From getting body parts altered to getting thrown out of your home, the stars of the Teen Mom franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately!
In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…
Mackenzie Edwards revealed her baby chute is closed.

There will be no more babies for Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards.
Mackenzie— who gave birth to Ryan’s daughter Stella earlier this year— did a mini Q&A session with her Instagram followers on Tuesday, informing them that she is done having babies.
“I had my tubes tied a month ago so it’s a no from me dawg,” Mackenzie replied when someone asked her if she and Ryan were planning to add to their litter.
(Mackenzie has two children with Ryan– Stella and son Jagger— as well as son Hudson from her previous marriage. Ryan also has a son, Bentley, whom he shares with Maci Bookout.)
Later in the Q&A, Mackenzie revealed how eager she had been to get her baby-maker shut down.
“I mean, I was trying to get [my tubes tied] that day [I gave birth to Stella],” Mackenzie said, adding that the procedure wasn’t hard.
“I didn’t think it was that bad!” she told one person.
Farrah Abraham revealed her daughter Sophia is in therapy.

File this under “Probably a Good Idea.”
Last week, the Backdoor Teen Mom announced (via TMZ, natch) that her 11-year-old daughter Sophia is now in therapy. Of course, Farrah blamed Sophia’s need for counseling on her “haters,” rather than her own questionable parenting decisions and general dumpster-fire-of-a-life.
Farrah— who was recently blasted online for abusing one of her dogs by tying the pup’s snout shut with a ribbon— talked to TMZ about how she’s a great pet parent and human parent. She also said that all the “hate speech” that she and Sophia have been getting for their dog antics has been hard for Sophia.
“And Sophia’s never killed a dog,” Farrah said. “There’s a lot of hateful things and that really affects kids, and Sophia has to go to therapy for that and no more bullying. It’s really bad.”
Farrah also used to interview to ensure everyone that she’s taking proper precautions with “the C0r0navirus and the dogs and stuff.”
“We had to go learn about that stuff.”

Farrah has a habit of revealing Sophia’s personal information to TMZ. Just a month ago, she blabbed that her pre-teen daughter was experiencing some of the embarrassing symptoms of puberty.
“Well, I mean she started having B.O. [body odor], ya know, she started having armpit hair,” Farrah told TMZ in January. “Like, our kids are going through puberty and luckily my daughter is more well-behaved than I see of her other kids and her other peers and I’m very blessed.”
Kieffer Delp got kicked out of his halfway house.

Well, Kieffa, I see ya wif no place to live…again!
Kieffer Delp— who is perhaps Jenelle Evans’ most-well-known former soulmate— was recently sprung from the clink after serving a lengthy prison sentence. Following his being paroled, Kieffer was sent to live at a Pennsylvania halfway house.
On Tuesday, Kieffer announced on Twitter that the halfway house he’s been staying at since late February is being closed, due to the C0r0navirus pandemic. While the thought of losing your housing would scare many people, Kieffer seemed unfazed.
“They shuttin the halfway down for two weeks and kickin everyone to the curb ….. The curb and I always been cool anyway hahah as a cucumber,” he tweeted.

As ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans know, Kieffer made plenty of unsheltered spaces his “home” during his time with Jenelle. From sleeping in parks to living in Jenelle’s car, Kieffer was always adaptable when it came to finding somewhere to call “home sweet home.”
“Worse things have happened,” he tweeted, later adding that he had located a friend to shack up with for the time being.
“Hell naw im happy af about it im bout to stay wit my boul mike for two weeks no place is still better than this place,” Kiffer wrote.

To catch up on more ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: MTV; Araya Diaz/Getty Images; YouTube; MTV)
28 Responses
MAC I would get my tubes tied too if I were married to Ryan! No one wants to co parent with him for the rest of their legally obligated life. Love this article!
And it isn’t too late to castrate RYAN!
Farrah if u want your daughter to NOT be bullied keep her off of social media. She’s too young for her own social media pages. Keep her off of YOUR social media since you have so many haters. Stop dragging her around the world, dressing and covorting like your pal-in-prostitution. Stop allowing her to speak to strangers online and stop allowing her to defend you to the haters!!!! She is not your partner in crime! She’s not your BFF! She’s your precious child! How can you do this to her and sleep at night? Shame on you! Disgraceful.
Of course man/boy Ryan couldn’t get a vasectomy. Mackenzie being 23 had to get her tubes tied. What a shitty person Ryan. I couldn’t imagine being 23 and getting my tubes tied. Think about it. She just was legal to drink 2 years ago. Smh
Yeah but between them both that’s 4 kids at that age. Still though Ryan is too lazy to do anything to himself.
Ryan is 32.
I’m wondering what reputable doctor agreed to sterilize a 23 year old in the first place. Yes, it can be reversed, but it doesn’t always work and it’s not cheap. Insurance doesn’t cover it. This relationship with Rhine will never last, and who knows… 10-15 years down the line (or even before, knowing the way these women on TM work these days) she’ll be in a new relationship and want to give him a baby. Mark ny words.
I would rather be homeless with Keifer than quarantined at home with David and Jenelle
Seriously! Have you seen the drunk/high hijinks in their instagrams yesterday? Frightening that they are acting like that and they had all the kids there watching them.
Mack seems like a shitty person, but she overall seems like a decent mom. Even though she procreated with a loser, she seems kind’ve young to be getting her tubes tied, because lets be real…Rhine isn’t going to be her last relationship…if anyone in that relationship should have been getting anything tied, it should have been Rhine…he’s just a sperm donor. Crazy how she got her tubes tied, but people like Ambo won’t.
I mean yeah she’s young but she has 3 kids. Even if she gets into a new relationship that doesn’t mean you need to have even more kids with a new person. 3 seems like more than enough.
True, I guess my thoughts are she’s already so young, and by the time her kids are older she’ll still probably able to have kids, and she might want more kids with the next guy…but honestly it’s whatever. It’s her body lol. She can do whatever she wants with it.
Kieffer updates are always appreciated.
Quote from Farrah: “Like, our kids are going through puberty and luckily my daughter is more well-behaved than I see of her other kids and her other peers and I’m very blessed.”
Pretty sad that she makes no mention of friends of Sophia. Poor kid doesn’t even have any friends.
It’s probably the best thing Mackenzie did in all her life.
And Farrah sending Sophia to therapy is also reasonable which I never thought I would say about her. But I’m sure Sophia tells the truth to her therapist and they break down that it’s her mom’s fault and such that she is the way she is. Therapists are obliged to not tell anything to anyone so I’m sure she is truthful to her/him.
LOL, that Jenelle photo makes me laugh. How long before she leaves Lurch again and gets back with Kiefa? Didn’t it happen all the time in the past when she broke up with current soulmate?
Still, nothing on Kail smoking while pregnant.
Mackenzie said that she was going to get her tubes tied last year but found out she was pregnant. She’s probably the first in the whole series to get that done.
Jenelle got hers done last year.
Mackenzie McKee got her tubes tied too, if I recall right.
Why is this news and who cares about these scum bags.
I mean…you clicked on it. ?♀️
Omg I don’t care about any of this besides the sentence that says Farrah ties the dogs mouth shut with a ribbon. This is sick and horrifying. There are some people who are not naturally connected to and understanding of animals, and Farrah obviously being one of them. Please someone do something about the pups…
David even killed a dog and nothing was done. 🙁
I hate to say it, but I’ve felt that Sophia has been doomed FOR YEARS. She started to act unwell around 7 years old if I can recall. I have a feeling Farrah would get on her about her appearance and that’s why she’s always been so awkward on camera. The only salvation for that poor child is to stay in therapy, get off camera, off social media and away from Farrah for at least ten years.
As for Mackenzie and Rhine, how many times have they said they were done with the show? I thought she had a lucrative future as a wedding planner, if so, why is she still on social media talking about her baby making parts. She is so annoying, of the two TM stalkers that went so far as to bear children with TM dads for a spot on the show (the other being that chick that was option #3 for Javi), she is so entitled and self-righteous, it’s nauseating.
I’ve got to say, I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for Kiefa. In the pantheon of Jenelle’s soulmates, he’s the only one that never displayed any violent tendencies (save for the time he and Jenelle had a Royal Rumble in the bedroom with Trashbag-Tori and her soulmate #neverforget).
I agree with you 100%…Farrah is basically pimping Sophia out, because Farrah didn’t come close to being as relevant/popular as her idol Kim K (never forget when Scott Disick called her a moron and a shit stain LOL!) so she’s trying to live vicariously through Sophia…it’s honestly disgusting. Good thing that she is in therapy, she seriously needs it.
I chuckled at your TM stalkers comment LOL…you’re dead on with the women that sought out the TM dad’s. The only 2 I think that went after a TM dad out of pure love were Vee and Kristina…The TM stalker men that sought out the TM girls are a whole other story and there are so many to name…basically all but Cole and Taylor are opportunists.
And I’m still rooting for Kieffah, even though he’s basically a lost cause. Crazy how he was the best out of all her soulmates (aside from Herbie who got out 2 weeks in LOL), and he’s got the worst drug problem.
Sorry but he literally threw Jennelle in a car in a parking lot…. with his buttcrack showing.
Keiffer 4eva
Umm… Keiffer literally threw Jennelle in the back of a car in a parking lot with his butt crack showing.
Farrah, Sophia has no peers. It’s literally just you. That child is in desperate need of peers and a decent mother. Even her grandparents (on Farrah’s side) suck.