It’s a Girl! ‘Counting On’ Stars John-David & Abbie Duggar Welcome First Child

“New baby blessing coming in for a landing!”

Add another limb to the already massive Duggar Family Tree!

John-David Duggar and his wife Abbie welcomed their first child on Tuesday, January 7, Us Weekly confirmed.

The baby girl— whom they named Grace Annette—was born at 3:21 a.m. and weighed in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces. She measured 20.75 inches long.

“Our lives have changed forever with the arrival of our baby girl,” John and Abbie told Us Weekly.

“She’s is a beautiful gift from God. We are so blessed the Lord has given her to us. It’s still surreal to know that we are really parents but it’s a great new adventure that we are excited to take on together.”

“I kept making airplane-related jokes in the delivery room and she loved it! Right, honey?”

John and Abbie– who got married in November 2018– announced the pregnancy in August. They later revealed that Abbie suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, a debilitating form of extreme morning sickness, through some of her pregnancy. She was even admitted to the hospital several times as a result of her condition.

It’s not surprising that the couple chose “Grace” for their daughter’s name, as that’s Abbie’s middle name. The middle name “Annette” may be to honor John-David’s mother, Michelle Duggar, as Annette is her middle name. 

Based on the photos released to TLC, it appears that Abbie gave birth in a hospital, unlike many of her Duggar sister-in-laws who favor home births. (Many of the Duggar men’s wives– such as Joseph‘s wife Kendra and Josiah‘s wife Lauren– have chosen to give birth in a hospital, though.) 


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A new year baby! John David and Abbie’s baby girl is here. ❤️ Click the link in bio for all the details. #CountingOn

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Baby Grace is the last girl born in a string of new female Duggars. In November, Joseph and Kendra, Josiah and Lauren and Josh and Anna Duggar all welcomed daughters. Grace is the 17th grandchild of Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar. 

RELATED STORY: More Duggars: Josh & Anna Duggar Welcome Sixth Child

(Photos: TLC; Instagram)

9 Responses

  1. I’m very disappointed that she doesn’t have an aviation themed name…I was hoping for Pilot, Sky, Amelia (as in Earhart). Maybe they’re saving the airplane names for the boys.

  2. I’ve been through infertility hell so sending good vibes your way! Oh, and you took the words out of my mouth. Beautiful baby girl but it’s so sad she won’t have a chance at a normal life where she has value.

    1. I feel for every female born into this family. Extremely minimal chances of education or anything besides becoming baby machines in their teens or early twenties…

        1. True, but it’s pretty much set in stone now that she will be a SAHM/baby maker for the rest of her life… Seeing as it’s not the ‘Duggar way’ for women to work (unless it’s on a reality show for the HUSBAND’S financial gain of course…)

  3. Beautiful baby, pity its going to live her life constantly in the shadows of men, first her father, subsequent brother(s) and then her husband. We are hoping to have a third baby but its a hard road for us conceiving, so please send me good vibes/ thoughts. Wish I was as fertile as the Duggars.

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