The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that haven’t been covered by The Ashley this weekend!
Worst.Year.Ever. Radar Online: A Look at ‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Evans’ Trainwreck of a 2019
Happy & Homeless? In Touch Weekly: “90 Day Fiance” Star Mohamed Jbali Says He’s About to Become Homeless…for a Reason
Cutler Out? Us Weekly: Kristin Cavallari Says Her Husband Jay Cutler Will Be Very Happy When ‘Very Cavallari’ Ends
At Odds with Adam’s Mom! Teen Mom Madness: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Chelsea Houska Says Adam Lind’s Mom Doesn’t Respect Her
Begging for a New Butt! Hollywood Life: ‘Botched’ Star Dr. Terry Dubrow Reveals Which Kardashian Butt His Patients Request Most-Frequently
13 Responses
I’d have to agree this was probably the worst year of Jenelle’s life, and that’s saying a lot…and the ironic thing is that it was all self inflicted.
No sympathy for her. It was just a few months ago a brave Maryssa sat on the stand and testified to the truth of what goes on on The Land and subsequently was banished by Lurch, and this pice of garbage of a “mother” stood by him and declared her love. I have no sympathy for her at all.
How about in court papers she said D locked Kaiser in a car. Everybody knows damn well that D did way worse than that to that child. J sits back and lets all of that happen. J will never be a good mom. I absolutely believe D on one thing. J never takes care or bonded with her children.
J&D also lost visitation with Kaden.And J did everything in her power to bully & shame his mother. If J wants any kind of sympathy from us, she Needs to tell the police what really happened to Nugget & where the dog is. Also help to remove the other animals out from under his care. We will always remember the 1st Judge have her the option to leave & keep her kids, but she chose not to. She also fought to bring them BACK into that environment. She’s no victim she’s a accomplice.
Well Said!!!
If they bring Jenelle back to TM2 I will finally stop watching this awful show.
Absolutely. Even though Jenelle is mentally ill, I still have no sympathy for her due to her past actions and blatant disregard for her own children and dog.
She’s accused Maryssa and Jace of lying (she was on camera pulling out a gun).
And do whatever is in her power for Maryssa and her mother.
She 1000% owes that to Maryssa.
No way will she help Maryssa. She will only if it screws with David. Don’t forget she never called her my daughter or Maryssa until she was called on it, it was always David’s daughter.
She was jealous of her. Like what kind of mother would scrub a toilet with their daughters toothbrush or threaten to call their mom or grandma to come get them if their dad goes somewhere?
I know she won’t. But Maryssa needs it and deserves it.
If J is reading this which we all know she more than likely is. Cop to it J,lay it all out on the the table the good the bad and the ugly. Give your kids the childhood that you always wanted. Make them feel loved and safe. Your children love you unconditionally, they will love more than any man or your mother ever will. You life will not get better until you help get Marissa out and tell the courts what really went on in that house no matter how badly it reflects on you. You will have any luck or happiness in life until you do. You will gain more fans and respect. Do the right thing.
@bree d Thank you so much for writing this. I agree.
Jenelle, do the right thing, HELP MARYSSA, Karma will notice that you’re doing something positive.