Three More ‘My 600 Lb Life’ Cast Members File Lawsuits Against Show’s Production Company; Their Lawyer Says They “Intend to End This Show”

Gina Krasley, Maja Radanovic and Jeanne Covey are the latest to file lawsuits against Megalomedia, following in the footsteps of David Bolton and the family of the late L.B. Bonner.

Megalomedia, the production company behind TLC’s My 600 Lb Life, continues to be put through the ringer this year as more lawsuits roll in criticizing the company for its alleged mistreatment of cast members. 

The first of these lawsuits was filed in late January on behalf of former ‘My 600 Lb Life’ star L.B. Bonner. L.B.’s family is reportedly taking legal action for what they believe to be the production company’s role in L.B.’s 2018 suicide. In the suit, the Bonner family alleges “gross negligence” on Megalomedia, claiming that the company pressured L.B. into filming when he was unprepared, and failed to provide him with mental health care, even after he had begun to exhibit concerning signs.

Now, a week after David Bolton of Season 6 filed the second lawsuit against Megalomedia (based on claims very similar to those cited in the lawsuit filed by L.B.’s family), Starcasm reports that three additional lawsuits have been filed by former cast members against the production company. Megalomedia has not responded to the new lawsuits, but the show’s star Dr. Now did provide his thoughts on them.

According to the site, the third lawsuit was filed by Maja Radanovic (Season 7), Gina Krasley (Season 8) filed the fourth and Jeanne Covey (Season 7) is the cast member to file the fifth and most-recent lawsuit

Starcasm broke the news last week that Maja had followed the lead of both the Bonner family and David, as she became the third cast member to sue Megalomedia for allegedly sacrificing her health for entertainment purposes and lying to her about covering her medical costs. 

Maja weighing in during her ‘My 600 Lb Life’ episode…

Last week, Gina became the fourth ‘My 600 Lb Life’ star to file a lawsuit against Megalomedia for alleged negligence. According to court documents, Gina claims the company failed to: require a psychological evaluation before administering an extreme weight loss diet; provide adequate mental health services during filming; and train employees regarding depression, despite the known risk of depression and suicide in individuals undergoing an extreme weight loss process.

Her lawsuit also accuses Megalomedia of “causing emotional distress” for the purpose of ratings and engineering scenes of overeating “to portray her as someone who could not follow the diet.” 

Ultimately, Gina was only able to drop 51 pounds during filming and her episode ended with her weight loss surgery being postponed. 

Like the allegations made in three of the four other lawsuits, Jeanne alleges that Megalomedia did not cover her medical bills as promised. The suit also claims that the company initially forced both Jeanne and her mother Barbara Fallaw into filming on multiple occasions.

Jeanne and Barbara during their Season 7 episode…

However, Jeanne’s claims differ from her ‘My 600 Lb Life’ peers in that her lawsuit alleges that she and her mother were threatened with a lawsuit if they didn’t comply with their production demands after they asked “to discontinue [their] episode” following the death of Jeanne’s father, according to Starcasm. (At the time, Jeanne was the first cast member to voluntarily end Dr. Nowzaradan‘s weight loss program early.)

Jeanne’s lawsuit goes on to claim that the threats and demands she received worsened her “already weakened emotional state.” 

” … Defendants created this narrative and then for Dr. Nowzaradan to express disappointment to her for failing to follow the diet and failing to obtain the necessary amount of weight loss to be a candidate for surgery,” the suit reads. 

In response to those questioning the recent surge of disgruntled cast members, Tony Buzbee, the attorney representing all five of the ‘My 600 Lb Life’ cases, explained to Starcasm the motives behind the lawsuits.

“I have spent a career changing corporate practices and I rarely lose,” he said. “Doctors are supposed to be medical professionals focused on patient welfare, not instigators of ratings. Rather than focus on the welfare of the patients, the medical staff and producers of this show are instead focused on ratings.

“Although many find the show entertaining, because of the complete lack of aftercare and due to the way these people are treated, the show wreaks havoc on those that appear,” he continued. “We intend to end this show, unless it makes dramatic changes.” 

Megalomedia has yet to release a statement regarding the additional lawsuits; however, after L.B.’s family filed their lawsuit, the production company vowed in a statement to fight any additional lawsuits in court.

“We were deeply saddened by his suicide in 2018 and continue to extend our sympathy and condolences to his family,” Megalomedia said in January. “However, the allegations of this lawsuit are without merit, are false and will be vigorously contested in court.”

RELATED STORY: ‘My 600 Lb Life’ Star David Bolton Files Lawsuit Against Show’s Production Company One Month After L.B. Bonner’s Family Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit 

(Photos: Megalomedia; TLC; Instagram) 

96 Responses

  1. This makes me sick and lawyers make me sicker!! The fact that these people refuse to follow his guidelines and have the audacity to complain is disturbing. There is someone actually trying to help these despicable humans! It is an ENORMOUS BURDEN to take on that challenge and none of these people cared at all! They want the money and the attention and expect to manipulate the doctor like they do all their enabling family or fat loving boy friends. There are people that actually would benefit and would take the challenge seriously. Those mentioned do not surprise me because they were a horrible batch!

  2. Dr Now says it like it is. Most of these patients need psycho therapy before the weight loss journey. All have issues from their past. Great show it helps others with problems. I know. I’m one

  3. Ungrateful childish fools… Essentially they have for whatever reason ate themselves into something that is almost unbelievable! No one wakes up 600lb, thats on YOU. I agree with another commenter, if these child like people who sue simply because they cannot follow simple instructions like “loose weight or your going to die” how is that the Dr’s fault?? Or the production company!??
    This is a fantastic show and far from “cashing in on views” as these fools think the show is doing, it is an extremely important issue to show people that what you eat affects your health and if you can’t take orders like stop eating or you will die then they are simply looking for cash from someone or some company who attempted to assist them.
    These lawsuits should be thrown out and the lawers should be ashamed, they are the ones cashing in knowing they will lose and get paid!!! Unbelievable

  4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    All of these (sic) ‘victims’ suffer from the same wound, which was obtained in the same manner: it’s entirely self-inflicted. They have NO chance in court, save, an out-of-court settlement. Realizing the potential cases that could result from being labeled as a ‘soft-touch’… TLC will stand strong, and the lawyers and their clients will gain nothing; a pure waste of their time.

  5. Gotta love the part where the lawyer claims Dr. Now is all about ratings. He’s been doing bariatric surgery for years, long before the show. He drops patients who refuse to listen to him, no reason he should waste his time in trying to help people who don’t want to follow the diet. The surgery isn’t a magic pill, the patients can’t go back to their old eating habits and expect to loose weight.

  6. wow INSANE should not abuse yourself then beg to get help changing ur actions… Now SUING SERIOUSLY!!! IF A JUDGE GRANTS THESE LAWSUITS HE OR SHE WOULD BE INSANE free weight loss program and free money!!!! What the hell…

  7. All 3 of these women FAILED to lose weight at all! I am sure that the contract they all signed stated that medical costs would be covered if, and only if, the participant progresses with weight loss. It isn’t the production company’s fault that the participants chose to keep eating and failing the plans that were presented to them. As an avid watcher of the show, I know that these participants received more than enough instruction and more than enough chances to do what they were supposed to do.

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    These lawsuits are a complete waste of time

  9. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    As someone who has been through weight loss surgery, it is up to you (the patient) to arrange your mental health care and to keep up with your aftercare. I was not super morbidly obese and my mobility wasn’t affected (that much) by my weight (I was still going to the gym walking/jogging, lifting weights etc, although not enough … obviously), so I left the hospital about 24 hours post op. I have been the one to make my follow up appointment, check in with my nutritionist and make my appointments with my mental health provider. The mentality these people have is that they are not responsible for these things and if something happens it’s someone else’s fault. It’s very hard to get out of that mentality.

  10. These people are all scummy welfare slobs that want to eat themselves into the grave. They sign a contract and then when they can’t do what it takes to fulfill their end of it and follow a simple program, they sue to try and get more money in order to feed their fatness until they finally have a heart attack. The lawyers that are suing Dr. Now are no better than their clients. A guy dies from suicide after the show (and he was going to die if he didn’t lose weight anyway) and the family is looking for a payday. Not gonna happen I assure you. The rest of these scum are people that didn’t lose any weight and did it all for nothing which is, of course, all their fault. Most of them will be dead well before a verdict is in since they are 600+ pounds at the beginning and in a couple of years as the case’s progress, the weight will pile on and then they will surely expire. Let’s face it. The ones that fail this are liars and welfare queens (mostly anyway). The show is funny and you can, about 90% of the time, know from the start who is going to get to the point of getting surgery and who isn’t. ALL the people alive and suing the doctor didn’t lose ANYTHING except their minds from thinking that they will get any money and that they will make any difference in the airing of the show. Remember…THEY SIGNED THE CONTRACT AND KNEW WHAT THEY WERE GETTING INTO!

  11. Also I think it is tragic that Bonner got depressed and killed himself, but in no way is the show responsible for every single thing that happens to these people in their entire lives! Every single one of these people was severely troubled before they signed up. You don’t get to be 600 pounds, immobile, and peeing on yourself in bed without being very troubled. You can’t fix that overnight. And it’s not the show’s responsibility to be their daddy. The show has done more for them than anyone else ever has in terms of throwing resources their way, but to hold TLC responsible for every participant’s poor life choices would be outrageous! Again, the lawyer is after a quick cash grab for his clients. He’s the unethical one because he’s enabling them to stuff their faces. Each and every one of those women stayed sick. And, he wants to cut the help off for everyone else.

  12. These indigents are just after a cash grab which will probably be used for more food, not to pay any outstanding bills. Dr. Now is the person who probably tried to help them more than anyone else in their entire lives, and the bottom line is that they wouldn’t stop eating. What all of them have in common (with the exception perhaps of Bonner) is absolutely beastly personalities! Jeanne seems to forget that Dr. Now saved her mother’s life when they discovered that heinous infection that was going untreated. None of these services come for free, but these people seem to feel entitled to that. Now the lawyer says he wants to destroy the show, something that has been a good thing for so many who take advantage of the opportunities it provides them. None of these people will be sympathetic witnesses. The jury will hear some of their self-pitying drivel and decide, “Hell, no! Get a job!”

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Every one of these people were chronic eaters and did not follow the diet. Suing anyone for your failures is nuts.

  14. Dr Now gave each of them tools to follow and we ALL as audience every week when they first come in they call in to Dr Now and then travel to Houston,most of them very dangerous example One Jeanne Covey who not was overly obese! But lived in a very nasty unhygienic house with 9 dogs,didn’t even wash herself, her mother sick as she was washing her as best she could.Jeanne was also a smoker! Then trying to get to Houston she had to stopevery 2 hours to eat…She finally got up to Houston but Dr How finds out how bad she really is! He gave he tools to lose the weight…But she wouldn’t follow the rules,finally near the end her mother bwas the one who gotan operation done because her but was talking out from probably falling out from helping her daughter and my taking care of herself!

    Gina has no case! She thought she was going to go. Down there and get an operation ad poof it’s all done! It’s not it’s just the beginning! It is not easy at all! And all of you get concept some of you don’t go, You Gina cheated and didn’t go by the rules! He gave you all chance after chance after chance!! And he always said…” Call if you need anything” And he meant it! But you have to try…..All the ones that think your going to get money think again! You don’t deserve it ! Shame on you! You didn’t even try!

  15. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    First off, they are all depressed before ever being on show. They all said about their abuse issues and they should have been getting help waaaaaaay before ever being on the show. Its not the shows responsibility after they stopped being on show after the show aired. Dr. Now does offer therapy during and following show. I’ve never seen any of these people be happy about going to therapy and 8 out of 10 do not follow up when they are asked to. They miss appointments and wonder why it’s not helping. You have to take care of your needs and not have to have someone hold their hand to make them. It’s up to them. They choose to not go or get the help they need. Not the shows responsibility after the fact. These days you have to insist with your medical doctors to do anything. I’m sorry Bonner committed suicide that’s sad but it’s not all the shows fault that he did. Where was his family? There are signs that they did not see or were blinded to. Show did not make him choose to kill himself. They did not take the pills or gun or knife and force him. Bonner was selfish. I’d give anything to ger the help to lose weight. I’m not by far as heavy of the people. But Dr. Now seems sincere and caring.

  16. I believe the people appearing on the show and already have mental health issues should have mandatory therapy while they are first starting there journey.its hard enough to do what they have to do but being filmed adds so much more .

  17. I really think it’s on you, when you allow yourself to get like this. Why should ppl have to be nice to make you feel betta about letting yourself go. They shouldn’t give to pay of you dont do what your supposed to do.

  18. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Your a piece of shit lawyer!!.. money, money, money! You do not care! And those that appeared on the show…. You chose to, like you chose to eat!!!!!

  19. Most of these sows are ready to commit suicide as soon as they realize that Dr Now doesn’t have a “magic surgery” that will turn them into slim goddesses, without them doing a thing, or giving anything up! Dr Now is a hero and any of these slobs attempting to hurt him to gain money are total immoral beasts!

    1. Also, I’ve seen him send several of these people to therapy. and, they end up skipping their sessions or appointments. The ones who are successful, are the ones who follow the program and do what they should. Mr. Bonner was doing fairly well with his weight when he committed suicide. He had other issues though. I liked him. I thought he was going to do well..

  20. the person that passed away his family has my sympathy but those other lawsuit all they’re going going to do if they win is go ahead and eat themselves to death people so I’m thankful the Dr nowzaradan try to put in to save their lives if they win they’ll only eat themselves to death that’s all they’re going to do God be with them

  21. Agree with all the comments here. These people went to see Dr. Now as no one else would treat them. I hope the judge who gets these cases dismisses all of them. They didn’t follow the doctor’s diet, period. Always claim they follow the diet, but the scale doesn’t lie. When they are put in a controlled environment in the hospital they lose the weight. They are only looking for MONEY, MONEY AND MORE MONEY!!!! That Bonner guy suffered from severe depression all of his life. He seemed happy after the show, but his depression got the best of him. NOT the shows fault!

    These obese people want Death by Chocolate so let them eat cake! A lot of obese people are desperate for help and are on a waiting list for Dr. Now’s help. I really like the psychologists on the show. I think Dr. Now gives these people too many chances. He needs to drop them after 6 months if they don’t make any changes and/or lose the weight.

  22. The very people that are trying to sue the show are the same people that are getting the help. I’m not saying it is easy to lose all the weight they need to but most people their insurance company won’t cover weight loss surgery. There have been 8 seasons and the show has changed many people’s lives that probably wouldn’t be here if they didnt get the chance to get the help because they were unable to make the plan work they are looking to blame someone. I have read they do receive money for the filming and money to relocate.I need to lose 100 pounds but I have to do it on my own with the proper diet and exercise and nobody is helping me with my problems I have from being overweight. I grew up and came from a very bad abusive home but I went to therapy after I tried to commit suicide but I had to pay what my insurance didnt cover. The problem today is everyone wants to sue instead of owning their own problems.

  23. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    The very people that are trying to sue the show are the same people that are getting the help. I’m not saying it is easy to lose all the weight they need to but most people their insurance company won’t cover weight loss surgery. There have been 8 seasons and the show has changed many people’s lives that probably wouldn’t be here if they didnt get the chance to get the help because they were unable to make the plan work they are looking to blame someone. I have read they do receive money for the filming and money to relocate.I need to lose 100 pounds but I have to do it on my own with the proper diet and exercise and nobody is helping me with my problems I have from being overweight. I grew up and came from a very bad abusive home but I went to therapy after I tried to commit suicide but I had to pay what my insurance didnt cover. The problem today is everyone wants to sue instead of owning their own problems.

  24. Those woman are lazy and all they want is more money and a free ride.I don’t feel sorry for any of them .I’m overweight and it’s my fault no one else’s they need to stop blaming everyone and blame their selves..

  25. No one forced them to seek help for their fat habits. They all act like victims so of course when something doesn’t go there way they’ll blame anyone. The fact they couldn’t follow the diet or lose the weight is no one’s fault but they’re own.

  26. You all talk like dr Nowzarden is at fault here. He did not make them the size they are. They did and their own unwillingness to comply is why he quits paying. These are people who have everyone waiting on them cleaning them and feeding them. I was once 350lbs and had gastric bypass but I had to work the program. It was not easy. But hard work pays off. Quit being so sue happy. Own up to it you didn’t follow the diet…

  27. I disagree with these lawsuits because most of these people already are emotionally damaged and near death because of their out of control calorie intake & most of them refuses counseling so if anyone is to blame is them along with their families who provides the poison to help them kill their own selves

  28. This is ridiculous. Dr. Now did his best to help these people. The fact that they did not get the surgery is not his fault. All of these people came on this show. To all of you who are suing Dr. Now, you should have done what he said to lose what and get his help. Maja, Gina and Jeanne stop with the poor me and it is everyone’s fault but my own routine. Grow up and get on with your lives. You all are adults start acting like it

  29. This is all so sad and very true and they wont be the last one my dad is fixing to do the same as he appeared on the show 2018 and was treated the very same way

  30. That is exactly what I thought when I saw the pictures! They both were extreme pain in the ass nutjobs. Dr. Now tried to save your life and you chose to sit there, cry, lie, and make excuses.

  31. Some of these ppl want someone to blame they keeping eating up till they see dr now and than think shame surgery I will b skinny…mental health he always tells them to talk to thetapist

  32. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    These people don’t really want help. They waste Dr. Now’s time and resources. He did so much for them.they didn’t deserve his help.

  33. These women were not successful because of their own noncompliance and want to jump on the lawsuit bandwagon. I’m sorry, I just don’t get it. These are women in later Seasons–don’t tell me they didn’t watch the first six or seven Years of the show and know what “reality tv” is–and isn’t. They had a once-in-a-lifetime shot and blew it.

  34. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Most are disgusting bums blaming other people for their problems. and looking for a payday. The only one I truly feel bad for is LB family and hope they get the justice they deserve. Gina,Jeanne were super gross. Maja was a cunt and I dont remember David.

  35. If you are willing to be on a reality show, you do it at your own risk. The guy that killed himself is the one who pulled the trigger, he couldn’t handle life and ended his own. The Doctor gives them a 1200 calorie diet, all they have to do is follow it and get exercise. Failure to lose weight is their own fault. People need to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others for their failures or weakness.

  36. All three women are master manipulators. They aren’t concerned about their mental health. They’re looking for an easy payday. They sit around doing absolutely nothing collecting disability and have free medical care. Why didn’t they get off their fat behinds and seek counseling? Dr. Now offers it to everyone. If they knew they were supposed to have a psych eval why didn’t they ask for one? They sure know how to ask for food to shove in their faces. They will be in for a rude awakening when these lawsuits go nowhere. But hey, they can sue their lawyers when they lose.

  37. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    These people are so used to playing the victim that this doesn’t surprise me. They are just angry that Dr. Now couldn’t waive a magic wand to make them thin.

  38. IF you sign up to do this show,you have to know what is expected of you in the contract you sign.I think there is always a risk of mental issues such as suicide with anyone that can’t handle any aspect of a how can the show be responsible for an individual not being able to cope?

  39. Jeanne and Gina are two of the absolute worst people that have been on the show, and of course are two that have been unsuccessful in losing weight. Pretty sure no one is shocked that those two would sue.

  40. I am sorry for the psychological problems these people face, however, it certainly appears that they are told to see a psychologist, ie, Dr. Paradise or Lola. I think that the people filing lawsuits are the people that did not work the program, therefore did not lose the weight, with the exception of LB Bonner. That is very sad that he took his own life, but it doesn’t really make sense to blame production. The lawsuits brought by other then LB Bonner, possibly should be dismissed. These people probably looking for a handout.

    1. I’m waiting for Schenee, James K and Penny to jump on the easy-money bandwagon. Once a fat hustler, always….

  41. I’ve only watched Jeanne Covey’s episode, so I will comment on her case. I think she was very needy, and didn’t seem to be mentally able to do the hard work necessary to lose weight. Her mother seemed to enable her, like the family and friends of Dr. Now’s other clients on the show. Weight loss is not simple, but I guess it depends on your priorities. Food or having a life. Your choice.

  42. As a former alcoholic I know addiction takes work. It took me years of drinking to decide to stop! Just like any addiction you have to decide for yourself to change. It took 600 lb people years to gain the weight, they seem to think surgery is a genie in a bottle and proof their fixed. The doctor on the show needs to be hard on them, someone needs to be besides the enablers. I have little sympathy for anyone who publicly goes on tv and doesn’t expect backlash.

    1. I am overweight and my being this way lays on my shoulders. I did have sleeve done and lost close to 100 lbs. Still need to lose a lot more. I am at a standstill. Not because of any reason other than I am putting comfort food over my need to get the weight off. I watched the episodes and these people wanted a quick fix. The surgery is a tool but if you are not willing to do the work. The blame lands with you

      1. Your honesty is refreshing and humbling. I truly wish you the very best in your journey. You CAN DO IT! I’m sure it must be so difficult but you will get there. I am sending you the best wishes and hopes for a successful life! You would be an excellent source of practical and honest advice for the people on this show.

      2. Best of luck my dear… can do it. I lost about 150 to 160lbs and know how it feels. Keep up the great work, one day at a time.

  43. The show should have been off the air a long time ago. It just feeds into the stereotypes that our fat phobic, fat hatred society has against fat people. Most fat people are not gorging themselves on pizzas and ice cream. We’re out dieting like everybody else. …Very negative stereotypical show.

    1. These people on the show actually exist and actually live that way. They are not hired actors to be stereotypical on TV. TLC just films how some people are. So no, the show is not stereotypical, the real and existing super morbidly obese people on it just eat constantly and move very little. Get a brain, you might like it.

  44. No, these people weren’t forced to be on a reality show, but if what they claim in their lawsuits is correct, they were mislead into appearing based on promises that weren’t fulfilled. If one visit with Lola or Mr Paradise is the extent of their mental health aftercare then I can see why they feel they weren’t supported and bills being paid or not should be very easy to prove.

    It’s easy to judge these overweight people harshly, but eating disorders aren’t much different than any other addiction – drugs, alcohol etc. Broken people are trying to find a way to feel better, but the path they choose is deadly. Sadly for those who choose food as their drug, their addiction is very visible.

    The things the producers of this show have them do (naked shower scenes) and reveal (childhood sexual abuse in most cases) are triggering events in themselves. No one should be left to deal with that on their own. There should be a mental health professional with the crew for each shoot imo.

    I do find it interesting though, that most of the people filing lawsuits were unsuccessful in their weight loss. The people who lost a lot of weight still seem to have their struggles, but are doing better overall and don’t seem to have as many complaints about production.

  45. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    If I was a judge facing these lawsuits I would throw them out immediately on the basis that is suicide to be 600 lbs. the mere fact they are still alive is a miracle. No one put a gun to these people’s head to apply for open casting. When you are this morbidly obese you live second to second; therefore committing suicide means nothing. Dr. Now can’t talk to these people in a nice manner because they make excuses to continue their bad habits. I just think these people on this show should be in a controlled day to day facility with professional nutritionists and doctors to teach them healthy eating and daily activity to ensure their progress. If someone does not know what is a healthy diet you can’t just give them a paper and tell them to go follow.

  46. There are a FEW PEOPLE that have got some nerve suing Dr Now. He sent all of them to counseling during their treatment and ALL of them basically refused at first before going. He was and is the ONLY DOCOTOR as they personally stated that would help them get weight loss surgery after they proved to him that they were serious about making the necessary changes. Everybody knows if you have been through the kind of trauma they have once you start treatment you should never stop.The one’s I’m speaking of are those who just did NOT DO what he asked and dropped out of the program. These are the ones that I’am speaking of on this list. I myself went through the same process and to date I still seek counseling and follow my healthy eating regime, which is why I am still at a very healthy weight and sound minded. When I feel like I am being lied to or misled I call them out. They had every opportunity to do so. He is not and was not there babysitter.

  47. Gemma. Both my hubby and I R older, educated and gave had multiple encounters with every kind of medical doctor nurse ER people in the county I live in. Summer great summer not so great. We realize that we have to advocate for ourselves. Cuz no one else is going to do it. I’m so sorry you’ve had so many medical issues and I feel for you

      1. Thank you so much. Hubby has Stage 4 cancer apparently extremely rare. So no chemo treatment approved so just doing palliative radiation right now. Hence all the medical ” encounters”

  48. These people need to get a grip!!! They know what they are getting into or should check all the facts before entering into an agreement, they just see money signs because they cannot stick to a new way of life and think they will cash in … deluded people hope Dr Now wins these lawsuits and common sense prevails.

  49. Nobody portrayed them any kind of way they showed their true self. And Everytime he tells them to go to therapy they make excuses ? not his fault they want to be small but still eat for a family in one sitting. GTFOH

  50. All of these reality “stars” are ridiculous. They signed contracts etc. Saw other episodes,. It fallows a scripted formula each episode, so they need to get a grip. This show is my life line, it keeps me grounded and fighting to live a healthier life, so I never become one of them. They can’t ever cancel Dr. NOW. He is not rude. His voice never changes, he does not take THEIR failures personally, he is honest and pragmatic. If the truth hurts….as they say. Clearly they are looking to get a pay day, probably to buy more food. I think the company should counter sue for extortion. What about all his successes? He has to be above the statistics of only 5% make it. I Love the success stories. Gives me hope and strength. They want brutal honesty? You are beyond grossly obese, not only are you a narcissist, who blames everyone else for your problems, even when you get the opportunity to fix it and empower yourself, your to big (literally) of a looser to even do that for yourself. Everyone has a hard life, but to what degree it affects you, is your choice.
    Clearly you picked incorrectly. Karma baby. You may get some money, your lawyer will take 1/2 of it,(again because you signed a contract without paying attention) and you will drop dead of some complication, related to your weight. Then your family will all boo hoo you, and then the world will all forget you, because you literally did nothing to make your own life better, much less contributed to society. You were nothing but a burden on society. In my opinion. Bye bye Felicia.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      These people were obese and killing themselves a bit more with every spoonful. They knew exactly what they were signing up for. Shame on them to blame others for their own actions. They were portrayed exactly as they are in their daily lives. This is the problem with America today. Filks sue others for their own self destructive behavior. I hope they lose and the production company counter sues each living cast member involved in the law suit and the estates of the weaker ones who killed themselves instead of seeking help.

      1. You ate 100% right. They simply refuse to be responsible for their own behavior. There is no way these lawsuits will go anywhere. They are all jumping on the Sue Happy Train to nowhere.

  51. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I find it interesting that all of these people were unable to follow the diet and lose weight and somehow that is Dr. Now’s fault.

  52. The people that want to lose the weight need to want to change their ways, in all the episodes I have seen the participants eat large amounts of fast food even while they are enroute to Houston to see Dr Now….They never stop and think maybe I should eat a salad or some lower calorie meal
    These people are filmed and present the image they want to present to the public. They want Dr.Now to be a quick fix for years of abuse they have done to their bodies from overeating
    The people need to be accountable to themselves for their failure!
    Is this Entertainment, yes and no
    We as viewers want the obese people to succeed because we see ourselves in them…one way or another. We want to be inspired to change our own lives.
    Some aspects of the show should be revamped though, the clear shower curtains should not be placed by the producers for shock value, we know the people are 600+ plus pounds and don’t look like a runway model…more on nutrition and exercise and such
    Dr Now is clearly accomplished at what he does,as many others won’t even take the risk of trying to help people over 450lbs.
    All I can say is these people have a right to sue but whatever is the outcome remain to be seen
    The show has been copied it seems in the UK with little difference except maybe a bit more dignity.
    It seems Cliche but as the Nike ad says “Just Do It” we all need to listen to this saying….I am obese and I need to change but I have to “Just Do It” or I will fail

  53. I love Dr Now he’s been more then fair I follow his diet and no surgery either like he tells you it’s not a magic pill it’s will power, all I can say is grow up.

  54. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Oh ? off you lazy arse ?s. You’re fat, get off your sorry fat lazy arse and do something about it! I put on 20kg after giving up smoking but I know I need to do something about my weight. Quit your ?ing whinging you lazy pricks!

  55. I can’t understand HOW these people expect to see any results when they absolutely REFUSE to follow Dr. Now’s plan. They keep cheating on the strict diet he emphasizes they must follow in order to get approved for surgery. Then they come back for their weigh-in, lost little or no weight, and say “that can’t be right!”. Then they whine and make excuses when Dr. Now reprimands them. WHY are they wasting his time and their own time when they won’t follow the plan? Such as the latest, Seana, who kept “losing” the printed diet and wouldn’t request another copy because “Dr. Now would get mad”. Really? I KNOW food addiction is real – I would live on carbs if I could, and I need to lose 50-ish pounds myself. But I also 100% know this will not change till I stop overeating, and this is three times the case for these folks who are three times my size. Honestly, people like Seana and Jeanne make me yell at the tv. Once in awhile, Dr. Now has a patient who DOES what he says and DOES get the results. But lately, this seems to be happening less and less. Wake up, people!!

  56. Stop blaming these people for your failures your just mad because you don’t like the way you looked on TV well it’s your fault you knew what you were signing up for you wanted to lose weight without putting in the work they should sue all of you for wasting their time and money

  57. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    More lazy people blaming someone else for their issues. You don’t get where you are by life or other people, you get where you are by you. Instead of ruining something that can raise awareness and help others for once in your pathetic lives take responsibility for yourselves. Foreign concept I know, but try it.

  58. Lazy people just trying to get money while sitting on their unemployed arses! I’ve seen these specific episodes, what an absolute joke, especially Jeanne!!!!! She is the laziest, excuse wielding, cry baby loser. Sorry but she doesn’t have one redeeming quality. Dr. Now can be brash, but he doesn’t sugar coat anything and he will call you out on your bull crap!

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Shocking ! These people are goven a life changing opportunity to get healthy and work in themselves ! This shows their true intentions , when they can’t succeed they again look for someone else to blame , shameful

  59. Lazy people just trying to get money while sitting on their unemployed arses! I’ve seen these specific episodes, what an absolute joke, especially Jeanne!!!!! She is the laziest, excuse wielding, cry baby loser. Sorry but she doesn’t have one redeeming quality. Dr. Now can be brash, but he doesn’t sugar coat anything and he will call you out on your bull crap!

  60. This is a bunch of bullshit. I’ve had bariatric surgery to help with my t1 diabetes & insulin resistance causing continuous weight gain. It is NOT on the doctors or production to get them mental health services, that is on your own self. Anyone who goes in with any interest for bariatric surgery already knows it’s mentally exhausting, you’re retraining you’re whole way of thinking about food & exercise, it’s the same as when you need to retrain your brain dealing with anxiety & depression. ? Like all things in their lives these people are just looking for an easy fix & to blame everyone else but themselves. Take responsibility!

    Dr Now is so harsh on them because he’s their last step before death & having watched this show many times, these people NEED to be told the reality of what they’re doing to their bodies by overeating & overeating fast food and junk and everyone else in their lives enable them.

    It took me 2 years to finally decide to schedule an initial appointment, then almost 1 yr before I got surgery. This isn’t something you do just randomly one day, and it’s NOT a bandaid easy fix. It’s just a tool, the rest is ON YOU to do what you need to do for success with your health! ?. *gets off soapbox*

    Sorry (not really) it’s just really frustrating having gone through the same thing & seeing this shit knowing what I personally know about the process.

  61. They chose to be on the show. They were not forced. By season 5 7 or 8 there’s enough shows to know what is going to be filmed. People need to do their research before signing on the fitted line.

    1. a Saint in my book, He goes way beyond any other Dr to help them, Chance after chance, they think it’s an easy fix, He tells them from the being, the truth, he does every thing he can possible to get them to change there lives, Why not focus on all His amazing Successful people who new this is not going to be easy, but did it,with Dr.Now, He even does skin removal, He is an amazing man.

  62. Dr. Now talks to patients like they are assholes. I’m tired of medical “professionals” treating patients like they are above them simply because they are doctors. I’ve seen both sides on this show. Dr. Now being horrible and disrespectful nearly all of the time and patients lying and not doing what they claim. However, I do believe that they do not care about the well being of these people and I think it’s a shame for them. Especially given some of the humiliation they have to endure just to be on the show.

    1. I have to disagree. He sends them to therapy. He also comes off as rude, because he’s telling people what they need to hear. A good majority of the people on the show manipulate and make excuses. He’s being straightforward because he wants to get it through to them. They’re going to die young if they don’t change. He can’t sit there and baby them. I watch the show pretty much nightly. I do not see him being horrible. I also know that the people on the show know exactly what will be shown. Ita not a surprise. They’re lucky to have Dr now. Most Dr wouldn’t touch such obese patients.

    2. They choose to be on the show. They should also do th iij erviwn research, before signing any agreements with them. They all have issues before the show, so why blame others for it. Booner was a dear sweet person. I believe he needed extra help in everything, certainly his home situation. Turkey sad and hurt for the loss of him.

    3. It’s “reality tv” and it’s edited in a way that hopes to get more ratings. I work with physicians all day, every day. Sugar coating the expectations only works with a very small client population. Some patients refuse to see the problem they’re creating for themselves unless it’s laid out as matter-of-fact and “this is what WILL eventually happen if you don’t comply”. Dr Now is ANCIENT, he’s heard every excuse and seen every hiccup in his decades of practice. He knows who’s honest, who’s remorseful for lying, and the flat out liars. So many still refuse to admit that their life choices are largely what’s causing their health issues. He HAS to come off that way or most people JUST WON’T LISTEN and try to blame everything and everyone else for their problems. And that’s ok, go ahead and blame and vent and let it all out… but better yourself after you do.

      1. They knew that they were signing for potential weight loss at the expense of entertainment. To be 600 pounds plus means that they already had mental conditions prior to the show. They were not treating those conditions prior to the show, which is another reason this show exists. It’s at least 90 percent mental. I’m sure the contracts covered it all and the money they were paid for being real life participants, they should have used it to pay for a phychiatrist instead of buying food.I may sound unsympothetic but as people everyone needs to take responsibility for what we allow ourselves to become regardless of the horrible situations we may have faced. We can’t give over the full power of our minds to food or things.

      2. Maybe I should have clarified better. I was a nurse practitioner who treated my patients with dignity and respect. If I felt like I was being lied to, I called them on it. I said I WAS a nurse practitioner. Many years ago I was paralyzed, I’ve had over 40 surgeries, and my medical care has been horrific. I’m not treated like I person. I’m treated like a useless sack of potatoes. I’m still the same fiery, fierce woman I was stuck in a broken, painful body. I’m not treated with compassion or concern. I’m treated with doubt and indignation. So, I can admit that I have no faith in the medical system that I worked hard in but has let me fall. Maybe that’s why I responded about Dr. Now the way I did. I’m not blind, I agree that these people got themselves in the mess they are in and the majority of them do lie.

      3. I love this show it what pushed me to get my surgery 2yr ago I do what my doctor tell me I’m down almost 200lb them people that file them lawsuit r just being lazy didn’t get their way now just being crybaby’s about it

    4. Most of these people ARE assholes. I don’t think Dr.Now is disrespectful at all. I do believe that these obese individuals treat him, not only with disrespect but they think he’s stupid. “I don’t know why I gained 50 pounds. I followed your diet.” Every one of these people need psychological as well as medical help; you don’t get to he 600+ pounds and be physically and mentally fit. These are ADULTS, and they need to take responsibility for their lives and their choices. Bonner’s family us suing the production company. Where were they when he was going thru all this anguish? These last three women never followed the diet; they ate exactly what they wanted to eat. I guess that’s the production company’s fault, too.

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