From taking up a new hobby, to taking MTV and your ‘Teen Mom’ co-star to task for past behavior, the stars of the Teen Mom franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately!
In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last week or so…
Briana DeJesus says Kail Lowry should be fired for being racist & MTV discriminated against her family because of their race.
Briana wants her ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-star (and longtime nemesis) Kail axed from the show due to things Kail has said. Last week, Bri seemed to become aware of an old ‘TM2’ clip from 2013 in which Kail tells her first baby daddy Jo Rivera that she doesn’t like the way he had their son Isaac’s hair cut, and that he dresses Isaac like a “thug.”
“Wtf did I just watch SMH,” Briana wrote after retweeting the clip on Twitter.
Briana gave an interview to Celeb Magazine, listing the reasons she feels Kail should be fired.
“In the current state of things being brought to light regarding racism, it would be wrong of me to not bring up Kailyn Lowry’s racist behavior,” Briana told the site.
(Following MTV’s firing of ‘Teen Mom OG’ girlfriend Taylor Selfridge over a series of racist tweets from eight years ago, numerous ‘Teen Mom’ Franchise cast members have been called out by fans–and each other— for their past racist or racially insensitive actions, including Kail, Taylor McKinney, Tyler Baltierra and Cheyenne Floyd. As a result— as The Ashley told you last week— MTV is now requiring its cast members to undergo background checks and social media account reviews.)
“I do not condone her labeling Hispanics as thuggish,” Briana said. “In the same vein, she called my family ratchet. I do not for one second believe that was just a random dig. Every bone in my body believes that was racially motivated.”
Briana also called out MTV for sending her and her sister, Brittany, home following an on-stage fight with Kail during a 2018 Reunion show taping. Briana told the site that she felt MTV allowed Kail to stay because she’s white and Briana isn’t.
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Happy 21st Birthday sissy??❤️❤️ @brittdejesus_ ?
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“My family was told to go home and Kail was allowed to stay. I 100% believe this was racist as well. Kail, being white, has a privilege and it’s always seemed like the other moms are treated differently [than I am].”
The Ashley’s production sources told her in 2018 that the reason Briana and Brittany were told to leave the Reunion was because they started the physical on-stage fight, with Brittany physically pulling Kail’s hair and Briana throwing things and kicking a security guard who was trying to hold her back. They were sent home for getting physical. You can watch the scene in question below, starting at the 18:00 mark.)
Still, Briana says she believes Kail should be booted for her past actions and words.
“We are in a culture where everything, finally, is coming to light. If we’re really going to let go of those who have exhibited racially motivated discriminatory behavior, I believe in my heart Kail should be included in that group,” she said, later adding, “At the end of the day, if she stays on the show is not my call. But it would be irresponsible of me not to address this.”
As of press time, no one other than Taylor Selfridge has been fired from the “Teen Mom’ franchise.
Amber Portwood opens up about her passion for Ancient Greek philosophy.

Just when we thought we had Amber Portwood figured out, she reveals her unique fascination with… Ancient Greek philosophy?
In fact, PageSix reports the ‘Teen Mom OG’ star is so “into” it that she’s found a way to apply the philosophy and start over with a “brand-new life” following her recent 30th birthday.

“I believe that educating yourself is the number one thing to help you grow and move forward,” she said. “So I’m really into philosophers and philosophy right now.”
Amber says she admires the Socratic method and because of her own commitment to education – evidently she’s been spending all that time on her couch getting her study on – the Aristotle quote, “the roots of education are bitter, but its fruits are sweet,” resonates with her. She also claims to have an appreciation for the Stoics, because of their focus on controlling your attitude to the world.

Amber says second-century Greek, Epictetus, is her favorite philosopher.
“There’s a quote from him that really helped me out at the beginning of a lot of situations, which is something like that, ‘There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things that are beyond [the] power of your will,'” she said. “To me, that was something I looked at and I was like – ‘Wow.’ Even though you personally know that … for some reason it makes more sense when you hear it from somebody else.”
Rachel Beaver wants to ditch MTV for TLC and appear on “90 Day Fiance” with her new boyfriend

As if the Beaver escapades shared on ‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ haven’t been messy enough, Rachel Beaver revealed this week that she’d like to make the jump from MTV to TLC to appear on one of the network’s “90 Day Fiancé” shows!
Rachel took to social media, first to brag about her latest love (who apparently lives in Sweden) with a very flattering photo.
“I remember when we first started talking I never would’ve imagined us being so close as we are today,” she wrote. “I’m so happy I met you when I did. I’m truly blessed to have you in my life, you are the LOML!! F**k what anyone else thinks.”
In an Instagram Story, Rachel later declared it a “sad day” because she wants to “try to get on ’90 Day Fiancé” but doesn’t know if she can because of her pesky MTV contract for ‘Young and Pregnant.’
In a follow-up message, Rachel revealed that she and her Swedish boyfriend have been discussing the “90 Day” prospect.
Of course, this is believed to be the same soulmate Rachel revealed she was arguing with less than two weeks ago when Starcasm broke down the latest Beaver Family drama. In other words, Rachel might want to think twice before beavering weaseling her way out of that MTV contract anytime soon.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Cast Members Being Forced to Undergo Social Media & Background Checks Following MTV Cast Member Firings (Exclusive Details)
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
80 Responses
Ya’ll seem to forget that what Kail told Joe was that “little white boys don’t have their hair like that.” And FYI you can have mixed kids and be racist.
I forgot when it happened but I have a feeling Brianna only dated Javi to get Kail mad.
Has anyone else noticed how often Rachel overuses the word “literally?”
Are you kidding me with the brianna situation….smh who’s being racist. Her trying to make it a racial thing.
There’s a reason Kail deleted her Twitter. She knows. And T Money stay silent after his racist tweets went viral. ??♀️
-also another random thought – I want Rachel on 90 day Fiance it would be tv gold !!!!
So when Brianna said that to Nova about her hair not looking like , ” that white girl hair” that’s not racist?????? Smdh
I hope Roachel Beaver asks Gary to bring some Garytime condoms to the airport for her Swedish bf visiting.
This is a little far fetched, Brianna. Yes kails comment about isaacs hair was borderline unacceptable, but the statement about them being sent home rather than kail bc of race is just ridiculous. Briannas family started getting physical first which is why they had to leave (hence them being labeled as ratchet)! Brianna is also treated differently because she is the newest cast member.
Brianna and the coven ARE ratchet! Kail was young and ignorant, I don’t see that old comment as racist. I seem to remember her getting schooled on that comment and se got it…eventually.
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Im black and I support this message! And as far as the ratchet comment- they are ratchet. Roxie jumping up on a table in Devoin’s face amongst other stuff. Briana is a little slow smh
I normally don’t care either way but actually Kail started trying to get physical first when she said she wanted to meet Briana in private with the body guards. That is the whole reason Briana and Brittany did what they did. I don’t agree with it but
I also absolutely can not stand that Kail gets by with the way she treats anyone. She is almost as bad a Farrah when it comes to thinking she is always right and treating people who disagree with her like they are less than. I give Kail props on the her education and having well behaved children but she has still has been physically abuse to her all of her exs and toward Briana so yeah she should be fired on those grounds just as Amber should be and Jenelle was.
I agree that Kail gets coddled by MTV and far from a saint in this situation. We already know they have questionable morals when it comes to what institutes someone being fired. But, Kail tried to lay it out in private and Briana was too chicken to take the bait until she had backup. She could have refused to get on stage because she felt threatened by Kail or peacefully completed the reunion and avoided her. Instead, her and her sister physically assaulted Kail and caused pregnant Chelsea to leave. Though, Kail did prove she was all talk by running away.
Bottom line: Both girls are immature. This show needs to end.
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Briana and her family are too dramatic. Seriously, want someone fired because they said they didn’t like their son’s haircut at the time. Smh. People are so ignorant.
Kail is not racist, and she didn’t make any racist comments, she was referring to how others would view her son, good for her looking out for the best interests of her son. She is a good mom, her and Chelsea have done more with their lives then any of the other Teen Moms. They are educated hard-working moms, and let’s not forget Kail did it all by herself with no help or support by family. Briana needs to mind her own business, and quit trying to create problems for other people. Doesn’t she have anything more important to do?
Brianna need to stop with the pettiness. Kail said what she said despite the father of her child sporting a similar cut and being a person of color and she said it because she preferred her son to have a more distinctive haircut. I want these stupid reality show people to get out of their bubbles, stop counting each other’s money and join the rest of us in the world. Kail said whatever she said but she didn’t lynch anyone so I could give a flying f about all that. If Brianna so worried about racism, why don’t she use her platform to really say something instead of using BLM’s platform to fuel her feud.
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Brianna and her nasty possee are the ones who should be booted off. Starting fights, pulling hair and OMG Briannas mouth!!!
WHY are we supporting stupid girls? I wouldn’t let my kids watch this show.Like Farrah stupidity goes to their heads. Grow up! We all have made mistakes, nobodypaid us to be idiots. We had to grow up and work,to support our families.
So this is what is going to continue to happen.?? Combing over a person’s past comments & starting a campaign to absolutely RUIN that person’s life?
Do I have to remind Bri’ they’re kinds involved?
This whole business that they were made to leave & kail’ stayed because she’s white? what in the actual F! NO dumbass, its because you came out swinging!
I really hate when ANYONE doesn’t take responsibility for their actions & them bam pulls the race card.
This is ALL GETTING so out of hand.
I didn’t bother to read the Beaver segment because she is a stupidity standout in the franchise and that is quite an accomplishment with this bunch so I pay her no attention. As for Briana, I’ve always said that I think that she is slow (not joking)and that’s why her family coddles her so much, so for her to try to reach and say that Kail was left at the reunion just because she’s white is on the level of Farrah reasoning. Perhaps she blacked out and forgot about how absolutely ridiculous her entire family acted not only on that day, but throughout their appearances on the show (like the time when her mother jumped up on the bench at a restaurant and threatened baby daddy #1 with a shoe *neverforget). You can not act like an asshole consistently then get a slap on the wrist for your behavior (whilst still getting rewarded hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for said behavior) then cry foul. She’s just an idiot.
As for Amber being into philosophy all of the sudden, I am 100% certain Belgian Bae mentioned something to her about it and she’s going to pretend to be into it for another ten minutes. I believe that she’s into philosophy just about as much as I believe Farrah is going to be an entertainment lawyer/surgeon.
That first season Bri joined TM 2 I feel like production did her dirty by making her and Javi fake that relationship for drama. I gotta say, with how much the black people in my life have spelled out for me white privilege and how whites are treated differently than POC, I see how calling POC ratchet and ghetto is racist. White girls would be called strong independent women I feel like. Still learning to go from not racist to anti racist so I hope I didn’t offend anyone. Much love and we will all get through these times together, come out better for it.
Ah Briana still dumb and boring as ever lol. Nope hon, no one liked you on the show. There was a constant gas leak in that house or something and your baby daddies were pretty much intoxicated losers. Kail’s comment, as much as I can’t stand Kail, is valid and not racist. I think Boring Briana is just trying to thwart attention from her recent banging of an ex and the possible STD she acquired from naked steaking it instead using protection and the tweets about next season lol. It sounds more like Briana is the racist one for trying to pull this crap. Imho Briana will always be a boring, dumb loser just because she has no foresight and has surrounded herself with idiots that wait for a couple of coins to fall out of her pockets. Just cancel the entire show and let these folks fend for themselves. It was fun and had a good early run but kept rewarding people for bad behavior on top of not being able to realistically picture the plight of an actual teen mom when it just became a money grab for these gals and their various influencer plugs and crappy clothes, perfumes, and body products. All of this Branding of a person is just a red flag for someone who will sell anything they can to get money without doing anything to earn it besides not using contraception. How about we just cancel MTV??? That seems like the most logical route at this point with all of the racism accusations and infighting and the crap lineup of programs it offers.
I think even Brianna herself knows that when Kail called her ratchet it was not a racist comment and so did Brittany and so did overbearing mom. If they had actually believed it to be racist they would have all ganged up on Kail for being racist right then & there. Looking back at the clip, Brianna isn’t getting nearly as loud and smart assed towards Kail until Brittany gets there…then mom joins in & all the sudden all 3 are bad asses. Same with Kails friend Bone. In front of Bones face, no issues. Bone walks away and Brianna says while holding HER BABY “I’ll beat the fuck out of you” AFTER Bone walks away…then here comes Brittany’s dumb ass. Same at reunion…they never fight their battles one on one. They always wait until at least 2, usually 3 of them are there and then the ratchet family attacks because they can’t fight & it makes them feel like they’re bad asses. Always keeping it classy.
Brianna is just mad because she knows she is in fact, ratchet. And so is Jenelle. And so is Amber. It has nothing to do with what color your skin is and everything to do with how you carry yourself in public and how you interact with others. Have a seat, my dear.
Brianna you rushed into stage to attack her. You and your sister should have been fired then. Don’t watch this show anymore. Only Chelsea has grown up and is married to a good guy.
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How dare bri ask you to fire kail she has been on teen mom 2 from the start. If anything bri should be sack as she came in and caused comotion and is a dirty little home wrecker. I think kail has put up with so much and its unfair. And bri i would love to see you slag kail to her face without your little army to hide behind as you know she would destroy you. TEAM KAIL
Things are getting so bad when people are getting fired then others now comeing out whith accuses why did they not do it before ?
Cancel Kail. MTV let’s Kail bully people too. Kail came to fight. That’s why she bought all her friends for back up. Just like she deleted all her accounts before MTV was going to investigate their SM. Kail has some friends on the MTV staff. Kail needs to be told once she puts it on SM it stays on social media. Once a racist always a racist. Kail has nothing to worry about. She’s going to be a lawyer.
I dont think Kailyn was being racist. She was just speaking facts. Brianna and her family are indeed ratchet and im saying this as a black person. I think Brianna and her family are just mad because they are not as important as some of the other cast members. If anyone should be fired, it should be Brianna for her boring ass storyline….NEXT please!
ITA. And, I’m black too.
I have no Love for Kail , but what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong and Brianna is wrong! You can’t take every little comment and pick it apart to find racism, can’t any race look like a thug?? Briana is doing this out of hatred, it’s wrong.
I keep two pictures on my desk of biracial children , when I’m asked who they are , I say my niece and nephew .. almost everyone asks if they’re my sister’s. Nope, one of my brothers married a beautiful black woman, coworkers have asked if the questioning angers me..no, why should it? I don’t think anyone assumes that to be a racist, I assume there’s probably more white woman with black men than visa versa. My life is too busy to go out of my way to look for drama.
I read on one of the posts that Kail deleted her Twitter account, that’s suspicious to me, there no reason for it unless you have something to hide. I think any of them that deleted accounts needs to be scrutinized for it. Anyone can plead the fifth , it gets you nowhere but guilty.
Maybe Kail thought they are going to pick everything apart , an explanation would be nice.
Bri & britt. &(crazy mom) take a stand and quit Teen Mom
No one is going to miss you, I fast forward through all your scenes
Really brianna kails children are all mixed you bitch maybe you sgould be fired for bot praticing safe sex tour just jealous ao grow the hell up u skanky ass bitch! Kail is so not racist and you know it! I would love to smack your face as well as your sisters tour disgusting you silly bitch!!!
No her calling her ratchet is not a racist comment.But her using the word thug does or do no one hear her saying it over and over like it’s nothing.Clearly that’s not a word that should be used really what is a thug considered to her. Because your son wearing his hair different than what you usually do and he not dress how you want him to be dressed. That’s not considered thuggish she said it to Joe about her son then she turn around and start calling Brianna it too which is not right Kel was wrong!!!! And that is racist no matter how you try to look at it and say that it is not it was.
Im of ethnicity. Are you saying im a thug or my son is automatically considered a thug???
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No her calling her ratchet is not a racist comment.But her using the word thug does or do no one hear her saying it over and over like it’s nothing.Clearly that’s not a word that should be used really what is a thug considered to her. Because your son wearing his hair different than what you usually do and he not dress how you want him to be dressed. That’s not considered thuggish she said it to Joe about her son then she turn around and start calling Brianna it too which is not right Kel was wrong!!!! And that is racist no matter how you try to look at it and say that it is not it was.
Bri is trying to stir drama to keep from getting booted. She only has baby daddy drama that is why she is on the show. I don’t watch it a ymore but come on to call Kail racist to get yourself more screen time is a low blow. I make my damn kid pull his pants up and I watch his hair cuts but does that make me a racist. Ummmm NO!
Kailyn amber and the baltierras are the only reason i watch. I like cheyenne but cant stand briana. If you fire the originals i wouldnt watch.
Cancel the entire show, Teen Grandma’s
It must be nice to be brown and get away with everything.
Yes, we get away with so much. Ask George, Breonna, Ahmad…you get the gist. Black and brown people are marginalized. And then we get idiots like Brianna and these stupid claims that reinforce your ignorance.
Calling someone ratchet has nothing to do with race. You, Brittany and your mother are disgusting trash. You were asked to leave the reunion because YOU TWO started the fight! God everyone is using the race card lately and it’s so annoying.
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Bri needs to stfu she is jealous of kail girl bye take two.seats they should fire your boring ass you bring nothing to the show
Bri needs to sit this one out, because her and Brittany have sketchy pasts, and she and her mom have physically assaulted Devoin and other cast members on camera. Them being sent home had nothing to do with skin color, but everything to do with her screaming like a banshee, throwing objects while a pregnant Chelsea was on stage and trying to break stage props…Bri is an idiot.
And another thing…she wants to bring skin color in this, and say that’s why she got sent home and Kail didn’t…Well from what I remember, a lighter complected Briana and Roxanne didn’t get sent home when they decided to throw a shoe at an African American Devoin on the TM3 reunion, so she can miss ALL OF US with that wack argument. She got sent home because her and her family have a history of violence at reunion shows.
It’s really weird and down right sad how obsessed Briana is with Kail. She’s more worried about what Kail’s doing than her baby daddy Luis. 90% of the articles out there about Briana are about her hating and down right trolling Kail or wanting to make up with Kail. She’s so dumb.
Pretty sure that’s an old caption (probably went along with one of the many throw back pictures she posted). I see her birthday listed as 1992. Nova was born in 2011. If Brittany just turned 21, she would have been 12 in Brianas 16 and pregnant episode. That math doesn’t check out.
2011-1992 = 19…that’s math
brittany is older. her mom had her before the was with brianna’s father. that came out on the bootcamp show, they are 1/2 sisters. Plus, wasn’t Brit preganant at same time but had abortion?
She’s 28. Was your school not well?
This was a joke btw. I know you’re not saying she’s only 21
Why does MTV insist on trying to make people like Brianna happen? I never liked her because she lied about putting Stella up for adoption in order to get on this show. She was willing to lie about giving up her daughter for fame so everything she does gross to me. I don’t even like kail at all she annoys me! Just because she perceives white privilege means kail gets fired? Wait huh? You had your baby sister fight your battles and you should be lucky she doesn’t have an arrest record for from it!
And MTV asked you to leave because your sister was an animal and snuck up and sucker punched Kail. And then you came out acting like you were hopped up on crack.. That’s why they asked you to leave instead of anybody else.. Let’s not be a revisionist and try to change what we saw on tv.
Exactly! Behind closed doors she said security on stage she ran over there it makes no sense. She is fake.
Oh god. Some shockers in this. Brittany is only 21, she really does seem to be in her early thirties, it blows my mind that Briana is older than her. Kail and Briana accusing each other of racism is probably standard at this point. The worst is Amber pretending to grow via learning. She is reminding me of all the basic, thick as shit people I know who think because they have a few good quotes it means they have the intellectual one over on everyone while looking like a complete gonad as they have nether the education or the natural intelligence to back it up. I bet she is planning a year out to find herself as I type.
I tried to find a date stamp on that post because I really thought that Brittney turned 21 at least 7 years ago.
I didn’t know stupid was a race? Obviously,Briana doesn’t under stand a conversation with a coparent is not being racist considering Kail’S children are of mixed race and handsome, we are all mixed. Study American history Brianna!
I didn’t know stupid was a race? Obviously,Briana doesn’t under stand a conversation with a coparent is not being racist considering Kail’S children are of mixed race and handsome, we are all mixed. Study American history Brianna!
Uh, Bri. Maybe you should reevaluate who you are friends with (Jenelle) before you start pulling the racist card on others.
Also, you and your family was asked to leave instead of Kail because 1) you threw the first punch and 2) Kail has been on the show longer. I’m not a fan of Kail but, at this point, this seems purely out of spite and revenge than actual concern for racism. You are just striking while the iron is hot.
Want to really make a statement? Refuse to film. Your sister already said she won’t allow the film crew in YOUR house. But, at this rate, the show is already done.
*This was meant as a stand-alone comment instead of a reply.
I love the Coven because they’re ratchet, but also funny and loveable. It’s not a racial slur, but behavior driven. Briana is also one of the few cast members in this franchise who works a normal job.
Kail (not innocent in this), Amber (Ms Machet), and Jenelle (borderline & drug abuser) are also pretty ratchet. Leah just likes to think she is.
I’d also like to point out that while Kail escalated and initiated a situation, she didnt actually throw a punch. Correct me if I’m wrong but that’s why the Coven was asked to leave. Also, no doubt Briana has been told numerous times the reason why she wasnt welcomed was due to dating Javi. It doesnt seem like she understands that yet.
Give it a break Brianna & stop it already enough!!!!!!!
Careful Brianna, I’m 100% sure you don’t want your own social media history examined. I’m sure you’ve got much worse in there than what you’re pointing out with Kail………
STFU Brianna! Kail called you Ratchet, Brittany called Kail bougie…are we in kindergarten? Who cares???
Jesus Christ! What is wrong with the world? Seems we are more F-ed up lately than our normal amount. Keep these ridiculous ghetto, rachetty hoes off social media. They are the gift that keeps on giving to stupidity.
Wtf is wrong with you Brianna i think we need to dig into her past and see what we can find. Go cry somewhere else stop being jealous this is what it comes down to so sit your ass down and stfu for the first time in your life…
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Kail isn’t wrong… Brianna’s family is ratchet AF. And even if Brianna and Brittany hasn’t started the fight (which they did), they still would have been sent home by MTV because nobody cares about them. They aren’t the draw to that show. They are irrelevant. The only interesting thing that Brianna has ever done on that show was hook up with Javi, and that story has played out.
I don’t think its racist to call someone ratchet in they are in fact ratchet… Just sayin!
Right? Between her mom throwing shoes and vases and jumping on tables and Bri and her sister brawling on stage, I think it’s safe to say that this statement is true.
Brianna is slow. Bless her heart. Her family is ratchet and ghetto and it has nothing to do with race. Kaitlyn is also ratchet and ghetto so it takes one to know one. Fire all these 30 yrs old “teen moms.” Problem solved.
Yes, they are literally the same! Except one of them has family who cares about them.
You know I always thought Kail’s family situation was so sad. She is horrible, makes massive misjudgements and is very quick to get violent. To counter that she is a great mother, her children are so lovely, her house is clean and tidy and she has a degree. But her parents esp her mother care so very little to the point that they have not even bothered to
get in contact for money-and the state of her mother I bet she needs it too. Briana is lucky, her mother and sister are massive pains in the bum but they really love and protect her.
Brianna and her family are a bunch of sewer rats and I’d like to know how they’re going to afford that big house once teen mom is over. Bunch of ungrateful complainers all that money just for spreading her legs to multiple men having babies that will never have a dad in their life, and then biting the hand that feeds her. Can’t wait till she’s no longer on the show. I was so annoyed when they put that trashy family on the show, I fast forward through all their parts.
They’re too much. Especially, Brianna’s sister smh. Always wanting to fight and for what? It’s not cute at all. As a mother Brianna needs to get her crap together and stop thinking about all that plastic surgery. It’s gone to her head.
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Brianna is a gross wilderbeast!!!… Her family acts so trashy. Like a bunch of animals and seem to be of lower IQ. She has been kick-off reunions because her her sister and mother are all violent and have committed violent acts on the show and they should have been fired a long time ago. Also Cheyenne Floyd has made comments about hating white people, killing all white babies and killing white people and it just blows my mind that she’s allowed to say those things and not be kicked off the show. And when she says it apparently she can say it’s a joke when it definitely wasn’t when you read everything she said, yet when Taylor says things that actually do seem joking even though they’re wrong and you should not make jokes like that she’s immediately kicked off the show. Both of them said these things you many years ago in the past if you’re going to kick one of them off you have to kick both of them off, fair is fair, and justice for ALL!!!
Briana is irrelevant! Girl, bye!
Brittany just turned 21?
WOW!! You both got sent home from the reunion because you couldn’t behave like adults. It was racism.
All of this from the girl who told the world she had to get her hair all cut off because she was being lazy and hadn’t washed her hair in 2 weeks.
Which probably was 4 weeks just saying.
That must be an old photo. Brianna is 28. And they are both ratchet…..
Maybe Briana should look at her sisters social media too and ask MTV to get her fired too. Brittney has posted racist slurs towards the white race. She has said that she hates white people and claimed all white people were this and that.
Uh, Bri. Maybe you should reevaluate who you are friends with (Jenelle) before you start pulling the racist card on others.
Also, you and your family was asked to leave instead of Kail because 1) you threw the first punch and 2) Kail has been on the show longer. I’m not a fan of Kail but, at this point, this seems purely out of spite and revenge than actual concern for racism. You are just striking while the iron is hot.
Want to really make a statement? Refuse to film. Your sister already said she won’t allow the film crew in YOUR house. But, at this rate, the show is already done.