From a baby daddy (potentially) getting his revenge via a documentary film, to ‘Teen Mom’ sisters teaming up to create change (or something), the stars of the Teen Mom franchise have had quite the busy week!
In an effort to get you up to speed on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…
Victoria Messer vows to change the way internationally love is handled…or something.

Victoria Messer, equally-fertile sister of ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Leah Messer, took to social media this week to give her baby daddy Royer Rodriguez a long-distance shout-out and to also talk about… changing the world?
In a post on Instagram, Victoria included the quote “distance is just a test to see how far love can travel” in her caption with a photo of Royer, the rafting tour guide she met (and later got knocked-up by) while vacationing in Costa Rica last spring (while still married to her second husband/baby daddy).

” … Everyday I miss you more, but I’m sure we are not alone,” Victoria wrote. “There are many others out there like us that feel the same way, we should be standing together making a difference, bringing CHANGE. There are no restrictions to love. Not by distance, not by the color of the skin, not because a woman chooses a woman or because a man chooses another man. Love is LOVE and if more people loved our world would be a much better place. This change starts with us. I love you.”
Victoria went on to tell Royer the particular photo she posted of him “is echoing.” In the comment section, she also explained to him that her post was the result of her being “a little in my feelings missing you.”
Earlier this year, Victoria gave birth to her vacation baby, though Royer was unfortunately only able to “be there” by way of FaceTime for the birth. (Luckily, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ camera crew was given a front-row seat to the baby expelling, so Royer can watch his son’s birth on the next season of the MTV show!)
The baby, whom they named Cai, made baby number three for both Victoria and Royer, though he is the couple’s first child together. (And no, that isn’t some sort of riddle we ripped from the pages of a West Virginia public “not well” school textbook.) Victoria has two other children (one by each of her ex-husbands), and Royer has two children by two previous exes.
Chris Lopez promotes his upcoming boxing/life documentary on social media.

Chris Lopez, the ex-boyfriend and baby daddy of ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Kailyn Lowry has found something to do in between impregnating/getting into fights with Kail and occasionally hanging out with their son, Lux.
Earlier this week, Chris revealed on Instagram that he is set to release a documentary that will focus on his life as he struggles to learn how to box in preparation for his first fight.
Chris stated that the upcoming project — produced by Dream Scene Productions and reportedly being released on YouTube — will give his followers “the other side” of his story, seeing as how he never joined the cast of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ as Kail’s previous partners did.

“Man, y’all getting the other side, y’all getting the part that y’all want,” he said. “I got tired of hearing about me not being on TV, I got tired about being on social media and all this other stuff, so now I’m letting y’all in on my world a little bit. I’ll speak on, you know, my failures, you know, my disappointments, trials, tribulations, things that’s been said about me.”
Despite her rocky relationship with Chris, Kail told In Touch Weekly she wishes him the all the best. She did, however, seem to shade him by making note of his lack of interest in his son Lux, as well as his child that Kail is currently pregnant with.
“My hope for Chris is that he makes peace with his choices and finds motivation to be successful in life,” she said. “I also hope that he puts this much effort into having a relationship with our children. Right now, things are difficult, but I hope he does the things he needs to do in order to make that happen. Good luck to Chris in his fight.
“I want to separately add regardless of what’s going on between him and I, the measures in place now are to protect both of us and will hopefully benefit everyone in the future,” she continued.
As for when “fans” can expect to catch Chris’ cinematic masterpiece for themselves, a release date has yet to be announced, though Chris has advised his followers to “#staytuned.”

In the meantime, go ahead and get pumped for what is sure to be a real Oscar contender.
Javi Marroquín earns himself a new job title.

While Chris Lopez promotes his new (and only?) career aspiration, another one of Kail’s baby daddies, Javi Marroquin, celebrated his own latest career achievement this week.
Javi’s girlfriend, Lauren Comeau, touted her partner’s accomplishment on Instagram on Thursday, revealing that Javi was officially a graduate of Air Force recruiting school. (As The Ashley previously told you, Javi spent several weeks away from home at a training school for his new position.)
Javi’s graduation appeared to have taken place at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
“Today is the day, Graduation day,” Lauren wrote. “We are so proud of you for taking this leap daddy! Thankful for your dedication to the Air Force and commitment to making this new chapter for our family. We love you, [and] we are all so ready to have you home, Tech Sergeant.”
(Lauren made a point to tell her followers that the photo she had posted was old and that she was “NOT pregnant.”)
Javi also shared a post celebrating his graduation (which appeared to have taken place at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas), along with some of the “awesome friends” he made.
“ … Excited for all of our futures,” Javi included in his caption.
As ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans know, Javi served in the Air Force from 2012 to 2018. After he completed his term, he joined the Reserves and opened a CrossFit Gym.
“Never would I have thought a 20 year old me enlisting back in 2012 would be where I am today,” Javi recently wrote on Instagram. “Spent the last 7 weeks training down in San Antonio to continue my AF career. Learned a lot, met some great people, and I’m excited to say I’m officially… Dover’s Air Force Reserve Recruiter.”
Javi has since added his new title of “US Air Force Reserve Recruiter” to his Instagram bio. However, he conveniently omits another one of his titles: “Former Partner of Multiple ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars.”
Rachel Beaver has a new man in her (hot mess of a) life.

Six months after suffering a miscarriage and splitting from her ex-boyfriend Koty, Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Rachel Beaver has moved on with another interestingly named boyfriend. Earlier this week, Rachel made her relationship with boyfriend Justice Choate “Facebook official.”
Later, Rachel confirmed on Instagram that she and Koty “haven’t been together for months.” Like Rachel, Justice is also a single parent.
Rachel and Koty’s split came after Rachel nearly got into a fist fight with Drew, her daughter Hazlee’s father, while she was pregnant. Rachel and Koty eventually reconciled, though Rachel was informed that she had miscarried during an ultrasound appointment.
For more ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! What’s Really Going on with ‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’: News About Season 3, the Cast & More
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Facebook)
43 Responses
Why doesn’t vicky just go visit the damn man and stay there
Javi will love being an AF recruiter! My ex husband was one, and come to find out there’s a lot of opportunity to bang chicks that aren’t your wife in that line of work. What a great job fit!
Kail, please stop with the facial procedures.
This is all a train. A wrecked train that somehow keeps on chugging along. Ah but who am I to talk?? I’m currently pregnant by my ex fiance I slept with this whole past decade while he dated other women and even had two other kids by the last one. So I’m basically baby momma #3 and this would be his 4th child. Hmm, can I get on MTV someway?? I think I’d blend in well. ?
Girl, don’t feel bad. Last night I went and got drunk with my ex-brother-in-law (who has also screwed at least one of my cousins amd has several illegitimate kids), almost let him kiss me in the woods, and then ended up cleaning his puke off his bedroom floor and having to pretty much undress him (he puked on his shirt) while he continued to say “I love you so much. Gimme some p***y.” whiling throwing up. This was my first childless night in over three years. If any of y’all remember my posts about his dumbass brother, y’all know what crazy backwoods trash he is, so my life could also be some MTV bullshit on par with the Beaver clan (although I do want to make it clear I wasn’t out trying to whore around with my kids’ uncle and I got him settled and left his ass to sleep it off, but it still all felt so very trashy).
I’ll put the drama on MTV for a six-figure salary in a heartbeat. There’s twisted relationships/family trees, too many pregnancies, abuse, drugs, DVIs, all that shit they love.
Why do all these people think they have a story worthy of telling?! Chris is a loser woman beating child neglecting piece of garbage. He’s not interesting he’s not original he’s pathetic. Kail is just as bad for continuing to bring his children into the world without regard of how her other children will cope with their fathers/lack there of and issues that follow. Leahs sister is so dumb is not funny. She had a one night stand with someone in a different country and is shocked it’s not easy and people can’t just border hop into other countries willy nilly to follow their backwoods baby mommas. The ignorance is just sad. Rachel is just jenelle with more family around. If these girls cared half as much for their education as they do for their d*ck of the week they could be PhD holders. All the Tm girls repeat the same cycles over and over just with more money the next time. Ridiculous! Almost forgot to mention Javi….. he’s already shown his true colors. Bye felicia.
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This is all a train. A wrecked train that somehow keeps on chugging along. Ah but who am I to talk?? I’m currently pregnant by my ex fiance I slept with this whole past decade while he dated other women and even had two other kids by the last one. So I’m basically baby momma #3 and this would be his 4th child. Hmm, can I get on MTV someway?? I think I’d blend in well. ?
Jena: My open apology to you for being upset at you for the right to voice your opinion. What a boring world this would be if we all agreed and none of us would grow mentally, emotionally, etc… THANK YOU for not yet taking a job back at me but knock yourself out with it beccause I do deserve it. Again I apologize for being a bitch.
I never said that I didn’t appreciate Javi’s service, I am just concern that he is in the service and he is not sane enough to be in the service, base on how he acts on online and on the show just concerns me, he is now basically going to decide if a person is good enough to go into the Air Force. I am sorry that I am an concern American citizen. You should have not gotten upset on a stranger comment on online. Btw I do have a college degree, I just had nothing to do on a Friday night. Funny thing is that you are acting high and mighty while you are reading and commenting on the same message board as me.
Hi he’s a recruiter so he can basically show people jobs available and start paperwork he really has no power on choosing who can and cannot join there’s a lot of physical and mental evaluations that happen over his head for anyone who signs up. He can be a looney tune and it won’t matter. He’s basically the car salesman he can show you the car start the paperwork but upper management settles the deal. 🙂 no worries.
Thanks for clarifying,as long as he is not going to mess up people’s lives it’s fine with me.
10 years of the shit show is enough. Same shit different day. Different daddy’s. Going to Iceland to pose nude wth a horse in a haunted barn. You can’t make this shit up.
P.S. I don’t care what’s going on with Victoria.
Kails and her eyes have been all over the news this week. Is Chris going to blur his face out in his documentary? Is Chris going to pretend to parent Lux? Is he going to explain how his d*ck fell in Ksil and got her pregnant XD
*exes. Autocorrect.
Kailyns 3rd baby daddy Chris can only speak on his failures, disappointments, trials and tribulations because he doesn’t have any successes, accomplishments or goals! LOL who wants to hear about his failure of a life?! Who told him he had fans? The delusion is strong with this one. Face it dude- your title in life is Kail’s absentee BD #3 and nobody cares about your non existent boxing career!
ANDREA119 Yeah i think Rachel is actually really pretty, she dosen’t need a ton of make -up on , she’s got lovely skin and hair.
I think ( and i mean no offence here so please don’t take this the wrong way) that she’s got a bit of an issue with low self esteem. She’s shy and quiet so god only knows what scars her previous relationships have left her with!!!!!
She needs a bunch of her girlfriends to get together, go away for a “spa” weekend and be RACHEL , not just mum,.
She’s really quiet lovely, it would be nice to see her come out of her shell and shine !??????
I definitely agree with you! Between her past relationships and the way she was raised.. with her mom and dad on drugs and in& out of her life, I think it did leave her quite scarred! Not only that, but now, it seems like she goes from guy to guy to find the love she was missing as a kid! Actually really sad!!
Beautiful and REAL comment Andrea W. Real beauty comes from the heart as skin and hair is not relevant to lasting friendships and true love!
Jena: What have YOU done for our country in the way of laying your life down for it? (your comment about the Air Force is just a mindfuck!) The only one living in a fantasy world is YOU. BRING on the down votes (or whatever the hell they are called) because then I know you and any other blissfully ignorant person about the REAL WORLD is just mind masturbating to reality tv and writing idiot comments about these dumbass shows that most of us fall asleep to. Researching a reality show instead of reading a REAL BOOK or getting a DEGREE in college, grad school, etc.. is a waste of what little brain cells are left. I took a good long time thinking about replying to your post because it isn’t worth the two cents you gave it. But you as everyone here is entitled to express their viewpoint no matter if we agree or disagree with it.
I love how Kail is saying how she hopes Chris becomes a better father…WHILE BEING PREGNANT WITH HIS SECOND CHILD! I don’t understand how she thought this trap baby will somehow work now and that he will eventually confess his undying love for her. I mean, I understand what Kail wants in life but she is chasing the wrong guys to get it.
Victoria is also dumber than a bag a rocks but we already knew that when she had her latest baby…also girl, don’t think it’s love what you feel…you barely even know him, you haven’t seen him live for months I believe, you have no idea how he functions in person, you don’t know this guy, stop making it seem like this is true love that will last forever! (And that you were together for years before he knocked you up). What you are experiencing is an illusion of a perfect relationship, especially after everything you dealt with your exes…don’t fool yourself into thinking somehow people are against you while YOU put yourself in this situation to begin with! Seriously people, wear a condom, especially on one-night stands!
Koty?? What happened to Jacob? Not heard anything about a miscarriage before! I’m so behind on Beaver news!!
So annoying that Victoria thinks she’s the first person to fall in love, and have a baby with a foreigner. There’s already a show for people like her, 90 Day Fiancée, there’s been several couples that hooked up on vacation and had babies on the way. Kalani & Asuelu, Steven & Olga, Emily & the asshole Russian gym rat who’s name escapes me right now. Anyway, her story is certainly unique, that’s for sure, but it’s not ‘world changing’ for sure.
Ashamed to know the Russian gymrat douche is called Sascha.
I’m honestly so tired of hearing anything regarding serial cheater Javi and his insecure, attention seeking, IG multi level marketing pushing girlfriend Lauren. Lauren has zero problems living in the same house, using the the same bathroom everyday where he and one of his flings of the month hooked up in. Everyone embarrassingly knows whats up here in Deleware with them.
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Thank you Codi, you hit the nailon the head with this comment! You just said what we’re all thinking but don’t dare say.
Okay. . . So, I may get a lot of down votes for this buuuut. . . . Am I the only one who think Rachael is actually really pretty?! She has a very pretty face!! Her personality , hair & makeup kind of kill it but I definitely think if that chick cleans herself up she’s got potential!!!
She doesn’t look bad with all the heavy filters that she uses on her SM pictures, but she looks quite rough on the show. Must be her lifestyle… smoking, hard partying, also genetics… her mom is upper 30’s and looks 50, for same reasons.
ANDREA119 Yeah i think Rachel is actually really pretty, she dosen’t need a ton of make -up on , she’s got lovely skin and hair.
I think ( and i mean no offence here so please don’t take this the wrong way) that she’s got a bit of an issue with low self esteem. She’s shy and quiet so god only knows what scars her previous relationships have left her with!!!!!
She needs a bunch of her girlfriends to get together, go away for a “spa” weekend and be RACHEL , not just mum,.
She’s really quiet lovely, it would be nice to see her come out of her shell and shine !??????
I also think she is model pretty.
Any time Rachel opens her mouth, any trace of being good looking goes out the window.
sounds like leahs sister is looking to be on 90 day fiance
Oh kail grow up. You are the one who brought two children into the world with this dope who doesn’t want anything to do with you or the kids. Stop the pity party because you brought this all upon yourself. Kail has unfortunately created a circus and a very strong foundation for trauma and childhood issues for all these kids.
So she climbed on top of herself and got pregnant? He didn’t screw up too? It’s all on her??
… do you not follow this shit show?
Kail went around saying she got pregnant on purpose with Lux. Chris, however, did not agree. Then on the show she was bad mouthing him because she was pregnant with his son but he was busy entertaining other women. Lux was a failed attempt at a trap baby.
Kail went around saying she wanted a fourth child and she wanted Chris to be the father again. Then got pregnant by Chris WHILE he was trying to sign away his rights to Lux.
Yes he is to blame because he didnt wear his raincoat. But how much you want to bet she said “I’m on birth control” to him. I find her to be more at fault here than him by her actions.
Right. She did mention she doesn’t want anymore baby daddy’s…but wants more kids and will have them with an Ex if she has to. All the while trying to encourage Leah to do the same.
Honestly, the Air Force should really cut ties with Javi, he isn’t sane enough to recruit anyone he is very immature. He was only with Kail because he wanted 15 minutes of fame, which he is still chasing. When Jo cut ties with the show, Javi got his gf of a week pregnant, just to stay relevant. It’s bad enough Onision is a former airman. Javi lives in a Fantasy world, yes he doesn’t do drugs or seriously hurt someone, but he is not a sane person at all, I think someone did do research a while ago and it said he was not active as long as he said he was and I was actually under the impression that he is a dishonorable discharge as well. I know a lot are going to disagree with me, but those are my two cents.
BUT…….I started to pay a bit more attention and i noticed that Javi would use the line…..” I’m not sure when but im being deployed, im just waiting on my orders”
Now, it came to my attention that Javi would throw that out there when he wanted his own way or attention or for people to say “Oh Javi, he’s such a hero!” Was he EVER deployed?
I know he used it as a tactic when he was trying to hold off on the divorce with Kail, then again when he was trying to get Bri to accept his marriage proposal (Even Bri’s mum Roxy picked up on it )
It was as though he was using it as emotional blackmail!
That made me sick! People go off to fight a war to serve and protect their country….Javi seemed to use it to secure a f***
@AndreaW.. Hi Andrea, just and answer to your question , I mean this with no sarcasm, no intent to debate , and no goal to change your opinion of Javi.
Yes, he was deployed. Javi was deployed for nine months, Kail acted like she could care less, Lincoln was too little to understand, and Isaac’s heart broke. He returned home to another man in his house and his wife asking for a divorce, the next season Kail slips that she was connected with Chris before Javi even left.
I added the extra info. In case you missed these parts.
Thank you Bailee! I don’t need to have an opinion of Javi to say that when men/women serve our country we say thank you and let it go. Whether or not I like the current POTUS doesn’t mean that I go around pissing on the American flag or burning it. The background on that was not something I was willing to get into because most of the Teen Mom stuff now is so far different than how it started/was intened/ etc… Not looking to debate either because I respect everyone’s right to have their own opinion and voice it in this free country. Thank you again!
I am not up on all his deployments but he did go to Qatar.
I just wanna clarity my comment before another hypocritical dumbass sends hate. What I was trying to say is that I was just very concerned about Javi’s mental health due to his past actions online and on the tabloids, and the possible effect it will have that he is a recruiter in the military(basically he decides who goes in or not). I would have voiced the same concern if Javi decides to becomes a police officer, social worker, nurse, emt or any job that someone can really mess up someone’s life. I do come from a huge military family, and I know some with Javi’s behavior doesn’t represent of the branches morals or values but no one is perfect, and his behavior could just been an escape for Kail’s abuse. Like myself he does have growing up to do and hopefully he will do a great job as a recruiter. Like ever serviceman in the us I do appreciate his service, and regret saying he was an embarrassment because that was not the right word to use. I am sorry if my comment offends anyone but it was written at the dead on night right before I went to sleep.
Victoria, I see you was fixin’ to change the world…and stuff, but I reckon you ain’t gonna.
Javi, we know what “awesome friends” is code for. Puta.
Chris, literally NOONE cares. Go away