Fired by TLC! Kate Gosselin Reveals Network Has Terminated Its Contract with Her

“They’ll be back…yep, any minute now they’ll be calling me….annnny minute….”

Kate Gosselin just got dumped— but not by a guy she met on her Kate Plus Date reality show!

Radar Online reports that the Kate Plus 8 star recently claimed in court that TLC— the network that made her famous over a decade ago— has severed its contract with her.

“Kate stated in court that TLC has terminated their relationship with her,” Radar‘s source revealed.

Kate revealed the news during a December 19 court hearing that her ex-husband Jon Gosselin was present at. It was at this court hearing that a judge found Kate in contempt of a previous court order to keep Kate and Jon’s underage children from appearing on any of Kate’s reality shows without the proper work permits. 


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Kate had allowed four of her and Jon’s 15-year-old sextuplets— Alexis, Aaden, Joel and Leah— to appear on a ‘Kate Plus 8’ special back in October, despite a court order forbidding them to work without work permits and Jon’s permission.

“I didn’t sign for them to film,” he explained during an interview in October. “I have to sign a legal waiver and I didn’t do that.”

Jon stated at the time he was “absolutely furious” when he saw his kids on TV. He later took his ex to court, where Kate was ordered to pay Jon $1500 in legal fees. (She was also ordered to pay Jon an additional $25,000 in legal fees from a previous court dispute regarding filming. That money was due to be paid to him by December 31.)

“I’m still gonna need that money, honey! Don’t care if you’re unemployed now!”

As for the Gosselins’ other children, twins Mady and Cara are now 19 and able to decide if they want to film or not. Fifteen-year-olds Collin and Hannah now live with Jon full-time, and, according to Jon, have no interest in appearing on their mother’s reality TV ventures. Jon also has no ambition to return to reality TV.

“No more reality shows for me,” he told The Ashley during an interview in October. “On Monday I just go to work like everyone else!”

Kate has not commented publicly on the loss of her TLC contract. At press time, ‘Kate Plus Date’ still appeared under the “Shows” section of the official TLC website. 

RELATED STORY: Kate+Contempt! Kate Gosselin Ordered to Pay Ex Jon for Allowing Their Underage Kids to Film Without Work Permits

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

132 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    TLC we want Kate back new adventures because Maddy and Kara are off to college. She’s got 4 teenagers at home. Please renew her contract if notWe, USA will .

  2. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer gal lol. Kate has really dove the depths of selling one’s self.

          1. I would honestly say you are correct. It is the job of the production staff to make sure that point has been covered and is an actionable item. Kate’s lawyer, if he/she is any good, will just flip and sue the production company after the verdict on her civil suit.

  3. I don’t think child support is about making you better off than the other parent, but rather to have you both land on equal footing. When Kate had all the kids on tv she definitely didn’t need child support from Jon. Especially if he barely saw the kids. The amount of support you pay has your time spent with the kids as part of the support payment. I really don’t think child support is an issue here.

  4. Kate seemed to always be a controlling person even over Jon. She needs to be put in her place. Jon and their kids are people and not possessions.

  5. I think the way Kate talked to and treated Jon during filming of Jon & Kate plus 8. The show with just Kate and her kids alone should NEVER have been filmed and shown on tv. The correct way to treat your husband should replace this farce of a show!!!

  6. My prayers have been answered, the wicked witch is gone. I never missed a show. When did you ever see her show any affection to those kids? Never! I’ve never seen her hug and kiss her children or tell them she loves them. Who puts a child in a home because you don’t have time to find out why he’s acting out. Kate is a controlling bossy bitch. She is more concerned about her looks and what she wants. Any man that can put up with her narcissistic personality isn’t a man and that’s why she don’t have one. As for Jon he did what he could. Kate didn’t want him she just wanted the kids. I hope the children that are with her realize there father is not the bad father Kate led them to believe he was . I hope to see him with them all by his side someday soon.

  7. Good. That women is horrible. And the person commenting here, Grace, is an idiot defending Kate’s nasty behavior. Saying we are jealous? Of what?!? Hahaha

  8. The ONLY interest Jon has aggressively take with Kate is to get her fired. What about getting involved and taking financial responsibility on raising these kids? What a small, small person.

        1. Heard him what? He could say anything he wanted that alone would not get her fired. He could say anything but with no proof it would do no good. In this case how can you not see Kate brought it on herself? If Jon’s complaining was the reason behind her being investigated it still does not make him responsible.

        2. Pretty sure it was Kate who had the kids working without proper permits. No one made her do that.

          1. And certainly not Jon, LOL. She created her own problems with TLC, Jon had nothing whatever to do with it. As soon as TLC realized they’d been had by Kate, they pulled the college episode and threw it in the bin. What Kate did was ILLEGAL, whether Grace wants to acknowledge that or not.

  9. I swear, Kate is the one writing some of these comments…How could anyone else in their right mind support this woman? That first pic of her sums it up- miserable witch who took advantage of her own children to further her time in the spotlight!

    1. Why is Kate such a villain when there are so many family’s on tv with multiples doing the same as her. And everyone is so overjoyed to be sharing their lives. Like so many have been privileged to share Kate’s. She has done an outstanding job. Yep people are so jealous. Get back to your own like and leave her alone.

      1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        So you think it’s ok how abusive she is? You are a sad person to be on her side

      2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        To answer your first question: Because she is!

      3. There are laws in place for a reason. She broke them. It’s as simple as that. I’m sure with the other families, proper paperwork is in place. It’s actually kind of odd that you don’t see an issue with her violating a court order and being in contempt of court.

    2. Well of course she’s writing some of these comments that are in her favor; now that TLC has let her go, she has no better way to spend her time. The is her way of being “productive”, LOLOL!

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I’m too old to be jealous of this lady. I submit she has come to make her living off of the show.Her and her children’s evolving lifestyle over the years,…( particularly hers).. as the children were under age. Now both she and the children have aged,… Her ex has gone back to the 9-5, perhaps she might think of her kids at this time. It’s tough enough without reality tv family drama,…it’s tough being a teen. So why am I or anyone jealous. I don’t want that ladies troubles!!!!!!!

  11. Thank God we will never have to see her on Television again , how can a woman like that live off her Children . Well looks like she’s going to have to take a Refresher course in Nursing and go back to being a Nurse.

  12. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Is about time that TLC dropped her was in for the money and not the welfare of those kids

  13. I so despise Kate, she believes she rules everything, TLC may actually have done something right for a change, keep Kate from doing anymore Reality Shows, its awful what she has done to Jon & their kids, or as she says her kids! The kids will be damaged the rest of their lives, all because Kate thought she was a Celebrity & deserved to do as she pleased!

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    She need to do something else with her life instead of having her children give her a life. Get a full time job.

  15. Kate I can not believe that you would allow a powerful medication to medicate your son Collin without carefully going over the the side affects. The serious side affects is quite deadly. One of the side affects is weight gain. You as a nurse should knowcm that massive weight gain can lead to Diabetes, heart complications,along with organ failure. What on earth was she thinking of?

    1. What medication did they have Collin on? I would be surprised if him or one of the others did not have autism.

  16. She has 6 kids with her to support. She wants them to have everything they deserve. That’s why she was on TLC so she could provide for them. She wasn’t hiding anything all on camera.

    1. What medication did they have Collin on? I would be surprised if him or one of the others did not have autism.

    1. Mady and Cara on,y know what their mom is telling them for the most part. You’re really invested in this if you are Praying for evidence of anything.

  17. So TLC worked those kids without proper work permits but it’s Kate’s fault? I find this hard to believe a major tv channel did this.

  18. Most of the kids probably didn’t want to be on these shows anyway they were probably forced. I’ve watched all the shows from the start. What’s Kate going to do now. I know Jon has those kids best interests at heart.

    1. I sure wish Mady and Cara would speak out. You would then hear the real truth about Jon and it wouldn’t be pretty. They had to live it. Praying they talk.

      1. Mady and Cara on,y know what their mom is telling them for the most part. You’re really invested in this if you are Praying for evidence of anything.

        1. Yes. I would like Kate vindicated because of all the hate bashing being sent her way. If She is being unfairly judged I really do want the truth to be known. Mady and Cara know what the truth is. Either way I would like to know for sure.

    2. Jealous of what? Using her children to get free trips, clothes,another reality show? That is how she has financed everything for the late 15 + years. She chose to have more children aftr the twins. If you cannot afford more babies simply don’t have them.

      1. TLC is such a shady network. I’m not a Kate fan but it seems it wouldn’t be Kate’s fault they didn’t do their due diligence. Their Digger situation is very suspect now too.

    1. With so many women defending Kate it makes me wonder how they fare in their own real lives they are responsible for. She was verbally and emotionally abusive to her husband. That is why she is alone. She has used her kids as props and profited from exposing their childhood on tv. These are the facts.

  19. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Wow they are really desperate people…glad they are gone

  20. I am upset that her show was cancelled. I have enjoyed Kate and her show for many years and her colorful and unique personality. I wish her the best of luck moving forward and hope she finds love with someone who appreciates and understands her.

    1. Kate has zero personality, shes soooo Boring, what man would want to date her??? Did she ever get a date on that pathetic Reality Show!?

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    It is about time they smartened up and dumped Kate. She cares about her kids but definitely cares about money a whole lot more.

    1. Cara and Maddy are terrified to speak up about the way Kate treats them. Did you not watch the last Good Morning America special where Kate almost dared them to speak out about their Mom and they feel about being on TV for most of their lives. And btw. It’s not the networks job to get work permits for them. Its Kate’s. A work permit always has to be obtained by the parent and their school also needs to sign off so they can only work so many hours per day depending on their age.

  22. I hope they bring her back on. I am upset they cancelled. I have watched her through the years and enjoy her colorful and genuine character. I wish her the very best and hope she finds true love with someone who understands and appreciates her own uniqueness.

  23. The woman needs to be on medication. She is so plastic and eludes no warmth of any kind at all. Get a real job where you have a boss and you wouldn’t last a day. You put all that effort into controlling everything using your kids for fame and they still grew up to hate you. I never saw you show any effection at all to any of your kids the entire time you were on TV. Try giving them a hug,oh wait it’s to late now its nothing but Kate plus Hate!

    1. Kate totally didn’t show any affection to the kids or Jon & even hated their dogs, shes a very Cold unemotional to any thing that doesn’t give her Money!

  24. So glad let them kids have a normal life now let her get a real job its sad when u have to go on reality tv to find a date is she the bad a real man wont date her

  25. Its about time she gets what she deserves the greedy and money hungry shes puts the kids on the show evem if they dont want too she treated jon like shit when they were married and colin she sent away jon doesnt seem to have any problems with colin alot of people are sick of her any man she meets she will treat like shit its time she gets what she deserves like working a regular job

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Good riddance. She might care for the kids in her own way. But she loves money and fame more than her own. Its evident from her actions in John and Kate plus 8

      The Kate plus date and dancing with the stars was just about milking it. She should of been off the air after Kate Plue 8.

  26. John should be ordered to pay his portion of child support now. If Kate is not able to work and support her children now, he’s also responsible to pay for their upkeep, education, etc. He forget that when he wasn’t able to support his children financially, Kate had to do whatever it took to feed, clothe, put a roof over their head, education for the kids, etc….John definitely didn’t have the means. Now all of a certain he’s worried about his children!? They appear to be bright children… goes to their mother who was there 24/7….during her ex bullshit. Those kids are going to hate John for putting his hate for Kate above their welfare.

  27. That$$$ she made did give the family a good home, all their travels more power to her! She had an offer that she ran with .Good for her. Yep she sure comes off as a tyrant but with a big family you have to have order. Her ex hubby shouldn’t of “been out and about” as far as her putting her son in a facility I will never understand THAT EVER. GOOD LUCK KATE

    1. Every trip & all the other things the Kids got to do was for the Show & TLC PAYED for it plus she got Paid also! She did nothing to help Educate the kids, she did it all for a PRICE!

  28. Jon is a jealous, butt hurt piece of crap whose only out for revenge on his ex wife. Nobody wants to see him on TV anyway! So what if she’s making a living with her kids having their own show! Better than being on welfare! Maybe Jon should take all the kids and raise them himself! Let’s see him struggle for awhile!

  29. Did you ever watch the show???? Then you would have seen how she treated the kids and John she didn’t talk to them she talked down to them. Very unkind to all. Kate finally got her KARMA

  30. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Both of them are pathetic! Get off your asses and get a job!

  31. I’m glad that Jon and his kids got justice. And as for Kate, she got all her payback for all the years she treated Jon and his kids especially Collin and Hannah because they got the worst brunt of Kate’s abuse.

    Like they all say; ” Payback is a M.F.” and if the shoe fits Kate. Then wear it well Baby !!!!

  32. Finally Kate will stubbornly face reality that the kids dad is their dad also and he also cares for their welfare.

  33. Kate just wanted someone to pay for her kids. TV parents are a shame.She wanted money for her having so many kids. It’s not fair for us to see them the duggers and kody brown on TV just so that they get paid. I didn’t tell them to have so many kids.

  34. Let’s see Jon has two kids…one he rescued from an institution and another one who made the choice to live with him. He isn’t working them without work permits to subsidize his income. Kate has been subsidized by income from all of her children, all of her life. I think he did step up and now it’s her turn. They paid for their braces, they paid for their vacations and they paid for their house. Kate was just along for the ride.

  35. GLAD SHE’S GONE !!! SURE HOPE SHE STAYS GONE. She is the kind you wish you could buy her for what she’s really worth and sell her for what She thinks she’s worth. Everyone I know turned the channel from TLC when they saw she was going to be on.

      1. Mindy, you are showing off how stupid you really are.

        Quinn! spot the fuck on! one of my favorite sayings… god we could be rich if we sold kate off the way she did her children.

  36. I’m glad they got rid of her. That show was stupid i haven’t liked her since she was on with her husband she is bossy and controlling i would have divorced her too.

  37. Kate is not supporting her children, she’s living off them. She would be literally a nobody if she didn’t give birth to sextuplets. She had those kids in front of a camera for all their lives. Those kids deserve a normal life and privacy. She should get a normal job and support the 4 children she have left like a normal mother without exploiting them.

  38. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]

  39. Wow talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face , jon thought doing the show was fine while married to kate , when sextuplets were born he was unemployed , jon became jealous when kate wrote her books .He cheated on kate with multiple womengot himself a n apt in new yokk city . was hanging oug with ed hardy sayingthey were going into business together but that failed he started saying filming was bad for the kids, but he can’t support the kids and he wants to take away their livelihood ?????

  40. Its about time she gets what she deserves the greedy and money hungry shes puts the kids on the show evem if they dont want too she treated jon like shit when they were married and colin she sent away jon doesnt seem to have any problems with colin alot of people are sick of her any man she meets she will treat like shit its time she gets what she deserves like working a regular job

  41. Ah what a shame. She treated her husband like a dog on her previous show and raised a bunch of priveleged children to treat him the same. Zero sympathy girl.

  42. Well John Kate supported those kids for all these years from her income from the show. You have your lazy ass in a 2 bedroom place that none of your kids can stay overnight at because you have no beds. You do have some space for 2 of the kids.You go to work and make very little money and you have been known to work part time and on occasion have had no job at all. You make money by going on talk shows and trashing your ex wife. She is the one paying for your kids college. She is the one that had a nice home for them. She is the one who paid for the braces. Now get out and get a second job to pick up the slack. The interviews you were getting paid for wont continue. Without Kate being on TV the interest wont be there so that windfall you received time and time again is done with. What the hell did she ever see in your lazy ass.

    1. Oh my goodness. You see him. You really see him. Now who is going to pay for the rest of them getting a college degree? Not him. If he loved his children he would have been so happy at how well they were taken care of by Kate. What a hateful vindictive person. You really nailed him.

      1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        Exactly. Is his bald ass going to support them now?

    2. The kids supported themselves. They sacrificed quite a bit to support themselves too. And apparently, they were doing that without proper work permits.

    3. Hmm, this has got to be Kate or someone as deranged as her. First, if it wasn’t for Jon she wouldn’t have had those kids. Second, that college money was probably either from donations or the kids money that should be in each and every separate child’s account. I guarantee they don’t have a dime to their names. How do you specifically know anything about what he has, how much he works or if he received any money from shows? Which reaffirms my opinion tat it’s hideous Kate or you don’t know Jack , unless you’re reading magazine crap, which shows your ignorance. Did you ever think about how abusive she was on camera, can you imagine what she’s like off camera? What mother puts a child away and refused to tell anyone where he was? This boy had to sneak a note out with another kid who left, that’s pathetic. Sorry Kate, karma is spanking your ass and you deserve everything you get.

    4. Jon says he is staying away from reality tv, but he has not stayed away from the public eye in the last few months or yr everyday. He makes sure he is in some sort of article that he SELLS AND MAKES MONEY OF HIS EX AND HIS KIDS, but she’s not allowed too. I hate Jon so much and if they never got divorced, he’d still b on tv with her and using all the kids for money on their show.

  43. Way to go Jon You should get custody of the other 4.I watched your family since day one and I think Kate is a monster,and probley loose some of her control.

    1. I wish he would get custody. He would faint. He has no idea how much time and money Kate has put into the family. It would serve him right.

  44. Way to go Jon You should get custody of the other 4.I watched your family since day one and I think Kate is a monster,and probley loose some of her control.

  45. Its about time someone brought her back to earth!!! She has zero talent and made money off her children!! What kind of life is it for children to have cameras following u everywhere?? But as long as she was making money and taking trips she didn’t care about what it was doing to her kids! I can’t stand her. Jon he’s alright but he is kind of using his kids too. We don’t need to know about court cases and things. Let them b anonymous and enjoy the young yrs they have left befor adulthood. Comes fast enough and mom has wasted enough of it.and as far as her using college as an excuse. My son went to college and worked 2 jobs and gradualated with honors. I’m sure they woukd have rather had it that way!!!

  46. It’s funny every time I look on line he has pictures about his trips with his 2 kids plastering them all over social media. He is just as bad .

    1. He’s not plastering the news. I’m sure he’d rather it all be low key.
      I’m also pretty sure Kate would have been happier deciding what parts of their life would make the news.

      1. I admire Kate for being so classy. It would be so tempting to call Jon out. Yet she takes the high road. Good for you Kate.

    1. They should start a new show “Kate Plus Fate”…she can appear in it alone…since that is how she os gonna end up.

  47. I used to think Kate was so pretty and organized and doing an amazing job with those kids! Is, she reminds me of some very cold hearted person running a prison. The worse kind of prison, not the ones with steel bars but emotional abuse is the chain that keeps hear kids dancing the way she wants! I’m so happy some have broken the chains and now live with their Dad. The thing I think that pisses me off the most is that she does not see how domineering she is or at least that’s the face she shows!

  48. I thought children under 18 had to have a with 2 parents they should have to sign off
    The girls that are older can work or not..

    1. You often read that the kids money is tied up in college funds. Here’s the reality. Instead of putting them in a nearby school, Kate sent them to a school in another county. A private school over an hour away each way. A school that costs 24,000 dollars a year! Now multiply that by eight and then multiply that by twelve years. Seems to me a VERY irresponsible way to handle her kids money.

  49. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Jon is such a leech. Anyway he can grab money from Kate he does.

  50. Thank goodness for small miracles. So tired of the media giving this narcissistic wench and her 2 older snarky daughters anymore airtime. The 3 of them remind me of Cinderella’s stepmom and 2 haughty stepsisters!

    1. Good! Let the kids enjoy a normal life. They should of shut her down a long time ago… especially after Kate sent Collin away with no real explanation and his side was revealed

    2. Don’t worry! These kids especially Collin will write their own book after they reach 18 and find out Kate spent their share of the TLC earnings.

    1. He already has full custody of 2 of his kids, because Kate didn’t want them.

      She never went for child support so there is nothing for him To step up and do.

      He is looking out for them, supporting them the anyway he can.

      1. She’s always had the bigger income because she kept on with the show so I don’t believe he owes her anything

    2. I don’t think child support is about destroying the down and out parent. Jon had less than Kate. He also was unable to see his children as often as her. Court is to make both parents whole, not to try and take all you can get.

      1. He’s not plastering the news. I’m sure he’d rather it all be low key.
        I’m also pretty sure Kate would have been happier deciding what parts of their life would make the news.

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