Kate+Contempt! Kate Gosselin Ordered to Pay Ex Jon for Allowing Their Underage Kids to Film Without Work Permits

“Let’s see ya bully your way out of this one, Kate!”

Kate Gosselin’s decision to go ahead with her recent Kate Plus 8 special without securing work permits for her underage children is going to cost her quite a bit of the money she profited from the TLC project. 

According to Daily Mail, a judge has found Kate in contempt of court after she allowed four of her 15-year-old sextuplets (Joel, Aiden, Alexis and Leah) to film without the proper work permits. Jon Gosselin, the children’s father and Kate’s ex-husband, reportedly took his grievances to court claiming that Kate and TLC went against a judge’s previous order that barred TLC from filming the children for the show without following certain protocols.

“Oh no! Does this mean we might not get to be background characters on our mom’s self-indulgent spin-off again? Darn!”

Back in October, TLC ran the special ‘Kate Plus 8’ episode which focused on Jon and Kate’s 19-year-old twins Cara and Mady preparing for college. However, Kate’s decision to also include some of the sextuplets (who are still minors at 15 years old) in the episode is what led Jon to take legal action. After the show aired, Jon said he was “absolutely furious” at both Kate and TLC for going against his legal rights as a parent. 

The breach set Kate back $1,500, which she was ordered to fork over to Jon for legal costs. Aside from the $1,500 that Kate already handed over to Jon, the filming incident in turn earned her some strict conditions for any filming going forward. She allegedly still owes Jon an additional $25,000 in legal fees from a previous court dispute regarding filming, which she must pay to him by December 31. 

“Maybe Jon will settle for some autographed ‘Kate Plus 8’ swag instead…?”

Daily Mail TV reports that, while Kate was allowed to film her kids under the agreement that Jon was provided a filming schedule, it never happened. Furthermore, the Department of Labor denied filming permits back in 2018 and a judge ruled that it was not in the best interest of the underage Gosselin kids to be filmed for the show. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry confirmed that permits had not been issued for Kate and Jon’s kids, though the network went ahead and filmed the family for the show anyway. 

Jon has custody of Collin and Hannah—- two of his eight children with Kate. He has continued to speak out on behalf of all of his children, maintaining that his underage kids do not need or want to be on camera, despite their mother’s wishes. During an interview with Dr. Oz last month, Jon claimed that Kate only wanted custody of the children initially because she didn’t want him to interfere with filming for ‘Kate Plus 8.’ 

Now that Cara and Mady are of legal age, they can decide for themselves if they want to participate in filming. However, the other Gosselin kids cannot. 

“What are your thoughts on studying abroad? We gotta get away from this mess.”

In November, Jon told Us Weekly he fears for his children’s safety and knows they don’t want to film anymore. 

“I do know what [Kate’s] capable of, whether it’s mental or physical [abuse],” he said. “I have two kids in my house who left a pile of money behind. They left fame and money and came to my house. They left it all behind.

“[The other kids] don’t want to film. They said they have to film,” he continued. “That’s heartbreaking. Why do my kids need to provide for themselves? They’re kids.” 

After the latest trip to the courtroom, it seems that Jon may finally get the protection for his kids that he’s been fighting for, telling Daily Mail TV that “this [new court] order now puts [Kate] on notice that she has to do everything by the book.” 

“She can still film ‘Kate Plus 8’ or Kate Plus Date, or whatever she wants, but she has to go to court to get a court order to get my written consent [for the kids to film] first … Then she has to give me every single piece of information before they film,” he said. 

“OK, so what I’m hearing is you think ‘Kate Plus Date’ is getting another season, right?”

Jon went on to explain that if filming does resume with the children, it means Kate agreed with the order and that it was signed by a judge. 

“ … if she doesn’t comply, if she films the kids without permission again, she will go to jail,” he added. 

Jon said more than anything, he just wants his kids to enjoy a normal life away from the cameras. 

“There is no reason my kids need to be on television anymore, it doesn’t benefit them in any way,” he said. “It is very confusing for them. … I love all my kids. I want them to grow up to have a normal life.” 

RELATED STORY: Jon Gosselin Says He Nearly Went Bankrupt Fighting TLC & Ex Kate Gosselin in Their Divorce; Kate Calls His Claims “Delusional Ramblings” 

(Photos: TLC, Instagram) 

42 Responses

  1. That would be great to see Kate behind Bars, Jail not a Bar drinking, she deserves it after what she did to Jon & their kids, all for Money, she doesn’t care what anyone else wants its what Kate wants, she has a few ( or more) mental Problems

  2. He’s just mad that he isn’t getting a piece of the pie anymore. If they were still together he would be all about it. He’s only argue for the sake of being fake not because “he’s concerned for his children ???.

    1. He wanted out of it while still married too Kate. He didn’t think it was healthy for the kids to be filmed all the time.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    If you saw Jon and Kate Plus 8, this is no surprise. Kate displayed narcissistic characteristics after the first few seasons.

    As for TLC and Kate breaking court orders, it was great return on investment. Financially those kids, on air, are worth millions. $1500 is barely a slap on the hand. Jail or loss of custody will work far better, hopefully.

  4. Ummmmm. You did not pay, have not paid child support, grow up. You are a ridiculous excuse for a man. Easy to ride in and play the hero when the hard work is done. Not a fan of Kate, but this loser is infuriating, and now that the gag order is lifted, he is selling his fake victim story to anyone with a check book.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Ummmm. Jon paid $22K per MONTH in child support for nearly two years after the divorce. He had to stop when he was broke—which, by the way, happened because he was sued by TLC for not doing what they wanted in terms of continuing to film him and the kids. Nevertheless, he always paid the kids’ expenses when they were with him for his custody time (which, BTW, Kate never consistently allowed, especially if it got in the way of filming). Child support was waived in 2012, because the fact is that the KIDS were supporting themselves. He made no money off his kids being on TV after the divorce, but that was Kate’s only steady source of income for the last 10 years. I don’t think he considers himself a victim, and I doubt he’s made money off the TWO interviews he’s given recently, but Kate sure sees herself as a victim, even after 10+ years living off her children’s appeal to a TV audience.

    2. Ummmm. Jon paid $22K per MONTH in child support for nearly two years after the divorce. He had to stop when he was broke—which, by the way, happened because he was sued by TLC for not doing what they wanted in terms of continuing to film him and the kids. Nevertheless, he always paid the kids’ expenses when they were with him for his custody time (which, BTW, Kate never consistently allowed, especially if it got in the way of filming). Child support was waived in 2012, because the fact is that the KIDS were supporting themselves. He made no money off his kids being on TV after the divorce, but that was Kate’s only steady source of income for the last 10 years. I don’t think he considers himself a victim, and I doubt he’s made money off the TWO interviews he’s given recently, but Kate sure sees herself as a victim, even after 10+ years living off selling her children to TV network.

    3. Alright Kate, calm your aging tits chica.

      He very much did pay child support, a hell of a lot, actually.

  5. As a Canadian I suggest that Kate read about the Dionne quintuplets. Their story is very similar and that turned out terrible for the kids.

  6. It is obviously Kate wants or needs money. She acted really stupid on the show where she was dating. I felt sorry for her dates. Her kids should not have been on that show!

  7. Wow, how low Kate and TLC are to exploit these kids their entire lives. I can see her bribing these kids that if they want a nice house to live in, clothes, vacations, phones etc that they best film or they get nothing. She is an evil bitch, but to continually defy a court order is proof she has really let this fame and money go to her head to the point it is all that matters. The kids should be placed with Jon and lock Kate up. She needs to be brought back down to size and that may be the only consequence that works for her. And shame on TLC for allowing this. They had to have known it would be illegal.

  8. Kate is a registered nurse who has 4 teenagers in school. GET A REAL JOB!! There is no reason she needs to still be a stay at home mom making her children be on tv occasionally. Pretty soon they’ll all be out of the house, it’s in everyones best interest if she gets back into a real career.

  9. Serms to me he wants to control his kids n Kate n no want Kate to make money since he cant do it n wants her to suffer When you move on you move on from everything he chose to move on so let her live her life if her kids want to be on tv let them you no nerd schedule like whay you gonna be there hes a control freak live your own life Jon n stop truing to control hers

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    So great let him spend time with kids their Kate need clam down and relax out of stress by herself and strictly knot good her too control kids look look them beautiful grown teenagers now bless him to care turn time now..

  11. Kate has used those children to finance a pretty cushy life for the last 15 years. I watched the original special that spawned Jon & Kate + 8. Before she had that creepy rooster haircut. She really treated John like s***.

  12. Good for Jon! Even tho Kate was a nurse, I sure as heck wouldn’t want to see her resting bitch face approaching me with a needle!

  13. Why isn’t that money being put in their trust funds?
    I thought there was laws against this after all the parents stole their child actors money and left them broke ass adults.

    1. In some states, yes (notably California and New York) but I don’t think Pennsylvania has very strict rules about this. There may be some money put away, but I bet most of it went into funding their ridiculous lifestyle (have you seen that house?!)

  14. Kate is awful, but so is Jon. He keeps publishing this stuff. He is equally exploiting those kids. Jon doesn’t deserve an “atta boy”. He abandoned them and then just recently started doing something about it. And runs to the press, goes on talk shows and attends premiers with his girlfriend. Kate AND JON are awful and exploitative. Neither one deserves any praise.

  15. Kate has always been a user not only with Jon who she would not let talk when they were together but with her children. She used them to make a living. It is time that Jon is seen as the good father that he always was.

  16. I forgot that Kate was once a nurse. She’s been sucked into the reality tv fame vortex where one feels like they are above working a 9-5 ever again. I 100% agree with Jon that the kids get no benefit from being on tv anymore. Teenagers have enough crap to deal with in reference to their peers without having to defend their crazy, narcissist mother’s behavior on tv.

  17. Why is she still getting money from TLC? She is annoying and thinks she is a star but is a loser using her children for fame.

  18. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Kate will convince her older kids to film so she continues to have income. When her kids can no longer support her, I wonder how long she will keep them around. She’s trash

  19. I don’t entirely trust that Jon is looking out for the kids’ best interests, there’s a good chance he’s just trying to stick it to Kate.

    But I know with absolute certainty that Kate does NOT have the kids best interests in mind when she makes decisions.

    1. Yes, but so is he. He keeps running to the media with every single development. Both are guilty of exploiting. He is not innocent in this. They are equally awful.

  20. About time someone listens to him regarding tv and the kids. It really does them no good being on there. Good for you Jon

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    About darn time someone listens to him regarding tv and the kids. It really does them no good being on there. Good for you Jon

  22. I’m glad that Jon won another court case and banned his kids from future television appearances. Honestly, I think Jon should of received even more than $1,500.00….He should of received $150,00.00 and put Kate in the poor house and got permanent custody of the other children that Kate Hate has. These children should not be in her care. Instead Jon should have custody of all of them….Jon Gosselin…YOU ROCK!!!!!

  23. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I’m glad that Jon won another court case and banned his kids from future television appearances. Honestly, I think Jon should of received even more than $1,500.00….He should of received $150,00.00 and put Kate in the poor house and got permanent custody of the other children that Kate Hate has. These children should not be in her care. Instead Jon should have custody of all of them….Jon Gosselin…YOU ROCK!!!!!

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