‘Sister Wives’ Star Kody Brown Talks About How Quarantine & Social Distancing Have Affected His Relationships with His Four Wives & His Kids

They’ve been preparing for this for a while now…

The Brown family of TLC’s Sister Wives are minding recent orders to maintain social distance….although that’s not been easy for Kody Brown, who has four wives and kids in four separate households. 

In a new interview with Us Weekly, Kody said that “normal life has ceased” for himself, his wives and his family. While he and the Sister Wives revealed how they’ve been spending their quarantine time, they did not say which wife is saddled with Kody as a “shelter in place” mate.

“The one positive thing about this whole pandemic is that we’ve gone almost a month without moving someone in or out of a house!”

“We’re all working from home; however, some of us are not able to do necessary travel for work and some of our entire industries are shut down,” he said. “Two of my wives run an online business so they are still working remotely but they aren’t able to do some of the in-person tasks they normally do. Overall there have been some setbacks and some things have slowed down significantly.” 

Meri Brown, known for hustling leggings via her online business, said although she travels frequently for work, she’s able to work from home and the quarantine life “doesn’t feel out of the norm” for her at this point — aside from not getting to see her family. 

“I’m not seeing much of the rest of the family because we’re all quarantining, so it’s a little weird that we can’t get together but we know it’s best to stay in our own individual homes,” Meri said.

“Yeah, it’s been really rough! I’m legally obligated to stay away from Kody. Darn.”

Kody confirmed that everyone in the family is “talking a lot.”…and that they’re now even more boring than usual. (This seems almost impossible to anyone who is watching the yawnfest that is the current season of ‘Sister Wives.’)

“We’re still in contact and talking a lot, but because nothing is going on in our lives, life has gotten a bit boring,” he said.

Kody said aside from checking on the kids, who are currently doing their schoolwork from home, “there’s not much to discuss.” 

“There’s no new news within our family, but obviously we’re keeping updated about the news of the world,” he continued. “Instead of talking about the weather we’re talking about C0ronavirus. The discussions have shifted to obsession! We’ve been asking each other, ‘Do you have any friends or know anybody who has it?’ Other than that, there’s not much else to talk about.” 

“That being said…would anyone like to talk about my hair?!”

While the Browns have “severed family gatherings completely,” Kody said the family has made use of conference calls, with plans to “do more where we update each other on everything going on within our family.” In fact, Robyn Brown said she’s actually talked to her family more recently, partly because she has the time, but also because the family is “all worried right now.” 

“This is more stressful than trying to find a rental home in four days.”

Of course, Kody used this interview as an opportunity to once again pitch his “one big house” agenda. (As ‘Sister Wives’ viewers know, Kody has spent most of the current season trying to pressure his wives and kids into forgoing their individual homes to all move into one giant house he wants to have built.) 

We have a feeling Kody is using this down time to brush up on his presentation, just in case…

To the surprise of literally no one, Janelle Brown said the idea of sheltering in place within Kody’s Polygamist Barbie Dream House sounds pretty good to her, as she said it would allow for family gatherings, prevent more family members from needing to go to the grocery story (as they’d only be shopping for one household) and “there would be more camaraderie.” 

As for Christine Brown, she’s taking it all in stride and has been keeping herself and her kids busy with embroidery, cross-stitching, crocheting and making her own face moisturizer. 

“Next up: a DIY hair conditioner for Kody!”

Umm… whatever passes the time! 

If you’re really bored and would like to read The Ashley’s recaps of this season of ‘Sister Wives,’ click here

RELATED STORY: Robyn Brown Defends Airing Daughter Aurora’s Panic Attack on Recent Episode of ‘Sister Wives’

(Photos: TLC; Instagram) 

19 Responses

  1. When are they going to take this immoral heap of a show off the air
    It’s all about a cheating man and 4 completely brain dead women who are totally convinced they are the ones who are lucky to have this hunk.UGH and are quite happy to make fools of themselves and their children.I would be so passed off if I was Janelle or Christine because having 6 children each out of wedlock never got Kody to LEGALLY marry them. I don’t believe he married Robin to LEGALLY adopt her kids because he’s hot 12 children whose mothers were never married.They should be ashamed.They all talk morals but not one of them have any.

  2. I’ve never watched this show but I love your recaps. Ashley. How does Kody support his family? Is it straight off the TLC money or does he actually have a job? Or are the wives expected to financially support his stupid decisions? How can this family afford to have so many separate homes? He doesn’t seem to me like the kind of man who puts in long hours at work to provide for his many children. Also, how did this ramen head convince 4 women he was worth marrying?!?!? The kids obviously have no choice in their parents but you can choose who to marry.

  3. It’s appalling to me that Robyn portrays to be such a religious person yet she continually pray to for something SO MATERIALISTIC as a rental , down right shameful !!!!

  4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Kody Brown, welcome to the new normal. I have no problem with you having four wives, but you chose it.

  5. Is there really any big mystery who Kody is staying with?! Of course he is with his favorite Robin! I think he’d break the quarantine before staying at one of the other wives houses especially Meri!! He’d gnaw a limb off to get out of Meri’s house & run to Robin’s house!!

    1. So do you think Meri regrets pushing the Robin courting? All because she needed a friend. So what was the final straw that broke the Camel’s back?
      Robin or the Catfish?

  6. Under these circumstances I can see where they would have been better under the same roof.

    I can’t understand the need for more privacy, they would have Separate quarters. If you can share a husband then surely you can share a address. G

  7. Well they should just cance the quarantine because it’s affecting poor Kodys relationships. Surrrrre blame it on something else other than who is really the cause.

  8. I highly doubt Kody is quarantining with Mari, so I’m sure she must be thrilled! Now she gets to live by herself without anyone bothering her constantly. If I was her I would stop answering the phone when Kody calls and have a mini vacation.

    In all seriousness, I hope all the fellow Ashley readers are doing well and staying healthy!

  9. Crazy how this whole show started with this family demonstrating how wonderful their life is & then as the series’ went on you realised how one man with multiple wives is cool, one woman with multiple husband’s would be not cool & one woman or man with multiple relationships of the same sex would be a big no no. Telling that none of their children want to carry on this lifestyle. I’m left wondering how they afford all this moving bk & forth & their lifestyle.

  10. We are all seperated from our families, Kody!!! We have to make the best out if a sad/stressful situation.

  11. Oh, please. We all know that Robyn is “talking to the family even more” just to rub it in that Kody is quarantined with her and their kids! She is so selfish and annoying….but not as annoying as Kody’s extremely unattractive beard and perm.

  12. Truely is so adorable. I still think her and Solomon (also ridiculously adorable!) should have their own show.

    If I was able to punch Robin in the face every time she said “rental” she would have been dead by the end of the episode.

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