Jenelle Evans has been making the “Random Podcast” rounds lately, talking about everything from her new “projects” to her former Teen Mom franchise co-stars!
The former Teen Mom 2 star’s latest podcast interview was with iClick TV’s Dirty Reality, where she made some, um, interesting claims about her future project(s), talked crap on current ‘Teen Mom’ers Kail Lowry, Mackenzie McKee and others, and discussed the odds of her making like Farrah Abraham and getting into the adult film industry.
Since the podcast is long, The Ashley has waded through the swamp water of it to bring you only the most-interesting parts. (The Ashley will also be discussing a specific part of the interview in a story later this week, so stay tuned…)
Anyway, on with the smack talk!
On why MTV (and the ‘Teen Mom’ producers/editors) are responsible for her bad reputation:

Jenelle has made it no secret that she feels those behind the show crafted her into the ‘Teen Mom’ villain, and her statements during this interview were no different.
“Over the years I was very open and honest but I got to the point where it was hard for me to trust [the producers] anymore,” Jenelle said. “I didn’t know what was about to air. We would film happy scenes and they would never make the cut. I just felt like my reputation to them was ‘the bad one’ and I just feel like I got cut off there and couldn’t continue.”
“I did an interview recently and I told them, ‘You know, I feel chewed up and spit out with Hollywood life,” she added.
Jenelle’s ‘Teen Mom’ contract with Viacom recently ended, freeing her up to do whatever she wants with whatever network she wants. She promised that she has some new projects in the works.
“I’m moving on to new and better things,” Jenelle said. “I have a new team I’m working with, and we got some projects going on behind the scenes so I’m excited for whenever I can announce that.

On why she’s mad that MTV fired her but not Amber Portwood:
This seems to be a favorite podcast topic as of late for Jenelle. Here, she stated that it wasn’t fair that she was grouped together with her dog-killing, producer-threatening husband, David Eason, and got fired for it.
Amber, as ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans know, remained on the show despite her July 2019 arrest for domestic violence and the release of numerous audio recordings in which Amber can be heard being physically and verbally abusive to her then-boyfriend Andrew Glennon.
Surprisingly, though, Jenelle said she feels the producers were right not to fire Amber.
“I think it’s fair for her to continue her story, but I don’t think it’s fair for me to NOT continue my story, if you get what I mean,” Jenelle said. “I didn’t get in trouble for nothing, she got in trouble for a lot of things, and now they’re holding my husband’s actions against me.”

On which ‘Teen Mom’ stars are thirsty, boring, and more…
Amber wasn’t the only ‘Teen Mom’ star Jenelle mentioned during her podcast interview. She also took swings at Mackenzie McKee, Farrah Abraham, Kail Lowry and Chelsea Houska.
When the podcast hosts asked her to name the first ‘Teen Mom’ star who came to her mind when she heard a certain word, Jenelle happily played along.
When asked which ‘Teen Mom’ star is the most fake, Jenelle chose Farrah. When asked who is the most bitchy, Jenelle picked Kail (whom she has had a long-time feud with). When asked who is the most real, Jenelle said Briana DeJesus (whom is the only person from the cast she is still cordial with.)
When asked which ‘Teen Mom’ is the most thirsty, Jenelle went with Mackenzie.

The hosts then asked her which ‘Teen Mom’ girl is the most boring, and Jenelle chose Chelsea. When asked which girl was most likely to show up drunk and black out at the 25th Year Reunion Show (should there be one…dear GOD let there be one!), Jenelle went with Maci Bookout because “she loves beer.”
On whether she would do a reality show with her mother, Barbara Evans:
Jenelle is probably aware by now that the most-likable thing about her is her mother, Babs, so it’s no surprise that she stated that she would be willing to do a TV project with her “motha.” (In a recent interview, she even revealed plans for her and Babs to co-author a mother/daughter advice book. Insert giggle here.)
“Yes [I’d] definitely consider it,” she said. “Actually, like I said, we have projects going on where my mom will be involved in all this. You’ve just got to stay tuned. I’ve got a new team I’m working with. It just takes time. Also, this virus is holding us up, so now I’ve gotta figure out a way around all that.”

On whether or not she would ever do a p0rn movie:
As The Ashley has previously told you, money is very tight on The Land right now. However, Jenelle insists that she would never resort to doing adult films (a la Farrah), even if she was offered a swamp-full of cash.
“No, I’ve actually been offered it, they tried offering me $1 million, the same Vivid Entertainment that worked with Farrah,” Jenelle said.
(Jenelle is telling the truth here. In fact, back in 2015, Jenelle did an interview with The Ashley about it. Click here to read that!)
Jenelle stated that, after Vivid saw how successful Farrah’s backdoor film was, they were eager to turn more ‘Teen Mom’ stars into nudie cuties.
“After that, they contacted me and asked, ‘Would you be willing to do it? We’ll pay you more than Farrah.’ And I said, ‘No, I won’t,'” Jenelle said. “It’s kind of like, you’re doing a dirty deed for 30 seconds and that ruins your whole life, like why would you even do that?
“And then your family sees it. Anyone you encounter has already saw you naked, and it ruins every opportunity for your future, I feel like,” Jenelle continued. “From [Farrah’s] perspective, because she used to be on ‘Teen Mom’ so that is the persona everyone had for her. She’s a mom, she didn’t start out in the p0rn industry.”
Jenelle then pointed out that plenty of people dislike her already, and she never even did a p0rno.
“I already have people hating on me so bad that they sometimes they try to ruin opportunities for me, and they still do that with Farrah,” she said.
Listen to Jenelle’s full interview with the Dirty Reality podcast below!
RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans (Finally) Confirms She’s Back with David Eason & Explains Why She Moved Back to The Land:
(Photo: MTV, YouTube)
45 Responses
I guess Chelsea would be boring to someone who is a known drug abuser, constantly in and out of abusive relationships, and can hardly keep custody of her own children. Unfortunately it seem Jenelle is confusing “boring” for normal because she has no idea what that kind of life looks like.
Jennelle your just a dumb Bitch like Amber. Whatever your new projects are, I hope they fail.
Does David have a real job yet? Didn’t think so! At least the other women on the show are getting paid, and it’s clear Jenelle is jealous about that! Jenelle doesn’t have a single redeeming quality about her… I wish they’d just end the series, or at least get rid of Kail too and put a gag order on Jenelle lol.
I don’t think there’s any body part on Briana DeJesus that’s “real”
I will never understand how someone who is pushing 30 and has done absolutely nothing with her life or contributed anything positive to society has such a massive ego. NOBODY is interested in any “projects” she may have up her sleeve. The only thing we care about is the welfare of her children and pets. If the swamp opened up tomorrow and swallowed Jenelle and her abusive, dog murdering, druggy husband whole, as long as the children and pets were spared, we would all be happy.
I think the reason more of these babes are not doing a porn is because Farrah came out of the gate HOT with the anal. So, you know the next one needs to raise the bar, which is what? Gangbang, double anal, bukkake, threesum, animals? Farrah checkmated them from the getgo. Shrewd.
stay lit
Also farrah had a cracking body at the time of the porn. Jenelle is a fat ass now.
She bangs David for free.. she might as well take a million and do something just as nasty. ??♀️
When cable channels like Oxygen and WE TV don’t even want to touch you with a 10 foot pole, you know it’s bad!
It’s hilarious that she’s blaming her edit for her poor reputation. Janelle, you know what (insert Babs voice here)? Maybe if you didn’t constantly do shitty things on TV it wouldn’t air! Like when you pulled a gun on a guy that cut you off with your son in the car, and then said he was lying about it while it was all on tape? How exactly was that “edited to make you look like a villain?” Stop being a shitty person and then maybe you won’t get a shitty edit.
“Anyone you encounter has already saw you naked, and it ruins every opportunity for your future…’
Excuse me. What?
Does that include the naked spread out roast beef pics of you that have been circulating around the internet for YEARS?
I swear, I really wish you would stop, Jenelle. Please just STOP.
That’s what I was thinking too. Girl….”Hollywood life”?? You live in a trailer that’s sinking into the ground in NC. Calm down. You’re not Drew Barrymore trying to recover from a life of child stardom.
Jenelle carrying on about Amber having a record? Then proceeding to insist she herseld “didn’t do nothing bad” as if she doesn’t have dozens of arrests and mugshots under her belt is the richest thing I’ve ever heard.
Quit giving this dog-murdering, child abusing, drug addict, Great Value version of Bonnie and Clyde a platform. I hope that every single company they ever get sponsorships from is yanked right out from underneath them (pretty good rap sheet so far). You’re broke because trash like you think you are above getting a real JOB.
“New projects” means I’m trying to persuade every TV company there is to hire me, but they keep saying no. “I’m excited for whenever I can announce that” means I’m praying to God that I can crawl back to reality tv and can’t wait to throw it into MTV’s face IF that ever happens. In other words, I’m a jobless, worthless idiot with a dog murderer abusive husband, and a drug addiction.
I 100% believe that Amber should have been fired. Without question. Especially after the audio tapes aired.
However the difference between Amber and Jenelle is, Amber films and doesn’t seem to have ever had a significant other cause issues for her while filming. Jenelle never wanted to film. They weren’t allowed to film at her home. David threatened the crew numerous times. Jenelle would show up with David when she was supposed to be filming and then production had to shut down. Jenelle had maybe one friend and her mom to film with by the time the show ended. So I can see why Jenelle was fired. She was a headache and they lost money on her.
Jenelle has no projects on the horizon other than her and David’s sad attempt to stage fights on social media to get Marriage Boot camp to notice them.
I totally agree…Amber sucks, but Jenelle’s acting like she didn’t do anything. If you’re difficult to work with, you get fired. This is with any job. Farrah got fired for smaller IMO, but at the end of the day she got fired for being difficult. Jenelle needs to realize that her bad behavior finally caught up with her. But I think we all can agree that Amber needs to go. She already had a second chance with TMOG coming back and she blew it, she doesn’t deserve anymore.
UGH! She is so pathetic!
Honestly, I don’t think anyone cares what she thinks. Time for her to just move on from TM and get a regular job…she made her bed (choosing losers over her kids, and staying with POS David), now it’s time for her to just shut up and lay in it.
‘You know, I feel chewed up and spit out with Hollywood life,” she added
That’s showbiz honey. DUH. She’s such a victim.
But can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that she thought her life was even remotely “Hollywood”? What about living on a swamp with an abusive hillbilly and your gaggle of children and making money by posting ads on IG for crappy weight loss drinks is “Hollywood”? She was white trash that hit the lotto by getting knocked up at 16 and picked for a show on MTV.
Liar, she agreed to do a porn but she didn’t pass the talent test. That’s a STD test.
Yeah, she has fans…right. I’m not sure she realizes that the CPS workers, police, 911 dispatch, and attorneys that surround her are not her fans. They are the ones that have to put out all of the dumpster fires you start, dumb dumb.
Nobody gives a shit, Jenelle. Nobody!
I think MTV has a long run game plan. They will start weeding out all of the original Teen Moms and see how ratings do with these cheaper replacements. If they are still pulling in advertising they will air it forever.
Assuming her adult film partner would be her husband, no wonder she’s so unhappy. She said the ‘dirty deed’ would only last 30 seconds. Yikes!
“Working with a new team” “you’ve just got to stay tuned” “working on other projects” ?!?!?! HAHAHA does she think she’s some sort of…. celebrity?
I really wish that people would stop giving her a platform
She can’t figure out why Mtv would hold Lurch’s actions against her?!?! Well honey, it wouldn’t be a good look to employ a person who allows their children to be abused, animals to be abused and killed, all while condoning their spouse’s dangerous, anti-social behavior. However, she is right about MacKenzie being thirsty (why is she on the show?). And the “projects” she’s talking about are surely some kind of bootleg YouTube nonsense. It’s hilarious how she mentions that she is working with a “team”, she is drinking that delusionade all day.
That’s what I was thinking too. Girl….”Hollywood life”?? You live in a trailer that’s sinking into the ground in NC. Calm down. You’re not Drew Barrymore trying to recover from a life of child stardom.
She should do a porno because she is a nasty slut just like farrah. Besides she is to fuckin stupid to do anything else.
Jenelle, you’re burnt. Got it?
“Then everyone sees you naked”. Said spread eagle Jenelle?. Or even covered up spread eagle pink bikini pic was disgusting. No one cares Hoelle.
As much as I dislike Janelle, she was fired because of who she was married to….and Amber continues to film after all she’s done. That’s not fair. Film them both or neither of them. I personally prefer neither of them. They’re getting paid for their bad choices, just for ratings.
I can’t stand her or her animal killing husband but what she said about Amber is the truth! I refuse to watch the show anymore
Jenelle, you’re over, done, kaput, finished, through, burnt, struck, gone, gobbled, banished, tarnished, branded, ellipsis marks, eclipsed, shut down , etc.
Got it?
Jace and Maryssa don’t count as your ‘new team’, Jenelle.
Getting them to film your tiktoks is child labour. And torture.
And torture for anyone that has to watch them! Or, Jenelle’s lame YouTube with Uncle Bad Touch Lurch being the shaky camera man! ?
Everyone has already seen jenelle nude on multiple occasions anyways so she really played herself by refusing a payout for it. Cute how she thinks she has any pride.
Jenelle the only chance you have at making bank is to sue Viacom for unfair dismissal.
Does anybody care about the BS That comes out of her mouth?
Takes a thirsty bitch to know a thirsty bitch ?