‘Jersey Shore’ Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Ordered by Judge to Stop Contacting Jen Harley; Couple to Return to Court Next Month

“Yeah, like that’s gonna stop us… “

The back-and-forth drama between Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley found its way back in a courtroom on Tuesday, with Ron being ordered by a Los Angeles judge to stop contacting the mother of his one-year-old daughter. 

According to Radar Online, the ruling came Tuesday during a pretrial conference Ron was scheduled to attend for his ongoing domestic violence case regarding the October altercation between himself and Jen — the incident for which Ron is facing seven misdemeanor charges. 

“Oh yeah, almost forgot about those.”

During the hearing, Deputy City Attorney Heidi Matz argued that Ron contacted Jen despite the criminal restraining order that had been filed against him by the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office following the October incident. 

“The victim is in court and she was contacted by the defendant at the end of the year … and he sent her many texts,” the Deputy City Attorney told the judge. “They did see each other and there was an incident in Nevada. That I have no jurisdiction over; however, prior communications are illegal. We want the defendant to knock it off … We want it to stop.” 

While you’re at it, Ron, please stop this too….thanks.

Ron was not in attendance for the pretrial conference himself, though attorney Leonard B. Levine appeared on the ‘Jersey Shore’ star’s behalf. Jen, however, was in attendance for the pretrial conference, along with her attorneys and a representative with the Family Violence Unit of the City Attorney’s Office. 

The judge asked Ron’s attorney to “convey that to [his] client],” — “that” being the no-contact detail — admitting that the Deputy City Attorney was right. Ron’s attorney said he had conveyed that adding, “it’s complicated” before confirming, “there will be no contact.” 

Ron’s attorney went on to tell the judge that Ron is currently enrolled in domestic violence counseling in Nevada and that both he and the Deputy City Attorney will meet in the next few weeks to “resolve the issue” of Ron’s domestic violence charges. 

Following the court hearing, Jen told Radar Online she was “ready to get everything over with” so she and Ron could “co-parent peacefully,” adding that she was “just over the drama.” 

“I mean, I guess it’s time for us to grow up or whatever.”

The toxic couple’s most recent drama occurred just last month when Jen allegedly attacked Ron in his own house while he was asleep, striking him in the face and poking him in the eye with eyeliner, despite reportedly being uninvited to the residence and also having a restraining order against him. 

In response to the alleged attack, Ron called the cops and was granted an emergency order for protection against domestic violence, in effect through February 25. Jen said she has received the restraining order, though her attorney Lisa said charges have not been filed in connection to that incident. After Tuesday’s hearing, Lisa said she was pleased with the outcome thus far. 

“We are very pleased that today the judge put on record that Mr. Ortiz is in violation of the restraining order and admonished his attorney for him to stop it and knock it off, which he should,” she told Radar. “And we have another continuance which means we come back in March. As you can see, Jen is here because she is strong and she’s demanding justice. We are going to keep coming back until we get justice and I’m very proud to stand with Jen today. … I just want to say domestic violence is wrong and I’m very proud to stand with Jen Harley as she stands for her rights.” 

I mean yeah, technically she is standing.

Per Ron’s attorney’s request to the judge, the pre-trial hearing has been continued to March 13. The criminal restraining order against Ron has been extended to that date as well. 

RELATED STORY: Roger Mathews Says He Considered Suicide During Bitter Divorce From ‘Jersey Shore’ Star Jenni Farley 

(Photos: MTV) 

14 Responses

  1. The hypocrisy of this court case is honestly laughable. What Ron did is inexcusable but Jen is far from innocent. She dragged him with her car. She took a golf club to his tv and other belongings. And lets not forget about Jen spitting, literally spitting, in Ron’s face ON CAMERA!!!! I am not defending Ron’s actions but Jen is bat shit crazy. Shame on you, Lisa Bloom, for choosing this shit show as the hill on which you want to die! You should have done more research on the crazy you are defending.

    Did Jen have these same problems with her older child’s father? I don’t feel like this level of violence is reached in your first violent relationship. Ron is a mess but he didn’t physically abuse Sammy.

    Jen and Ron should really be forced to sign away parental rights to that poor baby girl of theirs. No child should be raised in this amount of chaos.

    1. Jen does have a history of domestic violence with other boyfriends. That’s why she doesn’t have custody of her son. Glad her son isn’t in her primary care, but I fear for their daughter because both parents are crazy.

  2. She’s been physical with Ronnie as well and now wants to play victim which is so disrespectful to real victims of domestic violence

  3. This whole situation is just sad. Those poor kids are stuck in the middle of this mess, seeing and hearing everything these 2 do to each other.

  4. “I want to peacefully co-parent with Ron. I’m over the drama.”

    Translation: our twisted, violent, co-dependent selves are already back together.

    I really feel bad for their daughter, and Jen’s other child, who has probably seen far too much over the years to know what a healthy relationship looks like. I hope the judge orders mandatory anger management for both, as well as family counseling.

  5. Jen & Lisa might need to chat because, they don’t sound like they’re on the same page! Since Ron didn’t charge Jen in the attempted eyeliner smear, Jen now appears to want everything over so they can co-parent happily together! Lisa on the other hand is demanding justice & hard time! Unbelievable!

    1. That, and her attorney said, “domestic violence is wrong.”

      …As she defends Jen Harley, who has been arrested for domestic violence prior to ever meeting Ron (this is not a defense of Ron).

    2. Lisa is an overpaid ambulance chaser just like her mother. She was Weinstein’s lawyer for a hot second before the public turned on her. Money talks and she doesn’t care who walks free.

  6. Does anyone know if either Jen or Ron’s parents are stable? Maybe Ariana would be better off with them for permanent custody and supervised visits with Jen & Ron (separately).

    1. I remember Ron’s mom use to call the shore house totally wasted back in the day, and would try to talk to all of the room mates…they use to just hand the phone off to each other. I don’t know how she’s doing now though.

    2. Ron met up with his Dad last season and said his Dad was clean and sober. He looked well and had a nice house with signs of little kids (drawings on the fridge, etc).

      I remember Ronnie’s mom calling the shore house wasted so not sure what her life is like.

      I’d imagine Jen came straight from the nearest landfill.

  7. I have to majorly side eye anyone with Lisa Bloom as their attorney. How is the judge admonishing Ron for contacting Jen, yet Jen was arrested for attacking Ron in his house barely a month ago? These two are a fucking mess. They’re not going to stop until one of them is severely hurt, or dead, and the other’s in jail. The only one I feel bad for in this situation is their daughter, who unfortunately looks just like her father.

    1. Bloom is an ambulance and fame chasing trash bag masquerading as a social crusader. She’d defend Hitler for the right price and publicity.

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