EXCLUSIVE! Why Kail Lowry & Lindsie Chrisley’s “Coffee Convos” Podcast is Still on Hiatus: New Info on Their Legal Battle

“Give us that trademark!”

Coffee Convos, the very popular podcast hosted by Teen Mom 2 star Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley has been Missing in Action since early December. While Kail and Lindsie have remained active on the podcast’s social media pages, promising to inform their listeners what caused the podcast hiatus, very little information has been released about what’s actually going on. 

Lindsie and Kail have hinted that their hiatus was due in part to something money-related and have indicated that they have lawyers working to resolve things. The Ashley decided to do some digging into what’s really going on with Coffee Convos…and was able to uncover some very telling information.

According to online records uncovered by The Ashley, it appears that back in February 2019, the owner of the Wave Podcast Network (which Coffee Convos is part of) filed to trademark the name “Coffee Convos Podcast.” (The owner of the Wave Podcast Network is Adam Butler, who is married to former The Challenge star Susie Meister, by the way.) This would make him (and/or the his company) the legal owner of the Coffee Convos podcast name.

Kail and Lindsie are the owners of the podcast, which makes the fact that someone else filed for the trademark even stranger. However this is important, as there is likely a lot of money at stake.

The online records state that on November 12, 2019, an opposition was filed against that company who filed that trademark. Just six days later, another trademark filing  for “Coffee Convos” was submitted by Kail Lowry LLC, which tells us that it was likely Kail (and/or Lindsie and their legal teams) who filed the opposition on November 12.  (It is not known why it took until November for them to oppose it. It’s possible that they weren’t aware someone had filed to trademark their podcast name, or they may have discovered it while trying to trademark it themselves.)

This would have been right before Coffee Convos went on hiatus, which would make sense why they wouldn’t want to record new content while they were battling over trademark rights (and most likely money matters that go along with it.) 

It appears that Kail & Co. may have won the trademark battle, though. On January 13, the trademark filed by Wave Podcast Network was abandoned and is now listed as “Dead,” while the one Kail filed for is listed as “Live.” 


Obviously, this may not be the complete reason for the podcast hiatus, but the trademark battle is at least part of it. 

On Thursday, Lindsie promised her Instagram followers that she would be giving them more insight into the Coffee Convos legal battle 

“We are very aware that our listeners are very upset,” she wrote on Instagram Stories. 

There also appears to be some sort of ongoing litigation regarding finances between the two parties but The Ashley was unable to confirm details on that yet. 

In a recent tweet, Lindsie seemed to confirm that she believes she is owed money, and hinted it was in regard to the podcast battle.

“What would you do if you were owed a lot of money, but haven’t been paid dating almost a year back? Asking for a friend,” she wrote on January 18.

The Ashley will update this story when she has more information. Stay tuned…

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(Photos: Facebook; Instagram)

21 Responses

  1. Off topic but what is going on with The Ashley site lately? It seems so touch -sensitive! I barely have to touch an article and it opens it up, making scrolling really annoying! I can’t scroll without articles that I don’t want to read opening up! Grrrrrr!

    1. Same!! I have an iPhone 8+, and on the main page, every article opens when I so much as scroll by. It’s really annoying! Especially if I’ve already read the article.

  2. Why is anyone even listening to Kail’s ? podcast? Do people not realize by doing so, they’re literally putting more cash in her greedy pockets so she can continue to flaunt her undeserving ridiculous lifestyle and procreate with losers?! When her 15 minutes are up, who will be responsible for paying for her football team of kids? Lindsie needs to give her head a shake and realize that Kail is loyal to no one but herself. She didn’t start the podcast alone because she knew no one would subscribe. Like everyone in Kail’s life, Lindsie exists to serve a short term purpose. Once she no longer needs her, Kail will kick Lindsie to the curb and probably slap a PFA on her too. Just saying.

  3. Why did they wait so long to trademark this in the first place? Kail might have a communications degree, but she needs to go back and get a business degree.

    1. We actually have to wait for the podcast to resume before we learn of this earth-shattering news
      Who listens to this podcast anyway? I have way more important things to listen to if I actually had time to listen to a podcast.

      1. Right?! I wonder myself who would want to listen to self-righteous Kail, I could barely stand her when I watched TM2. I would never and could never subject myself to anymore of her. I never really watched The Chrisley show so I don’t know much about Lindsie and don’t really care to either.

    1. My sister listened to ONE podcast. Her reaction? “I can’t listen to something where every other word is ‘like,'” Why it that a thing now?! My mom would ignore me as a preteen if I used the word ‘like’ where it wasn’t needed…and I was homeschooled…NOT eligiously and by an educated teacher who taught for twenty years. NOT a Duggar situation, I was very ill as a kid and couldn’t attend regular school. I won’t associate with ANYONE who can’t form a sentence without the word ‘like.’ You’re uneducated and don’t know what other word to use in my opinion. Looking at you Kail and Kardashians!

      1. Lmao at whoever downvoted. Yeah, I know I’m not well-liked here. A downvote reaalllyy wrecks my day. ? Sorry, I’ll try to be more PC…NOT!

  4. How come he filed in February and then nothing happened until November? Does it take that long to trademark something?

    1. It can take a year or longer for the entire process. I wonder why Kail and Lindsie took so long to trademark it themselves, especially if there is an issue getting paid as Lindsie seems to claim.

      It seems like Kail and Lindsie might have been under the impression that since they were the owners of the podcast that they did not need to trademark the name, but they should have known better. It is interesting that they stopped getting paid around the same time the podcast network owner filed to trademark the name and that it took so long for Kail and Lindsie to wisen up to what was happening.

  5. Kail Lowry LLC LOL! What a world. I don’t like Kail and her amazing sense of self importance at all, but I have to hand it to her, she got her Bachelor’s and started this podcast all while busy making terrible decisions, vacationing and moonlighting as someone to look up to. I’ve never listened to this garbage, but from what I’ve seen reported on it on this site it seems like it’s all about their daily lives and TM nonsense. That being said, it will die off (like all the other TM businesses) 5 minutes after Mtv takes the franchise off the air (perhaps when the shows will be more like AARP Mom rather than Teen Mom). Just saying. So hopefully Kail will stop buying houses and vacationing everyday and is putting some money away for the future, but I doubt she is.

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