Jailed “90 Day Fiance” Star Jorge Nava Vows to Divorce His Wife Anfisa When He’s Released; Says His Release Date May Be Bumped Up

“I’m done fighting for this marriage! I’m outta here!”

Jorge Nava may be getting sprung from prison earlier than he was scheduled to, due to the C0VID-19 pandemic, but it looks like the 90 Day Fiance Season 4 star will not be heading home into the arms of his wife, Anfisa!

TMZ reports that Jorge— who has been locked up in Arizona since September 2018— “is ready to file for divorce the moment he is released.”

Jorge told the site that he feels Anfisa abandoned him while he was behind bars.

As The Ashley previously told you, Anfisa is currently dating a man named Leo Assaf, and neither her or Leo have made much effort to hide their romance. (In fact, a spy for The Ashley saw the pair at a store in Orange County, California, a few weeks ago looking very cozy!)

Jorge was sentenced to nearly two years in prison on multiple felony marijuana possession and distribution charges. He began his 22-month sentence in September 2018 at the Arizona State Prison Complex. He has made the most of his time behind bars, reportedly racking up more than 500 hours of work and dropping a 128 lbs. since entering The Big House! 

(Jorge told TMZ that he now weighs 190 lbs — down from 318 lbs — and says “he mixed regular cardio and intermittent fasting to cut weight.”)

Anfisa and Jorge’s relationship was going strong when Jorge was first imprisoned, but by November 2019, it seemed that at least Anfisa was reconsidering her future. (At that point, though, Jorge was telling fans that he and Anfisa were doing “really well” and that Anfisa was looking forward to his release.

…but he is giving you divorce papers, so there’s that!

Speaking of Jorge’s release, he is scheduled to be sprung from the clink on August 10, but The Blast reports that he is now eligible for community supervision.

“The records state Nava could be released ’90 days prior to a designated released date,'” the site reports. “The Director of Arizona Department of Corrections has the power to decide if Nava gets let out early. If he gets approved for community supervision he would be under tight restrictions and have to check in with a probation officer.”

Anfisa has not yet publicly responded to Jorge’s announcement.

RELATED STORY: Boyfriend of “90 Day Fiancé” Star Anfisa Nava Confirms Relationship…Even Though Anfisa is Still Married to Prisoner Jorge Nava

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

16 Responses

  1. I think it for the best all he lie to her lie to his family she got the blame for everything even when he got caught with the drugs he told her I have all this money I will buy you what ever I you than make them look bad and like they are only after money when they call them on it they change the subject are get mad blame them money money money. Stop lying to these women about how much you really have

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Hi, just wanted to make a tiny correction since I’ve noticed The Ashley spelling COVID-19 with what appears to be a zero multiple times (maybe it’s a trick of the font but just in case):
    It’s COVID-19. It’s spelled that ways because of this: CO(rona)VI(rus) D(isease) (20)19
    -an epidemiologist

    1. It’s being spelled with a 0 because a lot of articles that mention the virus are getting filtered/flagged. So using 0 instead of o helps bypass that

    2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      She writes it that way so the site doesn’t get traffic when you search COVID-19

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    You missed a 90 days joke 😉

  4. You know, this girl was up front about what she wanted, didn’t hide her love for money and I respect that honesty. It didn’t make her any less insufferable, but at least she was honest from the get-go. After all that, Jorge’s arrest really seemed to hit her hard, and it seemed like she matured a little. She was going to school and doing her fitness thing to keep busy and further herself. I actually started to really like her.

    Scratch all that though. I wonder how people would feel if the tables were turned. If they’d still be cheering if it was Jorge posting photos with random broads. It really looks pretty trashy of you to still be married and flaunting your new relationship all over social media. This, seemingly without your incarcerated husband having any knowledge about your desire to end the relationship?? He had to find out on social media? Surely you have more class and respect than that. How hard is it to send a letter if you can’t be woman enough to end it with him to his face? Yet you’ll keep living that lie with your new man like we all don’t know you’re still a married woman. Yikes.

    I honestly think lesser of her after this. Sure, go be happy with your new temporary slam-piece, I’m sure he has all the money to buy your happiness. But this really just makes you look like the gold-digging slore that graced our screens back on 90 Day Fiance.

    Be sure to thank Jorge for that green card that enables you to stay in this country.

  5. At least she was straight forward about “loving” Jorge only for his money. Dude seriously thought she would wait for him? She might be a whore but at least she was honest about at, unlike many others…

  6. Lesson for the wise, maybe don’t pay whores from other countries to marry you and expect to have a long lasting marriage.

  7. good she more then earned that green card. I know everyone thinks she is as bitchy as she was on the show but when you start to talk to her she isn’t that way. she has worked her butt off literally for body building and going to college I’m glad she will be dumping his lazy lying ass

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