Upcoming “90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined” Spin-off to Showcase More Than 40 of the TLC Show’s Past Stars Recording Themselves

“Mother, prepare the cats get yourself all spiffed up! We’re back in the spotlight!”

Our favorite 90 Day Fiance stars are coming back in yet another spin-off, but this time they’ll be the ones holding the cameras!

Variety broke the news on Thursday that more than 40 of the show’s past and present participants— including favorites like Colt and Debbie Johnson (and their cats, naturally)— will star on a new five-episode spin-off called 90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined

Footage for the series will be filmed by the participants and will show how various cast members are handling the C0VID-19 outbreak and quarantine.

According to Variety, the show’s cast members began taping themselves and their partners earlier this week, and “confessional” interviews (which are usually filmed in-person) will be conducted via video chat with the show’s producers. 

Our crew is not near them physically at all,” TLC President and General Manager Howard Lee told the site on Thursday. “They will be helping them remotely.”

He added that the show’s couples are loving this new approach to filming.

“They’re seizing this opportunity,” he said. “I think that they’re actually really enjoying it, being able to show a part of their lives at home.” 


Howard did warn viewers, though, that production of the show may be a bit “messy” since it’s being filmed and produced remotely.

As for who will be featured on the show, Howard stated producers selected fan favorites from the show’s six-year history. Some of the featured couples are currently living together and some are living apart. 

Howard released the current cast list for “90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined” to Variety, but added that the show’s producers are trying to work with other former cast members to “see who we can get.” 

Former “90 Day Fiance” Franchise cast members who have already signed on include:

Alan & Kirlyam Cox (“90 Day Fiance” Season 1) 

Mursel Mistanoglu & Anna Campisi (“90 Day Fiance” Season 7)

Benjamin Taylor & Akinyi Obala (“Before the 90 Days” Season 3)

Pedro Jimeno & Chantel Everett (“Happily Ever After?” & “The Family Chantel”) 

Colt Johnson & Mother Debbie Johnson (“90 Day Fiance Season 6” & “Happily Ever After?”)

Corey & Evelin Villegas (“The Other Way” & “90 Day Fiance: What Now?”)

Danielle Jbali (“90 Day Fiance” Season 2 & “Happily Ever After?”)

Darcey Silva (“Before the 90 Days” & “Pillow Talk”)

David & Annie Toborowsky (“90 Day Fiance” Season 5, “Happily Ever After?” & “Pillow Talk”)

Dean Hashim (“Before the 90 Days” & “Pillow Talk”)

Andrei Castravet & Elizabeth Potthast (“90 Day Fiance” Season 5 & “Happily Ever After?”)

Sasha & Emily Larina (“90 Day Fiance” Season 7)

Jesse Meester (“Before the 90 Days” & “What Now?”)

Thomas, Karen, River & Winter Everett (“The Family Chantel”)

Michael Jessen & Juliana Custodio (“90 Day Fiance” Season 7) 

Molly Hopkins (“90 Day Fiance” Season 5 & “Happily Ever After?”) 

Ronald Smith & Tiffany Franco (“The Other Way” & “What Now?”)

Yamir Castillo (“90 Day Fiance” Season 2) 

Lowo Shodipe & Narkyia Lathan (“90 Day Fiance” Season 4 & “What Now?”)

Robert & Anny Springs (“90 Day Fiance” Season 7 & “Pillow Talk”)

Brett Otto & Daya De Arce (“90 Day Fiance” Season 2 & “Happily Ever After?”)

Caesar Mack (“Before the 90 Days” Season 3) 

Patrick Cornett (“Before the 90 Days” Season 1 & “What Now?”) 

Cortney Reardanz (“Before the 90 Days” Season 1 & “What Now?”)

Jon & Rachel Walters (“Before the 90 Days” Season 2 & “What Now?”)

Corey Rathgeber & Evelin Villegas (“The Other Way” & “What Now?”)


When you get left out of a spin-off show because everyone’s already exhausted by your fake drama…

As for if the “Self-Quarantined” spin-off will continue after the five scheduled episodes air, TLC President Howard Lee says that will be determined by show’s popularity.

“Right now, I think this is a limited series event, a one-time only,” he said. “If for some reason, this is popular, and the audience really loves it, I don’t know — maybe there’s more down the road!”

As The Ashley has reported most (but not all) reality TV shows have stopped production due to the current global health situation. 

“90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined” will premiere on April 20 on TLC.

 RELATED STORY: Tiffany Franco Says She & Her “90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way” Husband Ronald Smith Are Still Together, Despite Announcing Split in January:

12 Responses

  1. Did you guys see that Azan is actually married to his cousin and has 3 kids?? And Nicole knows all about this, and apparently all that money she was sending for that “beauty shop” or whatever it was supposed to be, she was actually sending it to Azans wife as a bribe so that she could marry him?? I knew Nicole was pathetic, but she clearly has absolutely no self worth, and the fact she’s chasing this married boy all around the world (who is only 55% attracted to her) instead of being home to take care of her daughter, really makes me dislike her even more. She’s such a desperate moron!

    1. I read that the $6000 was to pay for the divorce. Also that the emergency that Azan had was his wife going into labor.

  2. Ps I forgot, who the freak wants to watch Danielle?
    Not me!! Well at least she needs the money. I forgive them choosing her.

  3. Only those people who do not have diarrhea should be allowed to speak on it so that was a have diarrhea should only be allowed to speak on Thursday

  4. Need to leave Jesse out of it it should be couples only and only those who do not have diarrhea

  5. There’s a whole chunk of people in that list that I can do without. I don’t want Coltee and his boobs on telly again.
    Please no more Chantel and her 6 inch (Portwood) lashes either.

  6. Seriously how TF do we get rid of Debbie and Coltee? I’m still sick of them & I don’t want to watch Coltee get drunk & porn search with his true love his mom. Or Jessie, seriously? Mr I’m starved for attention?
    Bad enough that we have to watch Darcy cry every episode. And I really don’t want to see Pedro’s mom or sister but I’m sure they will slip them in.I see alot of fast wording in my future.

      1. Larissa should be made to go home to her children. And Jay needs to go back also.
        Why in the world would they sign up Ceaser or Marcel? That’s going to be like watching paint dry. On the plus side I bet David & Annie will be fun! Maybe she can teach us how to cook all that food in bed on Pillow Talk. They could give her a cooking show comes on before Pillow Talk she can show us how to cook the meal the are having in bed that night. Cooking in bed with Annie & professional taster David. ?

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