Despite being forced apart due to the pandemic, Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood and her Belgian boyfriend are still going strong.
A week after Amber told The Sun she and Dimitri Garcia are “doing really good,” despite currently being across the world from each other, Dimitri has taken to his Instagram account to express his longing to be with Ambie.
Over the past few days, Dimitri— whom Amber met online and quickly brought over to live with her for three months last year—has posted quite a few emotional Instagram Stories that we can assume are meant for the ‘Teen Mom’ star.
“Distance gives us a reason to love harder,” one quote he posted read.
In another, Dimitri said “the distance” is his greatest sadness, and that it is his “strongest prayer” that their “relation continues forever.”
In another Instagram Story post, Dimitri expressed his love for Amber in French.
“The distance prevents a kiss or a hug, but never a feeling,” he wrote. (Thanks, Google Translate!)
In her interview last week, Amber stated that being away from Dimitri isn’t all that hard, due to the fact that much of their relationship has been remote. (She doesn’t even have to leave her trusty couch!)
“One of the advantages Dimitri and I have is that we started our relationship long distance and we learned how to enjoy each other’s company virtually,” she said. “Now we’re back to doing that again after getting the chance to spend a few months together in person. It’s been really great. It feels natural to us.”

Amber hopes to reunite with Dimitri once pandemic-related restrictions let up, noting that she “would love to” visit Belgium, while Dimitri would like to come to America again.
In the meantime, the two are making the most of video chats, with Dimitri often staying up until 3 a.m. his time to talk to Amber due to the six-hour time difference.
“We really miss each other,” Amber added. “We’re doing what a lot of people are doing. We’re social distancing and virtually dating.”

One thing they’re not doing, according to Amber, is talking about marriage…yet. Amber, who has had failed engagements to Gary Shirley and Matt Baier in the past, told The Sun that she’s not ready to start that discussion (via Google Translate, probably) with Dimitri.
“Marriage and children, I take marriage very seriously,” she said. “We are not talking about that in any way! However, I don’t know what the future holds. As a woman, I want to say that I hope this guy is actually a good guy and maybe something can come from it.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Dad Gary Shirley Gives Sad Update on Stepdad Jody’s Battle with C0VID-19
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
17 Responses
That lie detector test was a joke. There was nothing scientific about it. Amber must’ve been worried that if he took a real polygraph test that he would fail. I think she actually had him take it because she thought that might keep naysayers away from posting negative comments on social media.
She’s a complete moron and at this point, she gets what she deserves.
She didn’t take any time to recover from yet another failed relationship that was doomed from the beginning.
She never even considers Leah’s feelings or thinks about spending quality time with her. This guy will mooch off of her if he comes to the US to live.
It’s beyond pathetic.
Why does he have to stay up til 3am when she literally does NOTHING
Something has to be wrong with him…he likes Amber. No one in their right mind would want to get with that skanky ho. My guess is he loves his children like Amber loves hers…only when it’s convenient. He reminds me of a serial killer. There’s something wrong with him…mark my words!
I’m sorry but his broken English still amuses me. I actually think she hit a jackpot here. Let me explain. They can’t really fight because he doesn’t understand her so there isn’t really a reason for her to smack him. (Except if she will grow frustrated because of the language barrier…which could happen).
And LOL at her taking marriage seriously. She was engaged to Matt, MATT, even after she knew all about his past. And they weren’t even together for that long and she said ‘yes’. That’s the opposite of “taking marriage seriously”, Ambien. Or are you talking about the fact that you haven’t actually gotten married yet? I’m pretty sure when someone gets engaged, they do want to marry that person though.
For now, this guy is shown as harmless, a bit dumb maybe but doesn’t seem to have skeletons in the closet. It’s still questionable that he pursued someone like Amber though.
Dimitri and Struggle Bun, you’re what the French call “les incompetents”! ????
Dimitri and Struggle Bun, you’re what the French call “les incompetents”! ????
She will just keep repeating this cycle until she dies.
Isn’t this basically how her and Andrew started off?? This girl has got to have one of the thickest skulls on planet earth. She is the definition of insanity. Falls for the same thing over and over and over expecting a different result.
Dimitry better be thanking the universe for keeping him away from that insane woman, not bitching about missing her. From what we’ve learned in the past, if he were physically around her right now, it’s about this point in the relationship that he would be about a month away from his first Amber ass whoopin. Then he would act surprised that she put hands on him, just like all her other exs are always “shocked” she flips out.
“Marriage and children, I take marriage very seriously,” she said.
Ok so she doesn’t take children seriously? She’s already proved that
As a Mother Goddess, I want to say that I hope this guy is actually a good guy and maybe something can come from it.
How do you say barf in French??? ?
Les barfe
The sun newspaper is hated here it printed lies about the Hillsborough disaster. no one buys it it’s scum. Its banned in Liverpool shops.
“As a woman, I want to say that I hope this guy is actually a good guy and maybe something can come from it.“
What? What? What else would you be speaking as?
?Haha! I didn’t even catch that!
Speaking as a domestic abuser, I hope he has a punchable face