On Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives, Robyn and Kody Brown sat their children down to break the news that once again they were being forced to move into another home.
However, when the couple’s 17-year-old daughter Aurora was shown having a panic attack later in the episode, it became clear that the family’s frequent uprooting had finally become too much for the teenager. Some ‘Sister Wives’ fans were outraged about the family’s decision to keep the cameras rolling, but Robyn took to Twitter their decision to air the footage.
During the episode, viewers watched as Aurora began twitching and showing other physical signs of a panic attack before being comforted by her mom and ultimately carried to her room by her dad.

Following the emotional scene, Aurora became emotional while explaining in her confessional what she goes through when having a panic attack.
“It’s like, difficult to think and process things cause it feels like my thoughts are simultaneously going a million miles an hour and nowhere at all,” she said. “These panic attacks happen probably four to five times a week. Some of them, I have noticed, are triggered by certain things like when I’m really, really upset or really emotionally or physically exhausted or when I have a high stress situation.
“My shoulders and torso will start to shake and I’ll start to have tremors and stuff,” she continued. “By the time I’m in the middle of one, I’m like hyperventilating and I can’t talk and I can’t walk and I can’t do hardly anything for myself. I still struggle to convince myself that I’m not the one causing it. I’m not the one instigating it and knowing it’s not my fault. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just hard.”

Robyn and Kody’s decision to allow such a vulnerable moment for their daughter to be aired was criticized by on social media following Sunday’s episode; however, Robyn defended the scene, claiming that it was actually Aurora’s decision to air the panic attack.
“Aurora was given the choice whether to let her panic attack be included on the show,” Robyn tweeted. “She just wanted to be able to talk about what it is like to have a panic attack too. She wants to bring awareness so people are more sensitive and supportive to those who have them.”
Aurora was given the choice whether to let her panic attack be included on the show. She just wanted to be able to talk about what it is like to have a panic attack too. She wants to bring awareness so people are more sensitive and supportive to those who have them.
— Robyn Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) March 9, 2020
Robyn also noted that Aurora’s “real panic attacks” began when the family was told they would have to move again — that, along with the stress of everything she had going on with it being her junior year of high school.
“It was super hard to see her struggle,” Robyn said.
Robyn went on to say that Aurora “has seen doctors to help her” and that she has also had the family supporting her through everything. Even through what Robyn called a “very stressful hard time,” Robyn shared some good news with fans, that Aurora is “still doing very well in school.”
“She is my over-achiever and expects a lot of herself,” she said.
Kody also addressed the panic attacks on Twitter.
“I may be wrong here when I say ‘we didn’t do this to her,’ in reference to Aurora’s ‘panic attack.’ She got overwhelmed when [Robyn] and I argued about our housing situation and the stress of yet another sudden move. #SisterWives,” he tweeted.
To read The Ashley’s recaps of previous ‘Sister Wives’ Season 14 episodes, click here!
(Photos: TLC; Twitter)
14 Responses
Wow, rough crowd. I hope Robin isn’t reading all of these. I just wanted to say that all her children are fortunate to have such caring parents, siblings, and extended family supporting her. I pray that this daughter can hang on to her wonderful life without taking on so much stress soon. Blessings.
I swear it looks exactly like a classic hypoglycemic episode. This disease is elusive and rare, and is not picked-up by the traditional glucose tolerance test. You must wear an interstitial monitor for diagnosis. It is easy to determine, next time it happens, take a couple of glucose tablets. And yes, stress will bring this on as well. Also a white food diet.
Pleeeeeeeeeease, Since when have any of the Brown kids opinions or feelings been taken into consideration! NEVER!
It reeks of $$$$$ and ratings for that raggedy mutt Kody !
bull she is an attention whore like her mom. I’ve had panic attacks all my life never had to be carried anywhere. Also her weird need to have constant attention from cody is weird
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She is a child! You don’t let children make adult decisions but Kody (and Robyn) is so immature that this is not surprising. It’s abuse and they don’t deserve to have those children if they care more about the show than her health. I feel sick for that poor child. Also adults should never discuss adult matters like finances in front of their kids but again, Kody is too immature and it’s all about him and the show. He epitomizes narcissism. You people make me sick. Are there any grandparents or real adults that can take these kids white the alleged adults actually go on with their stupid show so the kids can have some semblance of a childhood?
That poor girl. Her life must be extremely stressful, especially being her age and being on TV and having to go to school. Being 17 already sucks. Being 17 and in this family must be one of the 7 levels of Dante’s Inferno.
Sister Wives morphs into Children of the Corn and Stepford Wives! Watch your back Kody.
I would get confused too when my parents told me we had to sell our house to get money to built, to spend a lot on rent for a huge house and later mortgage for an even more expensive house.
Poor kid. I wonder how much these adults think of the kids rather than themselves and their relationships with kody.
They don’t. Kody only thinks of himself and doesn’t give a shit about what’s best for his whole family.
As a medical professional and someone who has had panic attacks and treated those with panic attacks, I think it’s absurd that anyone would question the validity of Auroras attack! I can assure you that all panic attacks can be different for other people. The tremors in her hands are very difficult to fake! Shaking is easy to spot, tremors are different. Think about the stress these kids are under from the parents that are supposed to protect them!
Panic Attacks are real and Kodi *seemed* to be more annoyed when he talked about it on the show’s episode. Kodi seems to be hellbent on getting everyone to do what he wants to do no matter who he hurts (feelings) and who he upsets and annoys.
First, this seemed staged. Kody and Dayton’s clothes were the identical for “BOTH” sofa talks about moving. While Robyn’s clothes changed, her jewelry was the same. Also, how many sofa conversations are needed about moving, within town, from one rental to another.
Second, if this was a legitimate panic attack, caused by Kody and Robyn disagreeing (as they both said) then Aurora must have some serious abandonment issues. After 16 years of marriage, my husband and I’ve disagreed plenty and it’s never caused our children to worry because our family is stable. Disagreement happen as part of all relationships. It’s extremely worrisome that her “parents” disagreement and a local move caused her this level of anxiety. Imagine when she faced actual problems in the adult world!
She does have abandonment issues. Her bio father gave up his rights and let Kody adopt them. And she used to see Kody daily and now only sees him every 3 or 4 days. As someone who has panic attacks I can tell you being an adult with them is much easier than being a teenager. When you are an adult you have control over your life when you are a kid you don’t.