The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that haven’t been covered by The Ashley this weekend!
Battle of the Beavers! Starcasm: ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Stars Malorie & Rachel Beaver & Their Mom Stephanie Continue to Feud: See Their Latest Fight
Helping ‘Housewife’! Reality Tea: Bethenny Frankel Raised Money for 100 Black-Owned Business in 24 Hours
Out Already! In Touch Weekly: Daughter of “90 Day Fiance” Star Angela Deem Released From Prison After 15 Months Behind Bars
Baby Daddy Drama! The Sun: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Kail Lowry Admits She Hates Ex Chris Lopez in YouTube Interview; Says She’d Rather Sleep on the Street Than Spend Night with Him
Mad Mama Bear! The Hollywood Gossip: “90 Day Fiance” Star Loren Brovarnik Slams Facebook for Allowing Haters to Attack Her Baby
29 Responses
I think the Beaver clan need their own spinoff. Cancel the Teen Mom OG and TM2 and just continue with Teen Mom Y&P and the Beaver show.
Me thinks Kail doth protest too much. I think she meant to say she would even sleep in the streets for an opportunity to be with him again.
Jesus fucking Chirst. Kail will do anything for attention. She’s SUCH a martyr. It’s SO HARD being a single mom. Give me a fucking break.
well it is hard being a single parent
I know. I’m a single mother of 3 little girls (8, 7 & 5). But it’s not as bad as she makes it seem.
I wish Kail would spend less time trying to look like a martyr, and more time working on herself. The lack of stability surrounding those kids is bound to bite her in the butt one of these days.
Does anyone know if that TLC “Unexpected” show will have another season. I liked the drama on that one.
Sure Kail, you’ve never experienced love and have no idea what it’s like. Okay. Keep making Oopsie babies with Chris.
Good God, Malorie and Rachel are a HOT ASS MESS. Those poor babies are gonna grow up in the same cycle and will unfortunately repeat itself time and time again.
Fathers day is coming up, time to order valet parking attendants at Kail’s house.
stay lit
This pregnancy is Kail’s ultimate selfish move. I think she planned this from knowing her ovulation days and manipulating Chris’s weak spot for sex, whatever that may be. I believe this is all about Lux having an absent asshole father. The older boys have very active fathers in their life, Lux is getting older and very soon is going to understand that he’s the kid left behind , looking out the door while his brothers leave to have fun with their fathers, now there will be a sibling for Lux to share the pain with… Kail gets me sick.
This is definitely a planned baby on her behalf, she knows It’s not going to bring Chris closer to her, it’s not about getting money from him, this is the only thing that adds up to me.
he’s as much to blame for the new baby as she is.
He couldn’t wrap it??
Kail wants to be a single parent. She wants the boys to herself, and she wants to play the martyr. She’s done everything she can think of to push Jo and Javi away, but they won’t abandon their children, so she did the next best thing – got knocked up by someone who doesn’t help financially, physically, or emotionally.
Oh my GOD kailyn enough!!!!!
Kailyn the perpetual victim! She only says these things about these dudes to beat them to the punch of saying it first. None of them want her. Shes easy. Bad mother she is so bitter.
Wasn’t she obsessed with chris and said she really loved him, not like the other guys? How can she say she never experienced love?
Teen Mom Y&P has real drama, unlike the manufactured drivel MTV puts out on TMOG & TM2. But of course it’s the show they’ll most likely cancel, if they haven’t already. PS.. What is with MTV only showing “Ridiculousness” 24 hours a day, seven days a week now?! So dumb.
Kails dad(aka Kails twin) gives off a Joe Exotic vibe. He was into animals (road kill) too.
Sure Kail. You hate Javi too. Yet, you have sex with them every chance you get. Liar. Kails talking out of her Dr. Miami’s Azz again.
So Chris has 3 charges against him for violating the PFA? Does that mean that Kail ratted him out?
Lol Kail, you will have Chris’ 3rd baby by 2022. Cancel the show though. I don’t want to watch the 30 year old brat.
And it will be another boy ? #boymom
Hopefully, we will see a more humbled Kaitlyn once they announce the cancellation of the whole Teen Mom series. She was a always an awful person but she became worse with money. Her greed is insatiable. She uses her money to control people. Once the money and fame is gone she will have to adjust her stank attitude to accomplish anything.
Um Kail, there are kind of very strong evidence that you have been very close to Chris …..
Lol right! The evidence is growing by the day…
Riiight Kail. You’d be knocked by him within the next three years if you had it your way
Kail, for crying out loud, you WILLFULLY slept with him at least twice and will soon have two children by him. Also her saying “I would rather not have love than be broke.” is wow. I guess she never experienced real love so she feels she is not worthy of it so she is looking for it in all the wrong places. Also, hate is not a great feeling, it eats you inside.
I just hope she will one day admit her past is something she can process with therapy. Otherwise she will just keep on adding to her brood without feeling fulfilled because those men won’t want to stick around.
Also, does that mean, she will have at least six kids?! I don’t think that’s a good idea…
I‘m sure Joe & Javi loved her at one point.
Malorie and Rachel Beaver are literally arguing over who called CPS on who, who has what caseworker, who drinks & does drugs & parties…wow, sounds like your priorities are straight.
It blows my mind that Angela Deems daughter, Scottie can be given three 20 year prison sentences for child molestation and rape & committing the acts in the presence of her own children, is on the sex offender registry list and the bitch serves 15 months jail time?
My sister’s ex was given 30 years for the same crime, is on the registry for life…and he only served 6 months. He even let his registry entry go out of date by moving and not reporting it and no one noticed until one of his friends reported him. Our criminal justice system is beyond broken in America.