a child who’ll be living here in the U.S.
So someone please tell me where the hell else is dude SUPPOSED to go to be a DAD to this innocent baby, instead of just the other end of a Face Time chat?
Oh Dear God these Messer woman are screwed up. An entire family of idiots, dingbats and just plain stupid women.
I’m sorry but you have to be REALLY stupid to have a child with a guy you just met (I love how people always give an excuse “passion was too big” or some crap like that, like putting a condom on takes forever, lol), especially considering you already have children so YOU KNOW how babies are made, mix that with domestic violence she experienced so she should have been extra careful who she gets involved with…but hey, she has a sister in Leah who also had children with guys she just met and that turned out great! (Waiting for Spawn of Jeremy #2, you know it’s coming)
The Ho is strong in this one.
stay lit
I can’t believe she used her experience as a total dummy to discuss race in America. LoL. This is laughable.
I rarely comment but love all things Teen Mom…..but let me comment about how frustrating this particular girl is. First off, the people aren’t mad about him being from Costa Rica – America isn’t racial against Costa Ricans…… so that is such an crazy explanation on why he is fearful of coming here. I doubt he has much fear at all. I think he is crappy to leave 2 boys behind to come to this one that could simply be visited several times a year.
With that said…. she could have prevented it, yes. She is smart enough to know that. Of course, to approach it as flippant as she does “with love” I think she sounds like she will have regrets down the line to doing this while still legally married. That is the problem that most people had. Had she been divorced, then half the people would have not said a word. Anyway. Going to drink my tea.
“However, we are so thankful to have found one another in such a unique way.”
What is so unique about this? You and your sister went on a vacation to a foreign country with a camera crew in toe. If you really believe these two tour guides didn’t see the jackpot when they saw that, you are dumber than I originally thought.
“He could go anywhere once he has a passport but he is choosing to come here” well then..let’s give this rando a round of applause for choosing to stop by the United States and raise his kid for a few days and then go back to Costa Rica. How stupid.
Haha, what a joke. Choosing to come here, like he is doing them some kind of favor! Lmao! They are doing a lot for someone who “doesn’t really want to come there” and spending money on an immigration attorney and Leah is sponsoring aka financially responsible for him until he is able to support himself. Not such a bad deal, right? They don’t make any sense it is so frustrating and down right kind of scary honestly.
This show is now just a documentary of reckless and irresponsible behavior from entitled adults. Leah and he the rest of the crew shouldn’t be rewarded for such poor decisions. We all know,MTV will reward her and Victoria by handing them both a 6 figure paycheck.
I always thought Victoria was trash but compared to Rachel and her family on Teen Mom Y&P, the Messers shine up like British royalty or something. I have never ever been as disgusted by a family as I am by Rachel and her mom and sister and the gaggle Of people on and off that trailer couch. Just listen to their conversations! It makes me nauseous.
I didn’t wanna bring it up but Rachel and her family are a public service announcement about what not to do.
It is almost too stressful to watch. I can’t imagine such a life, and bringing those poor babies into the same cycle over and over and over ?
She is trusting te PROCESS, she is following the process, she believes the process… This process she speaks of so often has me at a loss… You proceeded to have unprotected sex, got pregnant on a one night stand (while married. Now you live in the US him in Costa Rica. He will come visit but he will see what a shit show this family is and hightail it back to Costa Rica. Possibly sooner as a cheater is always a cheater. Just look at Leah! That right there is the process.
‘we are so thankful to have found one another in such a unique way.’
Disgusting. On so many levels…
So no thought to the 2 children he’s leaving behind in her romantic portrayal of the situation?
If he’s okay to dump them he’ll be just as happy to dump yours when the right girl comes along!
I love how she thinks she’s being all woke with the racism thing. Girl, you live in rural West Virginia. Not the best representation of the country as a whole.
This big “fear” he has is…convenient. There are millions of interracial couples in this country.
Like someone already said… leaving 2 kids to a baby green card… = T R A S H
Don’t like the backlash…. don’t put it on INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION!
What a load of shit. She’s irresponsible and treats getting pregnant as a “no biggie”. Then her take on the situation is that our country is racist and THATS the problem here?? Talk about deflecting! I lost A LOT of respect for Leah last night when she said she’s going to sponsor a total stranger and be financially responsible for him when she has three little girls (including one that’s disabled) to take care of. I have an entirely understanding of why Corey is concerned about her decision making. Talk about a couple of IDIOTS. I can’t believe this chick would even allow her sister to put her neck on the line like this. Does the Messer family know anything about safe sex and being responsible?
It also looked like she was mouthing the words he was saying like she had coached him. That whole section of the reunion was weird! And even more strange that they didn’t have time for Cory to call in, but we got to hear from leahs “friend.”
I clearly need new glasses, because I took a quick look at the picture of Victoria’s baby daddy and his brother, and I went “Wait? Javi grew his hair out?” ??♀️
Apparently she didn’t learn from Leah when she got pregnant 2.6 seconds after meeting someone…
Jesus, God Victoria.
Why does MTV think people want to see her on the show? They really have jumped the shark & appear desperate to keep it going by bringing in random people. She is far too old to be making such a stupid mistake. 2 points for calling it unique.
Another one looking for a regular income from MTV …….
I can’t add anything here about Vicwhoria that hasn’t already been said, so I’ll just point out that whoever the long curly haired fella is on the big screen, he is seriously fine!
This. I think Victoria was searching for a storyline and thinks she hit paydirt. And for all we know, she has. MTV has shown its insatiable greed time and again.
Any woman with half a brain knows when she’s ovulating. ESPECIALLY a woman with two children already! So to have unprotected sex, while you’re ovulating, is just ridiculous. If you wanna risk an STD, go for it, but to hook up with no protection knowing you’re at that time of the month, you know you’re gonna get pregnant. So, I don’t feel bad for her and neither should you.
Normally I’d agree (and I certainly don’t feel sorry for them!) but the schools aren’t well in WV and based on this seasons Teen Mom Y&P cast, the schools aren’t well ANYWHERE in the states since one girl was convinced that when your water breaks it’s pee that comes out, and the other didn’t know what a cervix was and asked her mother and her mother said “I THINK that’s where the baby comes out”
So normally I’d say yes, you’d think grown women would understand their cycle, ESPECIALLY when already having had children but… my hopes are not high for this lot.
The schools are not well because it’s the blind leading the blind lol. I wonder what the OBGYNs think about this mess!
I only feel sorry for the kids involved.
Meh. I give it a year. I hope Leah’s new cult religion promotes birth control. Lord knows the Messer girls need it. What a mess!!!
What is Leah’s new religion? I haven’t been watching.
The entire Messer clan is just one consistent “And I OOP” after another. Jeebus.
The secondhand embarrassment is STRONG with these ones.
Yup. They better watch out with Gracie. That girl is already a pistol. The apple doesn’t fall far from the Tree. I believe momma Dawn was a young mother too and we all know how the Messer sisters turned out. I always wonder which ‘Teen mom spawn’ will be the first one to fall into the teen pregnancy trap.
As crazy as Farrah is, I’m really surprised she learned how to prevent it. If she’s smart she will be changing out Sophias Flintstone vitamins for birth control.
Farrahs personality is her birth control
I think Farrah’s personality is enough birth control ?
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I think she learned to prevent it by using the “back door”
Inaccurately portrayed? LOL they showed you got pregnant by a rando on your vacation and that’s exactly what happened. Pregnancy is the least of your concerns when you have unprotected sex with a person you just met. You could have gotten a STD. What an awesome example to your daughters you are.