‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Debra Danielsen (Oddly) Scolds Kail Lowry, David Eason Throws a Tantrum & More

“Really Deb?”

Despite being in quarantine, the past and present stars of the Teen Mom franchise have managed to keep themselves busy…and us entertained!

In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…

Debra Danielsen accused Kail Lowry of not believing in C0VID-19… while wearing a blue mohawk wig

This may be the most Debz OG that Debz OG has ever Debz OG’d….

In a move that we were all absolutely in need of, Debra “DebzOG” Danielsen slapped on a blue mohawk wig, leather harness and gold chain to serve up some C0VID-19 facts to her Instagram followers. 

Unfortunately for Kail Lowry, however, Debra’s video came with a side of mom shade.

For those who have yet to catch Debra’s informative message (and new quarantine lewk), it all went down in an Instagram video Debra posted on Monday, in which she urged her followers to be aware of the dangers of C0VID-19. In the video, Debra cited information provided by her husband Dr. David Merz (who is actually an infectious disease doctor). She also called out Kail for allegedly not believing in “the current C0VID-19 pandemic.”

OK, who’s gonna tell Debz what her own daughter has been up to during this pandemic?

“Not trying to be mean or anything, but, you know, it’s time to be a true grown up and realize that we don’t always understand what’s going on,” she said. “And you’ve got to protect yourself and your children. Just because you don’t believe there’s a pandemic … you don’t believe it’s real, doesn’t mean anything … Take care of your kids.” 

Debra ended her video by telling Kail that she loved her and wouldn’t be speaking up if she didn’t care.

Kail didn’t take too kindly to the unsolicited advice from Debz, and went on to deny that she ever said what Debra’s accusing her of. 

“WHEN THE F**K DID I EVER SAY THAT I DIDNT BELIEVE THERE WAS A PANDEMIC?” Kail wrote in the comment section of Deb’s post. “I’ve been sitting my ass at home just like everyone else.”

Did Debz not get the memo?

She also gave her thoughts in an interview. 

“Wow, I’m surprised by Debra’s sudden ‘concern’ about me and my children,” Kail told In Touch Weekly, adding that she “doesn’t know” why Debz OG chose to target her now, given that her family has “been quarantined at home just like everyone else and are taking this pandemic very seriously.” 

Kail noted that her family is also “doing whatever we can to help at this time.” 

“I’m proud to say I have very happy, healthy and socially conscious children,” she added. “I’m doing pretty well on the ‘grown up’ front. All is good over here.” 

In Debra’s defense — of her comments, not of her taste in accessories — she may have misunderstood comments made by Kail recently in which she stated she would not be vaccinating her children against C0VID-19, should a vaccine become available. 

Watch Debra’s full video below! 



Rachel Beaver’s sister Malorie commemorated Rachel’s 18th birthday in a very “Beaver” way.

“Don’t make me come down to that jail with no bail money, ya hear!?”

Wednesday marked the 18th birthday of ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ star Rachel Beaver, and her sister Malorie took to Instagram to celebrate it in a way only a Beaver could!

Malorie posted a throwback pic of Rachel as a kid, but it was her caption that truly captured the essence of being a Beaver.

“Happy 18th birthday to my favorite wild child,” Rachel wrote. “Thanks for bailing me out of jail that one time. Don’t make me return the favor.”


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Happy 18th birthday to my favorite wild child. Thanks for bailing me out of jail that one time. Don’t make me return the favor. ??

A post shared by Mal (@mal91399) on

We can assume that the “one time” Rachel bailed Malorie out of jail was this lil’ incident from earlier this year

(If you are missing the hi-jinks of the Beaver Bunch, you can relive some of their best moments via The Ashley’s recaps here!

David Eason demanded Dr. Drew be fired by MTV (just like he was). 

“Hello, I’d like to speak to the manager of MTV ’bout getting that damn Dr. Drew fired. It’s David….you remember…”

Fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad David Eason had a very “Karen of the Swamp” moment this week when he took to his Instagram Stories to demand that Viacom/MTV/CBS fire Dr. Drew Pinksy, due to Dr. Drew’s past statements regarding C0VID-19. 

Dr. Drew— who has hosted the ‘Teen Mom’ Reunion specials since the beginning of the shows— had notoriously downplayed the seriousness of C0VID-19, especially back in February and early March. On April 5, however, Dr. Drew posted a video in which he apologized for his prior statements, which included comparing C0VID-19 to the flu, and telling his fans that they would be more likely to die from being “hit by an asteroid” than from the virus.

“My early comments about equating C0ronavirus with influenza were wrong,” Dr. Drew said in the apology video. “They were incorrect. I was part of a chorus that was saying that, and we were wrong. And I want to apologize for that. I wish I had gotten it right, but I got it wrong.”

Dr. Drew also revealed that he has signed up to go serve on the front lines in either New York or California. (He is a practicing Internal Medicine physician, in case you didn’t know.)

“I will go to and serve whatever needs are necessary in either of those states,” Dr. Drew said.

Dr. Drew’s apology was obviously not enough for David (who has never been too fond of the Doc). David blasted Dr. Drew on Instagram, demanding he be kicked to the curb by MTV and the network’s execs, just like David was back in February 2018. (David was fired from ‘Teen Mom 2’ after he went on a homophobic Twitter rant, in case you’ve forgotten. David’s wife, Jenelle Evans, joined him on the “fired” list in May 2019.) 

David also blamed Dr. Drew for “causing millions of people to be infected.” (Um?) 


To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here

(Photos: Instagram, MTV)


34 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I think “Debz” was referring to when Kail tweeted,
    “My 10 year old shouldn’t be coming home from school worried about the f***ing coronavirus. I hate it here.” Kailyn Lowry recently tweeted. “People didn’t react this way about the Swine Flu.”

    1. He shouldn’t be on because he sucks at being a host! He never asks any of the girls hard questions, & if he actually does ask one, he doesn’t follow through with it to get a complete answer from them. I really wish they’d replace him with someone who knows how to ask the questions that we as viewers are always left asking ourselves after he’s done hosting the reunion. I feel like he fails us every reunion. The ratings really suck this season & there’s been talk about this possibly being the last season. If this is really the last season I think they should do a reunion with ALL of the girls, even the ones who’ve been let go. I’m sure MTV can keep everyone separated & afford some extra security (in case anyone can’t contain themselves), & let the viewers send in questions they would like answered (then maybe we’d actually get a halfway decent reunion!).

  2. STFU David. You probably love that a virus hit so you could justify all your doomsday preparedness while having your brood locked up on the land with you, under your watchful eye.

  3. This might be old news cuz I haven’t been on here in awhile but – did anyone else get serious Debz OG vibes from Carol Baskins??

  4. I will say that Debra’s ability to land a Dr at her age and being part alien gives me confidence that there’s someone for everyone

    1. It is rather depressing that she (and frankly all these people) can somehow get a husband/partner while some of us sit her alone lol

      However – seeing the husbands/partners that they do it makes me less depressed because I wouldn’t wish them on ANYONE!

    2. Ya know what makes me sad Deb? That you don’t try and get custody of Sophia and that you stand behind your daughter pimping her own daughter out on social media. That gives me the case of the sads Deb.

  5. Debz OG is truly a gem as always. Generous of her to share the wisdom she is privy to. Onward Christian Soldier! She always keeps it so hip & relatable for the kids!

    The Beavers. That name alone is enough, but I just want to know how the throwback photo of the Birthday Beaver looks like it was taken in 1989? But she looks about 8 At the time….the math doesn’t work….

    Lastly-acal , I noticed that when played on mute, Dr. Drew’s snippet could easily pass for a “GWM seeking” interview.

    1. That picture must be from roughly 2010. I guess the Beavers don’t have them there fancy cameras

  6. David trying to get Dr Drew fired…that’s rich. He’s the last one to comment on anything. Is it just me or are this guy and his stupid wife trying to start a fight just to get a show? Maybe Jenelle even dreams of being a talkshow host! So if Drew gets fired, he or Jenelle can take his place!

  7. Ok debz is making a point here even though she looks like a lunatic. Kail is known to be anti-vax (eye roll) which is why she was targeted. Sure she believes there’s a pandemic but she doesn’t believe in vaccines, which is just… ugh. Moving along!

    “Karen from the swamp” HAHAHAHA David noooo you just want to pounce on anyone you can just to try and make yourself look better! Good grief at least drew apologized! And he offered to help in either state mentioned! That’s all you can do in the situation, apologize for being ignorant and offer a solution. Not the biggest drew fan but some of these “cast mates” can take a cue from him.

  8. Just saying at least Dr Drew apologized and said he and his little friends got it wrong. David have these words ever come out of yours & your Sugar Mama’s mouth?
    Nope just lies and arrogance

  9. Drew has repeatedly made it known that he is not on the reunion as a medical professional but as a host only, that’s to protect him from any legal issues as a doctor while he’s working for the show. Personally, I would take anything this guy says with a grain of salt! This is the man the ends these reunions by telling us how much the teen pregnancy rate has dropped , implicating that the show teaches a lesson of teen mom hardships … what a joke! All the girls on the show learned nothing from teen pregnancy as all of them ( except Farrah) were either pregnant or had their second child before being married.

    As far as Deb, like mother- like daughter.. she threw Kail into her rant for nothing more than attention.

    1. Not exactly true. You did mention Farrah, but catelynn and Tyler didn’t have any more kids until after they were married. Mackenzie McKee too. And amber didn’t until just recently – about a decade later when she was pushing 30.

      Chelsea didn’t have more kids until she got married, same with Leah. And technically kailyn too. ??‍♀️

      I truly think seeing how Ryan and Adam turned out and treated their gfs and kids did prevent some teen pregnancy. I sure intend to have my daughters watch it some day.

      1. @L Chelsea was pregnant with Watson before she married ,
        Cate and Tyler pulled nova down the aisle in a wagon,
        Leah and Jeremy had a miscarriage before they got married , and Amber had a miscarriage with Matt, Kail was pregnant with Lincoln when she got married .
        Maybe you misunderstood my point that none of them have set a good example for our young teen girls, Drew makes mention “ since the show has aired teen pregnancy rate has dropped “… well, it’s not due to this show that’s for damn sure

  10. DAVID get Jenelle off of tic -toc. Once again Kail forgets the shit she spews out of her pie eating hole. In laymen’s terms she lies. She says one thing then says something different. If she believes in the pandemic why the HELL did she go out of the country to take a pic naked in a barn with a fucking horse? Stupid B!

  11. DAVID get Jenelle off of tic -toc. Once again Kail forgets the shit she spews out of her pie eating hole. In laymen’s terms she lies. She says one thing then says something different. If she believes in the pandemic why the HELL did she go out of the country to take a pic naked in a barn with a fucking horse? Stupid B!

  12. Kail’s got a boatload of children, I don’t understand how she has all this time to spend on social media, you would think she has more important things to focus on. One could almost feel sorry for Lurch. Imagine being a Sasquatch look-alike, knowing no one on Earth likes you (not even your co-dependent wife), knowing you have no means of supporting yourself and have to depend on equally-loathed said wife, knowing you are basically unhirable and are a social pariah stuck in a house on the verge of foreclosure on Land that is sinking. One would almost feel sad for this sorry sack of sakrete if he weren’t such a reprehensible human being.

  13. My guess is Debz was referring to Kail’s comment about how she would not allow her sons to get a Covid-19 vaccine if it become available.

    1. I think she’s also talking about early on when Kail said that Issac should not be coming home from school worried about the virus. This was obviously awhile ago bc all schools across the country have been closed for quite some time now. Since it’s been quite awhile and it’s gotten way worse since then, I’d hope Kail’s view of it changed a little bit!

      1. I hope so, but highly doubt it. Kail’s sons are going to have to quarantine for the rest of their lives if she doesnt get them vaccinated. I hope all of her son’s fathers take her to court over refusing vaccinations.

  14. Ok, 1) David, how about you worry about your own disaster of a life first, before pointing out other people’s issues, and 2) DebzOG, Kail could literally cough corona germs onto her 3 kids and she’d still be a better mother than Farrah, so how about you also stay in your own lane.

    Why is it always that the people with the MOST things to work on are the first ones to point out things the rest of us have to work on.

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