Hailey “Hailey 2” Tilford took to Instagram on Friday to answer Unexpected fans’ questions about her newborn son, Levi, as well as her relationship (or lack thereof) with Levi’s father, Matthew Blevins… and where her friendship with Hailey “Hailey 1” Tomlinson stands after their long estrangement.
As The Ashley previously reported, Hailey 2 gave birth to Levi last month, without the baby’s father, Matthew in attendance. Following Levi’s birth, Hailey 1 and Hailey 2— who were best friends before Hailey 2 cheated with Matthew, who was Hailey 1’s then-boyfriend— made amends. (Got all that?) While her relationship with Hailey 1 is better, Hailey 2 revealed in her Instagram Stories Q&A sesh that her co-parenting relationship with Matthew is still non-existent.
“There is no situation with Matthew and Levi,” Hailey told a fan. “He does not see him or ask about him. He is still denying him.”
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Hailey went on to say that, although Matthew seems to believe Levi is not his son, he has yet to take a DNA test to find out.
“He has not [taken the test],” she told a fan. “I’m not paying for it so if he wants one he can pay for it and I’ll do it.”
Hailey— who is now dating her former boyfriend Cole— says that Cole has stepped in and served as Levi’s father figure.
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“I’m not a single mommy,” she said. “I’m blessed enough to have an amazing boyfriend who is an amazing daddy to Levi!”
Hailey confirmed that Matthew is not an all-around deadbeat dad, though, stating that he does provide for Kinsley— the daughter he shares with Hailey 1.
“He takes care of Kinsley and sees her and buys stuff for her. He just doesn’t do anything for Levi… it hurts [seeing him deny Levi] but Cole is an amazing daddy so I’m okay.”
As for her relationship status with Hailey 1, Hailey 2 stated that “we talk every now and then.” (The girls did arrange for their Matthew spawn to meet recently, though.)
(Photos: TLC, Instagram)
18 Responses
I am going to be brutal honest but if your child is 3 and under you don’t need a boyfriend, focus on your child and your god damn self. Jenelle is a great example, never focuses on her children and is just worried on who’s bed she is going to jump into next. I noticed this is a trend among young moms and a lot of them have kids from the new boyfriend, or the current child gets abused by the new boyfriend. They are ton many news stories where toddlers get killed by the mother’s boyfriend. Stop claiming a random guy is the “new daddy” because 9 out of 10 he just wants easy piece of ass.
I could be wrong, and it may very from state to state, but if she filed a formal child support request through the state – wouldn’t they pay for the paternity test then figure out the CS amounts?
I think she said that she wasn’t going for child support because “It wasn’t worth it” to her. She also has stated the reason for that is because she “doesn’t want Matthew to have court ordered visitation”.
She’s dumb. Getting all that set up is in her and her child’s favor. Even if he gets visitation, doesn’t mean he will go and that might be more beneficial to her to prove that in court later of it comes to that. None of this is the new boss responsibility
That’s not necessarily true. Her son is very young so its hard to say what will be in the childs best interest in the long run. In my situation, not taking my childs father to court was the for the best. He takes care of his other children but not mine. I tried to get him to be involved and he ignored anything I said that had to do with my kid. So for me she’s better off without someone who would be inconsistent and constantly disappoint her. I now have an amazing boyfriend who is the best father to her and our child together.
Oh ABSOLUTELY! The child enforcement agency will get the testing. Damn right she’s depriving her child , sounds to me she’s not sure herself if he’s the father.
Brianna did the same thing on TMY&P, she let that little Brayson go without medical insurance to avoid a DNA test… she’s a professional liar, I didn’t think she was a free for all until she stopped filling out that form as soon as they asked for the father’s name , then I knew. That poor little boy could have started a prosthetic arm under a year old, both of these girls are beyond selfish .
Sometimes the issue is, “why would I bother doing this when 1) he probably wouldn’t even show up to do the mandatory dna test because it’s not like they can have cops come to your door and escort you and 2) he’d never pay/never show up anyway so why give myself that headache.”
In Brianna’s case, she stopped filling out that paperwork because she didn’t want to admit to her mother that she’d been hoeing so badly that she had NO IDEA who his father could even POTENTIALLY be, which is also shitty. So what if she would have had to have tested a dozen or so guys, you admit your shit and do what you gotta do for your kid.
She will be pregnant to new/old boyfriend before the end of the year ?
No doubt! Then he will leave, deny the baby and she will repeat the cycle.
Yep, might as well get comfortable at the state’s AG office is all I’m saying *shrugs*
I feel bad for the babies being brought into this situation. The baby mamas and skinny little schmuck baby daddy are just lost causes at this point ??
It’s ridiculous that Hailey #2 is pretending that her new boyfriend is her baby’s father. No, he is your new teenage boyfriend. Chances of them staying together long term are less than 1%. She needs to be focused on bettering her life & her child’s life not some new guy.
I have no idea why 1) anyone would ever have sex with Matthew in the first place and
2) have unprotected sex with Matthew! He just looks dirty! Hailey #1 knew Matthew was a cheating POS low life when she met him because he was with her friend when she started cheating with him. Hailey #2 knew that Matthew was a cheating POS low life when she met him because she was cheating with him when she knew full well that he was with Hailey #1! Looks like they have more in common than just a first name, a baby daddy and kids! Why Hailey #2 seems shocked that Matthew is a deadbeat loser now is beyond me because he has shown that to everyone from the beginning.
Geeze! She hasn’t even healed yet and she has a new boyfriend. I swear! That’s what happens when you get into a relationship with someone thinking you are different than the others and can change them.
My thoughts exactly! She will be bouncing from guy to guy for the rest of her life
Not that it is any consolation but at least it’s her ex. (Who I’m sure was her ex for a reason but let’s just ignore that for a second).
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Geeze! She hasn’t even healed yet and she has a new boyfriend. I swear! That’s what happens when you get into a relationship with someone thinking you are different than the others and can change them.
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Geeze! She hasn’t even healed yet and she has a new boyfriend. I swear! That’s what happens when you get into a relationship with someone thinking you are different than the others and can change them.