Former ‘Unexpected’ Star Lilly Bennett Reveals She’s Expecting Baby Number 2

“I’m unexpectedly expecting…again!”

Another Unexpected baby is on the way!

(Let’s be honest, at this point these pregnancies are a lot less unexpected.)

Lilly Bennett of ‘Unexpected’ Season 1 has revealed that she’s pregnant with her second child— a boy. (She is already the mother of two-year-old daughter Aaliyah by her ex-boyfriend James.)

Lilly shared the pregnancy announcement on Instagram on Monday, along with photos of her and her boyfriend Lawrence— who is the father of her second child— at their gender reveal.

“EXTREMELY excited to announce my SON coming November 2020,” Lilly wrote.

Lilly, now 19 years-old, was only 16 when viewers saw her welcome Aaliyah on the TLC show. She and her first baby daddy, James, broke up shortly after Aaliyah was born. Lilly did not continue on with ‘Unexpected’ after the first season aired.

According to Starcasm, Lilly’s new man was a “standout high school athlete who graduated last year.” Lilly told the site that she and Lawrence have been together for a over a year.

Lilly’s former co-stars their excitement for her in the comment section of her post. 

“OMG congrats mama!!! So happy for you,” Lexus Scheller— who appeared on Season 1 with Lilly— wrote. 

“Yay! Congratulations” Season 2 mom Laura Barron added.

Lilly’s other Season 1 co-star, McKayla Adkins (also a mom of two) expressed her excitement with emojis.

Lilly’s family members are also excited for the new addition to the family. Her brother Thomas posted on Facebook, “I get to be an uncle to another sweet baby! And this time, it’s a boy!! I have the coolest uncles on planet Earth, so I’ve got some big shoes to fill.”

Lilly also told fans that her mom is so excited to welcome a new grandbaby. 

Unlike its MTV counterpart, ‘Unexpected’ has had a lot of turnover in the cast. Season 1 featured Lilly, Lexus and McKayla; Lilly did not come back for Season 2, Lexus did not come back from Season 3, and earlier this year, McKayla announced that she would not be filming for Season 4 – making an official ’Unexpected’ cast turnover. (Later cast members Rilah Ferrer also claims she will not return for another season, as does Chloe Mendoza.) 

Fans of ‘Unexpected’ may remember Lilly for coming across as bit naive during her season. 

“No one ever told me that it was so easy to get pregnant,” she shockingly admitted in her premiere episode.

Later, when her mom tried to tell her that she might want to wait until she’s married to give her daughter James’ last name Lilly responded, “Well, I’m married in my head.” Meanwhile, James was decidedly not married in his head telling his mother, “it’s not a promise ring. She told me she wanted a ring, so I got her one.” 

James has not commented publicly on his ex’s pregnancy. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Unexpected’ Dad Max Schenzel Pleads Guilty to Felony Charge Stemming From February Car Theft 

(Photos: Instagram) 

11 Responses

  1. This girl is dumber than a box of rocks, she’s going to end up being the trailer trash piece of crap that has several kids by several different guys, she’s already got 2 kids by 2 different guys, enough said.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Isnt her ex Diego? Who is James??

  3. When I had my kid at barely 18, I found parenthood so fucking hard and challenging that I couldn’t even fucking fathom having another so soon, or better yet at ALL. Am I alone here, or?

    Following the birth, I was taking that birth control like religion. First time was my own damn fault, I wasn’t going to allow myself to make the same mistake again. I’m a firm believer in living and learning.

    Then again, I had no help, and I’m glad I didn’t because it taught me that I’m the only person that I can truly rely on, no matter how difficult life may be. I worked shitty jobs that paid nothing just to make ends meet because that’s all that will hire you, and I got my degree but it took me significantly longer. It taught me how to be the best parent I could be given the circumstances I got myself in, and I wasn’t leaving my kid with grandma and gramps every weekend because I “needed a break”. Quit giving young parents, or any parents at all these luxuries. Once in a while, sure. Not every God damn weekend.

    Also, at 27, the mere thought of having another legitimately makes me want to jump off a cliff. One and done for me, lol. I can’t imagine being this young and having double the responsibility. Fuck. No.

    1. shit happens. I had my first at 18, too, and couldn’t immediately get on birth control because the nurses at my dr office kept giving me the run around about when I could come in and get my IUD. In the meantime, my husband and I used condoms, BUT we were that small percent that it failed. And I had another baby at 19. It wasn’t easy by any means, but I don’t regret it and bust my ass to provide for them.

      It’s GOOD to have a support system, that’s how these moms are able to continue going to school to provide a better life for their children. It’s not “enabling”, it’s using the needed village that even older mother’s get help from when they have their children. We can’t abandon our children when they need us the most, that just makes a shitty parent.

      1. Who said anything about abandoning children? I think you may have missed the point.

        Sure, it’s great to have a support system, but not a 24/7 daycare while you go off and party because you don’t feel like being a parent – as I stated in my comment. It’s important to be self-sustainable in this world, just my opinion. I see this all too often in parents young and old, and if it doesn’t apply to you then there’s no need to be upset.

        Also, I’m not denying your story, but I’ve legit hung condoms from out of moving car windows and watched as they fill with air and haven’t had them break. Y’all must have been going hard ?

        1. Good for you? But I also understand that not everything is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. I’ve used an IUD for years and never got pregnant, but I have a friend who had the same IUD and did, because they do fail.

          As for abandoning our children, I meant when our stupid teenagers make stupid mistakes and get pregnant. We shouldn’t hang them out to dry. Yes, get a job. Yes, go to school. But, as a mom, I’ll be there to help my kids whatever they need so they don’t have to struggle like I did. If that means babysitting so they can go to class, then so be it. I’d rather them better themselves to better their family, than to struggle and work dead end jobs for the rest of their lives.

  4. “No one ever told me it was so easy to get pregnant.” REALLY?! She had failed upbringing who taught her nothing, no wonder it’s “unexpected” again!

  5. Proof positive that Teen mom, unexpected, young and pregnant are knocking it out of the park preventing teen pregnancy, right? ???‍♀️

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