“Umm… thanks, but no thanks.”
Kathryn Dennis spent the last few years battling Thomas Ravenel in court and in the media, but this week, the Southern Charm star found an unlikely ally in her formerly estranged ex.
Reality Tea reported earlier this week that Kathryn Dennis used a monkey emoji when arguing with African-American radio host Tamika Gadsen in a private message on Instagram. After the conversation went viral, Kathryn issued an apology on Twitter, claiming she did not intend to offend anyone, and that she is not racist, something Thomas also attested to in a statement posted to his own Twitter account. (His tweet has since been deleted, though.)
“I want to acknowledge that using a monkey emoji in my texts was offensive, and from the bottom of my heart I sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone I hurt,” she wrote. “Although the context was not my intention, there are no ‘if ands or buts’ that excuse me… I did not give it thought, and it was and is wrong. I know I am not that person. I know and will do better.”
Thomas– who has quite the problematic past of his own (to say the least)— defended Kathryn’s character, denying the claims that she is racist.

“Say what you want about [Kathryn], she is not a racist,” Thomas wrote in the now-deleted tweet (which was screenshot by the Instagram @BravoSnarkSide before it was taken down).
“Some of her good friends are people of color and I’ve never, ever heard a racial slur come out of her mouth. She doesn’t even think about race or even consider it. This is a very unfortunate mistake.”
While Thomas may be in Kathryn’s corner regarding the controversial messages, her now-former employer Gwynn’s— a clothing store in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina— has issued a statement confirming that they’re distancing themselves from the ‘Southern Charm’ star.
“As a minority-owned business, Gwynn’s and our employees are dedicated to serving all members of our community,” the statement reads. “Indisputably, Kathryn Dennis’ comments and statements to Tamika Gadsen do not reflect the values of the Gwynn’s brand. Her previous affiliation as a brand ambassador was periodic and on a contract basis. We stand in unity with people of color and with cases that fight to end injustices.”
As fans of ‘Southern Charm’ may remember, Kathryn’s employment at Gwynn’s was featured fairly often on the show at one point (including her initial job interview) and members of the cast have been shown shopping at the store throughout the series – yes, even Patricia Altschul.
While the company noted it was parting ways from Kathryn, many of her images currently remain on the store’s Instagram page.
RELATED STORY: Cameran Eubanks Announces She’s Leaving ‘Southern Charm’ After Six Seasons; Will Not Return for Season 7
(Photos: Bravo; Twitter; Instagram)
25 Responses
She got pissed and went there. Humans CAN be that weak. Should it define someone forever complete w international backlash & judgement forever? I’d say that would depend on a lot! I don’t think Kathryn Dennis is racist….i really dont. I do think her female co-stars are especially a ooty and judgemental. Who does Naomi think she is…..publicly shaming Kathryn as if it’s up to her!!!!! Are we all perfect all the time? Nope. Look what our fucking president has gotten away w saying!!!!! About women as a WHOLE. thats somehow ok. He’s a man. A rich white man.
Will not watch anymore if these ladies are not on.
Being African American and a South Carolinian I was deeply disappointed to learn of this incident. When someone makes an effort to denigrate or devalue another human by suggestions with racial overtones this is a highly offensive matter which deserves the response given by her employer. Much as I enjoyed watching the show I cannot in good faith continue. It is time for America to put the past behind us and continued actions like that displayed by Dennis does little to help that agenda. The irony is it ‘all’ evolved bc of Trump.
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I think it’s shame that this got as far as it did. The monkey was nothing more than a monkey. It was a reason to take down someone for no Good reason. So I hope you’re happy.you used you’re race to hurt someone with no justification. Shame on u. Shame on that clothing store for not defending the real victim. Kathryn is a very smart and pretty woman who did not deserve to loose her job. .
Ah… the classic ‘can’t be a racist because I have black friends’ ?
Maybe it comes with getting older but I just don’t get destroying a persons life over one mistake or one bad moment in someone’s life.
Should someone lose their job, be disgraced from society, and never forgiven?
I’ve made so many mistakes, some of the same more than once, and thank goodness my family and friends have forgiven me..just as I’ve forgiven them.
If someone is toxic I just move away from them and move on. I don’t need to destroy their life to feel better.
And that’s what Gwynn did, they moved away from Kathryn and moved on because she is toxic. Just like Cameran, Chelsea and Naomi have done. They have all moved away from Kathryn and moved on. What are you even talking about? You sound like a hypocrite.
You’ve misunderstood, which could be my fault.
When toxic move on, as Gwynns did.
I believe her life is probably ruined over this. She will have a very difficult time finding work, her furniture business will go under, she’ll be forever vilified on social media, and lose her friends. Her life is now ruined.
I don’t think one mistake should ruin someone’s life.
Kathryn meant every word of what to write. When will people quite making excuses for her? She is a nasty, mean spirited, selfish person. Her and Thomas are one on the same and that’s why they gravitate towards each other. Look at how she treats the females in the cast. She’s not,a girls girl anyway. Kathryn is only kind to people with money and clout like Patrciia. She couldn’t care less about anybody but herself.
If the emoji is racist than why is it so freely available to use?
No one is saying the emoji is inherently racist. She used it to be derogatory towards a black woman.
Yeah, I don’t know how much good it does having someone like Thomas Ravenel vouching for your character. It’s kind of like Charlie Manson sending a letter to Geoffrey Dahmer’s parole board telling them that he’s actually a pretty swell guy. I’ve always enjoyed Southern Charm, but I’m pretty I won’t be watching anymore. Whenever a show has a cast overhaul it never bodes well for it, and also with reality shows once the people on the show become celebrities their storylines become way less authentic and totally unrelatable (like all the Housewife shows and especially the Teen Mom franchise).
Of course scum defends scum….apparently Naomi and Chelsea aren’t coming back to the show either, and I guess Kathryn is the reason why. I’m gathering that she started the rumor that Jason (Camerans husband) was cheating?? I’m not happy about this AT ALL. Cameran, Chelsea and Naomi were my favorite girls on the show! Get rid of Kathyn’s hoe ass and bring them back damn it! They’re fan favorites. I really don’t want to see more of that crazy Limewire girl, the other girl that Shep gave chlamydia to, and Austen’s girlfriend. Now that Chelsea, Cameran and Naomi are gone I don’t know how much i’ll be tuning in.
People really need to stop being so sensitive. An emoji is racist now? Jesus Christ. Roseanne tweeting a picture of planet of the apes was racist.. sending an emoji is really reaching.
It’s a monkey emoji you idiot. Black people have been compared to monkeys to many many years, and it is very offensive and very racist.
It’s not an ape. It’s a cartoon monkey emoji ?. Which millions of people send just as that in lieu of cartoon smiley emoji. Has nothing to do with race. I don’t know if she meant it as racist, but I do know people blow things normal people do on a regular basis way out of proportion for people in the spotlight. ?♀️
There are literally hundreds of other emojis that she could have sent, and she sent one implying that the African American woman was a monkey. Her message said “Thats how serious I take this ?”. You mean to tell me you took that as her saying she takes it as seriously as a monkey??…No, she said “That’s how serious I take this, monkey.” You’ve clearly never dealt with any form of racism, and it’s a shame there are people like you in the world who choose to be voluntarily ignorant and turn a blind eye to blatantly racist actions.
I’m really going to take Thomas, the rapists comments to heart about Katherine? Please! From what I understand Cameron, Chelsea and Naomi are leaving the show.??Id be curious as to what is going on behind the scenes.
Just to clarify, Katherine is a grown ass woman and should know better! I’m so sick of people saying nasty, uncalled for things and then giving a canned apology. Not because they are truly sorry but because they are trying to save face.
I just saw Naomi’s story and she basically said that Kathryn started that rumor about Jason cheating on Cameran, and brought some random girl who has never met Cameran or Jason into it, and now the girl is being harassed. I’m not happy that the 3 of them are leaving, and Kathryn gets to stay after being so vile. She ran off 3 cast members! WTF! The girl is clearly toxic AF. Naomi, Chelsea, Cameran, Craig, and Shep honestly make the show, and now more than half of them are gone. I could totally do without Kathryn.
and on top of that Kathryn referred to a black person as a monkey! What the actual heck?! She’s way way out of line. I would love it if BRAVO kicked her off the show, and persuaded Cameran, Chelsea and Naomi to come back.