Viacom is digging deeper into the on- and off-line lives of its cast members following the firings of several MTV show stars over their racist social media posts.
The Ashley can reveal that Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom OG cast members were informed on Thursday and Friday that they must undergo background checks and have a complete review by a third party company of all their social media accounts (both past and present; basically any they’ve used in the last 10 years). This marks the first time in the over-10-year history of the show that cast members are being required to do this… and they are not happy about it!
“The cast members were informed that they have to fill out a complete background check,” one behind-the-scenes source tells The Ashley. “They were told if they don’t complete the background check, or refuse, they may not be allowed to appear on the [next] season of the show.”
The Ashley hears that this is being done for both the main cast members (the moms), as well as the guys/dads that appear on the show regularly.
(The Ashley is not sure if the producers who appear on-camera on the ‘Teen Mom’ shows, or the family members who appear regularly— such as moms, dads, sisters, etc.— will also have to undergo the reviews.)
In addition, the cast members are being required to let the third-party company do a complete review of all of their social media accounts (including accounts that they no longer use or handles they have since deleted.)
“Some cast members were freaking out and saying it’s unfair to subject them to such intense scrutiny, after being with the show for 10 years,” one source said. “The [producers] were being pretty cryptic, too, and would not tell the cast what the company is looking for, or what happens if something that’s ‘problematic’ is found during the search.”

As The Ashley previously told you, Taylor Selfridge of ‘Teen Mom OG’ was recently fired by MTV after a series of racist tweets she posted eight years ago went viral. (The tweets were discussed during an episode of ‘Teen Mom OG.’) Dee Nguyen, a cast member on MTV’s The Challenge, was also fired this week over her social media posts about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Since that time, a plethora of ‘Teen Mom’ cast members have been accused of racism or called out for their past behavior, including Taylor McKinney, Kail Lowry, Cheyenne Floyd and others. Some fans have called for their firings, while others have stated that MTV is taking things too far by punishing cast for remarks made years ago. Some on Twitter are even comparing it to a “witch hunt” of the casts of MTV shows.
“It’s ridiculous,” one person associated with production told The Ashley. “[Viacom] already has Season 10 [of ‘Teen Mom 2’] in the can, so to try to do this now is dumb. They are just trying to get ahead of any possible ‘problems’ fans will dig up on social media and they’ll have to deal with.”

The Ashley has noticed that many cast members have begun to scrub their social media accounts clean of any remarks made about other cast members, and any other tweets/posts that could be considered “controversial.”
“They have not been told what happens exactly if something ‘bad’ is found, so everyone is going through their stuff with a fine-tooth comb right now,” the source said.
Stay tuned…
(Photos: MTV)
99 Responses
they are not better than any other person who has made racist remarks..these women on Teen Mom have a sense of entitlement and feel they are above others,,and writing books about their “struggle”, being pampered and paid enormous amount of money for being pregnant at 16…get rid of this show
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How about banning the complainer from viewing MTV. 2 sides to every story
These ppl stirring this I am SURE are to blame also. Their comments and aggression truggera TROUBLE every time. Why are they getting their asses kissed for everything they bitch about! FTS. MTV…you may have just lost me and my children I am considering blocking your channel for supporting these fucks and their trouble makin ways
This is stupid. They’ve been on TV for ten years and MTV didn’t give a shit about anything they’ve said when it was said, so why act like they care now.
Also, if you can be fired for an offensive tweet made yesrs before you were on TV, but not for beating men on camera, there’s something wrong.
I think racism is totally wrong but digging up the past is getting a little ridiculous people make mistakes and or use words out of content all PEOPLE do somethings are really going way to far are we digging into everyone’s passed all races for that matter it’s sad that we just can’t just get along and be one generation we will always have bad cops bad people this is life but we also have great people and great cops too
WTH ? is going on here I think they’re taking it to far they should do that to 90day fiance they making up all sorts of bs lies and what not
Good job. They should do exactly what they are doing.
Me along with millions would like to see them replaced with new REAL TEEN MOMS. These are GROWN WOMEN with children abt to be teens. Get some real Teen Moms
Here is a thought: just show f78king music videos. Cut all of these garbage shows. Sell the competition for has beens shows to Tru TV or such. Eazy peezy.
People deserve to have opinions and express their opinions. Please also change and grow over time. This is socialism pure and simple. It may be subtle but that’s still what it is. Pay close attention kids because shit is hitting the fan and our world and our freedoms are at serious risk right now. It doesn’t happen over night it happens little by little and in subtle ways. This may seem on the surface to just be about a few people on a TV show but it’s a sign of so much more that is going on right now.
That’s not socialism but sure go off about your ‘freedoms’
I couldn’t agree more. Scary stuff.
I think communism by dictator Viacom is a better description.
Socialism isn’t about control, it’s about fair sharing.
I’m not really sure how your comment relates to mine but I agree to a degree. Soros’s army of antifascists are actually fascists and have already built a wall around their new territory after torching and looting small and large businesses. The want to crush and ruin any that disagree with them which is incredibly ironic considering their mission statement. I really feel like we need some reform but there are a lot of opportunists and loonies hijacking the actual message. I can only wish for more love on this planet and a peaceful resolution to all of the anger and fear out there right now. 80% are just normal law abiding cattle that are not allowed to have an opinion in this matter so just stay in and stay safe and take care of your loved ones. IMHO MTV really provides very little in the way of educational or entertainment value these days. Even worse is A&E and the steaming pile of scripted “reality” series, which along with social media paint a very fake and materialistic view of the world, especially to young people. I don’t really care for music videos either that somehow are allowed to use the N word over and over because of their race (just allll abolish that awful word whether you spell it with an a or er) and keeps pushing the tired “money, drugs, and hoes” refrain that causes younger generations to fake it till they make it rather than developing useful skills or interesting hobbies or playing in a creek like normal kids. Instead we get an echo chamber of backpatting sycophants that cheer you on because you are gay, a woman, a person of color, rather than just a human being and actually leads to more segregation. It is such a backwards system but that tends to be the pendulum swing of history. Swung from conservative 50s to the hippie 60s and 70s, to the conservative 80s back to the new gay 90s back and forth over every decade only this new generation seems to have no vision of history and only yell me me me my problem is the worst vying for the most clicks and upvotes and retweets to try and “win” in that arena. It is very hard to change people’s personal or political views but I have always found that love triumphs over hate and that most of us are just moderately reasonable individuals that want a safe place to live, food on the table, and a person to share that with. Seems simple but the world is a very messed up place when every piece of the puzzle is comodified and resold under plastic money that is nothing more than electrons with no real value backing it up. That is just me though and I can only hope others can live and let live while finding something interesting in the world to enjoy (get a hobby folks) while we still have one to see and explore with masks and surgical gloves lol. Send a friend a positive message today about why you think they are awesome, help someone in need if you are able, and try not to burn anything down haha. Hope we all make it through this and have a better future on the other side.
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At times we all say things we don’t mean. we need to ask are good Lord above for forgiveness and God says we are all his children and that we will all make mistakes the best things we could all do for our country is to get down on are knees and pray for healing for our country and we need to learn to love and help one another ???
Mtv is following along with this bullshit goin on today. I personally believe the statement black lives matter but i DO NOT believe in the group as a whole. Eradicate racism but only if it fits todays crap. Im white my kids r black and NEVER in my ENTIRE life have i had any “white privilege” i grew up in the projects. Watched MANY teens of ALL colors beaten abused stomped on by police. I also know my kids deal with racism daily. Funny thing is its not white people who make fun of them. Hmmm time to wake up people. They want us to fight each other so the government can slip shit under our noses. Its a poor people thing. Rich people white blk asian u think police fuck with them like they do us???? No! Fuck MTV and their propaganda bullshit. So over fake news bull. Now if 1 of them sed oh damn white privilege r they fired too or only the other way around? This is why i havent turned my beautiful t.v on in 3yrs sick of the double standard. Bye bye mtv we arent as stupid as ur being?
Best comment here!
Very well articulated, too!
Couldn’t agree more.
Thank you
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I think it’s just ridiculous about cory’s girlfriend she owned up to it when she started the show trying to make amends this is just ridiculous I can see if she played like it was nothing but she has apologized and said it was wrong way before anything on teen mom the producers look like ass’s
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I think it’s being pushed way to far.
Everyone I’m sure has made some kind of remark at some time in there life that they wished now they hadn’t made. Let’s move forward not backwards.
Everyone knows that everyone that says all lives matter is a racist! Of course all lives matter, duh?? But it’s been many many years that some people feel that black lives don’t matter. And they do. Where I live the cry babies are from older generations.
Some Americans are so brainwashed into thinking moral policing is socialism… it used to be entertaining to see some stupidity but unfortunately it has spread too wide and into executive power. What viacom is trying to do is damage control because they are loosing advertisement money and why spend thousands on cast members that are costing more then what they are making? It is capitalism at it’s finest.
That’s good it’s bad enough MTV exploits these young dumb 16 yrs. by making it popular to get pregnant at 16, there showing the glitz, and then you have the Farah Abrams, the walking plastic surgery billboard, MTV should have run background checks before not after racists behavior is exposed. You have young impressionable young people watching thinking “Get pregnant at 16 you will be on TV, make money, buy cars, houses that’s not the whole reality. What’s positive about the show? It’s cool to disrespect your parents? Cancel 16 pregnant and all the spinoffs, unless your going to show honesty the real deal, applying for welfare, foods tamps, dropping out of school, baby daddy leaving .
Stick a fork into the show…..it’w DONE. Get rid of it and move on. Period.
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I think this is bullshit! All this black lives matter is taking things way too far!!! The way things are going, they need to change namefrom the USA to Russia II…..no more freedom of speech or doing what you want with out running it past some asshole first!! Checking peoples facebook,twitter, etc is wrong. America is no longer the land of the free! Our rights are being taken away every day.
“Our rights are being taken away every day.” Congrats, now you know what’s its like to be brown in this country.
Are ALL MTV shows undergoing background checks and verifying past posts from cast members on their various shows? I’m rewatching old Jersey Shore episodes and just saw the episode where Jen spit in Ron’s face. Then I remembered all their domestic violence issues and started wondering if ALL MTV shows are undergoing background checks.
MTV trying to cover their butts 10 YEARS after the fact. Hahaha Hypocrisy at its finest
The cast members are just getting free social media maids to clean up their mess.
When the maids find something, they will make it dissapear everywhere online when they can.
When something pops up later, Viacom will claim the maids didn’t encounter it in their investigation and state that things are faked/ edited sometimes.
So something stupid may have been said 10 years ago will affect their entire lives? Bulls*** MTV
This show was on when Obama was president. If racism is such a ‘public health crisis’ why didn’t he fix it? The same people who push this Black vs white agenda are trying to destroy America.
What the fuck…freedom of speech a thing of the past now. Get a grip your shows are running on drama…diarrhea of the mouth is good for drama ratings. Go for it, and kill your shows. Take a look at shit the presidential candidates say. RUBBISH! One of them is going to be leading the country in 2021 lol.
I think that no matter what race you are we all need to respect one another. I was always taught care and do just such. This is taking it too far when people want to change what has happened years ago. I’d say move forward live for now, for today, for the future because that is not guaranteed. And that’s what needs to be changed our future.
Better late than never. Background and social media checks are standard for everyday jobs in the real world. Bottom line, this show is well past its “sell by” date. These “women” are almost 30 years old and their story lines are repetitive and boring. Enough already!
Social media checks are NOT standard for everyday jobs. And background checks usually go back 7 years. That’s the standard.
I have a question about MTV in general. Is it MTV for observed obnoxious and crazy shows with no boundaries. I mean there is more sex and abuse aired than anything.
Racism is not acceptable but dont they realize once this calms down they still have a list of other things that’s in plain sight. You cant fire for racist word or even unsure if what they said was racist or not but not fire those for assult child abuse child neglect being disrespectful to women insulting gay/transgender.
Idk part of me is like MTV is raw life and thats what people like. Even though as much of it I personally think is crap it still brings in millions of viewers.
Im on the fence big time. Times are deffenitly changing.
We can stop pretending this means anything. They are doing damage control with the public. Not one of these girls are going to be fired. Most of them had all their criminal charges done during seasons. Taylor was fired because she was expendable as a minor cast member. They would rather fire Taylor and make the viewers happy than fire someone like Amber or Kail.
Agree. Yet Taylor is in a bi racial relationship and just had a baby.
This show made millions of the dirt that goes on. The worat of them all was that ferrah disaster. She was horriable and did not care
Speaking on the Taylor post. If she was racist dont you think her black boyfriend would know….. I dont believe she stands behind her post from when she was a child. For crying out loud she now has a bi racial child. She has apologized numourous times and admitted she was young and naive.if people are going to loose jobs over what we said as kids then damn unemployment is about to be the new source income for most Americans. Many people have said things in their childhood that we wouldn’t say now. The 80 90 and early 2000 were the most turning point in the way we addressed women cultures and society and most vocal in which is now inappropriate. Rappers being introduced using the n-word as referring to a person as a homie in there music with many cultures not knowing this was not acceptable for all. Even today.
My point is holding people for what they said as a child and as adult they have matured and have regrets dont hold them accountable.
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How about all these God awful just get cancelled!!?? Way past due, if you ask me.
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Speaking on the Taylor post. If she was racist dont you think her black boyfriend would know….. I dont believe she stands behind her post from when she was a child. For crying out loud she now has a no racial child. She has apologized numourous times and admitted she was young and naive.if people are going to loose jobs over what we said as kids then damn unemployment is about to be the new source income for most Americans. Many people have said things in their childhood that we wouldn’t say now. The 80 90 and early 2000 were the most turning point in the way we addressed women cultures and society and most vocal in which is now inappropriate. Rappers being introduced using the n-word as referring to a person as a homie in there music with many cultures not knowing this was not acceptable for all. Even today.
My point is holding people for what they said as a child and as adult they have matured and have regrets dont hold them accountable.
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Far from
Bring back the music videos or change your name
I think it’s gone way too far. I’m sure we have all made some kind of remark at some time in our lives that we now wish we hadn’t said or made. But let’s go forward from here. Have to agree that all LIVES matter black brown yellow white. And also agree you have felons and domestic violence on the show not good.Aslo if you are going to do it for one you must do it for all.
I think this is totally unfair. People change! What you did to Taylor was horrible. It was discussed and forgiven. Time goes on. As long as she doesn’t do it again, she should be allowed on the show. This has been taken way too far. I don’t feel you should be held to something you said ten years ago. Start today and be held responsible for your words or actions, I agree with. You cannot change history!!!! It’s unfair but true. All lives matter. Don’t make this something it’s not. God bless!
Especially Cheyenne and Caitlin if you have nothing to hide they had nothing to worry about let’s see cuz your ass will be fired with your f****** words prejudice ass m************
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You need to bring Taylor back! These things were said years before her being on the show. Anything said from this point on should be the only concern. Anyone has the ability and guts to say things as a “child” that they don’t realize they could follow them. Yeah we ALL do things we regret. I swear on my ratchet life I will not watch this show or any other mtv show if this is how it is going to be. If you don’t walk on water… DON’T JUDGE!!! GET RID OF AMBER PORTWOOD!!! ABUSER!!! EVIL BITCH!!! Please get back to me on your PERFECTLY SQUEAKY CLEAN LIFE… ?
MTV’s choices be like:
“Making an off hand comment about how someone of another race made you feel one time versus stabbing at someone with a machete.”
Lets see, MTV..
Keep the drug addicted ex con stabber!!! We need the ratings!
This isn’t about Viacom caring about anything more than damage control and legal preparations for imminent lawsuits. Getting their ducks in a row.
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I don’t agree that the cast should be punished for something they may have done when they were younger. I mean I agree with not being racist since they’ve been older but not from 10 years ago. I mean especially Taylor she was very young then and had no clue she would be on Teen mom back then. I agree racism is very wrong but it should be kept in context.
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This is absurd. I can completely understand comments or statements that were made in the past 2 years but to go as far as 8 years. I am not racis. I am from a place there are no people of color. I can completely agree with the NO comments being made from Chelsea houska about the black lives matter. Or maci not having a statement. I didnt take part in the black lives matter. EVERY LIFE MATTERS!!!
Chelsea did comment on racism and teaching her children to be actively anti-racist on her Instagram.
after everyone was called out by cheyenne ?
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This is absurd. I can completely understand comments or statements that were made in the past 2 years but to go as far as 8 years. I am not racis. I am from a place there are no people of color. I can completely agree with the NO comments being made from Chelsea houska about the black lives matter. Or maci not having a statement. I didnt take part in the black lives matter. EVERY LIFE MATTERS!!!
Well that’s it, ?, we’re getting ready 2 c a WHOLE new cast lmbo!!
This generation of social media addicts don’t seem to comprehend that anything you put on the internet is likely going to be around forever. Buck up Buttercup!
I am finding MTV increasingly bizarre. Convicted violent offenders while employed and filmed- Amber and members of the JS and GS cast and probably others. Child abuse, Janelle and Leah (I know it was a while ago but at one point her children went hungry on camera). Drug abuse that puts others in danger, Ryan, Leah, the situation and I very much doubt Ron Ron is just pissed all the time. Disfuctional abusive relationships, Janelle, Ron and all his girl friends. Charlotte Crosby has been shown several times to be violent to her partners. Sexual assault on the challenge. Vicky from GS convicted of assaulting a young women with a stiletto, Sophie from GS used a racial slur, all while filming all of these people have been invited back time and time again and given a lot of extra opportunities. While MTV pretends that they are so concerned about the vile things they say on social media-that they have always been fully aware, and have even based episodes on. Are now needing a third party to be involved while the TM cast deleat all their accounts as they know that being paid £300.000 a year for being both horrific and boring is safe as MTV has proven time and time again they really don’t give a shit unless a cast member is difficult like Farrah and Janelle. If only their content was less Instagram and more of the-actually very good scripted content of the ninety’s and the very good Sweet/Vicious that was on a few years ago.
LOL, what a joke. Amber has been “sending love” in the biggest passive aggressive way possible and then she deleted the tweets. Jenelle (who isn’t even on the show anymore) and whole other cast mates did it too. Oh, violence is not an issue?! Of course it’s not, it’s MTV for crying out loud!
And they can all just delete their social media accounts without showing them anything. It’s stupid that they even mentioned it to them. If they REALLY wanted to find something juicy, they wouldn’t even tell them.
What bothers me the most, is that they profited off of Taylor’s tweets by turning it into a storyline last season or the one before (I can’t remember which one) and made it seem like they were doing the right thing by having Cheyenne and Taylor talk it out and moving forward from it. And now the tweets are too much for them to keep Taylor on the show? Such hypocrisy on their part. If they are going to fire Taylor, they should fire Cheyenne as well, since she also has some abhorrent racist tweets in her past. But MTV still employs Amber to this day so I don’t expect them to do the right thing.
PERFECTLY SAID! You’re exactly right, where’s Cheyenne’s kickback? She should’ve gotten the exact treatment Taylor got. We’re looking for “equality” right? Both of them said awful things, but one of them were punished????
Didn’t care to read anything, it needs cancelled
That Leah caption and photo wins everything today!
I don’t understand what MTV means by “pass a background check”. Amber has been charged with multiple felonies over the course of her time on the show…(not even a year ago for a few of those charges) so…..how are they going to justify her background check? They will fire her now but didn’t want to when it happened? They are still going to keep her and then fire others who broke the law? I can’t wait to see how MTV handles this.
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Sticks and stones …. Sick of the double standard in all areas of life these days if you’re Caucasian you’re instantly the bad guy but if you’re any other color it seems that you can say whatever you want about Caucasians and that’s OK! And Amber’s physical violence seems to be OK with MTV but free speech is not? If I was a cast member fired for this I would seriously be considering suing MTV! And by the way I am a woman of color.
I hope this is a ploy for MTV to cancel the entire Teen Mom franchise.
I think this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. Taylor said some shit 8 years ago. She apologized and shes came along way. Leave it to MTV to show on a family show they it’s not ok to make a mistake and apoloize and move on…let’s beat her and shame her for the rest of her life. Bullshit
Flaming hot band wagon heading our way. Watch out!
MTV is terrible and run things like a 10 year old. Their choices in who they allow on the show and who they fire is completely obserd . Let’s let amber get away with literally everything,that shes has continuously done over the past 10 years… mtv still confused as to why your losing viewers?
Ahh! That’s why Kail deleted her Twitter. Sneaky. Did she say racist stuff? All her kids are biracial.
If you have to delete your Twitter, you got something to hide. JS.
Cancel it, MTV. Just cancel it. Between Corona and the protests, this show is DOA.
The only thing I can think of regarding kail is when she made her comments about Isaacs “ghetto” haircut years ago that Jo gave him
Stasi 2.0
I can’t wait for Chey to get fired for her threatening tweets. Oh, that’s right, that will not help the white genocide so it will never(or mabey one day…) happen…
Also, I am done with MTV.
White genocide? ? No one is killing white people for being white. FFS
Wake up, blm proves they hate whites.
Look at the carnage accross the world in the name of blm.
When it resorts to violence and looting, the argument is lost.
Blm have caused mayhem and the distruction of monuments, shame on the protesters.
In my book all lives matter.
Shame on the city and state governments that still had/have monuments to racist confederates up.
They should have to undergo background checks anyway. It doesn’t mean that just because they have an arrest for disorderly conduct from years ago they will be fired but they should be background screened for safety reasons.
Why can’t they be fired for a past offense?! Everybody seems to be losing their job for things they’ve said in the past. It’s just not right. No one had a problem with any of this shit. Now all the fucking nit-picking is starting up!
Your right there Ellen.
This has gone too far when a certain group of people force a station on tv because they dont like things that are being sad then i think the constitution falls into that. Because if one has to do it then they all have to do it not just a certain group. Like the show blackish where they make fun through the entire shoe about the white family that lives next door if you think that is not racism then there is something wrong with you. I want to at least see the episode where the baby is born. I myself will boycott mtv. If the rest of the cast of teen mom has any sense they will all stand behind each other and all quit . you are all being railroaded by the black lives matter movement.
until they fire wamber, and kail they need to shut up
Why are they so angry? Guess what? Here in the real world of jobs, employers check your background, your credit and yes, even your social media. For them to complain about being “scrutinized” now after 10 years shows just how far removed from reality they really are. If they worked an actual 9-5 they would know a lot of companies can and do periodic checks on their employees to ensure they don’t have morally bankrupt people working for them.
I thought all of em didn’t need this job. That they were all millionaires. If they have all that money. Why not quit? Kail is literally losing her mind. KARMA
MTV is terrible and is being run like a 10 year old. Who they choose to be on the show and who they choose to fire is completely obserd. Just let amber get away with everthing for 10 years.. mtv still wondering why your losing viewers.
I’m waiting to see if she’s going to try to be on the good side of Chris now, she’s had some pretty nasty words for him lately .. guarantee you he has loads of derogatory remarks from her in his messages, I hope he saved them.
Not necessarily, I’m with a black man and just because he pisses me off doesn’t mean I hurl “derogatory remarks” at him. Ffs, they probably fight like any other couple.?
I’m so over this, it’s beyond ridiculous! Who is going to check the producers and big wigs of MTVS accounts because clearly they have had no issue witnessing child abuse, domestic violence, driving under the influence, etc. They’ve known about the tweets both past and present that were racist or homophobic. If they are going to ax one like Taylor…ax them all because truly no one wants any of them on the air anymore!
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean thumbs down! I totally agree!
Like they say things you do in the dark may 1 day come to the light.Also the reality show cast members shouldn’t relay on the shows paycheck only have another job. and these networks have to watch out for themselves Big money to lose
MTV is behind. Corporate American has been monitoring social media for at least a decade. Then again MTV searched out the trashing most dysfunctional people to cast on their shows so I’m sure they were aware if it.
After reading all the comments related to this subject here and otherwise I feel like there is a major difference between making controversial comments before they appeared on reality show versus when they were made while under contract for a reality show. At the point where they are influential and making money from the networks they should absolutely be held accountable for the stupid shit they say. They are representing the network and the network needs to consider if that’s how they want be seen.
What is said before or as a less educated younger person is definitely a gray area. Perhaps the networks need to be doing better vetting and background checks before casting. It’s far to easy for the internet to unearth these controversial statements. Or they need to have people who are casting be more conscious of how these controversial statements are going to come across when they are eventually discovered. They are 1000s of mediocre, pretty people out there dying to be famous, it can’t be that hard to find the non-racist, non-hatred spewing ones.
Bottom line, I am so glad I am not into social media and that it did not exist when I was young and stupid.
Just cancel the TM shows and make them get real jobs. It would be like an episode of “The Simple Life” at this point for most of them.
So, what about comments that were said on the show? I know Briana is out for Kail’s blood with her “white boy haircut” comment. Would that qualify under the background check if MTV personally filmed it themselves?
What’s the point of giving them that much notice? They (Kail) can now just delete any problem tweets and go everything is fine, move along.
Exactly. It’s like they don’t really want to have to fire them, or why give them time to delete everything. This way they give the impression like they’re cracking down, but really it’s more of a “everyone better clean up their accounts” type of order.
THAT was the point. That’s all they really want, all the tweets that could possibly be dug up by fans and thrown back in MTV’s faces to disappear. This way, with a threat of “losing their jobs if something is found” the cast scrubs their accounts, are careful not to be controversial in the future, and nobody can say anything about them being racist or anything else. Everyone gets to keep their jobs and MTV goes on filming them and their boring, unrealistic, unrelatable lives.
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REALLY MTV??? WOW!! U bunch of scared D-BAGS!! How TF u gonna go thru someone’s (not yours) social media accounts and judge them by that?? IDIOTS!! Is everyone scared or JOB scared?? All u need to be ashamed, cuz I don’t think any of these girls or families had anything to do with George Floyd, the man that walked on water? start by checking his background and social media and then tell me why some idiot clown would hold a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly and terrorize her and all the while robbing her?? Yeah, bunch of clowns y’all are MTV:aka-jokes!!?
Hahahahha, they actually have to work. Well, maybe not work, but have to actually do something to keep their cushy, useless “jobs” on Teen Mom.
Well, I guess we’ll see
This is crazy! We are slowly losing all of our rights because you have whiny babies out there complaining!
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This is ridiculous. They didn’t care about this a week ago. MTV is just trying to save face. We’ve all said stupid shit in our past. Bringing stuff up from years ago is unfair.