Despite MTV both cutting his daughter’s birth special from Tuesday’s lineup at the last minute and firing his girlfriend/baby mama Taylor Selfridge, Cory Wharton has no plans to part ways with the network himself.
Cory took to Instagram Live on Wednesday to respond to MTV’s decision to pull his and Taylor’s Teen Mom OG birth special, as well as the network’s announcement to sever ties with Taylor due to racist tweets from her past.
(The tweets that resulted in Taylor’s firing are the ones that were addressed during an episode of ‘Teen Mom OG’ by Cory’s other baby mama, Cheyenne Floyd. You can read them here.)
Cory kicked off his video with a favorite philosophy of the late Kobe Bryant: “Control what you can control.” Cory told his fans something he can’t control “is the decision that MTV as a company has made,” though he confirmed he still plans to stay with the network.

“This needs to be understood,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere! Let me be the first one to say I’m not going anywhere. I’ve learned that burning bridges is not the solution. Even though I have no ill-will against MTV, I’m disappointed, I’m hurt and I’m saddened by their decision.
“As all of you know, narrative is a very powerful tool,” he continued. “I feel like the narrative that you guys want about me should be accurate, it should be true and it should be from me.”
Cory said because of this, he plans to put more energy into his YouTube channel as a way to give fans an inside look at his family life. He asked that his supporters see Taylor “through this response,” adding that “all hope isn’t lost.”
As for the birthing special fans didn’t get to see this week, Cory said he will be posting the video himself on Wednesday. However, he revealed it “won’t be the special, but it will be better than the special and I want to introduce you guys to Mila.”
Throughout the video, Cory paused a few times as he became emotional when discussing the situation with MTV. He said he wasn’t there to “bash anyone” and revealed that he’s spoken with the network since the decision was made.
“They know how I feel about this,” he said. “I’m really trying to keep everything positive. … It’s just hard, man. It’s tough right now, I’m not gonna lie to y’all, it’s tough. … But we got this.
“Taylor’s strong and she’s pulling through and I’m super proud of her,” he continued. “I feel like she’s apologized for this many times on the network and she’s probably gonna continue to have to apologize for it.”
After Cory and Taylor’s special was pulled from MTV, Taylor took to Instagram to explain what happened. In her post, she noted that she has “addressed [her] mistakes many times on the network” and insinuated that it was her choice, not MTV’s, for her to leave ‘Teen Mom OG.’

In his video, Cory did not address the statement made by Taylor this week; however, while fighting back tears, he told fans how hard it’s been watching Taylor be “painted a certain way” in the public eye.
“ … When you see somebody that you love being painted a certain way and that’s not who she is, it’s hard man, it’s tough,” he said.
A source echoed a similar sentiment to E! News, calling Taylor’s past actions something she regrets and has learned from.
“Of course Taylor regrets those messages and knows they are wrong but that is not who she is today,” the source explained. “She’s constantly working at educating herself, being better and becoming an ally.”
As for Cory, he challenged those watching his video to think back to mistakes they may have made as “preteens.”

“Everybody makes mistakes,” he said. “I think we’re missing the main message here and I want it to be that there needs to be change and they decided the best thing to do was to go their separate way from Taylor, which is completely fine. All I’m asking is that you hold everybody accountable and that’s that. If you guys want to go down this route, I just hope they hold everybody accountable.”
As The Ashley told you earlier this week, Taylor’s axing came just one day after MTV announced it was cutting ties with Dee Nguyen of The Challenge over recent tweets she posted about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Watch Cory’s full Instagram Live video below.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; YouTube)
23 Responses
Of course you ate it leaving the show because then u won’t have income. Maybe if u get a real job u won’t have to worry about ur girl friend saying dumb shit
I absolutely Love your guys stories & will continue to watch it regardless if MTV airs it or not . In my appenion MTV not showing Cory’s segment was THE WRONG THING TO DO. Mainly because it relates to so many Young women out there NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY ARE. I can so relate to Cheyennes store mainly because I my self got pregnant at the tender age of 17yrs old . My emotions went wild & I found my self feeling very alone . That was a very hard time for me . I commend you all for doing what y’all do & hope All of y’all stories will continue. If I know where to watch you guys I will do so . Hold your heads high & just know I am watching . Please know you do help so many people.
Thank you!
Am I an asshole to think everyone is stupid here! Was anyone surprised Cory kept it open? Total piece of u ask me
Color me shocked! Did anyone actually expect this “influencer extrordinaire” to go out and get a 9-5?
Taylor gets fired but not Cheyenne ? Such a double standard. We all are equal I believe that whole heartedly, but firing taylor for 8 year old tweets That are gross should also be held to Cheyenne who’s were also disgusting and if I remember even mention infants .
What about Cheyenne’s tweet talking about kicking “white babies” ? She’s had several straight up racist tweets brought to light. Time for her to face the consequences as well. It’s not okay.
Why wasn’t she fired when it was brought up on the show? Why wait until all this stuff is going on to fire her? I don’t understand why it matters now, but it didn’t matter then. MTV gave in to peer pressure. Apparently it wasn’t a big deal back then. SMDH
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This happened 8 yrs ago! Taylor put it there don’t let this define you either. Cory keep your head up. Congrats on your new edition she’s beautiful ?
So… basically what Taylor said about wanting to leave for the benefit of her family and her daughter is total bullshit considering that Corey will still be on the show, inevitably talking about their family and her daughter…
I am 100% in support of the current BLM movement and I think it was the right move for Taylor to be fired. However, MTV should absolutely fire Amber because of her domestic violence history and fire Cheyenne for her previous comments about killing white babies. You can’t cherry pick morality (well, i guess you CAN, but you shouldn’t)
I couldn’t have said it any better..Best comment!
Im not like other people that throw people under the bus… that was for Cheyenne.
MTV and Cheyenne disappointed and betrayed them. Must be hard.
Did Cory know by the time he knocked up Cheyenne that it will bring him so much attention? He is eating it up, of course he is not going anywhere. Which also tells me he doesn’t really love or believe his relationship with Taylor will last, a real partner would side with their other half, that’s how I see it anyway.
Why wasn’t she fired when it was brought up on the show? Why wait until all this stuff is going on to fire her? I don’t understand why it matters now, but it didn’t matter then. MTV gave in to peer pressure. Apparently it wasn’t a big deal back then. SMDH
Lol Cory like an idiot was all “your faves are about to be exposed” and then people dropped the receipts on Taylor. It was hilarious to watch in real time
If Taylor goes so should chyanne but what do you expect from this channel I will not watch
Well, at least he isn’t at “IM GONNA QUIT THE SHOW” level fame yet!
Corey has 2 kids to support. Of course he needs this TM check. He would be a fool to quit during this economy. This is how the man of the household is supposed to behavior.
I think we all knew that there is no way Corey is ever going to leave MTV unless they fire him, and he’s never going to say anything bad about them as long as he’s working with them lol. He seems smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds him.
Of course he’ll stay……. he’s simply another Teen Mom bum that has no education or skills to get a decent career.
Who thought he’d quit and go get a real job, like an adult? No one? Oh
I love your name lmao…
Of course you are, how else will an attention whore get their attention and money?