The hits just keep on coming for Kathryn Dennis.
Weeks after being exposed for making racially insensitive comments during a heated private message online, the Southern Charm star is coming under fire once again and, this time, she’s being taken to court for her misstep.
The Sun reports that Kathryn hired Charleston-based brand consultant KL Creative to “overhaul her image.” While Kathryn’s intent was to improve her image, she ultimately did the opposite, as she’s now being sued by Katherine Leonard, owner of KL Creative, who says the ‘Southern Charm’ star never paid her for the work she did.

Documents filed in Charleston County, obtained exclusively by The Sun, state that Katherine is requesting $4,908 from Kathryn, along with the $80 filing fee she paid.
“I was brought on to help Ms. Dennis to rebrand herself and worked in good faith to achieve all the goals we set out for her,” Katherine states in her complaint. “Once she gave me a deposit we began to work on meeting said goals on a strict deadline. She accepted my services and I performed them perfectly. Two letters have been sent by a lawyer to her to no avail. I now have no choice but to file here in order to get paid for the work I performed for her in Nov. 2019!”
Katherine filed the complaint March 3 and Kathryn was summoned April 1, at which point she had 30 days to respond. The court’s website lists an ‘Affidavit of Service’ stating that the case is still pending.
Currently, Kathryn still follows Katherine/KL Creative on Instagram and a number of her photos remain on the page.
While Kathryn clearly enlisted the help of a brand consultant prior to last month’s emoji scandal, those services certainly would come in handy right about now. As you may recall, Kathryn issued an apology on social media after a private message she sent to an African-American woman went viral. In the message, Kathryn used a monkey emoji but later claimed that she did not intend to offend anyone and assured her fans that she would do better.
That same week, Kathryn was blamed for starting a rumor that ‘Southern Charm’ star Cameran Eubanks’ husband, Jason Wimberly, had an affair with a Charleston makeup artist. Kathyn’s co-star Naomie Olindo— who announced that week she was leaving the show along with Cameran and Chelsea Meissner— backed accusations of Kathryn being the culprit behind the rumor.
A week after all of that drama unfolded, Kathryn took to Instagram, telling her followers she couldn’t stand her “character being annihilated” and claiming that she would release a full statement the following day.
She has yet to release said statement.
(Photos: Bravo; Instagram; Twitter)
10 Responses
I believe her. I use animal emojis all the time because its a little more silly and unique. Most people don’t use them. She’s so young and is going through so much, give her a break people. Btw- I’m Mexican so it has nothing to do with her being young and white. Just her being young and misunderstood.
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Kathryn Dennis is a royal mess. She does not care who she hurts. She does all this ? to just stay revelant. She is definitely lacking in the brain department.
She’s republican trash. Is anyone really surprised?
Anyone with connected brain cells could see that Katherine is toxic. These folks are so damn nice and polite (the ones that are leaving) to be on this “reality show trash boat” that we all love to watch. I’m sure Katherine doesn’t pay any of her bills. She waits for the latest paramour to pay them for her.
No offense but the “brand consultant” didn’t do a great job! (still should get paid though by the entitled Katherine)
This is for KicCreative I believe it is called, If I were you, and you worked a bit on turning around Katherine Dennis’ public reputation, the one she can’t seem to keep out of the dog poop and torpedoes herself, you MUST, MUST walk away from this NOW!!! Write off the $4,000 and change as an uncollectable business debt on your business taxes for 2020 and attach a copy of the article online. You can’t make it about the money if you are smart. If you do make it about the money, and are trying to ‘right fight Katherine, you will not win. You will lose your clients, your future clients (they will think you are cheap and a bad business person and that you just wanted to be famous. Katherine will laugh all the way to the bank. Write it off. Do one more interview. Say she was unstable, does not pay her bills and you are writing it off as there is nothing, not even camouflage that could change what everyone sees or hears from Miss Katherine Dennis. Her racist words will speak for themselves.
T Rav will just pay that off.
Fiddle dee dee, I do declare! Miss Dennis is in a heap o trouble. Sounds like she needs to gather her things and head on home to Tara. Those scalliwags are doing their best to break her spirit. Pay them no mind Miss Dennis! Keep your eyes on the prize!
They should be done with the series at this point. Who wants to watch it when it comes back on? Cameron is leaving and she was one of the few on the show worth watching.
Kathryn is deplorable. Her behavior has been nothing short of selfish,narcissistic, social climbing, backwoods, backstabbing, jealous, hateful, trash. She is like one of those daughters of the conferderacy where they hold onto a legacy of 1 promeniate relative from 300 yrs ago like its sometype of superiority meter. Beleive me after 300 yrs all that imaginary prestigious breeding had been bred out. I would never allow Kathryn around my husnad if he was rich. She is all about herself. If Is Kathryn actually started that rumor my next question would be how would she know? Did she try to sleep with Jason? She is certainly not above that.