Dimitri Garcia, Belgian Boyfriend of ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood, Says He’s Returning to the United States Within a Month

“Coming to a backseat near you real soon, Gary!”

A week after Dimitri Garcia, Belgian boyfriend of Amber Portwood, went on a social media posting-spree declaring his love for the Teen Mom OG star, he has once again tapped into his sensitive side – this time, without the glitter glue and construction paper – and revealed he’s reuniting with Amber very soon.

Dimitri took to Instagram this weekend to share a FaceTime screenshot showing off “the real smile of [his] baby love,” Amber. Dimitri told his followers he loved the photo and included a (somewhat confusing) quote in his caption to further express all the love he’s feeling in his big old Belgian heart. Once again, he tried to convince ‘Teen Mom’ fans that, despite Amber’s past offenses against her boyfriends, she has changed.

“People change they just have to be fair with the right person,” Dimitri wrote. 

Dimitri is really committing to the whole hashtag thing…

When asked by one of his followers if he was currently back in the United States, Dimitri said not yet, but he will be “coming back really fast now.” 

In fact, Dimitri went on to reveal that he plans to return to Amber’s couch the states before his birthday – July 6. 

In a recent interview, Amber stated that she and Dimitri have been separated since he left the United States (which was shown on the Season 8B finale of ‘Teen Mom OG’). Their long separation was due to travel bans put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We really miss each other,” Amber said last month. “We’re doing what a lot of people are doing. We’re social distancing and virtually dating.”

Until Dimitri and his best couch-loungin’ threads reunite with Amber, he’s passing the time professing his love for her on social media with gems like this… 

Special appearance by Amber’s sassy date-night brows.

Annnnd this… 

When your love is so big, it won’t fit into one photo.

As for any doubters of Dimitri and Amber’s long-distance love, Dimitri assures that their love “will last a very long time, despite what people say.” 

” … I’m sure we’re going to have a great love story,” he told another one of his followers. 

In his most recent post, Dimitri reminded his followers that he’s not with Amber for her MTV money and once again, he asked that people stop trying to change his mind about her.

Trust us, no-one thinks you’re with Amber for the glory.

“I am not there for money, nor for notoriety or glory,” he wrote. “I’m here for her. Stop trying to change what I think of her. The past remains the past. Surrounded by good people we become a good person. I love it and she love me.” 

Dimitri has since turned off the comments on his Instagram posts. 

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(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

16 Responses

  1. How does she find someone so quickly, get them to fly from another country to her, someone who she can’t fully communicate with, who’s prepared to be filmed for a tv show, AND take a lie detector test? I’m speechless! ?

  2. It is crazy to me that fans are this engrossed in these peoples lives that they are sending them love or asking questions directly to them.

    I know me reading up in here is still having me be somewhat interested, but I’ve been watching them for more than 10 years, right? If I don’t check in it is like part of my life was just wasted with me not knowing how they end up. Lol.

    But to actually care so much that they stalk these people and try to be buddy with them and or do whatever they do. They be crazy.

  3. I doubt Amber’s past will remain in the past though. Her life is one big violent cycle. He’s only fooling himself.

  4. I’m sorry, but just like all the others, there’s no way he has seen her past behavior and thought wow, I’d love to be with her. No man with pure intentions is going to want to be with her at all any time in the near future, it’s just not going to happen. All of them are going to be with her, for free extended Indiana vacations were you don’t have to leave the living room or her bedroom, you get to order in for every meal and get to make a little money by appearing on TM. Sure, you’ll probably get your ass beat a couple of times, but the lure of an extended Indiana vacation can bee a siren song to some that don’t get to travel much.

  5. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I love “it”? Sounds about right.

    I honestly struggle to imagine what anyone would see in her. She’s marginally attractive, but her personality is horrible, and she seems like a total drag to be around. I can’t remember ever seeing her lighthearted or joyful about anything, and if I’ve missed something it was likely because it was so short lived. What do you see in a person who has no purpose in life other to sit in bed all day long?

    A green card.

  6. Gross. I’m trying to give Dimitri the benefit of the doubt but he is so naive. How could you leave your own country to be with a psychopath and leave your kids behind? Does he not and has he not seen what she’s done? Is it all nothing now because she’s apologized and “changed”? I don’t think so. Not how it works.

    1. Almost sounds like he is the male version of her-putting a relationship before his own children just like she does! As a mother, I will never understand that.

      1. MTV needs to fire this habitual domestic abuser as well. She has no business being on tv. She assaulted her son’s father in front of him just like she assaulted Gary in front of Leah. That in itself is felony child abuse and they reward her by keeping her on tv. Disgusting.

    2. Blows my mind that these dudes still seek her out knowing good and well she will beat the shit out of them…then they always act so surprised when it happens. Crazy what people will put themselves through for a little D-List fame and some extra cash so they don’t have to get a real job.

  7. Yes Dimitri, MTV needs more drama and Amber can’t beat you up and chase you with a machete if you aren’t next to her on the couch.?Just make sure you don’t turn your back on “it”.?

    1. Amber better be careful with this one. If she thinks she can beat his azz and send him back to Germany if he pulls an Andrew is wrong. If Amber beats this one he can qualify for a U VISA due to domestic violent and she will be on the hook to support him for 10 yrs since she sponsored him.

  8. Now, the Ashley, y’all know you were wrong using that first pic. I’ve lost my appetite for the rest of the day ??

    1. He can’t speak English good, I would give him a pass.

      And again, it’s still a relatively new relationship and they were apart for some time, I believe that’s the only reason why he is so lovey-dovey online. Better bring a helmet with you when you visit dude!

  9. So he’ll likely be here for any 4th of July celebrations. Yikes, hope he doesn’t make them late for those; we know how that turns out.

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