Cory Wharton and his girlfriend/baby mama Taylor Selfridge saw their much-anticipated Teen Mom OG birth special cut at the last minute on Tuesday night, shortly before MTV announced that it was severing ties with Taylor due to racist tweets from her past.
MTV had been promoting the self-shot ‘Teen Mom OG At Home: Cory & Taylor’s Birth Special” for weeks, and up until the day it was due to air, Cory was posting about it to his social media accounts. However, when the scheduled airtime came, MTV chose to air an old episode of Catfish instead of the special, causing plenty of ‘Teen Mom’ fans to wonder what was going on.
MTV later revealed that the special was purposely not aired in the United States (although it did air in Canada), and that the decision had been made to end all ties with Taylor, due to a series of racist tweets she posted to Twitter years ago.
(The tweets were later addressed in an episode of ‘Teen Mom OG’ by Cory’s baby mama, Cheyenne Floyd. You can read them here.)
Since then, Taylor— as well as several of her MTV allies including Gianna Hammer and Cheyenne— have spoken out on the controversy and Taylor’s firing.
Taylor’s axing came just one day after MTV announced it was also cutting ties with The Challenge star Dee Nguyen, over recent tweets Dee posted about the Black Lives Matter movement.
In a statement issued to People on Tuesday evening, MTV confirmed the reason they cut the birth special— which was to show the birth of Cory and Taylor’s daughter Mila.
“MTV pulled ‘Teen Mom OG At Home: Cory & Taylor’s Baby Special’ from its Tuesday schedule and is ending our relationship with Taylor Selfridge in light of her past racist statements on social media,” the network’s statement reads. “MTV strongly condemns systemic racism and stands with those raising their voices against injustice.”
That same night, Taylor took to Instagram to tell her side of events. She insinuated that it was her choice, not MTV’s, to leave ‘Teen Mom OG.’
“As you guys know already our special didn’t air tonight,” Taylor posted to Instagram. “I made the decision last week to not film the next season of ‘Teen Mom OG’ with Cory for the benefit of myself and my daughter. I don’t believe the reality TV lifestyle benefits me any further at this point in my life. With current events being what they are and reality TV being selective in who they apply rules to or what is considered acceptable behavior, I do not have any further respect.

“Once again, I apologize for anyone I have hurt or offended in the past,” Taylor’s message continued. “I have addressed my mistakes many times on the network and I would like to move on and continue to be the best version of myself. My past does not define who I am today and I hope you guys can see the change. Please respect my decision to provide a normal, healthy life for my family.”
Cory— who has not been cut from ‘Teen Mom OG’— has yet to speak out directly about Taylor’s firing or the special being cut. However, he did “like” a telling tweet on Twitter on Tuesday night that stated, “How they gonna cancel your second daughter, a mixed blessing, and the celebration of her new life…in a world that’s fighting for her equality and help the cause? @CoryWharton something is so backward here. Idk sad day.”
While Cory has yet to speak out directly, others have not remained silent about Taylor’s dismissal. Taylor’s friend and former Are You The One? co-star Gianna Hammer took to Twitter on Tuesday and Wednesday to slam MTV for choosing to fire Taylor now, even though they had addressed the tweets in an ‘TMOG’ episode and MTV didn’t fire her until fans started to put pressure on the network to do so.
“S**ts just Soooo wishy washy and fake,” Gianna wrote. “If [MTV] took those tweets as serious as they’re pretending they are now, she would have been fired from the network 3 years ago when it all came out.
“They shot & aired a whole episode of Taylor addressing those tweets but now it’s ‘let’s not air this special’ lol aired it in other countries tho,” she added. “Meanwhile they’ve got cast members they continue to employ who’ve shown racism and sexual assault ON CAMERA right in front of their eyes.”
They shot&aired a whole episode of taylor addressing those tweets but now it’s let’s not air this special lol aired it in other countries tho ?meanwhile they’ve got castmembers they continue to employ who’ve shown racism and sexual assault ON CAMERA right in front of their eyes https://t.co/mpnQBr5udx
— Gianna Hammer (@giannahammer) June 10, 2020
She then brought up the fact that Taylor discussed the issue on-camera with Cheyenne— who is African-American, and that Taylor plays an active role in the life of Cory and Cheyenne’s daughter Ryder.
“Not saying that having a black person in your family changes you, but having them address it and demand growth is huge, Gianna wrote. “Especially raising two children of color. All I think is that it’s important to give people like that the opportunity to grow because it IS possible.”
Cheyenne was also quick to comment on Taylor’s post to show her support.
“Ryder, my family & I love and support you always,” Cheyenne wrote in the comment section of Taylor’s post. (Taylor later turned off comments for the post.)
Speaking of Cheyenne, some ‘Teen Mom’ fans were quick to point out that she had her own racist tweet controversy in the past. Cheyenne has since addressed the tweets— which were posted before Chey began her reality TV career— and apologized for them, but some fans still felt that Cheyenne should be fired for what she wrote if Taylor was.
In case you’re wondering what Cheyenne wrote, allow The Ashley to recap. Back in 2011, Cheyenne tweeted, “My mom said I can’t see [the movie] ‘The Help,’ she knows I already have a problem with white people.” She later posted, “Last night I saw [‘The Help’] and I wanted to kill every white person I saw.”
That same year, Cheyenne retweeted the following tweet, “[Cheyenne] and [redacted] are the only Nazi-loving, black power-having, ‘kill-a-white-baby-if-I-could’ people I can accept & adore.”
After the old tweets went public, Cheyenne deleted her Twitter account. Earlier this week, fired Teen Mom 2 stars David Eason and Jenelle Evans called on MTV to fire Cheyenne for what she wrote.
The Ashley has checked in with ‘Teen Mom OG’ production sources and, as of right now, Cheyenne has not been fired (despite what some media outlets are reporting).
View this post on InstagramRyder's reaction to this was the cutest. ? #TeenMomOG
A post shared by Teen Mom (@teenmom) on
“Everything is being circulated behind the scenes right now, though,” one source from the show tells The Ashley. “But no decision has been made [about Cheyenne].”
You can watch a clip of the unaired birth special below.
The Ashley will update this when more info is available…
(Photos: MTV, Instagram, Twitter)
63 Responses
I read that Cory’s ex Alicia wrote an open letter that caused the special to be pulled because taylor spit on her during EOTB and then she (Alicia) was segregated from the house. She took credit for it anyways. That’s why many people don’t like Taylor currently. What I DONT understand is that what DIDNT air is that Alicia ran around with a KNIFE taunting Taylor. That’s why she got spit on and that’s why MTV was pissed at her and segregated her from the house. A threat of assault with a deadly weapon?? Girl, bye. Someone should report on that.
None of what Taylor tweeted was as bad as Cheyenne’s tweets. She didn’t say she wanted to kill or hurt anybody, at least. MTV is the worst about double standards.
Also, if they actually gave a damn and weren’t just pandering to the masses, they wouldn’t have aired it in Canada.
I’m sure they didnt fire cheyenne because she was talking about white people. If she had been talking about black people she definitely would’ve been fired. It’s not fair. I guess racism is only going one way these days
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I’m sure that the fact that MTV has no one to replace Cheyenne with played a huge part in the decision to not fire her, too. MTV has despicable standards.
For those interested, Cory said he is broadcasting the special MTV pulled on his personal YouTube channel next Wednesday. Ryder is so adorable, I want to see more of the baby!
I am not a huge Taylor fan but seeing someone grow from a young uninformed person into a mother of biracial children is something that could be good for everyone. We are all facing our own unconscious bias.
Additionally we are stuck with Ambers now decade long behavior pattern with repeated instances of domestic violence. If anyone should be removed from MTV my first choice is Amber. Followed right out the door by Ryan who has enough demons and certainly doesn’t need a camera crew showcasing his addiction.
We’ve all said stupid ignorant things as teens. Just a lesson that anything on the internet follows you forever ?
Before social media they would say leave those type of opinions for the dinner table.?
“I’m sorry” doesn’t always cut it. If so the prisons and child divorce court would be cleared out before the the end of today if all people had to say was “I’m sorry” to get out of a funk.
So, wait. Why did it air in Canada?
Taylor and Corey must have been aiming to get a spinoff or their own show otherwise I don’t see why Taylor would care about no longer being part of Cheyennes storyline. Who would want to be a side character to your boyfriends baby momma?
Mackenzie Edwards resents this comment.
It’s an easy paycheck even though she’s not the star of the show.
This is absurd. Taylor apologized numerous times and has clearly changed for the better, and is a beautiful woman. MTV even used these racist tweets as an episode last season for Cheyenne’s segment. Ridiculous. Cheyenne should be fired too along with Tyler and Taylor. They all tweeted racist comments at one point.
Im sure there is more stuff out there that Taylor has tweeted or done that came to light and MTV is getting in front of it by firing her. MTV wouldn’t tell us what dirt they uncovered it would have to be exposed but based on what’s already public she really was a really nasty individual at that time in her life. Young or not. All young people werent full of hate and youth is not an excuse to be a racists or homophobic. I’m sure there’s plenty more out there about Taylor that we don’t know about yet. She will have to explain to her mixed race daughter why she thought like this and it will hurt her if her when her own kid experiences the same,type of hurtful racism. Apologies are just that. They shouldnt be done in hopes of restoration. Restoration of a job, career, relationship, status etc isnt a mandate of forgiveness. We need to stop thinking that if we apologize all is good. Sometimes you apologize and step down with grace. The best practice is the golden rule and if you still have those feelings don’t post it online. Dont get mad when something you intended to go public actually goes public and the public never lets you forget.
Cheyenne literally tweeted she wanted to kill a white baby. I cant think of anything that Taylor could have said that would be any worse than that.
I agree but you need to ask MTV execs why one and not the other? Business can hired and fire whomever they want. As the audience speak with your dollars. stop watching the show. it’s a garbage, unethical show that exploits ignorant young mothers and wreckless breeding anyway.
@oopsy I don’t understand the down votes here. What I’m hearing from your post is, there’s more to the Taylor story than we know , MTV is clearing her out right now should it be leaked. Um, yeah… sounds exactly like something they would do, protect themselves while making it look like they really care and are taking a stand.
MTV can say they fired her, what I’d like to know is, are you paying out her contract ? She seems to be taking this with a grain of salt, as did Farrah and David.
Logically thinking, if all these people posted nasty comments online ( as you’ve pointed out) they’re out there somewhere . Taylor wouldn’t need to find an attorney, they’d be ringing her off the hook if she’s the only one REALLY fired for the same thing they all did .
I stopped watching before I could form an opinion of her, but do agree that something doesn’t add up here.
I agree with you, instead of reading/understanding oopsey’s point of view (which is actually a valid point) people are going on the defense. That would also make sense as to why they let her go, there could possibly be something else that is about to come out that we don’t know about…but from the way it’s looking now, at this moment, MTV looks kind of disengenuous with their stance on BLM issues.
@Lexi That’s the perfect word for it! It’s a real punch in the gut to the movement.
MTV has proven to be so dishonest( understatement), who knows what to believe from them? We all know they added these extras in hopes to gain ratings, well, that didn’t work, maybe they have something else in the making for her spot.. wouldn’t put it past them to use this as an excuse.
I don’t believe David was actually fired at the time we were lead to believe he was. MTV thinks everyone is stupid.. they released a statement “ we will no longer be Filming David Eason” , that’s not fired. Fired is – we are no longer paying you or your benefits. I think they paid out his contract and kept the gag orders in place. Jenelles contract just ended in April , are we to believe that her agent allowed to go commit to a contract that can end at anytime with no pay and you can’t work outside of it? Farrah, she wasn’t fired either. Hell, these people got better than severance pay, don’t work and we will pay you out, no wonder none of them seemed too bothered by it . MTV is so shady that it wouldn’t surprise me if this whole thing with Taylor is actually a big pay day for her. I guess we will sit back and watch it play out while we enjoy The Ashley.
Just a reminder that ‘reverse racism’ doesn’t exist. What Cheyenne said isn’t racist.
Siesta Key’s Alex Kompo should be next. He’s got scads of tweets saying truly awful, racist things.
Not to mention he tortured & killed animals AND took pics/videos
Freedom of speach, democracy and stuff… Yeah, I think MTV will be added to my(now very long) boycott list.
Taylor still has the freedom to speak her mind. She just can’t use MTV as a platform.
She wasn’t arrested so she’s still free to speak. The words people say can have consequences, especially with employers. That’s not robbing her of freedom of speech. Nice try.
People can say whatever they want, but don’t act surprised when what you say has reprocussions.
Then it’s not really free speech. ?
I mean seriously, how many times do media outlets have a tv show, news, whatever but have a disclaimer that “this doesn’t necessarily reflect the values and bullshit talk of this station.” I mean really. I don’t agree with racist talk/behavior at all, but to now ruin someone’s life over something they said in the past pretty much means we’re all fucked. Probably 75% if America should be fired from their jobs for something offensive they may have said or done at any point in their life.
The problem isn’t about a persons views and opinions. Its about having tact and keeping controversial views private. This board was dragging Colin Kaepernick for taking his kneeling stance but you wanna forgive Taylor.Kaep was black listed, football career ruined and dropped by alot of sponsors. The posters on this board had no sympathy and talked mad shiat about firing Nessa for defending her man at the reunion. GTFOH with your Taylor,needs to be forgiven because she’s a reformed racists, BS.
They should fire Maci’s husband for his racist homophobic tweets if she’s getting fired for these
In my opinion MTV was wrong to fire Taylor. They were totally right to fire Dee, however (IMO). Taylor tweeted stupid, thoughtless things as a teenager. Dee is an adult woman who tweeted disgusting garbage THIS WEEK. HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!
Watching Taylor on TMOG this season, you can tell she loves Ryder, Cheyenne and Cheyenne’s family. While I don’t know Taylor personally, I believe she has grown a person from when she wrote those tweets. I can totally understand not wanting to be on reality tv. I would absolutely hate being on tv. Walking away from reality tv will probably be the best decision you make, Taylor.
Dee—girl, I rooted for you last season on the Challenge but you are coming across as a terrible person this season. Winning one final doesn’t make you Boss Bitch. I hope in your time away from tv, you work on yourself as a person.
So Cheyenne can say racist comments, apologize & then keep her job. Taylor makes racist comments, apologizes but get fired???? MTV is so full of double standards. Thank goodness for the girls on twitter who recap the show so I don’t have to watch MTV
As annoying as I find ALL of these people, I find these networks so full of sh*t. They are just as or more annoying than these ass hats. #FAKEAF
Another reason why people should think twice before spewing hate online. Once its in the internet it never goes away. Oh well, if the show,was so bad for her and her family then it has all worked out well. She can have her privacy and soon the show,will be cancelled and her,Corey and Cheyenne will hopefully stop signing up for MTV reality shows since they’ve so much respect for themselves. Its a win win.
That’s good. There is something super disingenuous about the two of them, like he was allergic to work, a gown man that wants to be an “influencer” as there career just irks me. Oh well, ,looks like he’s going to have to get a job like the rest of us mere mortals.
Its something disengious about their whole situation. You know all three of them Cheyenne, Corey, and Taylor are all playing nice to be on the show and get a check. Cheyenne is from the land of being fake, CA. They are all professional reality tv stars. You know Cheyenne isn’t happy with Corey or Taylor and I’m sure Taylor stays side eyeing Cheyenne with the slick comments she makes. The only one is a good position is Corey.
I really disagree with this decision. Of course what she said was wrong. Of course what Cheyenne said was wrong. Unfortunately people do make mistakes whether it’s through ignorance, lack of education, or simply just not really thinking about the consequences. Whatever the reason, Taylor addressed what was said during an episode. If they had an issue with her words, why didn’t they fire her then? Surely what Cheyenne said and “liked” is of a similar meaning, therefore they are hypocrites if they let one go and one stay.
That’s what I don’t get when they fire someone who said something AGES ago. Like, people can change? I don’t think digging down those tweets and just NOW getting her fired because it’s a topic that is on people’s mind now, is right. And as you said, Taylor apologized and discussed it with Cheyenne. It’s like MTV is trying to make it seem like they are doing everything right now. (While they let child abuse, domestic abuse and everything else slide). They are just addressing something when it suits them, that’s it.
Shame on you MTV.
I just don’t understand this. We watched a whole episode about her apologizing…. now she’s fired? Okay MTV. Wtf.
I posted this on another article, but it feels relevant here.
I’m wondering if instead of firing Taylor, MTV could’ve used this as an educational opportunity. Instead they could’ve filmed an episode where both Taylor and Cheyenne (her remarks about killing white people were also inappropriate) discuss their past Tweets, why they posted them at the time, their own families’ racial identities (Ryder’s father and sister Cory and Mila are both mixed race, and her sister’s mother is white) and what they’ve learned since then about being respectful of other races. It would also have been interesting since Taylor has a mixed race baby now to hear her perspectives, which I can only assume have changed. I haven’t watched the show in a couple seasons and only read the recaps now but I assume they’ve both matured and are less racist in their thinking (viewers correct me if I’m wrong). Just my thoughts in how to have a constructive dialogue/learning moment for viewers out of the situation, and also teach younger internet users that what you put on the internet can follow you throughout your life and the consequences it can have.
What TM cast member sexually assaulted someone on camera?!
That’s what I was honestly wondering? I was thinking maybe she was referring to someone on the challenge?? I don’t watch the latter, but that’s all i can think of
I think she was referring to when Kenny and Evan from The Challenge sexually assaulted Tonya with a toothbrush while they were all drunk during one of The Challenge seasons. Supposedly the MTV camera crew knew they did it but Tonya was passed out when it happened and didn’t remember right away. She sued MTV a few months later and was given a settlement that was never disclosed and Kenny and Evan were banned from MTV for life.
I remember that and was thinking the same thing, that maybe that’s what she was referencing?..MTV basically handed out hush money, banned 2 rapists and called it a day. SMH. When I was watching the show back in the day, I remember Kenny, Evan and Bananas were the epitome of dickheads. I don’t like the fact that Bananas is still getting a check from them. From what I’ve read he hasn’t changed.
Neither Taylor nor Cheyenne should be fired for this. This is a chance for MTV to show how education can lead to growth and maturity. At what point do we start letting people learn from their mistakes without “canceling” them? Cancel culture is TOXIC.
If they are going to fire Taylor, Cheyenne needs to be fired too. Thing is I don’t like either chick and I’m getting exhausted with all of these stupid tweets. Here’s a thought….stay off social media! I understand this may have happened years ago (as most of the recent firings have VPR Max was 19, Brett was very young, Taylor, etc) but I have NEVER said a racist, homophobic word in my life to anyone at any age and I live in the south! It bothers me too that all of these networks have known about this shit for years and are now firing people and using BLM to garner favor for their networks! Where was their concern prior? They didn’t have any! They just wanted ratings and drama!
MTV missed the mark with this one. The fact they want more from her when she’s apologized numerous times on and off air, seriously makes no sense to me. I would be done with MTV too if I were Taylor. I’m all for unity and not supporting racists, but this ain’t it MTV. She apologized, she’s made amends, and unlike someone like Portwood who is full of fake tears, empty words, and shit, Taylors actions have spoken louder than her words. I’m sure her views have changed since 2012, especially because she plays such a big role in Ryders life. There seriously is nothing left for her to do. Bad call MTV.
I don’t think that Taylor is racist at all! MTV could care less about child abuse, domestic violence. Or good Lord on the Challenge Camilla drunk off her ass going after poor Leroy who was doing nothing repeatedly calling him the N word among other horrible shit! They didn’t fire Camilla! They brought her back for another Challenge! She got fired because she got violent with someone in production. That’s MTV for you. Protecting who they consider #1, themselves.
I almost feel like they wanted to get rid of her, and needed a reason, because this is just so outta left field. She didn’t really add much to the show because she seems to be very unproblematic. But it’s like if they wanted to get rid of her, then get rid of her just like they did that Lexi girl from Young & Pregnant. Don’t pretend it’s because they fully support BLM, because as you just said, their previous actions against certain cast members (CAMILLA) prove otherwise. In no way am I condoning her previous tweets, but there is seriously nothing left for her to do. She’s apologized, acknowledged her mistakes, and has proven through her actions that her apology was genuine. Also, I don’t think Corey’s going to leave just because that’s his income.
I’m done with mtv. I literally don’t care about this girl, but the cancel culture of white people is exhausting and she doesn’t deserve this, especially considering she was 17ish. We’ve all said stupid stuff at 17. If Taylor is fired, Cheyenne should be as well.
The cancel culture of white people is exhausting? Try being black. We have to deal with racism, insensitive remarks, being treated differently, and so much more stuff EVERY day of our lives. Heck, you can say we were pretty much “canceled” before we could do anything about it. THAT is exhausting.
The cancel culture when hardware of on men with the men,too accusations flying all over the place for the last 2 years. Now you are tired of if? Apologies don’t necessarily always result in redemption. Sometimes an apoligies needs to be simply that not because think it will help your career and to keep a job.
Ok, now this is getting ridiculous. MTV could have fired her when these tweets first came out. Instead, they shot an episode of Teen Mom focusing on Taylor and Cheyenne addressing them. But, now it’s fireable? MTV doesn’t seem to care about racism or any other issue unless it’s politically expedient. They never cared what Jenelle and David did, they don’t care what Amber does, etc. MTV is a joke.
Too bad MTV doesn’t take a stance on felony domestic abuse committed against a father while he is holding their child. Which in itself is also felony child abuse for assaulting a person in the presence of a child. Apparently hate and abuse is okay with the network though. MTV is a joke. Start getting rid of ALL BAD BEHAVIOR by your employees… Racism, violence, anti-LGBTQ,drug addiction….
They pick and choose who they want to hold accountable and for what…
If MTV can’t show a positive co-parenting situation, Just cancel TMOG & TM2 both of these sh!t shows. Those girls talked about it, worked it out, working on their relationship what better group do you have to offer?! Clearly, MTV is feeding the drama and chaos until they feel like they can be held liable or lose sponsorship. Use them to start the conversation. I may be showing my age, but MTV used to be about activism and making a change. MTV news and their Town Halls used to be what’s up.
Both of you guys hit the nail on the head. This firing of Taylor cheapens their stances with everything else. Because Cheyenne apologized, and hasn’t regressed I can understand why she’s still there, but with that said, Taylor did the same thing, so why get rid of her?? Then to still support Portwood after ALL she has done, and we all know as much as they supported the swamp people in the past, they would still be supporting Jenelle and David had sponsors not pulled their ads. It’s not right.
BYE BYE KAIL. Now they have to fire practically everybody. Teen Mom is a Shit Show anyway. ALL LIVES MATTER.
Oh please… This is ridiculous. Both Taylor and Cheyenne tweeted those racist outburts years ago. Neither should have been on TV. But now Taylor is fired but tweeting killing white babies is okay? And the funniest thing is Taylor just gave birth to a mixed baby but she’s the racist villain. Lol
Just because she has a mixed baby does not mean that she can’t be rascist. Personally, I believe that she has grown since the time that she tweeted those remarks. There are some people out there that believe that just because they are dating someone of a different race, have friends of a different race, have mixed children, etc. that means it gives them a pass to say be rascist or say make insensitive remarks.
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I posted this on another article, but it feels more relevant here.
I’m wondering if instead of firing Taylor, MTV could’ve used this as an educational opportunity. Instead they could’ve filmed an episode where both Taylor and Cheyenne (her remarks about killing white people were also inappropriate) discuss their past Tweets, why they posted them at the time, their own families’ racial identities (Ryder’s father and sister Cory and Mila are both mixed race, and her sister’s mother is white) and what they’ve learned since then about being respectful of other races. It would also have been interesting since Taylor has a mixed race baby now to hear her perspectives, which I can only assume have changed. I haven’t watched the show in a couple seasons and only read the recaps now but I assume they’ve both matured and are less racist in their thinking (viewers correct me if I’m wrong). Just my thoughts in how to have a constructive dialogue/learning moment for viewers out of the situation, and also teach younger internet users that what you put on the internet can follow you throughout your life and have long lasting consequences.