Jenni “JWoww” Farley started 2020 by coming out swinging at fans who called her a bully in 2019, and for dating her younger boyfriend Zack Carpinello.
The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star started off her year-end recap on Instagram by reminding her followers that they only “get to see a tiny piece” of her on TV or through social media and that those who call her a bully have “no f**king clue.”
“ … How I’m edited on TV can sometimes suck but I will always keep it [100 percent] … even if that means I come off wild in an episode,” Jenni wrote. “Some of the scenes you see are condensed because there’s only so many minutes in an episode. Also, sometimes … I’m just a bitch … .”

Jenni went on to defend her often-criticized relationship with her boyfriend Zack—–also known as “24” by ‘Jersey Shore’ fans, due to his younger age—– crediting him for playing a role in her personal growth in 2019.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today w/out personal growth, friends, family and yes even 24 … because again, you saw a glimmer of my relationship on TV when we were 6 weeks in and you haven’t really seen it since,” she wrote.
As fans may recall, Jenni reportedly split with Zack in October after he was shown getting a little touchy-feely with Angelina Pivarnick on an episode of ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.’ The day after the episode aired, Zack apologized to Jenni on social media, promising that what went down would never happen again and also apologizing to Angelina for his actions. Despite calling both Zack and Angelina “idiots” for what happened, Jenni and Zack reunited days later.
“As a mother of two and a will that will not break, I would never accept anything but greatness by my side and that’s what 24 proved … To be everything I needed when I thought I didn’t need anyone,” Jenni continued in her Instagram post.
As The Ashley previously told you, Jenni and her ex-husband Roger Mathews finalized their divorce in August after Jenni filed for divorce in September 2018. The filing and finalization book-ended a tumultuous year for the pair, during which they trashed each other online, made abuse claims, called the cops, took out restraining orders and took part in custody drama regarding their two children, five-year-old Meilani and three-year-old Greyson.
To read Jenni’s full post, click here.
RELATED STORY: Angelina Pivarnick Wants Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola to Replace Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi on ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
27 Responses
JWow is one miserable B…or really good st acting like one. You attract what u put out. Ijs
I’ve always said this
You and Snooki where nasty to Angelina. When people say something about it you boohoo.
The deginition of bully describes her behavior.
She’s a bully,and a mean woman. Her relationship with this young man is not going to last.Her children will see more men in their lives because she is the type of woman that can’t be alone.
She went from Tom to Roger to Zack. She hasn’t been alone since she was 12 probably. Sad.
She’s a horrible person. A catty abusive bully, since day one. And no matter how much money she has she looks like a sad, low-rent middle aged stripper. She made Mike’s engagement all about her and was very aggressive to him and then she ruined Angelina’s wedding. Jealous and sad.
That’s exactly my sentiments
Jenny’s a bitch & Snookie is a mean girl.
You’re a shining example of what this generation has lost; common sense, decency, responsibility, keeping a lid on the sardines after the can was open. If you go looking for a party, you’ll find one. Find yourself first, let the Cobb webbs grow, stop chasing money and prostituting yourself. Sammi grew up, now hopefully snooki (the wannabe Italian that’s really Mexican) y’all need to cut the shit and be real (proud of who you really are -aka snooki)
I agree with your comment except – Snooki is Chilean and was adopted by an Italian family and brought up as such.
Snooki was adopted by Italian parents and that’s the only culture she knows. Btw she’s of chilean decent, not Mexican.
Sure, Jenni. Keep telling yourself that.
If only we could edit you out of our lives and take “24” who looks more like 44 and acts about 4 with you.
Is it possible for any of these goons to admit responsibility? Is it soooooo hard to say, I acted out of line and I hurt people? Whether you feel justified in your actions if you hurt someone Ron, Jen, their baby, Angeliner, Angeliner’s husband and maybe even Angeliner’s parents… you MIGHT feel some remorse? No? Oh, it’s editing
Jenni has always been about the fame from day one. She hasn’t changed. Jersey shore is just like “teen” mom. They are either in their 30’s or approaching their 30’s and most still act like immature kids themselves. 24 creeps me out every single time he breaks out in that toothy grin. ::shivers::
Why do my comments never get posted?! I never say anything crazy?! I simply said I don’t like Snooki anymore and I’m glad she left the show. Do you only post comments you agree with?
Sammi grew up, hopefully the wannabe Italian (snooki, who’s really Mexican) has as well. Now rather her then prostituting and embarrassing yourself further, get rid of the he little kid, grow Cobb webbs on the footer, act your age (old and plastic) and stop rationalizing your fake Ash.
Maybe you’re doing it wrong. The Ashley posts all my comments and I say some pretty crude stuff. Ok actually,I leave really crude comments. Posted everytime. She let’s me make an ass of myself daily. Thank you Ashley.
Well, it appears to me if you disagree with Jenni she will basically beat your ass just like a bully. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still E her A.
stay lit
I LOVE how they always blame editing. You know, if you were ACTUALLY a good person, they wouldn’t even have scenes to edit!
And what is with 24 that she can’t let go…I don’t think he looks that good, doubt he has something in his pants worth staying, maybe has experience in bed? He will cheat on you, Jenni and leave you miserable, don’t say we didn’t warn you! (But I think this will happen AFTER he will knock you up!)
Snooki used to be fun to watch. Now I really don’t like anything about her. I could care less she is leaving. They should go ahead and change 24s name to X2 for J’s second hubby. I bet we’re getting an engagement next season. Jersey Shore…The Housewives Edition is what they should call the show.
At 24, I certainly hope he wouldn’t lock himself down with an unstable, drama queen with 2 kids. He still has a lot of life to live before he takes on that mountain of responsibility and stress. It’ll only end in more divorce drama and those kids have been put through enough.
Sure, whatever you say Mean Girl ?
So she’s saying 24 is “greatness”? LOL OK Jan
Or even funnier- HERSELF!! Bahahahaha!! She’s a mess.
If you want to get your ass beat, you can stay and get your ass beat.