The possibility of a reconciliation between exes Kate and Jon Gosselin continues to look bleak as Kate is now reportedly being investigated by the Department of Labor due to claims made by Jon.
The claims are related to Kate allowing the four underage children in her custody to film for a Kate Plus 8 special without work permits. Jon was enraged when he saw his kids on the special— which aired on TLC in October— and stated in several interviews that Kate did not seek his permission before putting their kids in front of the camera.
On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor confirmed to The Sun that there is an “active investigation” going on regarding Kate’s alleged actions.
According to court papers obtained by The Sun, Kate is denying Jon’s claims. She accused Jon of “falsely claiming the Mother and network filmed the children without work permits, resulting in an investigation by the Department of Labor.”
Back in October, Jon filed a petition of contempt against his ex-wife, accusing her of allowing Leah, Alexis, Joel and Aiden — the minor children currently in her custody — to film without his consent. Jon claimed he was not provided any information from Kate or TLC that “filming of the minor children was to occur” for the particular ‘Kate Plus 8’ special, which focused on the couple’s 18-year-old twins Mady and Cara as they toured colleges and the family went on vacation.
Hannah and Collin, the underage children who live with and are in the custody of Jon, did not participate in the special.

As stated in a May 2019 agreement, Kate is allowed to film with the kids in her custody, as long as Jon is provided with a filming schedule that includes the date, time and location of filming. Because this detail of the agreement was not honored, Jon demanded that Kate be held in contempt and pay $1,500.
Kate responded to Jon’s petition by denying any responsibility in the filming snafu, noting that TLC was “handling all notifications to the Father,” adding that notifying Jon was not her personal responsibility.

She then filed a counterclaim against her ex-husband, accusing him of continuing to “publicly embarrass her” and “tarnish” her reputation to hinder her “ability to film and earn any income.”
Earlier this week, Jon accused Kate of blocking him from accessing Collin and Hannah’s financial accounts, despite his requests for Kate to transfer the accounts in order for him to be the custodian.
RELATED STORY: Jon Gosselin Accuses Ex Kate of Blocking Him From Bank Accounts & Trusts Belonging to Their Kids In His Custody
(Photos: TLC; The Ashley)
11 Responses
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good they will never see a dime for a lifetime of filming
What’s the bet kate has been dipping in to the children’s fund. Kate is a biatch
Anyone else find it interesting that her favorite Hannah now lives with Jon? She treated him like dirt if you watch the old episodes. He was living in the garage apartment way before the “cheating” came out. H
Oh honey. Your reputation has been tarnished for quite some time now, and that’s due to simply being you. Jon is being a good father. Who knew? Women like Kate NEED to control everything, and she can’t control him. Good for him.
This bitch is the true OG “Karen”.
Ignorance of your own personal responsibilities is not a defense, Kate.
She has a nursing degree and could easily work to support the 4 children still at home but she is lazy and only wants fame. Kate for years dragged Jon through the mud, made fun of him working low paid jobs while he was trying reestablish himself and turned the children against him and now Jon is doing ok, isn’t bound by the gagging clause TLC made him sign to leave the show and not het sued for breach of contract any longer and has 2 of the children back Kate doesn’t like it. She thinks the child labour law set by her state partly because her children being exploited does not apply to her and now is playing victim because she has found it does.
These two are a hot mess.
Okay.. two things! 1.) Jon is “hindering” her ability to film and earn income??? Kate, if earning an income is an issue, go out and get a real job just like an anyone else would have to!! You knew this shit show wouldn’t last forever so go do what every other parent would do and get a JOB!!! Your not above that sweetheart!! And 2.) Sometimes, it really seems like Jon cares more about the money than actually stopping his kids from filming. It’s always about him demanding some kind of money when she screws up. I think they’re both kind of pathetic and wish they’d just keep their parental fights to themselves!!!!!
He was destitute after he left her. As much as she puts him through, I’d take as much from her as was legally possible.
Jon’s not demanding money; he wants her to hand over the accounts that belong to the children. He spent around $1,300,000 fighting for his kids in court over the past 10 years. I don’t think he was ever about wanting something for himself; he turned down $1 million from TLC when they wanted him to come back and film but to pretend everything was okay, before the divorce. He turned it down. He has full custody of the kids, he should have control of their money just like had and still does for the four still with her.