David Eason is not the only Teen Mom 2 dad with an active warrant for his arrest! The Ashley has learned that Chris Lopez, the father of Kail Lowry‘s son Lux, was just added to his state’s Wanted List, too!
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that, according to online records, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Chris on Tuesday by Delaware’s Justice of the Peace Court. It appears the warrant was issued after Chris allegedly violated a domestic violence protective order against him.
As The Ashley told you on Monday, Chris was arrested twice in October 2019, and there is currently a protective order against him that bars him from going near Kail. Since it doesn’t appear that there are any other protective orders currently against Chris, we can assume that the protective order he allegedly violated was the one involving Kail.
Officially, Chris’ warrant was issued due to “Criminal Contempt Of A Domestic Violence/Harassment/Offensive Touching/ Menacing Breach Of Release,” meaning that he violated the terms of his release by allegedly violating the order. (Sadly, The Ashley has still been unable to locate either of Chris’ 2019 mugshots; however she did discover this active warrant for Chris while searching for them!)
Of course, Monday was a very eventful day for Kail and Chris, after Chris’ aunt posted a sonogram on social media and claimed that it was Kail’s sonogram, and that Kail was pregnant again by Chris. So far, Chris and Kail have yet to publicly confirm or deny Chris’ aunt’s claims, and the aunt has since deleted the post from her Instagram account.
As of press time, Chris was not listed as an inmate of the county jail.
The Ashley will update this story when more information is available…
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
60 Responses
She really needs that book He’s Just Not That Into You. I have never seen such a thirsty bitch. Kail, if he didn’t want you while yall were cheating together, and he didnt want you when you became the mother of his kid, and he didnt want you on-camera, and he didnt want you off-camera, do you really think another kid is going to get him to change his mind? I pray she isn’t pregnant and she finds a better hobby than fucking and fighting Chris. Her kids deserve so much better.
I thought I read Chris was at some martial arts training class for several weeks. Someone should tip off the local police about the warrant. I have ZERO sympathy for an abuser. Kail has the money and means abuse victims dream of to get out of their situations, but she keeps running back to this guy while he’s “allegedly” beating her in front of the kids.
Poor Lux.
I find it super hard to believe that he violated the protective order when he barely spoke to her to begin with! And I also have a hard time believing he deserved the Protection Order. More likely she got in his face and he said something back so she pressed charges.
I’m just DYING to know what he and Javi got into a fight over, it’s not like they would be fighting over her.
Apparently/ allegedly he has said he doesn’t want Lux around him because he is afraid he will hurt Lux when he gets aggressive.
And this isn’t the first time. Kail’s friend has called Chris out for it years ago and Kail for still having him around.
This is not just Kail and no words excuse physical abuse.
“Allegedly” and “Kail’s friend” tells me everything I need to know.
It’s still he said/she said.
She can be dumb about him all she wants as long as it only effects her, but how dare she be so selfish to make babies with the dude, and have him around her kids. I swear every TM on these shows show except for Cate, Maci, Chelsea and Leah, are in these relationships where somebody is constantly getting their ass beat. WTF is wrong with these people?
Leah’s bacon slap from Jeremy doesn’t count?
That was a playful slap lol it’s not like he smacked her hard enough to give her a black eye, jeez.
She shouldn’t be on the list though, the girl is far from stable and CONSTANTLY has guys around her daughters.
Being facetious, but yeah, like Kail’s kids, Leah’s kids don’t get to see healthy adult relationships except when the twins go to their dad’s house (even though Corey cheated on Miranda with Leah and eventually the girls will read about it online if they haven’t already).
Based on what Lincoln has witnessed between his parents (Kail bringing randos around all the time and Javi cheating on his baby mama while she is upstairs), he’ll have zero clue as to how to treat a lady. And Addie already has daddy issues so she might not fair much better when she starts getting involved with guys.
Leah’s girls are already such a handful! The only one I really have hope for is Allie. She’s the only one that acts like she has some kind of common sense, which she obviously didn’t get from the maternal side of the family.
Luckily Isaac has Jo and Vee in his corner too, but Lincoln is pretty much fucked. So is Lux. SMDH
Wow.I live 15 minutes from Kail and I hadn’t heard about this. Arrest couldn’t come to a better low life than Chris Lopez.
Kimmi P have you ever seen her out and about? Or the film crew? Got any goss?
I’ve seen her in Dover a few times. And I’ve seen Jo at McDonalds twice. It’s super obvious when they’re filming and producers nearly caused an accident last year trying to stay behind her on Rt. 13.
Not surpised Jo is spotted at McDonalds LOL
Where are you? I live in Smyrna and work in Middetown
Kailyn is such a spoiled brat. She cant get her way with Jo so she files a PFA for no reason. Same with Javi, she didnt want him asking about her sleeping around while they were still married so she got a PFA as soon as he found out she was pregnant by Chris. Now she has one against Chris, who she always describes as the dude she loves and wants to be with ETC but he doesnt care about anything to do with her, which i find hilarious. So, she is her typical attention whoring self. She cuts off people who dont bow down to her until she finds what she wants from them and then they are ok again in her book. Was it nice that his aunt let the cat out of the bag? No, but I like that she did it because Kailyn deserves to be kicked down a few of her stuck up, wasting the courts time over nothing, notches. I bet Jo, Vee, Janet and Eddie are just looking at each other saying, I knew this would happen! Kailyn is one big walking contradiction.
Wonder if her situation will be fodder for her podcast! She uses everyone else for her “convos “.
So if Kail is in contact with him )even by third party) then she is violating the order as well. It works both ways!
I wonder if all of this is the reason she shut her podcast down for awhile. Her and Lindsie said it was due to some outside circumstances but at the time I thought it was related to Lindsie Chrisley and the issues with her family. Maybe it was really Kail’s stuff with Chris.
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This is all a mess. If Chris was beating her in front of the boys, maybe they should stay with their dads for a little while
she does the same thing with every guy accuses them of shit and files an order sorry not sorry
This sounds like a hot mess.
I don’t agree with violence at all,so when u know the guys a jerk, maybe don’t share a bed& create another baby with the guy! Playing with ppl,z emotions is a sure way to a toxic result!
Just think Crazy DAVID didn’t break the PFA. Chris wouldn’t film for MTV. Chris has attacked Kail before. Chris wanted to sign over parental rights. Javi and Chris got into a fight or disagreement. So it’s obvious something went on between Kail and Chris. I think there’s something really wrong. I think he will hurt her. I know she’s put PFAs on Her bfs before but this time it seems different. I think she needs to take measures to protect her kids and herself. In the end PFAs are just paper. Most police don’t take DV or PFAs serious. Until it’s too late.
David didn’t violate his PFA because it was legit. I think Chris did because Kail is playing victim, he doesn’t want to play that game, and Javi is trying to stay on her good side ??♂️ Rewind to Kail talking about everyone else’s messy relationship… I can’t. But I also can’t stop watching ?
and yet, she is apparently pregnant YET AGAIN by him. She is full of it.
I think Kail plays her kids dad’s against eachother. My guess is Javi and Chris almost got into a fight because Kail goes and tells Javi what Chris says and vice versa. She likes to flatter herself and say they were fighting over her…doubt it. I’m sure she instigated whatever transpired between them. If Chris is suddenly so violent Jo and Javi should take their sons from her until she gets her sh*t together. Because now if she is pregnant again Chris is always going to be around one way or another.
There’s no way they were fighting over Kail, but more likely something to do with the kids. And definitely something she over dramatically created to cause this problem.
Another day…another PFA…she’s three for three now.
Oh please, let them stay safe. Chris looks just like…he might do something really bad that he can’t take back.
It is absolutely irresponsible to have another child with a guy that just 6 weeks ago (reportedly) went to court to sever his paternal rights to Lux. I think that she is SO in love with him and the idea of having another child that she was stupid enough to get pregnant a 4th time (if she is indeed pregnant). She is a hot mess.
How can she be in love with someone who 1) doesn’t want their son and 2) is (allegedly) violent with her?! I hope she gets some serious help.
Oh kail… desperate desperate silly kail…
According to her he has been abusive before so why she chose to not only still have him around her kids but then chose to have ANOTHER child with him is irresponsible. Stop bringing children into messy a** situations. I feel bad for Isaac and Lincoln. They seem to have no real normalcy since Javi and Kail divorced. I actually think she left Javi for Chris too. These two need to get familiar with condoms FFS.
Meanwhile she is so quick to be judgmental to other teen moms
Definitely. Remember when she talked sh*t about Ryan’s WIFE Mackenzie getting pregnant with their son and said she only got pregnant to secure herself a paycheck?? Yet Kail gets pregnant TWICE from a dude that barely can stand her.
Kail needs to take this seriously. You and the kids neeed to be safe. If you have to get out of town. Chris needs a mental evaluation. I don’t care for Kail but I don’t wish her harm.
Who cares if she is pregnant, from what we see on TV, yes just TV, she is a very good mom.
Good mom’s do not risk their children’s safety nor their stability in order to be with a man. This woman talks like she’s got her shit together but is not walking the walk.
Exactly – there’s no way Jo is OK with all of the people Kail brings around Isaac and he’s definitely old enough now to know what is going on. Different men, at one point a girlfriend (who accused Kail of giving her an STD to boot) and all sorts of friends traipsing through the house all the time.
Lincoln’s dad banging some girl in the bathroom while his baby mama is upstairs… Chris seems like a real prize… These poor kids have no concept of healthy adult relationships except when Isaac goes to his father’s house.
He violated human rights act by mounting that angry, sad, unhappy, human drama gueen. She should be locked up.
stay lit
Unlike Jenelle Evans Eason, Kail at least follows thorough with hers and holds them accountable. Jenelle just let David abuse another fathers kid and beat then shoot the familys 9 pound dog then drops restraining order against David Eason.
He was arrested two times I believe for DV if I remember right. So it took that for her to “follow through?”
Debbie J Ring, Fairly new to a lot of this, thanks for being kind in your response. Wow,didn’t know this. I don’t even know where to begin with this sht show! Jenelle and David are still abusing p.o.s.
***holds it over their heads until she gets her way.
One minute she’s inviting him to a family vacation and lets him take all the kids by himself to the beach, next he’s an abusive jerk? I’m not questioning whether or not there was an abuse. It’s a hot ass mess and Kail is a huge contributor.
Jail should have at least 2 DV charges on her record also. She attacked Joe and she attack Javi on camera.
She uses them as babysitters when it suits her.
Doesn’t make sense, who in the world would ever believe that having all these kids by different men wouldn’t end in Happily ever after.
Is this how you ensure you have job security?
I would like to see the texts on both his and Kail’s phone. I doubt he just woke up and said lemme violate a TPO and get thrown in the pokey. Kail loves control and absolutely loses her mind when she feels like she loses power in a relationship cough Javi cough.
Kail herself has been abusive in the last. Remember when she hit Javi?? He didn’t run and get a POA against her but she sure ran and got one against him and he didn’t even touch her. He didn’t even touch her. Didn’t he just yell loudly at her or something?
@Oliviajoy1995 (Hey I’m a 95 baby too!) I agree. I’m in a tm2 group on fb and I commented that I’m not trying to make excuses or make any less of the situation – but I honestly don’t think Chris would do anything to hurt her. Now, I may be wrong, but he seems very laidback and if anything did happen I bet Kail was all up in his face and he pushed her or something to get her to move back or something like that. But who knows- wasn’t there to see it so idk what went down. I just hope they get it together for sweet little Lux & the new baby (if there is one).
Right? Chris seems like the kind of guy who won’t take her shit, and because he doesnt Kail breaks out her victim card and escalates everything x100. I’d bet money she put hands on him and he pushed her out of the way and here we are…
Kail, if you weren’t making Mtv’s 6500,000.00 a year plus, I guarantee you’d be rethinking getting pregnant every 2 years and the poor children being brought up with all this nonsense. Same for lying Jenelle, matter of time before she’s back with dog killer Dave.
I highly doubt Chris is abusive. This is just what Kail does. Apparently, i am abusive though since I’m on punishment from twitter again for not being nice. Can someone post that clip of her throwing the peace sign “congratulations, he’s been cheating on you since you were pregnant” to her feed. Thanks!
Well, she’s getting the drama she lives for.
I hope her two older boys can go live with their dads if this is the kind of krap Kail is putting everyone through.
Yes! Although I don’t know if Javis house is any less chaotic. Maybe Joe and Vee can take them all in…
So do we know when this violation occurred? Did the aunt start it? Or did this happen before then?