The Ashley Presents: The Top 5 ‘Teen Mom’ Easter Moments of All Time

Put on your bunny ears (and Pleather pants!) and let’s celebrate Easter…

Note: This post was originally created in 2020 and has been updated since! 

In honor of Easter, The Ashley wanted to give her readers a special treat. While Cadbury cream eggs or marshmallow Peeps are great, The Ashley knows that what everyone really wants this Easter is to see Gary Shirley dressed up as a giant white Easter Bunny.

Oh, wait…maybe that’s just The Ashley…

Here, The Ashley looks back at some of the most-memorable Easter-themed moments from the Teen Mom franchise!

Farrah Beats the Easter Bunny Because She’s Mad at Her Family (Season 6, 2017)

“Next I’ll put you in my driveway Porta-Potty of Doom!”

Farrah Abraham did her best to terrorize those around her on Easter Sunday during Season 6.  First she screamed at her daughter Sophia, who was sick at the time and didn’t want be dragged to an Easter party Farrah wanted to take her to. After telling her mom Debra Danielsen that Sophia is a “heathen” who is “too stupid to get dressed,” Farrah picked up her then-boyfriend Simon Saran and gives him that special Easter Terror that only Farrah can provide. She throws a fit when Simon fails to participate in an Easter egg hunt, then proceeds to beat the living tar out of an Easter Bunny piñata to show her frustration at her “stupid” family.


Amber & Gary’s Not-so-Eggcelent Easter Dinner (Season 2, 2010) 

Why do I feel like Gary was hiding under the table during this scene?

Gary and Amber head over to Gary’s mom’s house for Easter dinner, but things quickly go from happy to horrible when Amber brings up the wedding she and Gary are planning. After mentioning that she may be willing to pay for Gary’s mom and Gary’s mom’s husband —– who looks like he’s fresh out of continuation high school and/or prison), the stepdad “insults” Amber’s family— according to Amber, anyway.

The holiday meal ends with Gary’s stepdad-of-the-moment storming out (past a wall full of taped-up Christmas cards, naturally), and having his Easter meal on the porch.

Butchy Bunny Gets It Wrong (Season 7, 2016)

“Let me haunt your nightmares, kiddies!”

Butch Baltierra attempted to bring some Easter cheer to his young granddaughter, Nova, during this memorable Season 7 scene. However, he couldn’t quite master the Easter Bunny costume he somehow obtained and came out of the bedroom wearing the bunny tail on his front side (making it looking creepy and somewhat obscene!)

Apparently, they didn’t teach “Easter Bunnying” classes in prison because Butchy Bunny got it all wrong! He kept making weird hand motions that made him looked possessed and Nova was not amused.

Chelsea Houska’s Ridiculously Cute Rabbit Family (2018) 


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While this incredibly cute Easter moment was never shown on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ it is way too adorable to leave off this list. For Easter 2018, Chelsea Houska, her husband Cole DeBoer, her daughter Aubree and their son Watson all dressed up as Easter Bunnies and danced in their front yard. (Baby Watson in a bunny outfit is all the Easter cheer you need!)

Gary Bunny Scares Everyone (Season 2, 2010) 

“Heeeeeeere’s Gary!”

Let’s flash things back to 2010, when Gary zipped himself into an Easter Bunny costume and hopped over to his then-infant daughter, Leah, to spread some Easter cheer. While Leah didn’t seem to appreciate her father’s sweet gesture, ‘Teen Mom’ fans sure did! (You can’t help but smile as you hear Gary use his Easter Bunny voice to talk to Leah!)

Also terrifying? The cleanliness of Amber and Gary’s apartment…and when Amber starts talking about how sweaty Easter Bunny Gary is…

Watch the memorable scene below!

12 Responses

  1. Gary dressing up as the Easter bunny for Leah is adorable and I’ll always give him mad props for that one. That episode of Farrah telling Sophia she’s “too stupid” makes me sooo mad. Your child said she didn’t feel well, and that she didn’t want to put her Easter dress on. Instead of yelling at her like a banshee, you should’ve gone up to her bedroom and talked NICELY to her. SHE’S A CHILD! That’s also the episode where Sophia took a stool and banged it onto Farrah’s closed door and said “You let me in here!” and Farrah just continued to yell. The child was crying for help, like wtf. It wasn’t normal behaviour. She needed a PARENT to help her at that point, and Farrah couldn’t be bothered.

  2. Lol why do you describe all the other costumes as creepy but chelsea’s is “adorable” and gets nothing but praise? How much is randy paying

    1. Because they are an adorable family dressed in adorable costumes and the other costumes were just creepy? It’s not The Ashley’s fault that the only cute family on this list is Chelsea’s

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Butch put the bunny suit on just like a jail jumpsuit, its natural instinct.

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