Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi Says She’s Not Done with Reality TV, Just Done with ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’

Raise your hand if you’ve had enough…

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s final episodes as a Jersey Shore Family Vacation cast mate are numbered, but she’s not throwing in the towel on her TV career just yet.  

When Nicole announced in December that she was retiring from the MTV franchise that made her a household name, she said the show was “turning into a nightmare.” Despite the seemingly bad taste left in her mouth, People reports that Nicole is open to continuing her TV career elsewhere. 

“ … I’m definitely not done with TV,” she told the magazine. “I’m just done with that show. I want to do something that’s fun and entertaining. I’m actually in talks about doing other shows right now, maybe hosting some things.” 

Nicole previously said leaving her three young children had become too hard for her when fulfilling her Jersey Shore duties and she continues to cite this as one of the reasons for her departure from the show. She also stated that she was tired of the manufactured drama that came with ‘Family Vacation.’ 

“I needed to move on,” she said. “It’s just not fun for me anymore. Drama has never been my thing. Especially now.”

Basically all of our faces when Nicole says she doesn’t like drama…

“I don’t want to leave my kids and not see them for days on end to do that,” she continued. “I want to leave and have a good time with my friends and roomies and then come home and be a mom. So this season was very stressful and I just wasn’t having fun. I want to do something that’s more uplifting in my life.” 

Nicole said her cast mates tried to convince her ”one by one” to stay on the show — something both Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino and Vinny Guadagnino admitted to previously — but she told them she just couldn’t do it anymore. Nicole said the roomies “understand now” and that she continues to talk to them every day via group chat.  

As for the future of ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation,’ Nicole seems to think things look pretty bright.

“When Sam [Sammi Giancola] left, we were still going strong,” she said. “So even though I’m leaving, there are still a lot of pieces to that family and every single one of us plays a huge role. Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean the show is going to end.” 

Nicole has yet to announce her next reality TV venture. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Jersey Shore’ Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Takes Plea Deal & Avoids Jail Time in Domestic Battery Case: Agrees to Probation, Community Labor & $20K Donation Pledge 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

12 Responses

  1. She claimed at first she was sick of the partying.. no one is forcing you to drink. You make the choice to get wasted to the point you can’t walk. Don’t blame that on the show. This ‘manufactured’ drama you AGREE to. You AGREED to roast Angelina, you AGREE to stick your nose in Ron and Jenn’s issues. You AGREED to text Angelina about Jenni and 24 when you weren’t there. You create your own drama because you’re bored and aren’t happy unless you’re stirring the pot.

  2. I would love to see her and Jwow get back together for another season of their show they did together one of my favorite spin off reality shows

  3. I can understand where Snooki is coming from. Reliving her debauched youth of getting wasted and fake girl drama is boring.
    Personally, I would love to see Snooki on her own reality show, something on Bravo, E, or Lifetime.

  4. “Jersey Shore duties”-you mean getting smashed at 30+ and screaming obscene things, right.

    Someone here mentioned the show is not funny anymore because who wants to watch people over 30 (Pauly will be 40 this year!) getting drunk and hooking up. NO ONE, that’s who! Not to mention most of them are parents and kids are growing up and they are watching their parents hook up with each other (looking at you, JWow and Pauly!) for possibly ratings but still. Meilani and Grayson’s mom just broke up with her boy toy at that time and immediately jumped in bed with a cast mate who she hooked up with a decade ago. That’s not a good look for anyone.

    So I hope this show gets canceled and Snooki fails with a reality TV comeback, she needs to get a reality check because no one wants to see her on screen anymore.

    1. I agree with your assessment of the show but wishing failure on Snooki is kind of extreme..
      I think she is showing a great deal of maturity by walking away from the show, unlike the others..

  5. Jionni probably made her quit. He doesn’t seem like he’s too into her being on the show, he’s barely on her instagram feed even. He’s probably sick of her running off and filming, leaving him with the kids to watch.

    1. I think it was a combination of the comments about the cruelty of the toast she was a part of at Angelina’s wedding and being away from her kids for weeks at a time. They do press tour promoting the show, and she also runs a store. I’m sure Jionni understands her need to make money, as Snookie is the breadwinner. Maybe a fun hosting gig, like “Lip Sync Battle” would be a better fit.

    2. It was obvious by the time they did Snooki&Jwoww that he doesn’t like filming, I feel like she made him film even if he didn’t want it. Jionni doesn’t care if his wife is a “reality TV star” (which shows us that he really does love her, he just happened to meet her while she filmed her show) and that’s how they should raise their kids but I assume Snooks doesn’t want them to go in oblivion while he couldn’t care less. I don’t think she values his opinion very much so I don’t think he could persuade her in not going, I think it’s more like being portrayed as a mean girl (which she actually is) what made her stop. Snooki was the most popular cast mate at the time of JS peak and she isn’t anymore, actually she became one of the most hated in a flash. She isn’t that bubbly meatball anymore, she is mean spirited, obsessed with her (fake) looks and thinks she is all that now. I hope she fades away.

    1. Snookie is no great talent, especially on her own… It almost sounds like she didn’t want to really work, even if it was just *pretending to manufacture drama* (poor you Snooks!), she just wanted a long vacation – paid to go on – without her family. Like screwing off in Jersey Shore was going to be her job. Sadly this is was turning teens and dumb young adults into multimillionaires without having to do real work causes

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