Mackenzie McKee is spilling the tea!
Days after her deleted Facebook post went viral, exposing the alleged affair her husband Josh McKee had with her cousin, the Teen Mom OG star did her first interview, revealing her future plans for her marriage, how her relationship is with the (alleged) cheating cousin, and why she regrets airing her dirty laundry on Facebook after discovering the alleged affair.
“Was it petty of me to run off of my emotions and type that Facebook status? Yes. Is there always another side of the story? ALWAYS,” Mackenzie told Champion Daily on Thursday.
In the now-deleted Facebook post, Mack revealed that Josh had become distant right around the time Mackenzie’s mom Angie Douthit died in December 2019. She stated that, earlier this week, she discovered Josh and her cousin had been texting “3-600 times per month” and talking on the phone.
This alleged affair comes less than a year after Josh cheated on Mackenzie during a wild night out at a Texas bar called Billy Bob’s. (He admitted the infidelity and the aftermath is currently playing out on ‘Teen Mom OG.’) Mackenzie had filed for divorce after that incident, but decided to give Josh another chance.

“Josh and I met super young. And things went fast when neither of us were ready. So my instinct was to LOVE and LOVE hard,” she told the site. “Hold my family together, make good money, set us up, and live a good life. I took Josh in, and gave him life. My family loves him, and always rooted us on. We both made several mistakes throughout the years; I’m not claiming to have been perfect. But one thing we can all see is that he has sucked life out of me.
“If you ask him, he says I pushed him away,” she added. “And my side of this all is I never felt valued or loved. Out of everything I have accomplished he was never proud of me.”
Mackenzie stated that Josh is not a fan of being in such a public relationship, which has also hurt the marriage.

“It didn’t make things easy that he wants out of the spotlight and I run my entire life/income on social media, sharing anything and everything, which could have done damage on this marriage,” she said.
Mackenzie admitted that, after Josh’s first affair, she was unkind to him, even after “forgiving him” and accepting when he proposed to her again.
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“After the re-proposal, I will admit to calling him mean names everyday and pushing him away,” she said. “Then after I lost my mom I also lost all sanity. I would tell him daily he is no good and disgusted me, but on the inside it was me screaming for him to just hold me together.”
As for the cousin Josh allegedly had an affair with, Mackenzie told the site that she is “someone who I grew up being close to.”
The cousin was also close to Josh.
“She is far older than Josh and I,” Mackenzie said of the cousin. “We used to hang out with her and her [now ex-] husband and let each other’s kids stay over…She cuts hair for a living and has cut Josh’s hair along with all my family’s [hair] for years.”
Mackenzie said that this incident has been hard on her, as well as her whole family.
“My family being very close did not know how to take it,” she said. “Josh and Ashley both say that a lot of [the communication was them] chatting about a haircut, and she was going through Josh to get some anxiety meds from his brother, and that Josh would come to her to talk about our problems and ask her advice.
“According to them it ‘isn’t what it looks like, but looking back it’s wrong,’” she added. “And he says she was always telling him he needs to man up and be here for me.
“It’s inappropriate and, in my eyes, this is an emotional affair…I feel betrayed by my own family and things will never be the same.”
Mackenzie added that her marriage was not in good shape, even before she discovered the alleged affair.
“Two times this year I have kicked him out of the house just to try to find my sanity,” she said. “Was it wrong? Sure, I’ll admit that. But lately our relationship has literally been sleeping under the same roof and loving our kids. He says to me all the time ‘I’m just here until you find someone and I will leave,’ so we both know it was coming to an end but being together for 11 years it was just so hard.”
“But neither of us are happy,” Mackenzie added. “This is not Mackenzie. I am fun, loud, motivated, outgoing. And I am not even a joy to be around for others.”
She maintains that she plans to leave Josh, for good this time.
“I am excited for my future. I have a good career and although I don’t have my family put together, I truly believe God is going to heal me and let me see why this is happening,” she said, adding that she is hopeful that both she and Josh will eventually find partners they are more compatible with.
“I pray he finds someone who will be nice to me and good for him and to my kids,” Mackenzie said. ” I pray I find someone who loves the Lord as I do, who will value me and I won’t ever have these feelings of insecurity or wondering why I’m unloveable again.”
Josh and Mackenzie’s cousin have yet to speak publicly regarding the alleged affair, and have not yet commented on Mackenzie’s statements about them. While Mackenzie has deleted most of the photos of Josh from her Instagram page, Josh has kept the photos of him and Mackenzie up on his.
Needless to say, the comments left by Mackenzie’s fans have not been kind.
“All that God talk and you still cheated.. with her own bloodline.. burn in hell Josh,” one person wrote in the comment section of an October 2019 post in which Josh describes how Christian counseling helped his marriage to Mackenzie.
“LMAO WHAT A JOKE!” another person wrote on that same post. “You have less personality than a rock. Good luck living this one down!”
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Mackenzie McKee Says Her Husband Josh Had Another Affair, This Time With Her Cousin: “Today Is the Day I Walk Away!”
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
26 Responses
“I took Josh in and gave him life” “Josh doesn’t like having our relationship in social media”. There is never an excuse to cheat, emotional or otherwise, but is this a partnership or Mackenzie’s world? How would you feel if you heard your partner say these things about you and your relationship? Is TeenMom money and being in the social media spotlight worth it?
Mackenzie needs the awesome Chump Lady website for people who have been cheated on. It sounds like she’s taking far too much responsibility for his cheating on her and she’s believing the whole “it was just an emotional affair, we were just talking about how she could support you!!!!” line. No. Men don’t stay out “fishing” until 3AM for weeks and weeks at a time when they’re just “texting a friend” about hair cuts and apparently drug deals? “She was trying to go through josh to get some anxiety meds from his brother”??? Red flag. Why is Josh selling his brother’s anxiety meds?
They’re both messes. I hope they do split up for good, because their relationship sounds super dysfunctional. Mackenzie needs to get help for her grief and learn to love and respect herself. Hopefully she’ll be able to do so more easily without Josh in the picture.
She’s going through a shitty time and now this? They seem like different people, she needs to find her Cole. My husband lost his dad last year and we had a lot going on. We split up, but it was because we needed space. We are now back together and are talking about how we feel, which my husband hated doing. I couldn’t have forced him to talk, he needed to want to. I don’t feel like josh really wants to
That poor girl. Surely she’s not perfect either but imagine having to go through all that sh*t while having to take care of three young children.
I hope she learns to love herself and know her worth before getting into a new relationship.
At this point it sounds like neither one wants this marriage. Josh and Mackenzie both have admitted to cheating in the past. Mackenzie truly did not look thrilled with the whole 2nd marriage proposal thing and seemed to be doing it for her Mom. Josh has never seemed like he was in love with Mackenzie but I can’t say she seemed crazy about him either. They almost seemed like roommates. Josh hasn’t seemed supportive at all since her Mom passed. Mackenzie admits saying “mean things every day, calling Josh disgusting”. The list goes on and on. Why stay together? Get a divorce already! Clearly there is no love lost here!
Girl, stop apologizing. He treated you like shit always, even when your mother literally just died. The recent episodes are horrifying with the way he treated you during that time.
The little things you’re apologizing for, like posting on Facebook or still being upset with his affair after forgiving him? Who cares? It doesn’t make it ok for him to not treat you right, with or without the cheating. When you were crying about not wanting to live and he took off, I literally gasped. And the fact that it didn’t surprise you tells you all you need to know about his support for you.
You can do a zillion times better. You are really pretty, motivated, outgoing, bubbly, and hard-working. Find someone who lets you be you and who supports you. Don’t settle. I’m overweight, getting old, pretty lazy, and not half as pretty as you – but my husband is lightyears better than Josh. You can do so.much.better.
Also, make sure YOU are the one keeping an eye on how Gannon is handling your mom’s death. Josh was 100% wrong on that episode where he said Gannon was handling it well and Jaxie wasn’t. YOU were 100% right that it’s the opposite. He has no idea what he’s doing in that aspect of parenting.
@Shea Girl, I don’t know you but I’m sure that you are a beautiful person! Age and weight don’t matter! I’m glad that you have someone who recognizes your beauty and you recognize that you are worthy!
Is it just me or do I have a feeling these two would never have been together until now if she didn’t get pregnant (on purpose, mind you) and got on the show? Money doesn’t stink to him. She would just be someone who he dated in high school if he didn’t knock her up. I feel this relationship was doomed from the start. Now, 3 kids later, they are where they would have been at latest after high school. It’s just a high school romance that would have fizzled out fast. Instead this shit went on for years with no real love left. I do think she loved him but she forgave him far too many times. Better stick to the divorce unless she will look like a fool.
That being said, I really hate when fans of the other person post on the other one’s account and I’m sure, are getting even death threats. That is NEVER okay. Yeah, he cheated but like, he knows that, you don’t have to tell him a million of times and I’m sure he doesn’t care Mackenzie’s minions are going after him. It’s not like she is an angel either. She is one of the most fame-thirsty Teen Mom girls I have ever seen. Don’t forget it all started with her getting pregnant ON PURPOSE to get where she is now. She even tried to milk her mom’s cancer. You’re just as delusional as she is if you think she is better than him. They both suck.
I totally agree. I think like most girls Mackenzie was enamored being in a relationship. I think josh liked her at first then she got pregnant and he felt trapped. She didn’t just get pregnant once in HS it was twice. Her obsession with him was evident in her 1 season of teen mom 3 where she inserted herself into all his business, complained how he wasn’t helpful and it was so bad that her family felt she wasn’t being a good mom but if they pushed her they were fearful she’d run off with Gannon and he wouldn’t be cared after. In the time off the show he chased him around so much she wound up fighting a girl who he was in the house with while pregnant and ran her uninsured new car into a ditch when she was driving dark roads looking for him. The fact they got married shocked me. I get wanting your family to work so badly but holding onto a guy by constantly getting pregnant especially knowing your risking your life with these pregnancies was ridiculous and now she’s got herself back on tv, getting the attention she wanted and acting super surprised by this behavior. She’s in straight denial and I’m having a hard time feeling bad for her when she gets so much sympathy for all the wrong around her but after showing all this wants to bash her fans for jumping to her defense? This is why you don’t post everything on social media.
I heard the cousin is a smoke show so lets cut Josh some slack here ladies,
stay lit
Everyone could see it was just a matter of time. Mackenzie truely loved Josh. Josh never showed her any affection. He was more consumed with how he felt. Mackenzie needs to have self esteem. Us ladies need to remember we deserve love. We deserve to be happy. We shouldn’t change who we are for any man.
Josh and McKenzie really needed some couples counseling years ago. McKenzie also needs some help with her grief (maybe a support group).
Who knows though if the root of all this is that Josh never really loved her and McKenzie kept having kids to try to repair the relationship?
McKenzie has really been through a lot this last year, I feel bad for her and Josh does not appear very supportive.
If anyone follows Mackenzie on Twitter the statement she put out today telling people to stop stalking her family and that Josh was just contacting her cousin to figure out how to “deal with Mackenzie” is exactly why I can’t stand this girl. Puts her business out there, blasts her husband and cousin on social media then wants privacy and everyone to leave her family alone.
True or not, at this point it’s time for her to shut up about his “infidelities”. She’s been pushing this “unfaithfulness” crap for years and it’s time to just give it up. It’s turning out to be the little cheerleader who cried wolf. She got what she wanted, she got back on TV, now it’s time to stop being an attention whore.
He said over and over he didn’t want to live his life in the public… And you signed contracts and posted your crap everywhere. They were both horrible for each other. Let just hope this isn’t another one of her stunts for attention. Cause she LOVES attention.
I find everything she says confusing. She made a huge deal about the portrayal of her and josh after he moms death and being spun to look like josh wasn’t supportive when he was and now she’s saying that he was distant the whole time but also sayin he’s a good guy? I feel bad what she went they about her mom but when it comes to josh she’s either really naive or really dumb to not see that he was never that committed. I almost feel like their kids are all anchors to push him to stay. I hope she gets a backbone and doesn’t take him back.
Petty? I think she misspelled trashy there.
She is so thirsty she’ll do anything for attention.
Well I don’t even know why I’m reading and commenting on this besides to say I don’t really give a rats ass about this. Alright, I’ll move right along.
That is all lol
Why would she continue having kids with him?! Hard to muster up sympathy when she kept bringing more children into a bad situation.
I can’t with this girl. I just never believe anything she says about her relationship with Josh. It all seems like a ploy to keep her interesting so she can stay on Teen Mom.
Exactly! She’s already back pedaling and saying it was an emotional affair and she’s also to blame. Just building up another reconciliation. ?
Wasn’t she pregnant in highschool before Gannon with Josh’s baby? Miscarried when she was kind of far along and then got pregnant right away again with Gannon so she could get on 16 & Pregnant? They always just seem like schemers to me. Mackenzie more so than Josh. I think she likes the attentioon she gets from always outing his cheating and she gets to be “poor Mackenzie” again. I think she loves the victim role. I believe Josh is an a**hole too, but you’d think at this point in their marriage, with 3 kids, she should keep some things private too. She doesn’t have to out her whole life story on social media all the time.
Facts. I possibly believed this most recent accusation because we saw how unsympathetic he was to her when her mom died, but that whole “affair” storyline this season seemed SO fake to me. Then him trying to win her back with that treasure hunt, and her throwing a DIAMOND into a lake? C’mon. Dramatic and fake. I guess her life is boring compared to the other girls, so the best idea she had was to drag this “infidelity” story for as long as possible. She’s beating a dead horse with a stick at this point.
She is out on Twitter now saying she never said he had an affair and to leave her family alone yet she had a clickbait article on her OWN social media accounts that said “Josh had another affair”. She gets paid when people click on articles on her feed, so now knowing the fact she made money off a clickbait story that she knew was wrong just shows the kind of person SHE is. If anything, Josh needs to be leaving her.