‘Vanderpump Rules’ Star Stassi Schroeder Loses Multiple Partnership Deals After Faith Stowers Spoke Up About the Way Stassi & Kristen Doute Mistreated Her

That face you make when someone hits you where it hurts: your wallet…

Stassi Schroeder is getting a heap of backlash after her former Vanderpump Rules co-star Faith Stowers did a bombshell interview earlier this week, exposing the mistreatment she suffered at the hands of Stassi and Kristen Doute, and revealing that Stassi and Kristen once tried to have her arrested.

After Faith’s interview went viral, several companies who had partnership deals with Stassi have come forward to say they’re dropping the “Vanderpump Rules’ star, due to her treatment of Faith.

Page Six Style confirmed on Friday that Billie (a shaving brand), as well as Ritual (a vitamin company) have both ended their partnerships with Stassi.

“We were not aware of her actions and realize that is unacceptable and part of our responsibility,” a spokesperson for Ritual told the website in a statement. “We have ended our partnership with Stassi, and we are committed to doing more thorough diligence on all our brand partners going forward.”

On their Instagram page, Billie responded to a comment left in the comment section of a Black Lives Matter post that they are “ending all of our partnerships with anyone who isn’t supporting the fight against racism.” (The reply came after someone brought it to the company’s attention that it runs paid ads on Stassi’s Straight Up With Stassi podcast.)

As The Ashley previously reported, Faith gave details during an interview with Floribama Shore star Candace Rice about how, in 2018, Stassi and Kristen called the cops on her to try to get her to be investigated, as they believed Faith was an “at-large” African-American woman that had been featured in the DailyMail for drugging and robbing people. 

Back in April 2018, Stassi seemingly bragged about making these allegations against Faith during a now-deleted episode of The Bitch Bible podcast, telling host Jackie Schimmel that she believed her ex-cast member was responsible for stealing more than $300,000 worth of items. She then revealed that after a friend alleged that Faith had stolen her credit card, she and Kristen connected the dots to an unsolved crime in LA in which the suspect had drugged two people and stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars in money and jewelry. 

As Faith said during the Instagram Live interview this week, Stassi admitted during that podcast interview to calling the West Hollywood Police again after running into Faith at a nightclub. Stassi claimed the police told Kristen they knew what Faith had done but for some reason, they were not interested in apprehending her. 

Shortly after the podcast aired, Faith said she planned to take legal action against Stassi – who she says also accused her of being homeless while filming, of stealing Jax’s car and of going AWOL during her time in the military. Faith has not yet revealed if she ever filed the lawsuit, or if she plans to. 

Stassi and Kristen have yet to speak out about Faith’s latest interview. However, Stassi’s “Black Out Tuesday” Instagram post is currently being bombarded with comments from people who are calling her a hypocrite (among other things) for supporting the BLM movement, despite her past actions.


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“You tried to get faith arrested you are part of the problem,” one person wrote. 

“She also complained about black lives matter and black representation at the Oscars…this is nothing but a very very feeble attempt at rehabbing her pathetic image,” someone else commented. 

Another person asked Stassi to address a comment Stassi previously made on her Straight Up With Stassi podcast. 

“This is a perfect opportunity to address the comments made on your podcast. Highlight the importance of educating oneself before speaking out,” the person wrote, before including Stassi’s quote, which reads, “I’m like, really sick of everyone making everything about race. Everyone giving their impassioned speeches about race and all of that stuff, I’m like, ‘Why is always just about African Americans?’” (Those statements–and others– were made during a 2017 episode of Stassi’s podcast.) 

Kristen’s “Black Out Tuesday” Instagram post is also being flooded with comments mentioning the Faith situation.

According to Page Six Style, the backlash Stassi is facing from her treatment of Faith is not just limited to losing partnership deals. The site reports that the bridal guest column that Stassi had been writing for Glamour magazine may be getting the ax as well.

“The magazine has not published any content from her since March 11, and has no plans to continue at this time, Page Six Style has learned,” the site reports. (The magazine has not yet commented on this report.) 

Stassi and Kristen are not the only reality TV stars to get called out recently for their racist (or racially insensitive) past behaviors. On Friday, Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller saw her upcoming new show, Abby’s Virtual Dance Off, cancelled before it even aired, due to several former cast members revealing racist comments made by Abby to them and other African-American cast members. Abby has since apologized for her actions. 

You can watch Faith’s interview with Candace below:


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I take the time to talk to Faith and really break down what’s going on in the world right now.

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UPDATE! On Saturday— one day after it was announced that she had lost several partnership deals— Stassi posted a message to Instagram stories, stating that she was taking a break from her podcast for the week. She also posted a “Black Lives Matter” emoji.

It appears that this post has since been deleted…

UPDATE #2:  On Wednesday, Bravo announced that Stassi and Kristen, as well as Max Boyens and Brett Caprioni have been fired from ‘Vanderpump Rules’ over their past racist words and actions. Click here for the latest details! 

RELATED STORY: Faith Stowers Reveals the Unfair Treatment She Suffered on ‘Vanderpump Rules’: Calls Out Kristen Doute & Stassi Schroeder

(Photos: Bravo, Instagram)

24 Responses

  1. How about instead of cancelling people left and right you talk to them. Teach them why they’re wrong. Cancel culture is such bs. If you push people off to the side they’ll never learn, they’ll never grow.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Faith has spoken on this before, however because of recent events people are just now actually listening. I guess no one remembers Stassi posting a pic of her outfit and her caption was Nazi Chic. She lamented that she was tired of hearing black people complain about the oscars and why all this talk about race regarding African Americans.The reason that you all don’t mind her or her actions is because a lot of you all are like her. You see no problems with the cast’s micro aggressions.They used Faith’s incident with Jax as a main plot line and never allowed her to speak her side. All while demonizing Faith as if Jax doesn’t hump anything breathing. They called the cops on her, just because she didn’t get arrested doesn’t negate the fact that they acted like Karen’s, who had no proof other than their hatred and tried to use that to justify them trying to do harm to her.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    You should never say something to or about someone that you wouldn’t want someone to say to or about you. You need to be held accountable. Your words are hurtful and a horrible form of bullying! Seriously, Stassi and Kristen, you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! Apologies just won’t due, you’ve shown your true colors

  4. Stassi will now go on the Hollywood Apology Tour while she is crying the whole time. I don’t think she should’ve ever been allowed to return to the show. James was so funny at that one reunion show when he acted out how Stassi was crawling back. The clip from next weeks reunion shows Kristen saying, “I’m Done!” LVP will be thrilled about that. God knows, Lisa gave her tons of chances, saying she has worked for me so long. I would’ve fired her when she acted up at that party and was sent back to SUR.

  5. I don’t watch this show and know nothing at all about these people, and while these do sound like very bitchy and borderline insane things to do to somebody, did she actually just do it because she’s black or because she just doesn’t like her in general and is overall a hateful person?

    1. Exactly what I was going to say too! While I agree with most of your comments here, there’s one major thing that needs to be pointed out. In yesterday’s article, it was explained that Stassi and Kristin has a personal issue with Faith and that is why they did the things they did. Not defending what they did but it was hardly about race and everything about personal issues they had with her. It was Faiths timing of revealing this that made people thing it had to be a racial thing… which I can’t help but think was on purpose! I’m definitely not a Faith fan at all either!!!

      1. Race is relevant because to this issue because it is easy it is for the police to believe the accusations against a Black person. What evidence did Stassi have besides her sorry ass word? Stassi involved the police in her personal vendetta against someone just because she knew since the person was black the police would find Stassis more believable. How would you feel if someone with higher social status (wealthy, powerful,connected etc) reported you for a crime out of spite and just because they know they could pull rank and be more “believable” had you arrested? You are automatically assumed guilty because someone with privilege said you were. Men deal with this often when a woman calls the cops of them for male biased crimes. Look at Amber Portwood. Without the recording no body beleive she was beating the snot out of both of her baby daddies. Janelle used this bias and has had everyman she dates arrested at some point. Its a power move. This is what got Emmitt Till killed.

        1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
          It’s your kind of logic that has ruined this country. Try again.

        2. I completely understand the point you are making and it absolutely does happen. This just isn’t one of those cases, luckily, because the cops didn’t take Stassi and Kristen complaint seriously. Still, for them to try it is petty and screwed up and absolutely should be spoken about no matter how long ago or the outcome. Did Stassi and Kristen really think Faith wouldn’t have been recognized and arrested long before they reported her if it was actually her that was the alleged theif? And why in the world would a wanted theif go all over a reality show intentionally trying to get screen time? It makes no sense. They are vindictive mean girls but because Faith has been the only black cast member we have really seen them interact with (to my knowledge), it is hard to tell if it is simply race or their nasty mean girl antics as usual. Either way I think their behavior is disgusting, no one should be subjected to the way they treat people. They need to grow up.

      2. Such BS! I cant stand Stassi, but why tf does Faith wait 2 years to rehash this? Oh, I know! Opportunity! I love how a black person can make claims & immediately they are believed by sponsors & media. CLAIMS not PROOF! I will NEVER buy from or shop with a brand who automatically pulls sponsorship b/c they think its the “right” thing to do. Stassi & Kristen are bitches to EVERY SINGLE PERSON they dont like. Faith being black had ZERO to do with their meaness! GTFOH, Faith.

        1. I don’t think she has waited, she speaks about it every chance she gets and she has spoken about this before, among other things, but I think it was brought back up because of the current atmosphere. As for claims rather than proof, well Stassi and Kristen have both bragged about what they did so that is pretty solid proof. I do agree that they have a pattern of this behavior so it does make it difficult to tell whether it is strictly a race issue or just the fact that Stassi and Kristen are shitty people.

        2. This is exactly what I was trying to say! I agree with you 150%! I really dislike Faith! She’s an opportunist…that’s why she chose right now to come out with these allegations.. over 2 years later! She also mad bc she wanted to be more a part of the show back in seasons 1&2 so she tried dating Lisa’s son, Max. When that didn’t work, she waited til season 6 and brought the cheating stuff to light!!! Sorry Faith, I don’t buy it!! They’re just plain bitches but not racist bitches!!

          1. I don’t know there is apparently a lot of stuff coming out about Stassi and things she has said on her podcast, which I do not listen to. Apparently she has said many questionable and simply unacceptable things. Also there is a picture of her in an outfit and it says “nazi chic” which is absolutely disgusting. I don’t know how all these things have flown under the radar for so long but Stassi needs to step away permanently imo, a week isn’t long enough. A lot of stuff is coming out and it’s not looking good.

        3. Actually it was Stassi’s dumbass who told the story on a podcast maybe a month or two ago and Faith referenced it when she was on a podcast later. Stassi sunk her own ship telling a mean girl story thinking it was funny and now she looks like an asshole. I think it was mean girl bullying antics though, not so much about race.

    2. Exactly what I was going to say too! While I agree with most of your comments here, there’s one major thing that needs to be pointed out. In yesterday’s article, it was explained that Stassi and Kristin has a personal issue with Faith and that is why they did the things they did. Not defending what they did but it was hardly about race and everything about personal issues they had with her. It was Faiths timing of revealing this that made people think it had to be a racial thing… which I can’t help but think was on purpose! I’m definitely not a Faith fan at all either!!!

    3. I was wondering that too. In 2018 Faith admitted to sleeping with Jax (while he was in a relationship with Brittany) and had recorded some of their conversations and Faith leaked them. Of course all the women turned on Faith, (while forgiving Jax…per the usual) so I can’t figure out if they were being typical mean girls making life hell for Faith because she slept with Jax, or because they are racist. Asshole behavior either way though.

      1. I agree… total asshole behavior!! But I don’t think it had anything to do with race!! They were pulling their typical mean girl behavior that they’ve been pulling since the show started!! In all fairness, they are not bias toward who they do this to! If they don’t like you, they are going to let you know it, regardless of your race!!!

    4. Completely agree. I do watch the show.. and I don’t think it had anything to do with her being black. She’s hateful to everyone for fun. That’s basically her character on the show. It’s stupid it’s turning into a race thing. She would have done that to anyone who annoys her.

  6. I am so glad that this nasty bitch, Stassi, may be taken down. I cannot stand Stassi. This is the first I have heard about how they treated Faith. So Wrong! I wonder if Stassi is “Shooken”? Calling the police onher? What is wrong with them? I hope LVP gets to see this.

  7. Here we go again we already knew all this, where has the outrage been for the last two years? Faith told everyone this years ago, people,need to start calling this stuff out immediately. I guess beau should go get himself another job to make those mortgage payments since stassi put the money down on the million dollar house they can’t afford! Stassi is the meaning of entitlement and never deserved to be back on the show to begin with.

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